
Kamiya Jokes That Fans Asking For Bayonetta 2 On PS3 Should Also Ask For Zelda

Platinum says the only way Bayonetta 2 will hit 360/PS3 is if Nintendo publishes it for those platforms.

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Lovable4057d ago

Ok goodluck with the sales then.

NYC_Gamer4057d ago

Well, to be honest the first one didn't sale enough for SEGA to even worry about publishing a sequel.

Lovable4057d ago

Well they shouldn't release a broken product.

abzdine4057d ago

i disliked Bayonetta very much and i have no interest in this one. but yes as mentionned above good luck with the sales!
but sooner or later Wii U will drop price so Bayonetta freaks can go get one to try this game:)

Wii U and PS4 best combo this gen

Greatness awaits

Mr_Nuts4057d ago (Edited 4057d ago )


Yeah you have a point, people keep saying "Oh but it didn't do well Nintendo saved it" but forget that SEGA should of done a better job at marketing and PG should of done a better job at making sure the game was polished. The PS3 version was a mess apparently

Nintendo arn't doing this for fans, they are doing it because they saw a game that started development and never got published and knew they needed more 3rd party software on their console. This will do terrible in terms of sales and Nintendo will let it go, you'll not see them funding Bayonetta 3 I'll tell you that

IcyEyes4057d ago

If they are happy ... I'm happy for them.

I never liked bayonetta ... I mean, she looks pretty "lame" to me, but with this new hairstyle she only get worst.

LOL_WUT4057d ago

This game is soo off my radar I don't even know anyone who likes Bayonnetta 2 except for the Nintendo fanboys who seem to be the only ones hyping it up. ;)

The guy still has time to port it over if he even wants the game to sell ;)

Blacklash934057d ago (Edited 4057d ago )

@ Mr. Nuts

What's done is done with the original Bayonetta. SEGA screwed up with it and it just so happened Nintendo thought it might be worthwhile to publish a sequel for the sake of the hardcore audience. If you're going to say "Nintendo is just doing it for business" you should realize every company does the same thing and to say otherwise is a double standard. The only thing that really matters is that Nintendo was willing to support a sequel where others would not.

Honestly it's hard to say if the PS3 port affected sales much, I mean Bayonetta is very niche and quirky, and quality isn't necessarily going to strongly mitigate that it doesn't appeal to most. The game was well-advertised as far as awareness went and advertising it in a rather honest fashion may not have done it any favors.

And to clarify about the sales, the game did sell well over a million, but that wasn't enough for SEGA or the budget the game was made on, apparently.

But how about stop howling against the wind and just support and wish the best for the game? That's the only thing we can do now.

Realplaya4057d ago

@ Lol you troll every damn Nintendo article but it's funny because you go on articles and pull a flip flop move and praise the company like a rabid fanboy. Dude or Female whichever you are pick a side and stay there please. Right now you look foolish.

ChickeyCantor4057d ago (Edited 4057d ago )


"The guy still has time to port it over if he even wants the game to sell ;)"

You really don't get it do you? The Zelda remark implies that it is and ALWAYS will be a Nintendo exclusive. It's tied to their contract. Nintendo funded the project so they claimed royalty.

PopRocks3594057d ago

That and the first Bayonetta didn't sell well across the 360 or the PS3.

Also if anyone else is stupid enough to bring up how bad the PS3 port of the first game was, it wasn't even made by Platinum Games. It was outsourced to another developer entirely.

akaihana86plus4056d ago

@Realplaya, be careful because if you don't agree with his troll comments he might start PM ing you and ask you to block him if you don't like what you see, believe me, personal experience, he even had the nerve to call me shemale?! lol, what a clown

+ Show (8) more repliesLast reply 4056d ago
CarlosX3604057d ago (Edited 4057d ago )

I want a Zelda title on PS3/PS4, but not a single developer will get the whole Zelda feel down to the littlest detail (or better). Sometimes, I wish Nintendo was a third party developer...

Lord_Sloth4057d ago

If I had a dev team, I could do it!

dragonyght4057d ago

close to a zelda title is 3d dot game heroes

jcnba284057d ago

I wish sony was a third party developer :/

browngamer414057d ago

@ dragon Rocks

Umm yeah no thanks, I wasted 60 dollars on Darksiders 2 when i bought my WiiU because I was led to believe it was very similar to Zelda in game play style.Would be totally true if Zelda consited of nothing but ball rolling and robot thingy puzzles and samey bland boring dungeons-As a huge Zelda fan I'm here to tell you this game(dk2) is nothing like Zelda except for overworld/dungeon structure and it's not like rpgs haven't been doing that for years..

ChickeyCantor4057d ago

"Play Darksiders games."

Not even close...Seriously.

WiiUsauce4056d ago

Okami is the closest you can get to an amazing Zelda game on other consoles. Seriously, GO PLAY OKAMI, YOU CAN GET IT FOR 20 BUCKS REMASTERED IN HD ON PS3!!!! DO IT NOW!!!! IT IS ONE OF THE GREATEST GAMES YOU'LL EVER PLAY, TRUST ME!! ESPECIALLY IF YOU LIKE ZELDA! Sorry, I just can't recommend Okami enough. I love that game so much.

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plaZeHD4057d ago

Agreed. The Playstation 3 version was a mess, and most of the audiences of the game were Playstation fans.

allgamespc20124057d ago

ya cause the first one sold so well right? it sold so well nintendo had to save the franchise. itll sell more on wii u than it did on ps3 and deadbox combined

jcnba284057d ago (Edited 4057d ago )

LOL watch Bayo 2 sell more copies on Wii U than Bayo 1 did on ps3 or 360.

Prime_284057d ago

I wouldn't be surprised the game looks great.

Munnkyman4057d ago

I think after this last e3 people are going to get the games. Seems great and it was nintendos top view video on youtube from e3

_QQ_4057d ago

You know its up to Nintendo because they funded the game right?,So you are asking Nintendo to give up an exclusive, something no company would ever do for free.Think before you hate.

BullyMangler4057d ago

it seems they are after something much bigger more important rather saLes.

The gLory of exclusives.

leahcim4057d ago

sales projection: 250k world-wide and I am being optimistic

4057d ago
WiiUsauce4056d ago

Just buy a Wii U for Bayonetta!! I'm glad it's not on PS360. Bayonetta 2 on Wii U looks visually better than anything on current gen consoles, and it runs @60fps and in native 1080p. Making it on Wii U was clearly the right decision.

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wishingW3L4057d ago (Edited 4057d ago )

every time this guy opens his mouth it's for something negative, to insult his fans, to confirm that he is an idiot, etc.

Just the other day he insulted all Smash Bros fans because they were asking him on Twitter if Bayonetta was going to be part of the new Smash Bros game... But anyway, PG owns Bayonetta and Nintendo owns Zelda. Ninja Gaiden 2 was funded and published by MS and here it is on PS3 too, so this guy should shut the hell up and make more sense of the stupid crap he's always shouting. I bet he could find another publisher for a PS3 version under a slightly different name. I mean, Bayonetta is their best IP after all.

NihonjinChick4057d ago

I kind of get why he said this. People keep asking him about something that is out of his hands. Nintendo funded the development and is publishing Bayonetta 2.

He keeps telling people that the decision is up to Nintendo but they keep asking him, when they should actually be asking Nintendo.

Locksus4057d ago

Oh, I wonder why he's getting annoyed at people when literally hundreds of people ask him the same questions every day. I'd get annoyed too at that point.

LAWSON724057d ago

That title goes to Vanquish.

Fakdafakinfakerz4057d ago

Kamiya always bets on the wrong horse.

Tewi-Inaba4057d ago

You know that horse is actually the one that bet on him right?


Mr_Nuts4057d ago (Edited 4057d ago )

We'll see Kamiya...never say never

Weirder things have happened in this industry.

I really don't get SEGA for not wanting to publish the sequel. Oh but they can publish Anarchy Reigns which was crap but they don't want to publish Bayonetta 2 and give them another chance on a game which has a lot of room for improvement, SEGA publishing it on the Wii U aswell as Xbox One and the PS4 would of gotten the game extra sales for them.

Dj7FairyTail4057d ago

Sega cancelled it. Nintendo picked it up.

Mr_Nuts4057d ago

...urm...yeah thanks for telling me something I already knew

I never said once in my comment "Who ended up picking this up" or "What happened to the development" I just wondered why SEGA did not give them another chance despite funding other crap which do terrible when it comes to reviews/sales.

Dj7FairyTail4057d ago

But you did implied why didnt Sega published it

jcnba284057d ago (Edited 4057d ago )

Yeah and publishing GTA 5 on Wii U and PC would also get the game more sales, what's your point?

haymoza4057d ago

Did he really compare Bayonetta to the Legend of Zelda series?

Transporter474057d ago

not a comparison he was saying that instead of asking for bayonetta 2 ask for zelda which basically means that they are not porting it.

RankFTW4057d ago

No he didn't. Bayonetta 2 is published by Nintendo as is Zelda, so people wanting Nintendo to release Bayonetta 2 on anything other than a Nintendo console should also ask for Zelda as that has the same chance.

Dj7FairyTail4057d ago

no he comparing the chance of porting it. Zelda is never going to be ported because Nintendo owns it like Bayonetta ,2.

haymoza4057d ago

It's still a comparison. Bayonetta is nowhere near established to even be put in the same sentence as Zelda.

BosSSyndrome4057d ago

It's not about establishment, It's about Nintendo's ownership of this title. Bayonetta 2 has as much chance of losing exclusivity as Zelda.

Realplaya4057d ago

He's simply saying that you have just as much chance of getting this game as you do Zelda.

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MadLad594d ago (Edited 594d ago )

Yet the Switch is much more powerful than the Wii U - the platform the second game released on. So you're just being negative to be negative with that comment.

anast594d ago

The voice acting wasn't as good...

jBlakeeper594d ago

Bayonetta herself doesn’t even look as good design wise.

-Foxtrot593d ago

I thought they focused on big kaiju like fights which felt gimmicky and thy brought this new character in to try and get away from the leading star


I mean they pretty much killed 3 big characters. They killed Jeanne, Luka and Bayonetta herself and it's not the fact they died it's how they died, we've seen Jeanne and Bayonetta survive countless things yet they go out by the lamest ways possible.


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