
Aussie Gaming Independent Network Podcast Ep 1 - All things Xbox One

This week is the Aussie Gaming Independent Networks (AGIN) first podcast and we kick off with a bang. This week, we talk all about the Microsoft Xbox One console reveal. Our thoughts, our opinion and more are shared in today's show. Were joined by our member sites including All Age Gaming, Daily Joystick Podcasts, Aussie Game Geek, The Geek Next Door and OzBoxLive in a massive Australian video game web site round table discussion.

So sit back, grab a beer and tune in to all things Xbox One.

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Looking back to 2014 and Forza Motorsport 5 Racing GOTY Edition

Carlos writes - "When it was time for Forza 5 to rock on up to the track, we were just entering the third generation of Xbox consoles, and to show off all that extra horsepower that would come inside the Xbox One, they wanted a flagship title that could truly showcase just what miracles the next generation could perform. And what better title than Microsoft’s beloved racer!"

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mijayire1889d ago (Edited 1889d ago )

Such s supreme racing title. Hands down racing franchise of recent decades. Nothing has come close in quality or ratings.

bluefox7551889d ago

Not to mention the worst rated game in the series.

mijayire1889d ago

Apart from Forza 5. Talking about generally the Forza series has always been rated high. Perhaps Forza 5 was rushed for launch. Although made up again by Forza 6 and 7.

IRetrouk1889d ago

I liked the game well enough, it was a good starting point for the new gen and helped them build up to what motorsport 7 is now, the controversies wasnt with the numbers of cars or tracks though, it was more to do with the pc footage being passed off as xbox one, the downgrade from what they originally had shown caused more upset than the numbers.


Put pedal to the metal in Forza Motorsport 5 now free via the Games With Gold scheme

Carlos writes - "It’s time to tweak that tuning setup, perfect those visuals and strap in to that harness before heading down to the track, as Forza Motorsport 5 is calling for all players with a free download now available thanks to Games With Gold!"

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Are the free Xbox Games With Gold titles for September 2017 any good?

James writes - "So here we are with a new month about to begin, and we all know by now that means a number of new games are about to be gifted to all Xbox One and Xbox 360 players via the Xbox Games With Gold scheme for September2017. The free games of last month were passable if truth be told, but can September’s offerings make it a month to remember, or one to skip over?"

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timotim2580d ago

Well...lets see. So FM5 is 2013's Racer of the Year, while Oxenfree was nominated and won all types of awards as an indie game in 2016. On the BC side, both games are classics.

lxeasy2579d ago

The Games for Gold this month are pretty good

DaNineTwo2579d ago

I have no idea why you got disagrees.

shinrock2579d ago (Edited 2579d ago )

Because ur in Sonyland.

DaGreatOne2579d ago

I got disagrees for pointing the same thing out the psn games coming. I doubt some people actually enjoy games that visit this site.

TheSaint2579d ago

I swear some people just go into topics and hit disagree on every post for no reason.

EazyC2580d ago

Of course they are. The competition between PS Plus and GwG is getting good now, expect more great months on both sides

2580d ago Replies(5)
Razzer2580d ago

Damn good month. No doubt

senorfartcushion2580d ago

Ps propagandist article and post.

Keep it neutral, fanboy.

senorfartcushion2578d ago

Profile picture, son. I'm an adult, I don't do that fanboy nonsense.

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