
Altus responds to ‘Dragon’s Crown’ pricing complaint

Atlus’ John Hardin has responded to a pricing complaint in regards to the upcoming Playstation 3 and Playstation Vita role-playing video game, “Dragon’s Crown.”

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Godmars2904111d ago

That's the trouble with PSN/XBL and iPhone titles: despite looks as far as gameplay is concerned generally they're lower quality than PS1 games. This by shown mechanics is much on there level of a PS2 title. it should be $40-$50.

Godmars2904111d ago (Edited 4111d ago )


Besides, that game is multi-contridiction: a single player title which relies on its online, multiplayer element. Its gameplay though inspiring is limited to move, jump and float, and its graphics though beautiful are minimalist.

Its not a game where your big-boobed sorceresses turns enemies into frogs!

Unless its a PS1/PS2 re-release, nothing offered on PSN has the complexity and content Dragon Crown has shown in its trailers. And that's the real problem: with PS1/PS2 games being on PSN people think that anything more recent of equal quality and content should be priced around $10-$20. And a few years from now DC may very likely show up on the PS4's version of PSN, but for now it has to make its money.

My point is that when those games were being first offered they weren't being offered at $9 and less.

Larry L4111d ago

I was one of the people questioning the price a bit, though I'm not one of the rude ones that are on the blog all the time.

I think $40 COULD be reasonable with proper depth. Like if it's 25-30 hours long to cover branching story lines and side-quests. But I personally want more of a revolution in the genre....especially for $50!! Equipment pieces (head,chest, gaunts, and legs) that actually change your character's appearance just like in a Diablo or Champions of Norrath, weapons too. Even slotted weapons for elemental effects (with particles).

Maybe I'm expecting too much out of the genre, but between Castle Crashers and newer games in Dragon Crown's genre, I think it's totally possible. It's all just cut'n'paste 2-D art pieces, how hard could it be? (yes, I do watch Top Gear). Who knows, maybe this game does have equipment.....very little info outside of character models have been released so far. I do notice that every time they actually talk about this game on the blog, they always mention grinding for loot. That makes me think equipment.

Has anyone even noticed weapon changes in any trailers?

I also HATE the price difference for the PS3 version. I would prefer to buy this on PS3 to play it on a huge screen, but unless it has extra content, I may just have to go with the Vita version if I end up thinking the game is worth $40.

My fingers are crossed while I wait for more actual info. Because I DO want this game.

Kevin ButIer4111d ago

50 dollars price doesn't make sense when you compare it to 60 dollars games...

Minato-Namikaze4111d ago

Dont think any iphone title is in the same league as FF7, FF9, chrono cross, crash bandicoot, warhawk, g-police, colony wars, or vagrant story.

Inception4111d ago

The game isn't out but you already equalize Dragon's Crown with those crap iphone games? -_-

majiebeast4111d ago


Thats like comparing a good t bone steak to a a hamburger at mcdonalds.

Qrphe4111d ago


This game looks miles away better than any $15 dollar game.

Godmars2904111d ago

You're in an article were people are complaining about paying $50 for a game like this because they're use to paying for iPhone level games.

despair4110d ago

Clearly you've been playing the wrong PSN/XBL games, quite a few are higher quality than many current gen retail games, and even more are much better than PS2 titles and usually they cost 10-20 bucks range which is a steal. Just like retail releases, there will always be quality games and garbage games released.

zerocrossing4110d ago

If vanillaware's Dragons Crown, Odin's Sphere and Muramasa: Demons Blade, prove anything it shows that 2D/3D side-scrollers are still a sustainable genre, if only more devs were willing to dabble in them I think they'd do quite well.

Godmars2904110d ago

American devs were never really fond of pixel/sprite games, and the first thing that told me this gen was in trouble was that the graphic style had become cost prohibitive on consoles. Look at how long its taken to get this game out from its announcement. How Legend of Heroes has been changed from its PSP to PS3 versions.

Really have nothing against 3D, but that's all they were thinking of when they 360 and Ps3 were made. Wish they had been looking of a balance.

FamilyGuy4110d ago (Edited 4110d ago )

People think this is some indie psn title yet this is a full fledged game that's been in development for YEARS. $50 is at most $10 over what the price should be and that $10 is because of a new publisher having to take control over this title just so it would see the light of day. They need their cut or we would get nothing.

This isn't a short budget title
All characters and backgrounds are hand drawn and extremely detailed.

If the game was a short budget title it wouldn't be taking till Aug to release as since this game was originally shown almost 2 years ago. It'd be done already.


Note the "687d ago" and they're still months from completion.

Also I hope this reanimated corpse thing stays in the final build http://n4g.com/news/789371/...

Would you guys have expected Castlevania Symphony of the Night to be $20 when it originally released on the ps1? Just because it's a side-scroller doesn't mean it's not a full game.

I personally can't wait to co-op dungeon crawl the hell outta this game.

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 4110d ago
Inception4111d ago

Sadly, gamer in this new generation don't have a clue who's Vanillaware.

majiebeast4111d ago

Yeah they only know COD. Odin SPhere started my love for Vanillaware games.

Dark_Overlord4110d ago

Don't forget Grim Grimoire too, damn that was a great strategy game :)

The Great Melon4110d ago

All of these are such good games. My money is in my hand already.

gano4111d ago

40 bang, whats the problem.

N4GCB4111d ago

I would easily pay $250 for Odin Sphere, despite hating it's guts for being a pain in the ass.

N4GCB4111d ago

Actually I wish we could've gotten Princess Crown, I think that was my favorite.

gano4111d ago (Edited 4111d ago )

Did you say spiritual successor to princess crown,
for vita!?

DivineAssault 4111d ago

If only Princess crown would get remastered for vita.. Who knows? If this sells well, we might see it.. Or a port at least

N4GCB4111d ago

It's a shame but I'm pretty sure all the assets were lost in a fire or something a long time ago, which is why we never got an English release, and why the PSP release in Japan is actually just running in the Sega Saturn PSP emulator that Sony made.

fermcr4111d ago

50$ (in Europe probably 50€). At that price, no thanks. You can keep the game.

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Forget the PS5 For a Sec ! Let's Remember the Best Co-Op Games on the PS3

If you've come looking for great games, you are in the right place. Here are the best Co-Op Games you can play on the PS3

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Immagaiden426d ago

Why mention PS5 when talking about PS3

425d ago
Magog425d ago

The load times in retrospect are unbearable but I did have hella fun playing couch co-op with my gf on the PS3 and PS2.

anast425d ago

Couch co-op is the best alternative.

Rynxie425d ago

Resistance 2 co-op was amazing! I wish they would remaster resistance 1-3 and killzone 1-3 for the PS5.

1Victor301d ago (Edited 301d ago )

Let me save you the time to scroll down no Warhawk or Starhawk, 2 of the best co-op games on PS3

mastershredder142d ago

Ricardo Irving is one of the best-worst bad guys / mini-bosses ever.


Potential PS3 “Holy Grails” You Should Collect Now

We've rounded up a few PS3 games that show serious potential for big price jumps over the next few years. Could these reach "Holy Grail" status?

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Applejack1217d ago

I have a friend who still has a sealed copy of Folklore. I’m sure it’s worth more now than it was when it released but I’m not sure how much more.

1217d ago Replies(1)
franwex1217d ago

Bought it for $5 at Walmart. I have yet to play it. But I did open it to look at it. Heh.

phoenixwing1217d ago

the game is actually good. I'd rather buy and play it than keep a sealed copy

Indigon1217d ago

Yeah I gave my brother my PS3 for free with a lot of games but I kept Folklore.

Teflon021217d ago

Folklore is an amazing game. Should have bought 2 copies. 1 to play and one to keep

Seraphim1217d ago

yeah I still have a sealed copy of Folklore too. I almost never do this but I had originally rented it. One day I saw it for like $20 at Walmart so picked up a copy. Always meant to re-play it but just never did. I think in part because it never got trophy support[?]. It was an interesting and unique game that didn't get the love it deserved.

I see Trails of Cold Steel II is tagged. Not sure where PS3 prices sit but the PS4 version of both Trails I and II were around $140 as recently as a little over a month ago. Ended up buying both of them digitally then buying III and IV on disc. Shame I kept putting off buying them. Just a couple months prior you could still get them both for about $45 each. Anyway I'm almost finished with II and hopefully be playing III and IV next.

Petebloodyonion1216d ago

I would suggest using price charting to evaluate the value of a past game.
value for the game new is 60$

Hawk1986661216d ago

Its not worth much, about £20.

monkey6021216d ago

I want Folklore. I've been trying to find it for some time now. It's one of the only games set in Ireland so I've been busting to play it some time

+ Show (7) more repliesLast reply 1216d ago
Godmars2901217d ago

And wait for emulation and/or till their PS3 dies?

franwex1217d ago

3D Dot Game Heroes is a cool game that may soon go up in price too. I enjoyed it.

Indigon1217d ago

That's one that has been quite hard to find for some time.

Godmars2901216d ago (Edited 1216d ago )

At least you didn't own ALL Panzer Dragoon entries only to sell them all on ebay.

Don't talk to me about seller's regret...

nommers1217d ago

I'm so glad I kept my copy of this game.

Soy1217d ago

Great game, lots of fun - and definitely tougher to find. I'm glad I kept mine.

Teflon021217d ago

Glad I still have it. One of my fav games that gen

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 1216d ago
Gardenia1217d ago

PS1, PS2 and PS3 BC right now is pointless. The top games are extremely overpriced or aren't available anywhere anymore. The best that can happen is Sony putting all the games on the PSN and/or PS Now. That way we all can play the classics, with trophies and some optimizations.

Godmars2901216d ago

Pointless, unless you have a 2st stage production model PS3.

One have to get fixed, but still, I've got it.

gold_drake1216d ago

exvuse me
i still play games on my ps2.

Gardenia1216d ago

That's because you only think about yourself. 90% of gamers don't have PS1, PS2 or PS3 games lying around. What do think is going to happen when there is BC and games like Vagrant Story, MGS, Suikoden 2 will be on sale? The few that are will be sold for hundreds of Euro's/Dollars.

Digital is the only option for everyone to be able to play those games.

gold_drake1216d ago (Edited 1216d ago )

ooff yea im only thinking about myself by playing my ps2 games haha.
the whole point about my reply was that, BC is not pointless. alot of ppl still have their old games mind you.

HankHill1216d ago

Nobody agrees with you so I guess you're the one only thinking about themself.

TheColbertinator1217d ago

Still have the Neptunia box sets unopened. Every year they get more valuable

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Dragon's Crown's Iconic Sorceress Returns With Gorgeous Figure by Union Creative

The sorceress is likely the best-known among the playable characters of Vanillaware's Dragon's Crown, and she's getting a new figure.

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AK911521d ago

Oh its her old design? Thought they'd go with her more recent one with her 'assets' reduced meh not that I'm complaining.

Hellcat20201521d ago

Good gawd
A very well crafted piece we have here