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Capcom: All Canceled Projects Were Unannounced Games

Capcom has confirmed that the recent cancellation of several Western developed games does not include any titles that have already been announced. This includes Dontnod Entertainment's Remember Me.

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Community4170d ago
majiebeast4170d ago

If its Onimusha or Megaman i will burn Capcom to the ground!

Wedge10824170d ago

Most likely it was a bunch of junk that nobody wanted anyway.

Abash4170d ago (Edited 4170d ago )

Hopefully DmC 2 was one of them, we need a true Devil May Cry game again

Blacktric4170d ago

"All Canceled Projects Were Unannounced Games"

Because that makes it better, right? What if one of them was Dino Crisis 4?

I swear to God I'll destroy Capcom HQ if that's the case.

HammadTheBeast4170d ago

Yes, but everyone just loves the dlc right?


Pillsbury14170d ago

Isn't that all that crapcom is making now?

listenkids4170d ago


Like 4? Trololol.

VersaVulture894169d ago

I'd hate to see a Dino Crisis, Onimusha or Megaman game canceled. Capcom has been letting fans down for years. I've played Capcom games a lot during the past few years, but they're not the great company they used to be.

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Neckbear4170d ago

I don't think I want to see Onimusha or Megaman made by western devs...

Wedge10824170d ago

I'd take a WayForward Megaman.

ApolloTheBoss4170d ago (Edited 4170d ago )

It's dangerous to go alone! Take this.

Godmars2904170d ago

Remember what kind of shape they're in creatively, then be thankful Onimusha was canceled at least.

That FP Megaman they canceled before all this mess had me curious.

raiden-494170d ago

I think they where all Megaman just to piss us off....

Blaze9294170d ago (Edited 4170d ago )

I love how they just forgot about that Resident Evil PSP project...

honestly Capcom, this gen you have been absolutely terrible.

Venoxn4g4170d ago

wow, thats just what I 've wanted to say :) anyway those games and..

Haunting ground 2

sourav934170d ago

Get in line buddy. I've already got my flamecannon (yes cannon, not thrower) ready.

adorie4170d ago

This is Capcom we're talking about here. Trade in your flame canon for a solar flare.

OrbitalBT4170d ago

"If its Onimusha or Megaman i will burn Capcom to the ground!"

makes it hard to believe that video games don't encourage violent behavior. my guess is you forgot to place a "sarcasm" label.

hulk_bash19874170d ago

Yeah because I'm so sure he meant that literally. /s

OrbitalBT4170d ago

yeah, i just don't get why someone would care to go out of his way to type that, or be so angry over games. anyways, whatever.

PooEgg4169d ago

I dislike Capcom too, but I agree with Orbital, some of these comments are over the top. As for me, I would never even joke about burning a company to the ground, because in this day and age comments like that are not funny and they reflect badly on the gaming community.

MYSTERIO3604170d ago (Edited 4170d ago )

i don't get it, why can't they just outsource these western developed games? I will be very upset if one of them is Onimusha or Dino crisis

TBONEJF4170d ago

SERIOUSLY CAPCOM must BRING BACK MEGA MAN!! pronto. I'm sick and tired of them not release certain titles like u said ONIMUSHA. But too me i think CAPCOM is paying out too their greedy a$$ executives so they can close out CAPCOM in definitely

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sherimae24134170d ago

so i guess it safe to assume that i will never see a game for the vita made by capcom in the future -_-

rainslacker4170d ago

I'm sure their fighting games will be ported over at some point. Wouldn't mind seeing some of their RPG selection for it.:(

Sadly they don't seem to want to support the Vita. While I don't agree with all their business decisions this gen, they still have some good games in their catalog.

sherimae24134170d ago

even if its just ports of their ps2 games,
i will be very happpy....
hope they have something for the vita, in the future....
they support the psp.. why left the vita now..
they would gain profit for it since until now its not been hacked right?

SegataSanshiro4170d ago ShowReplies(2)
GodsPerfectK7ng4170d ago (Edited 4170d ago )

A new Onimusha would be Epic!! Must be for the reboot of resident evil!

Dante_0074170d ago

My guess would be a DMC2 Since the first didn't hit gold in their standards or dead rising3

4170d ago
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Capcom Is Updating Several GFWL Games To Bring Them Back On Steam

Capcom is updating Games For Windows Live (GFWL) titles on Steam to once again make them available for purchase on the digital storefront.

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Community1d 11h ago

Capcom Summer humble bundle offers $349 worth of Steam Deck games for $30

Humble Bundle offers a new summer deal with classic Capcom games and additional charity support - you won't want to miss it.

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Community46d ago
Chryzz2345d ago

They the reason my steam library is growing, the bundles are crazy

__y2jb45d ago (Edited 45d ago )

As if that pile of old ass games is worth $350. I mean there’s some good titles there for sure but there’s no way most gamers haven’t already got or played most of them already. Lots of them haven’t aged well too.

It’s basically $30 for a bunch of games you’ll never play.


Capcom Sales and Profits Drop But Still Outperform Plans

Capcom announced its financial results for the fiscal quarter of the fiscal year 2024, related to the period between April and June 2024.

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Community55d ago
Zenzuu55d ago

Some love for Resident Evil Code Veronica, Dino Crisis, or Okami would be nice Capcom.

P_Bomb55d ago

Code Veronica’s gotta be on the way. It’s the biggest missing link as far as remakes. Make it so!

KyRo54d ago

What I'll never understand with Dino Crisis was that with RE6, they went down a action heavy route which people disliked and didn't fit the RE formula but I feel that would have worked perfectly for Dino Crisis if they went down the Dino Crisis 2 route of being a action game over the more RE inspired DC1.

As long as it's nothing like DC3, Id absolutely love a new DC game.