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Bethesda’s Project Zwei is Shinji Mikami’s New Game: The Evil Within


'Bethesda has officially announced The Evil Within, the first game from Resident Evil creator Shinji Mikami’s studio Tango Gameworks. The Evil Within is a survival horror title due to arrive on Xbox 360, PlayStation 3, PC and next-generation consoles in 2014.'

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Despair6664177d ago

Just what resident evil 6 should have been

Zechs344177d ago

Good screens! Cant wait to see it in motion soon!

Release date now please!

r214177d ago

Well...those are disturbing. Looking forward to seeing the gameplay and preparing my pants.

rezzah4177d ago (Edited 4177d ago )

looks more like a Silent Hill game than Resident Evil.

The title of the game, and the images reminded me of The Evil Dead remake. Good movie.


comment directed at Despair666

XB1_PS44177d ago

Scary games, you have truly been missed.

THE-COMMANDER4177d ago (Edited 4177d ago )

Thank you Dark11!

yaz2884177d ago (Edited 4177d ago )

OMG! OMG! this shit is so AWESOME!

these screens looks ... I am so hyped for this!

Biohazard88604177d ago

You are a god sir thank you for posting <3

sengoku4177d ago

this game looks crazy, cant wait.
the legend has returned to claim his throne once again

silenius4177d ago

Creepiest thing i've seen this year...
wow... wonder what it will be like.

looking forward to a gameplay video.

Rivitur4177d ago

Ironically you post 11 screens.

zerocrossing4177d ago

Awesome screens! Thanks Dark11.

Well guys, looks like survival horror is back! Best start buying in some spare undies ;)

Inception4177d ago (Edited 4177d ago )

This game will F* RE ass sooooooo hard until RE can't use it own ass anymore!!! ^^

Anyway, thx for the screenshot mate. Bubs+

Iltapalanyymi4177d ago

holy shit this is beautiful! cant wait to play this! looks pretty scary too :3

JC_Denton4176d ago

Holy crap. That trailer looked cliche and silly, but these screens get me pumped to no end.

BattleTorn4176d ago


Get this man some bubbles!

Reibooi4176d ago

That looked awesome. If the game itself even holds up to half of what was in the trailer it's gonna be creepy and scary as hell. Which is good since haven't had a good scary game since the Silent Hill series started going downhill. Can't wait to see more of this.

NastyLeftHook04176d ago

survival horror has officially been revived

Sketchy_Galore4176d ago

So, is that the kind of visual quality we can expect from the PS4 version? I mean, can anyone in the know tell whether or not these are just bullshots or has there been any word on whether this is the way it will look on PS4 because if that's really how it's gonna look that's just crazy, especially the pic just after the... Whateverthecrap it is has taken a bullet and all the blood is spraying out, that looks pretty damn awesome.

Ashunderfire864176d ago

Gonna trade in Dead Space 3 for this nuff said!!! True horror indeed. Who is the idiot that disagree? This looks great!!!!

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DeletedAcc4177d ago (Edited 4177d ago )

Most Wanted


Edit: Dark11 bubble+ for you

DonFreezer4176d ago

I'm sorry but I'm extremely more hyped for this than The Last Of Us.

_-EDMIX-_4176d ago

I'm hyped for both. I can't say "more" then the other because they look like both great games and completely different directions.

Abdou234177d ago

Finally Shinji Mikami leaves the WRPG Teenage bullshit and goes back to what he does best.

wishingW3L4177d ago

what are you talking about?

ps3_pwns4176d ago

i agree lol and this was lame. the gameplay wont touch the last of us gameplay. this game will just have a bunch of fake horror crap. horror isnt scary. i want something deeper with character interaction like the last of us. instead of just blood guts and evil crap.

_-EDMIX-_4176d ago

LOL!, you will get Fallout 4, this isn't being done by Bethesda the studio, its just being published by Bethesda.

The team at Bethesda is still very much working on Fallout 4.

Root4177d ago

That was amazing

I was kind of expecting Bruce Campbell to appear at the end and say "Groovy" :)

It has an Evil Dead vibe to it...and I mean the original not the crappy over rated remake thats just come out

N4GDgAPc4177d ago (Edited 4177d ago )

lol You hate everything that gets remade? One good thing though there going to make evil dead 4 with Bruce Campball back. Did you watch the end of the credits? Looked it up to see if it meant anything and there going to work on a script this summer.

Or they mighf call it Army of Darkness 2.


Well I don't think it is but I don't think it wouldn't be to hard since Evil Dead 1 & 2 and Army of Darkness the story has changed a little. How Army of Darkness starts is different from the end of Evil Dead 2. And Evil Dead 2 is really kind of a remake of Evil Dead 1 since I don't see the relation with it. Bruce Campbell should be dead. But the movie seem pretty close to the original until they went a different direction at the end. I still liked it though.

Root4177d ago (Edited 4177d ago )

I hate everything thats remade?....Oh I'm sorry I don't believe I've talked about other film remakes on here before.

Anyway they are totally differnt films with totally different back stories about the book of the dead.

They should stay separate

I hope Army of Darkness 2 has nothing to do with this average remake. The majority of people who like the remake probably haven't even watched the original. If it was called anything other then the Evil Dead it wouldn't be getting such good reviews.

mav8054176d ago

I've never seen the original Evil Dead, but I just saw the remake last night and I have to say that virtually any 2-star horror movie on Netflix is better than that crap. What a terrible movie, wasn't scary at all, just gruesome and boring.

N4GDgAPc4176d ago

Well if you watched the originals you would of gone in knowing the movie wouldn't be scary. Just gruesome. The evil dead movies changed each one though. First one was more surious. 2nd one added a little comedy to it. Then Army of Darkness is pretty much pure comedy.

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Razputin4177d ago

Am I going to die in 7 days? WTF did I just see lol.

I hope this is a good game. Looks good, but these days most games are just mediocre at best.

Here is to hoping its a PC release as well and is a good PC release. Thanks for the screens too.

Looks like a blend of a lot of horror games.
RE 4/5 comes to mind, Silent Hill, and even The Suffering.

Can't Wait!

shutUpAndTakeMyMoney4176d ago

Getting the pc version for the mods.

I have a feeling this will be 1080p, 30fps on ps4 and 720.

Mosquito4176d ago

F*cking awesome!!!!!!!!!
It's finally here, Zwei is finally here!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

DeadSpaced4176d ago

Oh my god. I've never felt better about shitting my pants.

user76939584176d ago (Edited 4176d ago )

and where is the gameplay? how an people be so happy with not gameplay?

what the #$%%# is wrong with this gen gamers ..

I don't see nothing original here(looks like a cheap SIlent hill and Saw) and if they did not show gameplay is because the games looks and plays cheap, just like any other game that does not show gameplay, this devs Bathesda's gameplay is always cheap and simple, very generic.
I hope i'm wrong and they step up like Demon soul's or TLOU in term of gameplay.

ps.. maybe I'm upset because they show a stupid movie instead of a gameplay video.. is just annoying.

aviator1894176d ago

that looked insane.
that trailer alone has already put this game on top of my next-to-buy games.

BABY-JEDI4176d ago

I hope the collectors edition has a free set of diapers. I've been dying to c@ap myself at a good horror survival game for soooo long LoL..
Hopefully it will be as good as, if not better than SH2

lilbrat234176d ago

This game looks awesome and creepy. :-/

dj3boud4176d ago

"Resident" Evil = Evil "Within", well done Mikami-san.. welcome back!

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Moncole4177d ago (Edited 4177d ago )

Lets hope its not an action game. Most horror games are action games with creepy stuff. This should be survival horror.

hennessey864177d ago

It says its a mixture of action/horror

Moncole4177d ago

I was thinking it would be action/horror because it needs to appeal to everyone.

SatanSki4177d ago

I hope so too but as long as there is no gamepley there is no game for me.

SaiyanFury4177d ago

It certainly looks very interesting. From a personal perspective, I'm put in mind of what almost appears like a Grudge/Silent Hill meeting, which in my eyes, isn't a bad thing. God knows I enjoyed both (I never played the SH games). I haven't enjoyed a good survival - horror game in a long time, the last being Fatal Frame 3. Make it right Bethesda! :)

Minato-Namikaze4176d ago

I have the silent hill HD collection and havent worked up the courage to play through them yet, lol

DeadIIIRed4177d ago

Well Mikami himself said that he was going for pure survival horror.

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grailly4177d ago

yep, I don't feel comfortable now.

Prcko4177d ago

huh what is this?

shadowwizard4177d ago (Edited 4177d ago )

So much hype for Live Action trailer, lulz. It looks cool, but come on, show gameplay.

Knight_Crawler4177d ago (Edited 4177d ago )

Does it really matter since the game will be made by Bethesdas and it will more than liclky be a good game like Skyrim and Fallout...I know Bethesdas games are a glitch fest but to some dergree you really cannot blame them since they are doing all they can with giving massive us massive open world games like the Fall Out and Elders series.

I am really hype to see what they can do with the horror genre and what they can do with next gen tools.

E3 will be very intresting and I have a feeling that Bethesdas will be on MS stage.

shadowwizard4177d ago

It's not made by Bethesda, they are publisher.

Zechs344177d ago

Bethesda is the publisher, not the dev, they have nothing to do with its development.

This is Shinji Mikami's (& new studio) first survival horror game in years, and any fan worth himself knows to look forward to this with no limit.

Majin-vegeta4177d ago (Edited 4177d ago )


Edit:Looks like i'll be buying two copies one for PS3 and the other for PS4.Come on everyone do your part.Let's make this game succeed.

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rezzah4177d ago

To understand gameplay more look at the previous games by Shinji Mikami. His games have great gameplay so chances are it won't be bad.

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Tango Gameworks employee shares pictures from the Xbox studio's final day

The Evil Within, Ghostwire: Tokyo and Hi-Fi Rush studio has closed its doors.

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Community102d ago
Einhander1972102d ago

This shouldn't have happened.

Who's next..

JEECE102d ago

Ninja Theory, most likely.

tay8701102d ago

Ninja theory. Others will follow as well. The smaller studios MS owns should all be worried. Maybe MS will try and release some of their games day and date on ps5 to save some of these studios.

jznrpg102d ago

I can see Ninja Theory. At least Tango made a game that was reviewed well. Ninja Theory spent a lot of years to release a tech demo that didn’t do well at all.

repsahj102d ago

I get it that Hellblade 2 is a boring game, but I hope they are not the next to be closed.

ABizzel1101d ago


Ninja Theory is likely on the chopping block too. They released Bleeding Edge which bombed, took 4 years to release Hellbalde 2 which doesn’t seem to be doing well, and still have Project Mara in limbo. They’re high on the chopping block.

MS was likely expecting their God of War / Uncharted quality game from NT based on Heavenly Sword, Enslaved, DmC, and to an extent Hellblade 1, but NT hasn’t delivered since Hellblade 1 which was 7 years ago.

Sonic1881101d ago

And Obsidian after Avowed releases

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Petebloodyonion102d ago

I rarely agree with you but on this I do!


3 trillion MS is worth, yet they do this, well Phil the shit bag did. No studio needed to be let go, when you are worth this much.

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anast102d ago

Sad, but I see characters and posters of either less than average or barely average games.

LoveSpuds102d ago

Have to disagree here duder, with respect. Evil Within was a good game and the sequel was fantastic, as was HiFi Rush. I'd concede Ghostwire was pretty average but regardless, shuttering a studio which just put out MS best game in donkeys years was complete shithousery on XBox' part.

Einhander1972102d ago (Edited 102d ago )

Microsoft paid 8B to buy Zenimax then fired well over 1000 people from Zenimax between the time they closed the deal and they announced these shut downs.

People talk about the 1900 they fired most recently, but that was only one wave of three sets of layoffs from their gaming division so far this generation totalling around 5000 people this generation. Not counting the dozen plus studios they canned last gen including Lionhead the original Fable developers.

anast102d ago

By every real metric HiFi was an average game. I don't see an Evil within poster in the thumb, which is a shame, because if they threw their weight behind that IP, they might have still been around.

LoveSpuds102d ago

I don't understand how you can say it was average in every metric when it garnered the reviews it did?

102d ago
Fonsecap102d ago

Working people paying the price for leadership bad decisions, so unfair...

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5 Terrifying Games on Xbox Game Pass to Play This Halloween

Xbox Game Pass continues to bring quality titles for gamers no matter the genre, but this time we here at CGMagazine have compiled a list of spine-tingling titles to celebrate the spooky season with.

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RavenWolfx335d ago

The Dead Space Remake gets added to GamePass 10/26, definitely worth playing through.


The Epic Game Store Has Some Scary Freebies for You

The Epic Game Store's weekly freebies includes a game to give you nightmares.

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