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Firaxis: Civilization No Longer “Right for Consoles”

GamerZines writes:

In an exclusive interview with FirstLook Magazine, Firaxis' Dennis Shirk has revealed that there aren't any future plans to bring Civilization to consoles again, despite the lure of the PlayStation 4 and Xbox 720 lurking around the corner.

Firaxis notably tried to bring their grand strategy series to consoles in 2008 with Civilization Revolution, but it seems the studio are hesitant to make the same jump in the future despite the recent multi-format success of XCOM: Enemy Unknown.

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CranberryPub4116d ago
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CranberryPub4116d ago
nick3094116d ago

Add mouse support and itll be very right for consoles... Ps4 and the next xbox would be strong enough.

Cupid_Viper_34116d ago

I don't even get how they came to this conclusion really. The PS3 and PS4 both will have "Move Support", which in my opinion would have worked very well with Civilization 4 as a patch (a game I still play today).

But also the next Xbox is supposed to be equipped with a more accurate kinect, so I firmly believe that Civilization VI or whatever the next one is called would work great on consoles.

Civilazation V was the only game I bought for my PC in the past 10 years, one of my favorite games ever. Which btw, I'm having a heck of time getting access to because of DRM issues with Steam at the moment.

InactiveUser4116d ago

I like Civ Rev a lot on console. I like world domination type games; from the old Command & Conquers on PC/PS1 (I mostly played Red Alert Retaliation).

The current gen C&C didn't interested me (Red Alert 3), but Civ Rev filled that void nicely, even though I know C&C is real time and Civ is turn based.

I'd definitely be in the market for a good Civilization or C&C type game next gen.

FarEastOrient4116d ago

The PS3 already had mouse and keyboard support through the USB.

If NeXbox and PS4 is going to be similar to a PC than adding such support features shouldn't be hard.

Bathyj4116d ago

My exact thoughts. Get out of my head.

megaworm254116d ago

Firaxis: Civilization No Longer “Right for Consoles”

me: Bull plop

wheresmymonkey4116d ago

the ps4 pad has a trackpad on it and the wiiU has a tablet for a controller.

If those aren't perfect imputs for a strat game i don't know what is.

ExCest4116d ago

The ps4 has a touchpad, not a trackpad. It could still possibly be used as such, though.

Canary4115d ago

That would be a mouse.

A touch screen is inferior for gaming (or anything requiring precision controls)... what makes you think a touch pad would be even better?

wheresmymonkey4113d ago

because its basically a mouse. It does the same thing. for the basic inputs needed for civ both would be more than adequete and much more suited than a traditional controller.

MattS4116d ago ShowReplies(2)
Skate-AK4116d ago

The team are “sceptacle” about whether the use of a light partnered up with a motion sensing camera, as is the case with the Lightbar-enthused Dual Shock controller and the PlayStation 4 console, could replicate the dexterity PC players enjoy with a mouse and keyboard"

Never did I think that's what it should be used for. Should just be able to plug-in a mouse and keyboard on PS4. With Sony pushing social features, PS4 has to have mouse and keyboard support. It would be stupid not to. No one wants to write out stuff using the d-pad. I will have to see how the touchpad works before I give my opinion on that.

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Civilization: 25 years, 33M copies sold, 1 billion hours played, and 66 versions

LAS VEGAS -- Civilization is one of the gods of strategy games, where you oversee the creation of a whole society in competition with other civilizations. It debuted in 1991, and now at 25, it has become one of the cultural touchstones of the game industry, something that everyone recognizes or has played in the past.

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Community3079d ago
-Foxtrot3080d ago

Maybe I'm saying this because my PC is shit but I really would like a good console Civilization game on par with the PC ones.

Civilization Revolution wasn't half bad...just dumbed down a bit

3079d ago
Silly Mammo3079d ago

Interesting stats, but they missed the most important ones- how many relationships were ruined? And how many jobs were lost?

ravinash3077d ago

I still remember the day my dad finally convinced me to go and peel the potatoes by turning off the power to the entire house.
I think I lost about 5 hours worth of game play that day.

Mirdus3079d ago

Nuclear-Gandhi still give me the creeps


Civilization Revolution 2 Officially Headed to the PS Vita

Its official Civilization Revolution is Headed to The PS Vita!

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Community3345d ago
dark-kyon3345d ago (Edited 3345d ago )

Why the video show R2 button in the bottom right of the screen?.the game can hit vita,but this video look fake.

Eidolon3344d ago (Edited 3344d ago )

They're not showing the game, it's not even confirmed yet, how would VitaBoys get a hold of a gameplay video already. Looks like it might be the first CR, which was released on PS3. But why it shows "Civilization V" at the beginning is beyond me.. just a very confusing way of making a vid for a topic like this

scark923345d ago

And they say the Vita is dead!..

luis_spartano3345d ago

But that's true. Vita is dead.

3345d ago
Snookies123345d ago (Edited 3345d ago )

To the two above, no... You obviously don't know what 'dead' means. As long as there are games coming out for a platform, it's alive. So, you're both quite wrong.

Testfire3345d ago

To be fair, there's still games coming out for Dreamcast. Vita isn't dead, but it's also not thriving.

killerluffy1233344d ago

Its almost dead , happy now ? Pathetic

Milkshake3344d ago

It is dead for the western audience!

scark923344d ago

This game is for Western Audiences..

Jalva3344d ago (Edited 3344d ago )

Saw the title and knew that there would be a comment saying word for word what you said (not even joking).

Also, if a port of some strategy game is exciting news for the Vita you can safely say it's dead...

Screw it, you fanboy's can remain in denial, I'm done, nothing more frustrating than trying to be rational with the irrational, enjoy your annual Vita port.

Apollosupreme3344d ago (Edited 3344d ago )

It's dead when Sony says production of the console is discontinued and developers stop making games. Until then you're just being over dramatic. People have been saying it's dead for three years and yet I'm still seeing new consoles hitting shelves and new game releases.

Based on many posters around here if anything you're defining it as undead.

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TheColbertinator3345d ago

Wow if this is true,color me excited pink

ninjahunter3345d ago

Its not Civ 4 or 5, but IMO, any civ is good civ.

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5 Criminally Underplayed Games That Need More Love

Dorkly: "History is written by the winners, and that applies to games, too. While we hold up our post-apocalyptic wasteland adventures, period piece assassinations and Liberty City crime sprees on a pedestal, we would do well to remember the little guys. These underseen, criminally underplayed games didn't do well critically or commercially, but they were still wonderful experiences. Here's a small list of recommendations of unsung heroes of the PS3/Xbox 360/Wii era."

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Community3447d ago
SaveFerris3447d ago

Alpha Protocol had so much potential. I'd really like to see another spy rpg.

Tex1173447d ago

Alpha Protocol has some fantastic ideas in its conversation and story progression due to choices. I really enjoyed my time with it.

A spy rpg can be done with amazing results if handled correctly.

InMyOpinion3447d ago

I would add 007: Bloodstone to the list. That game was criminally underrated.

WizzroSupreme3447d ago

Okami, Beyond Good and Evil, Chibi-Robo!, and Pikmin should be among these.

TWB3447d ago

God Hand

Partly because I just recently discovered it and its insane.

What a gold nugget.

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