
Mass Effect 3 really was the best one

The Publisher of GoozerNation wrote, "OK, so Mass Effect 3 came out about a year ago, but the game still makes headlines with new DLC. The latest of which highlights the Commander and his comrades whooping it up at the disco, which is supposed to be pretty good. But I’m not really a DLC kind of person. So, this article isn’t about the DLC, it’s about why Mass Effect 3 really was the best of the trilogy."

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Canary4050d ago

It's easy to "make headlines" when anyone can write up some drivel about anything and post it to N4G.

JimmyJames704050d ago

Uhh? What? It's really not that easy. If it was, you'd probably do it.

aliengmr4049d ago

No, it really wasn't.

The sub-plots (Mordin, Legion, etc.) were great. The overall plot was a rush job.

Had an actual 3 act trilogy been planned from the very start with a little longer dev time, it might have been the best one.

And really, there was no excuse for that initial ending cinematic. It was the only ending that mattered and it made no sense.

The final mission was pretty lame as well. ME2 was far better.

In the end, ME3 was a rush job that catered to much to those who hadn't played the other two.

I would say the overall best is ME1. Even though I enjoyed the combat a bit more in ME2.

FrightfulActions4049d ago

You didn't feel like the Legion subplot butchered the character?

Legion in ME2: Heretics want the 'old machines' upgrades, they want to be given a future. Geth refuse, Geth wish to achieve their own future. He goes on about this quite a bit about how the Geth don't want the reaper's help.

Legion in ME3: Sacrifices himself to give all the geth reaper upgrades. What he did was similar to Shepard saving the Collector Base in the second game, a choice Legion makes note on being something the Geth would not had done.

It was all very out-of-character for the geth and especially for what was one of the more interesting characters of the series, Legion. IMO.


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anast60d ago

He was one of my least favorite characters. I wish they would have done the Proths different.


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541d ago Replies(1)