
Renegade Kid teasing their upcoming 3DS First Person Shooter

Jools Watsham of Renegade Kid is teasing his next 3DS project on twitter, and it's going to be a FPS.

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rezzah4106d ago

If it's the first FPS it'd be interesting to see what the 3DS can do.

profgerbik4106d ago (Edited 4106d ago )

You think Nintendo could have just added a second stick themselves with as many times they have revised the damn 3DS..

Fuck that.. I am sorry. Just looking at that picture is ridiculous. Makes me feel like it is 1990 with some Gameboy attachment.

Talk about awkward. I just can't imagine getting into FPS on the 3DS just like I really didn't like them on the PSP either but at least Sony didn't have the balls to sell some crappy add on.. that should have been included in the hardware in the first place..

ahronith4106d ago

They have only revised the 3ds once, and if they had added a second circle pad, they are alienating original owners, forcing them to purchase a circle pad pro.

TheDivine4106d ago

I'm a 3ds owner and I wouldn't have felt alienated nor would anyone I know. We all wanted them to add a second circle pad to the xl and just keep the regular one as is. All that's needed is different control options like RE Revelation did so that a second pad isn't needed. For those that want it buy a cpp or an xl.

Then again that would make too much sense for Nintendo to do that. They're too damn stubborn to admit they didnt have enough foresight to include something that's been standard for over a decade. Don't get me wrong Nin is prob my fav console maker and game maker but they're just plain stupid sometimes. 99.9 percent of all 3ds games I want don't need a 2nd circlead but the .1% like RE more than justify the addition.

phantomexe4106d ago

Demenium was amazing and creepy. I'm looking forward to this. These guys are clever about how they do there games.

profgerbik4106d ago (Edited 4106d ago )

Dementium was great overall but it still was a horrible FPS in that aspect.. Sure basing on it on the game, it was great basing it on a FPS, it was awful.

So I hope for the sake of those interested in this upcoming title they get better FPS elements since that is their focus supposedly this time around, the horror and the story they have down well but FPS wise, they need to make some huge improvements..


GameEnthus Podcast ep287: Atooi'd or Quest Switch - GameEnthus

GameEnthus Podcast ep287: Atooi’d or Quest Switch This week Jools Watsham(@JoolsWatsham) fr om Atooi (formerly Renegade Kid) joins Aaron(@In d1fference) to talk about: Renegade Kid, Atooi, Infintizmo, Chicken Wiggle, Treasurenauts, Matthew Gabrel, Bomb Monkey, Xeodrifter, Mutant Mudds, Troop, Nintendo NX, GCN, Super Mario Sunshine, Legend of Zelda The Wind Waker, Resident Evil 4, Resident Evil 2, WiiU, … Continue Reading →

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150: The Banner Saga WILL come to Vita, Renegade Kid is no more & Minecraft Tumble

Welcome to Heroes of Handheld 150! A new Minecraft Minigame comes along! September PS Plus announced! Banner Saga still happening, HONEST!.

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FullmetalRoyale2844d ago (Edited 2844d ago )

I would buy Banner Saga, if it releases on Vita. We'll see whether or not they want my money, ultimately.


Renegade Kid, Creators of Mutant Mudds, is Shutting Down | TheTech52

Development studio Renegade Kid is shutting down after its two co-founders have decided to go their separate ways. They will both continue to develop games.

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BlackIceJoe2846d ago

Very sad news, because they made some great games. I do have to wonder though if the closing has anything to do with them not making many games for systems other than Nintendo ones. Because sadly not many people have been buying games on Nintendo one recently.

2845d ago Replies(1)