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MP1st | Battlefield 3: End Game DLC Review – Battlefield 3′s Last “Hooah” Is Its Best One Yet

MP1st - End Game is exactly what Battlefield 3 needed.

As Battlefield 3′s fifth and final expansion, End Game fills in the empty spaces with the more-than-welcomed addition of two classic Battlefield game modes, a round of four gorgeous Frostbite 2-powered maps, and a number of new ways to play the game with a set of new vehicles.

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Relientk774204d ago WhoDisagree(0)Agree(0)
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4204d ago
Mutant-Spud4204d ago

It's pretty funny running over campers and snipers because the bikes are so fast, they almost never see it coming, Vrrrooom..roadkill LOL

Andreas-Sword4204d ago

yes, Dirtbikes are pretty funny :)
Here is a very interesting BF3: End Game Dirtbike video:

Merrill4204d ago

Wish it would hurry up and come out already, for non-premium members that is.

SignifiedSix914204d ago

Great maps. I just hate CTF. All people do is camp in your spawn and rack up kills because all they care about is their stupid kdr.

Once they patch in boundaries on the spawns, it'll be awesome.

Mutant-Spud4204d ago

Air superiority is the only lame mode, CTF is fine though, the MAV really comes into it's own in CTF, as long as people know the C4 is on the flag they can chuck a grenade on it before they capture, CTF just requires a little bit more thought than the other modes.
The TDM maps for the new content are also pretty good, they're compact and have heaps of cover, the rooftop campers don't really have too much of an advantage and you get a lot of really intense chokepoint fights.

Detoxx4204d ago

Why is AS lame? Because you aint a good pilot?

Mutant-Spud4202d ago

Oh I admit I'm a crappy pilot, I'm a mediocre gamer at best but I can still score points in AS, I just think it's boring and a bit twee. The jets work well in the overall BF3 experience because they make matches unpredictable and because they're in limited supply, but AS is just predictable, the only strategy is in trying to keep low and capture blimps. I mean, why don't we have a BF3 mode where everyone has to play as a sniper or with only pistols or frags like in Halo?

venom064204d ago

the TDM on ENDGAME are freakin AWESOME!!! people will love it.. i see a new Noshar Canal TDM with a couple of these..


Battlefield Bootcamp Will Teach You How to Use Dirt Bikes in Battlefield 3: End Game

The first round of Battlefield Bootcamp delves into the use of Dirt Bikes on various mulitplayer maps in Battlefield 3: End Game. Dirt Bikes are in the latest and last DLC pack, End Game.

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Community4018d ago
venom064018d ago

PLEASE dont wait 2 years to provide this type of information for BF4... this is pretty stupid and pointless at this point for BF3.. c'mon son.


ZaGamer- Battlefield 3: End Game DLC Review

ZG:Battlefield 3, a triple-A FPS title that took the gaming world by storm with its legendary graphics on the Frostbite Engine and more than 150 hours’ worth of gameplay on the multiplayer, without the consideration of its DLCs has received the final DLC in the series of four of them, along with the final drop of content for premium users.

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Community4147d ago

NZ Gamer - Battlefield 3 End Game Review

NZ Gamer - End Game is Battlefield 3′s fifth (and final) expansion. It introduces new vehicles, new maps, and - most surprisingly - two new game modes including Capture the Flag. Many will probably be wondering why it has taken so long to include such a classic multiplayer mode, but we’re pleased to announce it is certainly worth the wait.

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