
The 10 Greatest Devils in Videogame History

Satan, El Diablo, EA…he goes by many names, but throughout he is the Devil – an entity of pure evil, usually ruling over Hell, and always causing trouble for the noble heroes of the world. In videogames, it's no different – well, except you can usually defeat him and end evil's reign forever. Here are ten games that took the highway to Hell with devil characters worth button-mashing right back to the underworld, listed in ascending order of soul-rending terror.

dan9584211d ago

Interesting story. Good job :)

pr0t0typeknuckles4211d ago

interesting list though,i actually agree with it fully.

Baka-akaB4210d ago (Edited 4210d ago )

"Dante Alighieri was a Florentine political hanger-on who wrote a novel symbolically torturing people he couldn’t beat up in real life. Now look at the real poet, and then look at the hellblazing badass the videogame Dante’s Inferno makes him into"

uhuh except Game dante doesnt look badass , more like a sexual deviant from some hardcore S&M club and the real one actually went to some wars .

Inception4210d ago (Edited 4210d ago )

No Laharl and Etna from Disgaea? oh come on.


Gaming's Dynamic Duos; Which Ones Did It The Best?

The dual protagonist nature of some games have led to numerous dynamic duos in gaming. Here are some of the best ones.

Kneetos86d ago

Mario and sonic

Next question

LucasRuinedChildhood86d ago (Edited 86d ago )

The Prince and Farah

Few others:
- Booker and Elizabeth
- Joel and Ellie
- Jade and Pey'j
- Jak and Daxter
- Nate and Sully
- Master Chief and Cortona
- Gordon and Alyx

Retroman85d ago (Edited 85d ago )

Bill Rizer and Lance Bean , Ratchet and Clank , Jax and Daxter


5 Of the Most Unlikeable Video Game Protagonists

There are good video game protagonists, and there are bad video game protagonists.

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358d ago
GhostScholar358d ago (Edited 358d ago )

I disagree that max is unlikable. Chloe is infinitely more unlikable in my opinion.

gold_drake358d ago

omg chloe was awful. i really hated her at the end haha

Cacabunga358d ago

Abby was absolute trash protagonist in every way..
Tidus was so meh to me..
On villain side, the one i didn’t like wa Micah, because they wanted him to be that way and it was brilliant👍🏽

Rancegamerx358d ago

I agree, I liked Max, Chloe was a horrible friend and a bad influence.

Cacabunga358d ago

Everyone agrees on chloe, I’m sure even ND do.

H9358d ago

Both are horrible, granted Chloe is infinitely worse, it feels like Chloe is just fanservice for people who too over the edge and wasn't written to be a character that makes sense

GooGobbler358d ago

What about that Forspoken Tw*t

MrChow666358d ago

exactly I was expecting it to be a the top of the list

ravens52358d ago

Ye I was expecting her too. Guess they actually played the game. Unlike you and whoever agrees.

gpimlott357d ago

I played through the whole game and think she is one of the worst character Ive ever played as

ravens52357d ago (Edited 357d ago )

gpimlott. How?

Stanjara347d ago

Why would I payed and played the game if the whole internet is making fun of a character?

-Im here to kill Chaos...are you Chaos?

Yeah, I didn't play that game either.

Christopher358d ago (Edited 358d ago )

She's actually not bad. It's the writing itself that is bad overall, but she's fine overall. She's no worse than Miles Morales IMHO. Both thrust into a spotlight and receiving both praise and blame and dealing with it.

Forspoken is a bland game because it's 75% bland, boring, repetitive going through the motions and diversions that add nothing of the value with purposefully gated memory moments that don't feel organic or like you're discovering things but waiting for others to reveal things.

ravens52358d ago

Exactly Chris. Even though I liked the game. I kno u played it. People who actually played it and went thru her dream saw she was a good likeable person who really just acted out due to being alone and unloved. I think your problem is it was open world, I think if it was more linear you may have liked it better.

savedsynner358d ago

Oh no she's bad. Very unlikable even before you add on the bad dialogue. The game could have been quite good with a good protagonist

ravens52357d ago

For all the people like synner. Shes actually half white lol. Inferior complexity is a hell of a thing. You'll be ok.

Nerdmaster358d ago

Most of these aren't even that bad. Especially comparing to others like Squall "Whatever" Leonhart, Forspoken's Frey, and the guy from Atomic Heart.

-Foxtrot358d ago

Squall is one of the best developed main FF characters so...

People talk about his "whatever" thing thats at the start of the game, not the character he eventually becomes in the end.

Nerdmaster357d ago

No amount of "character development", (especially the ones that for me feels sudden and undeserved like Squall's), will justify him being a d**k to my girl Quistis. Even if he found the cure for cancer, from that moment on, I would never like him.
The article is about being unlikeable, and he was indeed unlikeable for at least half of the game.

BrainSyphoned358d ago

Squall is the best protagonists in FF so you can go whatever yourself.

H9358d ago

My good sir, I need to steal that "you can go whatever yourself" because it's gold

BlaqMagiq1358d ago

Except Squall has actual character development.

gold_drake358d ago (Edited 358d ago )

the "watever" is only present in the english localisation.
so your argument doesnt rly ... stand imo.

Nerdmaster357d ago

Good for you that you could enjoy the japanese version. That's not the case for me and the majority of people here, though.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 357d ago
gold_drake358d ago (Edited 358d ago )

i had to stop reading after the "blatant misogyny" in the Dantes inferno section.

i actually liked Max haha.

the forspoken chick is missing tho

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FFXVI’s Combat Proves It's Time For Another Capcom Remake

With Final Fantasy XVI committing fully to fast-paced action gameplay, it may finally be time for a new remake series of a classic Capcom franchise: Devil May Cry. As the franchise that essentially originated the particular style of 3D action combat that the upcoming Final Fantasy is making heavy use of, Devil May Cry could very well be due for a remake, or even a series of remakes, to address certain flaws and more dated aspects of its classic games, similarly to the popular modern remakes for Capcom's Resident Evil series.

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jambola516d ago

How can combat from one franchise be proof for a subjective opinion on another?

SeTTriP515d ago

Makes no sense to me either

lucian229515d ago

why in the hell would we need a remake of devil may cry when devil may cry 5 was great? We just need devil may cry 6 ; not a remake, enough with the remakes

jambola515d ago

Yeah I mean, no insult to the franchise but it's not like the story or location of the first was so top tier that we need to go back to it

lucian229513d ago

yeah rather progress with story where it is

Pepsi_Man3000515d ago

I'd much prefer we get new games that have such combat. Enough with the remakes. At least move forward if you want more of the same series

Elda515d ago

No remakes. The next installment of DMC would suffice.

CrimsonWing69515d ago

Why not a sequel? Why do we run to "needs a Remake" all the time now. I'd rather have the original and then a brand new entry instead of the original and the original but remade.

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