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New Crash Bandicoot Game On Its Way?


It seems Activion/Vicarious Visions let their countdown site go up too soon. They quickly pulled it but not before some visitors had a chance to snap a picture.

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Community4156d ago
USMC_POLICE4156d ago

Its also in the crash font from the ps1 games. If he was back I'd shit myself. I'm sure he's back but as a dam skylander.

Blackhawk34156d ago

Along with Tekken, my first playstation game ever.... A lot of nostalgia with that crazy bandicoot. would love to see him again.

showtimefolks4156d ago

i hope one day sony buys back this IP

i want a Crash HD collection
I want a proper Crash game made by ND

gumgum994156d ago

Sony never had it to begin with. Contrary to popular belief, it was owned by Universal, Not Sony. That's why when Sony bought Naughty Dog Crash was left behind.

Sony merely published Crash.

showtimefolks4156d ago

Oh I didn't know know that

Sill I want a crash HD collection

edenianrain4156d ago

LMFAO,oh god that would just kill me first they rape spyro,and rape crash for the second time

fredrikpedersen4156d ago

All the Crashes were 3D games...

ICECREAM4156d ago


I meant to say free roaming.

Gratisfaction4156d ago

If Activision touches my Bandicoot, imma go Neo Cortex on their ass!

morkendo234156d ago

if CRASH is coming back will it be physical game? or DLC only?? if its a DLC activison can ram it up their ass.
if physical disc ya-HOOOOOOOO!!!!

Braid4155d ago

Even though it's confirmed as fake, I hope Naughty Dog can finally see that there are lots of gamers out there who are getting hyped up every time they see anything Crash Bandicoot related, and who are willing to buy a new installment in a heartbeat. Sly is back, why wouldn't Crash? We need titles like these to take a break from the blow-em-up kind of games.

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first1NFANTRY4156d ago

i call fake till we get an official announcement from Sony or Acti

Jumper094156d ago

Sony has nothing to do with Crash Bandicoot anymore ;)

4156d ago
SignifiedSix914156d ago

I wish Sony still had the franchise. I want ND to make a proper Crash Bandicoot because i haven't played one in so effin long!

If it isn't made by ND, it's no good, unless they make it like the originals.

yeahokchief4156d ago

Seeing as how they're already in bed with Sony with Destiny and Diablo it's not really too much of a stretch.

I'm still not buying anything from Activision Blizzard for my PS4 should I buy one.

jakmckratos4156d ago

I don't care if Sony isnt making it

LOL_WUT4156d ago

Then you clearly have never played the classics

Shadow Flare4156d ago (Edited 4156d ago )

I've think everyone's misunderstood his point.

I think he's saying, if it isn't made by Sony (naughty dog) , then I don't care about the game

Maybe he should have worded it as eloquently as DonJogHurt below did

PopRocks3594156d ago


"I don't care if Sony isnt making it"
"I don't care if Sony isnt making it"
"I don't care if Sony isnt making it"

He IS talking about the classics. Jeez.

edenianrain4156d ago

I dont care if Sony isnt making it either,and I have played the classics,just because naughtydog isnt making it doesnt mean crash cant be good,crash wrath of cortex played just like the originals and it was good intro kart and tag team racing were good also,twinsanity was good,titans and mind over mutant did suck though,besides even if naughtydog still had it I doubt they would make a new crash,remember they actually move on to new things anyway.

Tei7774156d ago

and what are the classics if not the original trilogy made sony 1st part dev naughty dog??

You must be new to gaming.

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LastXeno4156d ago

Then you'd be disappointed to know Sony didn't make the originals either... They barely make games.

DOMination-4156d ago

Yeah weren't ND owned by Universal at the time?

Irishguy954156d ago (Edited 4156d ago )

Stop Domination! Just stop! Your facts will disturb the fanboys

Studio-YaMi4156d ago

ND made it "FOR" the PS1,and now they are "OWNED" by SONY,I guess that's understandable enough,eh ?

shackdaddy4156d ago (Edited 4156d ago )

You should clear up that sentence. It can be read two completely different ways...

Shadow Flare4156d ago

Yeah, each time I read it, i can't fully work out what he means. It's really confusing lol

Rockefellow4156d ago

I understood what you were saying, but you really need to be less ambiguous when you type things.

jakmckratos4155d ago

Ummm hello idiots..can you see my flagrant sony fanboy name...Sorry for my wording but I ONLY care if Sony makes the game..better fools? Thanks to the people with an ounce of this is a fake

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Summons754156d ago

Not by Naughty Dog and published by activision only means it's going to be terrible like every Crash game after Naughty Dog's run with it. Activision is a horrid company anyway, they make EA look like saints which is saying a lot after how they have been acting lately.

DonJogHurt4156d ago

Naughty Dog making it?


Then GTFO!

LOGICWINS4156d ago

I don't care whose making it as long as it turns out to be fun to play.

JohnApocalypse4156d ago

The one by Traveller's Tales was pretty good

Root4156d ago

It's the only Crash after ND which was good

I don't see why they didn't hold onto it...I thought it was funny at the time. Cortex was pretty hilarious

"It's true, blondes do have more fun"

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‘People laughed at it’: the unlikely story behind the music of Crash Bandicoot

For many, the game became the sound of the 90s – but Josh Mancell tells us how the music for PlayStation’s first mascot game originated in Kraft cheese and Kraftwerk

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Community195d ago

Brendan O’Brien, Original Voice Behind Crash Bandicoot, Dies at 60

Brendan O’Brien, the voice actor behind the original Crash Bandicoot and several other characters featured in the classic Naughty Dog trilogy of games on PlayStation, died on March 23.

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Community435d ago

1996 Voted as ‘Best Year in Gaming’ by UK Public

Have you ever wondered what the best year in gaming was? Well wonder no more! The British public have had their say, and voted for 1996.

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Community680d ago
Limitedtimestruggle680d ago

I have some many fond memories as a 10 year old gamer from back then! The best of times!

Dfooster680d ago

Yeah that is a good choice. Great times

Snakeeater25680d ago

Lol Nintendo 64 … talk about a shitty year for gaming

Old McGroin680d ago

The N64 was amazing at the time, how old are you, 12?

CobraKai680d ago

Mario 64, Mario Kart, WaveRace. They’re prolly too young to appreciate em. My kids love the N64.

Terry_B680d ago

No..1996 was not a good start for the N64. The system had a lousy start in comparison to the SNES, Playstation and probably even the Sega Saturn.

CobraKai680d ago

So…. Nevermind the first time Resident Evil or Tomb Raider was released, a damn near arcade perfect port of Tekken 2, Quake, Wipeout, Crash Bandicoot, Super Mario RPG, Nights, Panzer Dragoon Zwei? It’s shitty cuz the old N64 is it?

BrainSyphoned680d ago (Edited 680d ago )

More of a 97 person myself.
FF7, Symphony of the Night, Gran Turismo, Grand Theft Auto, Dynasty Warriors, Diablo, Fallout, Tomb Raider 2, Mega Man Legends, GoldenEye, Turok, Wing Commander Prophecy, Star Fox 64, Einhander, Tobal 2, Bushido Blade, Colony Wars, Ultima Online. Was a great year to start working at Funcoland.

680d ago Replies(1)
After10Ben680d ago

You beat me to it. I loved both years, but 97 was one of my favorite years ever.

Marcello680d ago

2013 was a good year too. Dead Space 3, The Last of Us, GTA5, Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag, Tomb Raider reboot, Bioshock Infinite, Batman: Arkham Origins, Splinter Cell: Blacklist, Grid 2 & more.

Limitedtimestruggle679d ago

Dead Space 3? That game only deserves to be on rock-bottom lists. In my honest opinion.

Marcello679d ago

Its is very Marmite that game but to me it was only that love story nonsense that was bad, really bad.

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