
Upcoming Downloadable PS3/PSP Games

Geekpulp writes: "Sony has sent us confirmation of release timing for a few games that were announced last year at E3. Elefunk and Echochrome are the two main items that catch my attention but there is also Flow for the PSP. I am looking forward to Echochrome as I know a lot of people are, there are never enough challenging puzzle games that are so different from the typical falling block games.

Pain is set to be released on the European store (NZ included) this month along with some bonus characters as an expansion. It would be nice if they had released a different map instead of the extra characters as that would increase replayability far more than some new characters."

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Darkiewonder5989d ago

Elefunk! This must be a Europe list since they have listed Ape Quest there!

DTClown5989d ago

or is any other PAIN owner tired of "just" more characters!? How about a new freakin map already!

TheWickedOne5989d ago

Aren't they making an amusement park map.

RecSpec5989d ago

That's what the PAIN blog says, but who knows when it will be out, if it comes out.

TheWickedOne5989d ago

Thats one of the only PSN title i'm looking forward to.

RecSpec5989d ago

Must buy? Sure, but for PS3 or PSP?

chaosatom3335989d ago (Edited 5989d ago )

i don't know. If it costs like 10 bucks, then yeah. I see the potential, but I don't know how many levels it's packing. It's a interesting concept for sure, but I am not sure if I am into it. It depends on how frustrating it is and longetivity.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 5989d ago
RecSpec5989d ago

Please, they are all the same. How bout some more High Velocity Characters? Complete with their own stage and ball.

socsca5989d ago

Flow for psp? Might get that one, to calm me down after tearing people apart with kratos...

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Five Digital PlayStation Games You Need to Play Before they Are Gone

Alex S. from Link Cable Gaming writes: "Before Sony shuts down these stores, we wanted to give you a chance to grab the gems that will be lost forever. Here are five PlayStation games you need to play before they are gone forever."

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Father__Merrin1201d ago

Some of these digi titles need to be converted to run on ps5 games like the last guy will be gone now

PitbullMonster1201d ago

You can still play The last guy on PSNow.

PitbullMonster1201d ago

Btw. Same goes to Echochrome.

Mulando1201d ago

In bad 720p streaming quality + we don't know how long Sony will allow PS3 titles on PSNow.
After all (and as far as it is known) they still use PS3 hardware for PS3 games. I really hope they use an emulator nowadays, but I don't think so.

Teflon021201d ago

Mulando don't know if you've used Now but games like that run fantastic lol. Playing Locoroco remastered looks damn near exactly the same as downloading. I know because I've played on my PC streamed plenty of times and you don't get a single artifact or feel delay. It really just depends on the title. Those ones are fine

cammers19951201d ago

This is really sad that the store is closing. Fuck Jim Ryan.

LiViNgLeGaCY1201d ago

Seriously. He needs to go ASAP.

Viking_mo1201d ago

The sheer audacity for him to say no one plays old games. What an idiot

Mr Logic1201d ago

Or...he's correct. They have telemetry, they can see how often people play old games. You people need to understand that if you go on N4G, reddit, FB groups, etc. to talk about games or keep up with games, then you are the hardcore of the hardcore and you makeup a tiny, TINY portion of the gaming public.

None of that is to say that I agree with taking down the stores or support Sony not doing BC for PS1-3.

343_Guilty_Spark1201d ago (Edited 1201d ago )

But N4G PS gamers says people don't...only new exclusives matter

senorfartcushion1201d ago

Jim Ryan and Herman Hulst sounds like The Death Twins.

Snookies121201d ago

I really wish we got a Tokyo Jungle sequel with a bit more budget to it. That game was so unique.

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Games with Gold VS PlayStation+ Free Games June 2016 - MONG

It’s that time of the month again folks. The time where gamers collectively gather all over the internet to criticize what free games they get this month. So, who plundered the other’s fanboys for all their self-worth and gratification in life? Who was the victor in June? Let’s take a look.

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PlayStation Plus: Free Games for June 2016

Posted by Greg Lewickyj on May 31, 2016 // PlayStation Plus Content Partnership Manager:

PS Plus fans, we’re pleased to share with you two excellent PS4 PS Plus games for June.

First up, to help get everyone hyped for the NBA Finals, we’ve teamed up with 2K to add NBA 2K16 to the June lineup. One of the most critically acclaimed sports titles ever, NBA 2K16 has tons of great gameplay for everyone. With robust offline modes like MyCareer and MyGM, and deep online modes including MyTeam and MyLeague, there is an incredible amount of content to offer all types of gamers. So be the baller you always wanted to be and guide your team to the NBA Championship.

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Abash2978d ago (Edited 2978d ago )

Awesome. Really enjoyed the game when I played the 4 day trial this passed weekend for free on Xbox Live, great that Sony is giving the full game with PS+. Also interested in Gone Home, very good month

Pogmathoin2978d ago

Good to see NBA there, my son got the basketball bug with the play offs... Even though the Raptors were beaten by the officials and some team called Cleveland, he was still asking if he could stay up and watch the game last night.... i will surprise him with this.... finally get him off FIFA.....

freshslicepizza2978d ago

Good to see they are finally listening and are adding retail boxed games and not relying on just indie titles.

Kingthrash3602978d ago

They've released their share of boxed retail games...stop being a hater all the time bro.

nX2978d ago

Wow despite the recent resurgence in fanboytrolls moldybread successfully manages to keep his spot as most annoying contributor on N4G, I can't help but shake my head whenever I read his comments.

On topic, NBA was a really good choice for this month, even worth playing if you don't like Basketball.

remixx1162978d ago


No matter where you are or what the articles about you stand manage to fling heat.

You are the definition of a hater....

Pogmathoin2978d ago

Ah lads, let it go, we are all guilty of this at times, rage builds....

freshslicepizza2978d ago


81 ps4 games offered. how many were retail $60 games at one time? so why target me for being right and we all know ps4 owners and even the media have complained about how they are mostly indie games. it's time to celebrate, not get mad for speaking the truth.

bradleejones2977d ago

@ kingthrash Not often enough. Coming from primarily a PS fan. (I just can't stop playing Mario, Zelda, Streets of Rage, etc!)

Ashlen2977d ago

Personally I think Siren is the best game, it's really unique. It's the kind of niche game I really go for.

sAVAge_bEaST2977d ago (Edited 2977d ago )

Wow despite the recent resurgence in fanboytrolls nX successfully manages to keep his spot as most annoying contributor on N4G, I can't help but shake my head whenever I read his comments.

On topic,astro.turfing the NBA was a really good choice for this month, even worth playing,,,. i don't even ,.like Basketball.

bouzebbal2977d ago

Siren... terrorizing
great month.

+ Show (7) more repliesLast reply 2977d ago
Hoffmann2978d ago

Couldnt care less about NBA2k16 and Gone Home but am looking forward to play Siren and Echodrome

Kingthrash3602978d ago

Sony hasn't been giving out many AAA games....people rag on them....
Sony gives out a AAA game that's only 7 months old...you could care less.

nitus102977d ago

I have never been that interested in sports games but from what I can gather NBA2k16 is really good game for those who like the genres. Good one Sony.

I will give "Gone Home" a play though since I do like Action/Adventure however, this game is classified as Adventure so that should be interesting. As for "Siren" on the PS3 and "Echochrome" (actually my wife may like that as well) on the PS4 -- give me a break there are only so many hours one can allocate to gaming and I have not even finished "Zombi" not to mention the other games I have. 😂

Sigh! -- Oh well back to Bloodborne. 😉

nyctophilia132978d ago

Great month! 2K6 is really surprising! Doesn't get more AAA than that.

RiPPn2978d ago

They gave a full game last month also.. a great game at that.. Tropico 5.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 2977d ago
YinYangGaming2978d ago (Edited 2978d ago )

Gone Home is a really quick game and completed in a few hours but NBA 2k16 is a great pick up and makes it a good month

Kemo_Spear2978d ago

Welp, it is a HELL of a lot better than Goat Simulator.

eddieistheillest2978d ago

Goat simulator is actually awesome .

kneon2978d ago

I have so little interest in sports games that I would actually prefer Goat Simulator.

2978d ago
Eidolon2978d ago

Is it weird that I'd rather have Goat Simulator?

Concertoine2978d ago

Goat simulator > Walking sim

Siren is a great game though, one of my fav's.

nX2978d ago (Edited 2978d ago )

Even if you don't like Basketball NBA2k16 is a great game, especially with some friends.
On the other hand Goat Simulator might be fun for a few minutes but believe me, you'll quickly feel stupid for enjoying this kind of entertainment. Though I guess it would be a better game for PS+ than Gone Home.

YinYangGaming2978d ago

It's a 2 hour game though, at least with Goat Simulator it's a sandbox that's quite frequenty updates with new DLC etc.

2978d ago
XanderZane2978d ago

I heard Goat Simulator was actually pretty good. I have to give it a try. NBA 2K16 is good (I already own it for my XB1). If I didn't, I'd probably get the PS4 version.

Duoma2977d ago

Id prefer goat simulator myself. None of my friends care about sports games so the playing with your friends part/argument is invalid to me as far as that decision goes.

game4funz2977d ago

Have you played goat simulator?

+ Show (8) more repliesLast reply 2977d ago
IamTylerDurden12978d ago

2K16 is spectacular.

The ultimate team mode and rpg-like (Spike Lee directed) my career mode give dozens if not hundreds of hours of entertainment. Even if u are not a BB fan the my career mode is enjoyable. It has interactive cutscenes and rpg elements, u create your own character, it has multiple story paths with different outcomes. It's a lot of fun.

N82978d ago

I love 2k but that spike Lee shit is corny. Worst part of the game for me.

Kingthrash3602978d ago

2k is coo...but spike Lee messed ot up...so much so made a YouTube video reviewing why it was so wrong and so bad and didn't make any since. After the story ends it's a great game tho.

The7Reaper2978d ago

Spike Lee is a racist piece of trash he pretty much did more bad for the my career than good.

AaliyahCollins2977d ago

My best friend's ex-wife makes $95/hr on the laptop. She has been unemployed for six months but last month her income with big fat bonus was over $14k just working on the laptop for a few hours. Read more on this site.... www.earnmore9.com

Null19802978d ago (Edited 2978d ago )

They were all announced. Echochrome PS3, Siren Ep 1-12 PS3, God of War Chains of Olympus Vita, Little Deviants Vita. It's on the official PS Blog.

Edit: Thanks for changing your link & adding the tags. This original posting linked a different site "Thisgengaming" with only the 2 titles listed, saying the other games were unknown. You can check it in their edit history.

PSN_ZeroOnyx2978d ago

Thisgengaming is worthless, about as needed as a hole in the head.

OT... Told my wife a couple weeks ago I should get a basketball game bc I used play them a lot. And gone home looks like a few hours of fun.

Null19802978d ago (Edited 2978d ago )

Yea, I'm real happy with this lineup. I haven't been into basketball much in a long time, but looking forward to trying one for the first time in years. Especially after seeing how highly rated 2K16 was. All of these games I'll give a go. :)

I can't say much for Thisgengaming. Not real familiar, other than a few articles I've seen posted here and there. I just know the article was already outdated when I checked PS Blog and posted the above comment.

nX2978d ago (Edited 2978d ago )

Thisgengaming is hopefully pretty close to the next website being banned from N4G. Never before have I seen so much stupid clickbait like on there.

Kemo_Spear2978d ago

Thisgengaming has no clue as to what the hell they are doing. They just run with crap with out doing their research (you know, like what REAL journalists are suppose to do).

Thisgengaming2978d ago

When we posted the story there was just the video out that only confirmed the two games at the time. The PS Blog post was posted after we posted our article.

Null19802978d ago (Edited 2978d ago )

I literally commented within a few minutes of you posting the article, the one stating NBA 2K16 and Gone Home, with the rest unknown. (It was at the top of the pending list for Approval) The PS Blog with all 6 titles was already up at that time. You couldn't double check PS Blog before hitting "enter" to submit? (Maybe they posted it while you were typing it up?) Talk about trigger happy! lol

I'm not going to call you worthless like the person above. I don't know you. I'm just saying in this instance, you really jumped the gun.

Eonjay2978d ago

Really solid month. Even down to God of War... which is an interesting choice before E3... but I digress.
Great month!

pyroxxx2978d ago (Edited 2978d ago )

Well even though I don't care about basketball much,.. Very happy to try it out,.. Apparently 2K16 is amazing.

Gone home is cool and all,.. (really wanted to play trough it,.. but would never buy it for 20 or whatever used to be the price on steam,..)

So I am pretty content with the offering. Wish I had PS3 still,.. Entire Siren is awesome as well.

2978d ago Replies(1)
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