
PlayStation 4: The Last of the Game Consoles

There’s an excellent chance the PlayStation 4 will be the last videogame console ever, at least as we understand the term.

ATi_Elite4133d ago (Edited 4133d ago )

oh yeh this is it so you better enjoy it!

actually I wouldn't even call the x86 Kernal PS4 a console as I call it a PS4PC!

6 to 8 months after the PS4PC releases, there will be Tablet released that is just as powerful as the PS4PC!

Example: An updated Sony Tap 20 mobile Desktop hybrid Slate with a Core i7 and a GPU better than the Intel HD4000 (like a GTX660m ) would out perform a PS4PC

So hence no more making hardware when every PC manufacturer can do it! PS and Xbox will just be publishing Brands and games will be available through PSN or Xboxlive and played on any Device!

JP13694133d ago

Good luck getting all that into a tablet without draining the battery in 20 minutes. Tablets have yet to match PS360 graphics, they won't exceed PS4 anytime soon.

subtenko4133d ago (Edited 4133d ago )


What is wrong with you people? Where do you come from? What do you do for a living? O_o I havent seen ps3 graphics or games on tablets or phones so I dont know whats going on in your head.

GamersRulz4133d ago

nVidia new card just got released. Would you please do us all a favor and build your own MONSTER PC! then try to game on it rather than trolling consoles articles.

we all know that no matter how powerful PS4/X720 gonna be, its impossible for them to top a High-end PC. I'm just tired of PC people trying to downplay consoles. OK you have a powerful PC?! Fine...enjoy it and let us enjoy our consoles peacefully.

fourOeightshark4133d ago

It's like they're mad because we love our consoles and don't care to switch to PC gaming.

Ulf4133d ago (Edited 4133d ago )

Due to the same differences between dedicated hardware and generic hardware OSes that have always made consoles perform years ahead of their PC-parts-list PC counterparts... (Ponder a PC... with an AMD tri-core, a Radeon 1800 XT, and 512MB shared between the GPU and CPU compete with the XBox360? LoL! If you claimed such a PC could compete with the 360, you would be laughed off every forum on the internet)

It'll take a monster PC to compete with the seemingly mid-range PS4. You're high if you think PC games can be written even as remotely close to the metal as console games -- most of that hardware muscle just goes to waste... and thus, so does most of the PC gamer's money.

dp2774074133d ago

I have my own custom built pc but I always say this same thing, glad to hear it from someone else.

truegame4133d ago

Wow Wired:

Last three PS4 articles, same re-make.. Wired sure loves to stick it to SONY!.. I don't care about this console war, but damn these types of articles sure make you wonder and the same crap get approved over and over.


PlayStation 4: The Last of the Game Consoles
Sony Jumps the Gun With Skimpy PlayStation 4 Reveal
Sony Announces PlayStation 4, Doesn’t Show It

neogeo4133d ago

That's why ps4 can push to the cloud

Ulf4133d ago (Edited 4133d ago )

Wired is right, in a manner they didn't even mention.

The PS4 will be produced at a 28nm fabrication scale. Likely the first price cut will occur when AMD hits the 20nm fab node (~2015 or 2016 for this to actually hit the PS4), and the next major cut will occur at 14nm (~2019, at the *earliest*). Sony, and all console manufacturers, may be forced to settle at this node, for purely financial reasons.

Here's the rub -- upgrading to 20nm fab tech costs *billions* of USD per fab plant -- an increase a good 10-20 fold what fab scale upgrades have cost in this past generation, due to the immense costs involved in making fab machines which can operate effectively at those scales. The amount of time AMD will need to pay for these upgrades is probably longer than the typical console lifespan! Upgrading to 14nm costs even more -- its possible that AMD won't even do it during the PS4's lifespan... that is, if the PS4 only lasts 10 years, and not *longer*. Intel is the only chip maker with the sales to actually drive these kinds of upgrades in a reasonable amount of time.

On top of that financial hurdles of AMD actually profiting during the PS4's lifespan, and Sony still being able to drop the price to sell to the everyjoe consumer, 10nm fab tech basically represents the end-of-line for semiconductor technology, and hence computing technology improvements, as we know it. It will also be so enormously expensive, that its very unlikely that a home console (a "PS5", if you will) will use it in the next 20 years.

The PS4 will likely be the last console Sony produces, for purely financial reasons, let alone technological ones. It may see some minor variation in the next couple decades, but there will likely never be a serious tech jump again.. a PS5 would have to be based on only mildly more powerful technology, to be profitable at the end-of-line 10nm fabrication scale, *decades* down the road from now.

PCpower4133d ago

Ummmm...Just so you know.....AMD no longer owns a chip fab. You should really try to keep up with tech news. AMD sold off Global Foundries long ago.

Ulf4132d ago (Edited 4132d ago )

Well.. you're right, except that's really not the point, is it? AMD will still have to pay top dollar to get 20nm (and smaller) chips made, anywhere, and for a long while, to boot.

GF and TSMC's costs just get passed along.

Stoppokingme4133d ago

You're spot on.

Michio Kaku stated that Moore's law will collapse eventually, and modern processors will hit a brick wall in terms of power and processing speed.

And if PC's do, so will consoles, because they both rely on the the same technology and components.

Graphically, consoles (and PC's) will hit it's heights too. Eventually game graphics will get to the point where we can't tell the difference between the screen and what's around us. How do you make something that looks more real than reality?

Personally I don't think the PS4/Nextbox will be the 'last gen' but PS5/XBOX 1080 could be the last, Unless major breakthroughs are made in Quantum or DNA processors.

4133d ago
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Tzuno2h ago

imagine 2 friends playing, one tanking and one doing the damage :)

Elda1h ago

Great idea. Just like the co-op in the Remnant games.

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