
Losing Rayman & Ninja Gaiden exclusives is bad news for Nintendo

Stevo writes: "I hate to be the pessimist in the room (and judging by our views, the only one in the room), but with the announcements last week that Ubisoft's Rayman Legends and Team Ninja/Tecmo Koei's Ninja Gaiden 3: Razor's Edge will both be making their ways to the PS3 and Xbox 360 later in the year, it's not a good sign for the Wii U."

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Godmars2904246d ago

No. Losing two "next gen" games which could have been done on current consoles is not bad news for Nintendo.

Not being able to play titles on the Next Box and PS4 will be if such happens.

BullyMangler4246d ago

oh yea very bad news for nintendo. Its all down hill for nintendo from now on . Nintendo is doomed

miyamoto4246d ago (Edited 4246d ago )

I remember the days when Ubisoft, with ZombiU, was the ace in Nintendo's sleeve before Wii U launch. The star developer in Wii U's arsenal that made the Gamepad looked hot.

But look at Ubisoft now in a full 180 degrees turn the recipient of intense hate from all the subjects of Nintendo land.

WoW. Unbelievable.

And I remember in the starting days of the NES

" Nintendo's intention, however, was to reserve a large part of NES game revenue for itself. Nintendo required that they be the sole manufacturer of all cartridges, and that the publisher had to pay in full before the cartridges for that game be produced. Cartridges could not be returned to Nintendo, so publishers assumed all the risk. As a result, some publishers lost more money due to distress sales of remaining inventory at the end of the NES era than they ever earned in profits from sales of the games. Because Nintendo controlled the production of all cartridges, it was able to enforce strict rules on its third-party developers, which were required to sign a contract by Nintendo that would obligate these parties to develop exclusively for the system, order at least 10,000 cartridges, and only make five games per year. GameSpy noted that these "iron-clad terms" made Nintendo many enemies during the 1980s. Some developers tried to get around the five game limit by creating additional company brands like Konami's Ultra Games label, others tried going around the 10NES chip.

These strict licensing measures backfired somewhat after Nintendo was accused of antitrust behavior. The United States Department of Justice and several states began probing Nintendo's questionable business practices, leading to the involvement of Congress and the Federal Trade Commission. The FTC conducted an extensive investigation which included interviewing hundreds of retailers. As the FTC probe concluded, Nintendo quietly changed the terms of its publisher licensing agreements to eliminate the two-year rule and other particularly draconian terms. Nintendo and the FTC settled the case in April 1991, with Nintendo required to send vouchers giving a $5 discount off to a new game, to every person that had purchased a NES title between June 1988 and December 1990. GameSpy remarked that Nintendo's punishment was particularly weak giving the case's findings, although it has been speculated that the FTC did not want to damage the video game industry in the United States.

Capcom had to license Strider and Ghouls 'n Ghosts to Sega(which was great) just for it to be made on the Genesis.

And look at Nintendo now...

Karma in the end?

MikeMyers4245d ago

It's not karma, it's the cost of doing business in todays times. Remember when Sony had Sqaure-Enix, Rockstar, Namco and many other 3rd party publishers knocking on their door?

The days of 3rd party exclusivity have deteriorated over the years and there are two main reasons for that. One is the cost. If you limit your userbase the chances of recouping those costs lessen. The second reason is competition. The days of a system like the PS2 dominating the field have also gone away. This is why 3rd party publishers take less risks and scatter their ip's around to various platforms.

The same issue is happening now on Vita. 3rd party publishers don't want to commit to the Vita just yet.

That is why Nintendo teaming up with outside parties makes a lot of sense. It removes pressure from their own internal studios while still working side by side with those developers.

What Microsoft learned with the original Xbox and what Sony has now learned with the PS3 is selling hardware at a loss comes with greater risks. So when you spend 10's of millions of dollars into making games exclusive and losing money on hardware it takes much longer now to break even. The situation with the PS2 was way more ideal. That system sold a hell of a lot more software and it made much more sense back then to warrant 3rd party exclusive games.

Chupa-Chupa4246d ago

you're not being a pessimist. The truth of the matter is that this is a business. If you were running a company and you received the news that your competitors are making big moves and even plan an unexpected conference to show off what could possibly be the next big thing, you too would be sweating. Nintendo made that recent online direct conference out of desperation. You can't fool these game companies. After all why release a game on the Wii U when they can go multiplatform and bring in more cash. Plus at this point in the game, Sony and Microsoft are playing mind games with Nintendo and the rest of us with out even showing anything. That's how next-gen works and Nintendo appears to be last gen's/current gen Sony. Right now, Nintendo needs to focus on what has worked for them in the past... a price drop, a big apology to its fans, and first party games. True Nintendo fans will keep the Wii U alive, but allowing a greater part of 2013 to go by without something major for the Wii U is pathetic all around.

BullyMangler4246d ago

Whoa! Watch out man !. I read just half of your comment here and i stopped reading you. For you smell of confusion and fanboyizm . . but neah, maybe yur just forgetting that nintendo does not compete, they TEACH

KnightRobby4246d ago (Edited 4246d ago )

I'm sorry, but with 2 new consoles on their way that are boasting games like The Witcher 3 (larger than Skyrim, no load times), Watch Dogs, MGS: Ground Zeroes, Dark Souls 2, and each has their very own exclusives to boot, its really not looking great for the Wii U. In addition, I am beginning to notice a lot of gamers are growing up...

I never, ever imagined SEGA to be just a software publisher, but look at them now. I hope that Nintendo keeps going tough and perhaps their first party titles will assist them (Mario, Zelda). I think they will, but will it be enough...? I seriously doubt it...Because the Nintendo Wii U is now very similar to the Wii in the regard it is already outdated.

Starfox174246d ago

Nintendo will show a slew of NEXTGEN games at E3 end of mostly built on Retro/Nintendo's new GameEngine.

Beyonetta and X are obviously using it.

wiium644246d ago

this is no big deal, though these are great titles, but not make or break titles for nintendo, if it were zelda and metroid, then i would be real worried. but nintendo owns the rights to bayonetta two, and the wonderful 101, and those two are staying with nintendo, just like platnuim games stated. with these two games, zelda wind waker, mario, mario kart, the monolith game, nintendo has nothing to worry about, just another sony and microsoft doom and gloom story. i am getting so tired of these.

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Will There Ever Be A New Rayman Game?

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-Foxtrot210d ago

We need Rayman 4, they could make a great platformer game if they wanted. With the open hub levels and the like.

Better than relying on Rabbids and Assassins Creed all the time

Profchaos210d ago

Yeah agree id love a Rayman 2 style 3d platform game over another 2d platformer I know people loved legends but it never gelled with me same as Rayman 1 back in the day on PS it just felt like a average platformer with sonic and Mario offering something better on what was then last gen hardware

Terry_B210d ago

Yes..but I am sure it won't be the Rayman game fans want. Not from the company that is Ubisoft today.

mastershredder210d ago (Edited 210d ago )

Ancel is retired from games. His hoodlum/rabbid team are doing their own thing. It would not be the same if Ubisoft did.

Profchaos210d ago

Probably far more profitable to make low effort Rabbids games aimed at kids over a next Rayman

Chocoburger210d ago

Experience points, skill trees to fill up, level gating, endless menial tasks and side quests, constantly scrounging for resources. Always having to upgrade your gear. A.KA. "The Ubisoft effect".

No thanks, don't ruin Rayman's legacy.

Profchaos210d ago

Sure there will be it'll launch right alongside the next splinter cell

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HankHill392d ago

Too bad Ubisoft only cares about live service games now. Maybe one day they'll make a new Rayman game.

Venoxn4g392d ago

Great games.. would be cool to get qn Origins remaster at least..I know that many of the levels are in Legends, but still

Outlawzz392d ago

Loved this game but wish they would create a new Rayman 3d game.