
Ubisoft are Officially Jerks Now

"This allegory shows us just how much of jerks Ubisoft are being with their recent blatant platitudes for the Wii U community by offering us another demo of the game instead of the game itself that we were already promised would be available at launch, and then again at the end of this month."

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Phil324185d ago

Articles like this only make Wii U owners look bad. Somehow yes, it makes them look worse than the trolls that get their rocks off to bad news regarding the system or anything else.

Also, boycotting the game will not hurt anyone but the innocent dev team who got screwed over from the suits' decision. This is the same dev team that worked many hours of overtime just to get the game to the release date they thought was at the end of this month.

Ubisoft as a whole will be fine because any sales loss from Rayman Legends will be offset by Assassin's Creed and Just Dance. It's just a juvenile way to go about things to "boycott" the game.

Grap4184d ago (Edited 4184d ago )

we all do nothing to be a shame off.

morganfell4184d ago

"Other than poor grammar"

Oh the irony, oh the irony!

WeAreLegion4184d ago

That is the most ironic statement about irony that I have ever read. Thank you for that, morganfell. Ron_Danger's grammar was fine. His punctuation is wrong, but I'm not sure punctuation is a concern, so much as comprehension.

Ron_Danger4184d ago (Edited 4184d ago )

Sorry for forgetting that period earlier. You'd think I'd remember since my fiancée just started her's.

BattleAxe4184d ago (Edited 4184d ago )

I think that Nintendo's new slogan should be "Whaaa! Give Me My Bottle! Whaaa!"

4184d ago
BitbyDeath4184d ago

@DetectiveX, didn't they pay for Bayonetta 2?

ElectricKaibutsu4184d ago


They paid to make Bayonetta 2, not for exclusivity. As Kamiya said, it's Nintendo's game now so they can release it on any console they want (that'll probably just be the Wii U).

BitbyDeath4184d ago (Edited 4184d ago )

@ElectricKaibutsu, so the answer is yes. I was just stating it because of what DetectiveX had written - "Nintendo said they will NOT pay for 3rd party exclusives."

But obviously they did, they are the publisher for Bayonetta 2 and in return are making it exclusive.

alegolo4183d ago

@BitbyDeath if they pay for it's development and to publish it then it's not a 3rd party exclusive but a 2nd.

+ Show (7) more repliesLast reply 4183d ago
IAmLee4184d ago

It's opinion based...
He's not sectioning off a corner of the gaming community..

HeroReborn4184d ago

You explain to @phil32 why is someone standing up against a product that was showcased as a system seller by the company wrong? The majority of dissapontment that I have come a crossed has been toward Ubisoft for undervaluing their customers. I personally don't have a problem with the game going multiplatform, but they are making early adopters of a console which they promoted suffer. I'm not a fan of those who can not keep to they word. For the gamers including myself, think by boycotting Ubisoft for 2013 it will make their company crumble? Heavens know, but I do think its important for a company to see us more than just as statistics and dollar signs, and my friend their is no other way to view this story, and may I say furthermore that if they wanted to sell more copies of this game which is from the looks of it what they wanted to do, they would have picked a better window rather than standing in the shadow of GTAV.

Ripsta7th4184d ago

I think EA is to blame here, not Ubi

ZombieNinjaPanda4184d ago

Is this sarcasm or something? They're two completely different companies!

Ripsta7th4184d ago

@ZNP , but isnt Ubisoft owned by EA???

Ron_Danger4184d ago

In the words of one Dr. Tobias Funke "I don't want to blame 9/11 here, but..."

DOMination-4184d ago

About ten years ago, EA purchased some shares in Ubisoft. To my knowledge they never sold or purchased more. So they may own a percent or two but from my limited knowledge of business.. Its not enough for them to have any influence.

Mainsqueeze4184d ago

@Ripsta7th lol look EA has done some pretty crappy things to gamers, but this dudes comment right here is just evidence for the fact that a-lot of people that jump on the blame game train really have no idea wtf they are talking about. Unless he was making a joke about how everyone blames EA for everything, then it was pretty funny. (im not an EA fan by any means)

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 4184d ago
TruthbeTold4184d ago

You say that Wii U owners look bad by being upset/boycotting/whatever, but pretty much every time something similar happened to PS360 owners this past gen, the reaction was the same. People are people. If they are promised something at a certain time and they don't get it, they are disappointed. Especially if it involves them saving money toward something. Period.

SuperShyGuy4184d ago

But there is a difference here

The Nintendo fans are boycotting/petitioning for the finished game to be released now

The Sony fans were boycotting/petitioning for games like Devil May Cry, Metal Gear and FF13 not to be released on other platforms.

Old McGroin4183d ago

"but pretty much every time something similar happened to PS360 owners this past gen, the reaction was the same. People are people. If they are promised something at a certain time and they don't get it, they are disappointed."

*Cough* Mass Effect 3 ending *Cough*

Gamer19824184d ago

I agree but something happened behind the scenes here theres no way Ubisoft just changed there mind 3 weeks before launch and decided to go multi-platform. Plus theres no way they can bash out a ps3 and 360 version in 6 months. Them games have been in development a while which makes me think there was some sort of deal with Nintendo that fell through at the last minute so Ubisoft gave them the 2 fingers. Nintendo stand back and let Ubisoft take the flak who cannot talk about deals as they are protected by confidentiality agreements and Nintendo look like the innocent party.

So in the end, this was always a multiplatform game just a timed one.

nukeitall4184d ago

I think Ubisoft was expecting to sell huge numbers with Rayman, but when Zombi-U fell apart and the really slow uptake of Wii U they had to save their profit by releasing on the other two platforms.

I think there is little hope in recouping cost, let alone break even....

strifeblade4184d ago

im going to be honest- i love nintendo but fans cannot expect timed exclusives if nintendo doesnt pony up the dough, therefore ubisoft can release the game on their own terms.

when it ws announced exclusive maybe nintendo and ubisoft were in talks, but obviously never reached a deal. Whatever the case, the game will benefit from a simultaneous launch and ensure the most sales for the game and its developers only to serve the interests of its fans if they hope to see the next rayman in the series

ElectricKaibutsu4184d ago

It's not the lack of exclusivity people are angry about, but the unnecessary seven month delay of the finished Wii U version.

4183d ago
admiralvic4184d ago

A lot of people feel betrayed and they want to show Ubisoft by not buying. Sure this will hurt the developer, but thats the real world for you. Thats why you see a LOT of these articles... people just want to make it abundantly clear they they're mad the Wii U version got delayed (though most people seem to think this is a multiplatform issue...).


As I mentioned in another topic, the first promotional video only said "Wii U exclusive features". This was definitely always intended to be a timed exclusive,but then something happened. However, it really doesn't matter if the problem is on Nintendos end or not, since being "righteous" won't help the Wii U become successful. In the end I just hope Ubisoft does another Rayman game (without pulling this crap) and doesn't cancel the series when this game bombs.

nerdkiller4184d ago

nintendo has definitely try to get lighting in a bottle twice but unfortunately ppl who bought the wii dont care for a tablet ill they wanted was motion control. nintendo should come out with true next gen system for the hardcore cuz the wii was a one hit wander. thats why devs are jumping ship

LOL_WUT4184d ago

Well, this is not surprising especially from a Nintendo fan. They took this news very, very personal I think they are only taking their hatred towards Ubisoft when Nintendo are at fault too.

For one, saying it was an exclusive in the first place and secondly for not being competent enough to keep it like that.

Someone told me the other day that the childish remarks where far out and in between, hah, yea right... ;)

dark-hollow4184d ago

Its not about being multiplatform which is pathetic if you got upset about, the problem is the game is FINISHED AND READY FOR RELEASE! but they want to delay it so they can release the Wii u version along with the others which is a pretty shitty move.

strifeblade4184d ago (Edited 4184d ago )

actually its not a shitty move because if they did that, hype and sales for the other console version released 6 months later would die down, and unless nintendo makes up for that by paying for timed exclusivity- ubisoft has no reason to release it on the wii u first and lose money.

I love nintendo and am a huge fan (wii360 player)but this is childish. Just wait and hope for the best

3-4-54184d ago

How did they not know of Microsoft's policy until the Release Date deadline ?

Isn't that somebody's job ?

They look stupid if anything for not knowing this situation was obviously going to 100% happen.

Ubisoft aren't jerks....they just aren't as smart as they think they are.

And this whole grammar & punctuation conversation is pointless. It's the internet....spelling correctly doesn't mean you are more intelligent. It just means you try harder. Nothing wrong with that.

showtimefolks4184d ago

UBI owns the IP and they can release it for wiiu or any consoles they want deal with it. It's not just UBI 3rd arty support for wiiu is gonns suffer as always

And before you fanboys call out UBI realize this, UBI is one of Bly handful of publishers who supported wii very well so don't bite the hand that feeds you. Nintendo needs to sell more wiiu nuts otherwise they will loose more support

Wiiu has sold very poorly
Wiiu launched with more confusion than anything else, should have called this WIIHD or WII2, wiiu is such a dumb name

Also games,games,games. I know about Nintendo direct but most of those games are atleast18-2504minths away from release so give us something to play right now.

Fanboys in general are bad but Nintendo fanboys are the worst and I call y'all fangirls since Nintendo/'s consoles are perceived as kids systems

ElectricKaibutsu4184d ago

I was playing ZombiU today thinking how Ubisoft is really the only third party to support the Wii U, but then they pull this Rayman delay crap. I half appreciate and half kind of hate them.

Stroke6664184d ago

if wii u has sold poorly, and still did better than microsony last launch, is that to say ps360 sold like shit in its first three months? yes ubi has rights to its property no one is disputing that, however it is not good business practice to shit on ur your clients, period.

xursz4184d ago

The Wiiu hasn't sold better than ps3 or x360 in any sense. I believe that was a rumor spreading before Nintendo published their financial reports but somehow it stuck around afterward. Just FYI.

showtimefolks4184d ago


Get real man wiiu didn't sell better than ps3 or xbox360 launch

Get out of your little bubble, Nintendo isn't perfect neither are Sony or Microsoft

But both Sony and ms have done more right than Nintendo recently. Wii caught on fire and than it stopped just as casual gamers moved to mobile gaming or some even switched to ps3 or xbox360

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 4184d ago
Slapshot824184d ago (Edited 4184d ago )

This article does absolutely nothing to help matters for the better. Yes, it was a very bad deal for Wii U owners, but the business end of the gaming industry is as cut-throat as they come and these type of articles makes it look like all of the disgruntled Wii U owners are a bunch of childish fanboys.

Simply put, this isn't journalism and it shouldn't be the top article at N4G. If you want to write and article that discusses why Ubisoft's deal was a bad one and the implications that potentially has on the Wii U - fine, go ahead. But this isn't journalism and it shouldn't be getting the credit that it's currently getting here at N4G.

If you're a Nintendo fan and want to 'Disagree' with my comment, you're perfectly free to do so, but just know that this comment is actually taking up for you, not against you.

Stroke6664184d ago

I'd have to disagree, albeit its not journalism, but i don't believe it tips the scales in either direction. UBI can care less about any disgruntle fans, even extending to the other platforms isn't because fans asked for it. they saw potential for more money and got greedy. in the long run it'll bite them in the ass but really as a consumer all u can do is voice ur opinion where it might catch their eye and cross your fingers that they'll give a shit

Nate-Dog4184d ago

How is boycotting a developer a juvenile way to go about showing your distaste for what a developer / publisher is doing? If anything it's the best way to do it - show these people that if they mess you around they won't be getting any of your precious money any more. Most gamers don't have the balls or backbone to actually boycott developers or publishers. They piss and moan about this and that but don't do anything about it, they just keep buying games. If you keep giving them the money, they'll keep bending you over, this is the only way of sending a message to companies that try and mess gamers around. Unfortunately, there's only a very small few that are willing to do such a thing, the rest of the sheep continue to give them enough money to allow them to keep ripping us off.

rainslacker4184d ago (Edited 4184d ago )

I don't find boycotting juvenile myself. However, ones personal reasons for it are not a reason to call for a mass boycott, which is really what all boycotts boil down to.

The truth is, it really won't make a lick of difference. Look at Boyonetta's boycott, after the first week did you see anything about it? Nope, because people calm down or move on to the next thing to be angry about. There is no conviction behind the boycott, so it fails.

Will it cause sales to go down? Maybe, but given the time they will finally release it there will be other factors that affect that much more than the few thousand calling foul right now. Going against a September lineup when you typically see the big names coming out after the summer drought will not help Rayman. I think Rayman is a wonderful platformer ...always have since the first one, but I understand that in the market it doesn't have the name recognition that something like Sonic or Mario have.

This is the problem with this whole generation of consoles. People complain, boycott, bitch and whine, but with gaming becoming mainstream, and people not sticking to their convictions, these games still sell. It's lead to the acceptance of online passes, and ever increasingly draconian DRM, and because people can't organize anything effectively, nothing comes from it.

I'll personally still buy Rayman Legends, simply because I love the games. It was one I was hoping to play soon and was a major factor in deciding to buy a Wii U, but since that's not the case anymore, I'll just play it when it comes out. If there are other games which I prefer to play first at the time it comes out then I can hold off till I'm ready to play it. I do know for the time being I'm really wishing I had some new games for the Wii U, and Rayman was my most anticipated. I'll likely also buy it for the PS3, since it's my preferred system.

Stroke6664184d ago

@rainslacker... well in order to mass boycott something the masses have to agree with the reasoning. bayonetta was a lost cause not for lack of effort but funds. everyone attacked the devs when in actuality its nintendo calling the shots and why would any business help the comp. It's going to be the domino effect, just as you own wii u and will buy it for the other platform, many others will do the same. this will cause the game,amongst other reasons, to sell poorly on the wii u, in turn ubi will site poor sales on wii u to justify not/poor developing on the platform. it'll bite them in the ass in the long run. sucks for nintendo and ubi

rainslacker4184d ago

Well sure, for a boycott to work, the masses have to accept it, and quite honestly the masses just won't accept it, because realistically the masses have either not ever heard of Rayman, and if they have, they very likely haven't heard of the boycott.

Looking at a recent example, look at how effective the DMC boycott was. It wasn't. In fact it only brought to light very positive things being said about the game, and no doubt that had a lot of influence in people picking up the game.

This decision on Ubisoft's part will no doubt affect it's sales on the Wii U. In theory it could even sell more on the Wii U now. 7 months, with a few big titles coming out in the meantime, will mean that more Wii U consoles will be sold, thus giving them a bigger install base to sell to. Whether that's the case still remains to be seen. On the other hand though they will be releasing the game to a huge install base that exists among 3 systems, thus overall sales of the game will be much higher.

Sales were the motivating reason behind Ubisofts decision. The reasons for the delay however are only known on a surface level, and there was a lot more to this decision that isn't public knowledge...and likely never will be.

In the long run this decision will really have no affect on Ubisoft. It's a short term problem because as I've said before, people complain for a week then move on. If Ubisoft was prone to making bad decisions, then they may have an issue. But again realistically, look at EA...they have a long history of making bad decisions but they still thrive in the industry, for better or worse.

4184d ago
KnightRobby4184d ago

How in the world are articles with such bad grammar getting approved? Is this google translator or something?

Anyway, Ubisoft irritated fans when they announced it for the Wii U. Now Nintendo fans are crying. Shouldn't have promised an exclusive. They should just keep franchises that are already multi-platform, ya know, multi-platform. New IP's have the right to first-party titles, so as not to upset the hardcore fan base. But established IP's going first-party...?

Personally, I am thrilled Rayman is being released on all platforms so everyone can enjoy it.

+ Show (14) more repliesLast reply 4183d ago
rbailey4185d ago

Very truthful article and while I'm a fan of Ubisoft, there is no denying they messed up with this one. Assassin's Creed III was easily a disappointing game as well filled with glitches galore and a bad ending.

miyamoto4184d ago (Edited 4184d ago )

Come on now all of these for Rayman Legends???

Funny I remembered not so long ago...
"we have Zombi U, Assasins Creed III, Rabbids Land!"
we love you Ubisoft!

Come on now all of these for Rayman Legends???

Rayman Legends is nothing compared to Final fantasy XIII getting delayed after delays and going multi-plat to the tune of $100 Microsoft dollers....

but at least now Nintendo fans knows how it feels to be robbed!

BlackWolf4184d ago (Edited 4184d ago )

More than anyone, Nintendo fans have known perfectly what it feels to be "robbed" many years ago:

Final Fantasy goes to Playstation (Square saw the N64 underpowered for FF VII)
Megaman and Megaman X go to Playstastion (I don't remember the reason well)
Viewtiful Joe and Resident Evil 4 get ports to PS2 after being offered as exclusives (same as RL)
Metal Gear Solid launches on PS1 (after many years of Metal Gear games on NES and SNES)

These are not necessarily bad things, as they have enabled these series evolve (let's admit it, MGS would not be where it is if not for going to PS), but Nintendo fans have experienced not being able to play sequels of their series, or having promises broken in past years (I would say long ago, but this is recent history, if we can call it that...)

PS: At least this kind of actions have not and will not mean zero support for Nintendo, as they have made games for them again in recent years, and most likely will continue to do so (be them exclusive or not, for which I do not care).

solboogie4184d ago

Oh yeah I remember the pain then but those wounds healed. This is a fresh wound and I now regret my lack of action then. I have learned to voice my opinion with the old mighty dollar. I refuse to support Ubisoft. I will not tolerate lies and deception! I feel bad for my son who loved the demo so much, sorry son but daddy will not be buying this game. We must make a stand as gamers and say enough is enough! My regards to the developers as you have nothing to do with this P.R disaster and the effect it will have on the sales of your game.

OmegaSlayer4184d ago

And guess what...
Nintendo lost FF, RE4, VJ, MGS and what did they do?
They didn't gave a goddamm flying f'k, because they value too much their first party exclusives and know that people is dumb.

For f'k sake, Nintendo still makes money with that abort called Pokemon.
When I get to know that someone more than 10 years old plays a Pokemon game...I cringe.

BLuTheSecond4184d ago

Lol "pain" and "robbed"?

You guys need to grow up.

BLuTheSecond4184d ago

Lol come on "pain" and "robbed"?

You guys need to grow up.

BlackWolf4184d ago (Edited 4184d ago )

Yeah, it's all in the past. It's not a big deal, tough. But Ubisoft's decision for the delay is too much to handle. Although being immature about it doesn't help, either.

I know full well that Nintendo fans did not cry about those things. In fact, there was never an uproar about it. And... that's about as much as I agree with you. The other part was totally uncalled for. There are people that play Nintendo's games, and criticizing them just because they like them and you don't is an act of intolerance.

I'm just using miyamoto's post to make mine. I don't necessarily use those words to describe this situation. There isn't pain or feeling of robbery on those old cases. For me this is just an strategy that simply is not pleasant for consumers, although I don't see a big deal if the series can become better (as in MGS).

deSSy27244184d ago

N64 didnt have the cartridge and didnt allow FMVs because there was not enough space for it..... thats why Final Fanasy VII never released for N64.

N64 was not underpowered.... Naughty Dog even praised the N64 for its power but at the same time, ND said N64 has a small tank aka cartridge with much less space than Sony PS1 CD.

Mounce4184d ago

Metal Gear games being on NES and SNES....Wat?....'After many years?' Wat.


MG was just a bad port thrown in from MSX to NES....there's no MG game on SNES too....

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 4184d ago
ZombieNinjaPanda4184d ago

Rayman Legends nothing? The game was to be released in two weeks for WiiU owners, than it got delayed for 7 months. I think that's more than nothing.

Starfox174184d ago

Someone should make a site that shows which developer/publishers,put out the most games riddled with bugs.

Darth Stewie4184d ago

Thats easy because everybody knows its Bugthesda I mean Bethesda.

kesvalk4184d ago

well, bugthesda games really have a lot of glitches, but most of them were harmless.

now, most of sega and capcom ports to the PC have some very bad bugs, games closing at random, broken controls (like inverted analog axis on DMC3) and such

a site that show the devs that have put the most games with game breaking bugs would be more effective.

MasterCornholio4184d ago (Edited 4184d ago )

"well, bugthesda games really have a lot of glitches, but most of them were harmless. "

Only on the 360 though. On the PS3 those bugs were devastating.


"Wii U owners need to lighten up. "

More like grow up because they are throwing a tantrum over this game in MiiVerse.

4184d ago Replies(8)
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Will There Ever Be A New Rayman Game?

Ubisoft barely have a leg to stand on lately, so do they need to crack open the vaults and return platforming royalty to glory for some goodwill?

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-Foxtrot149d ago

We need Rayman 4, they could make a great platformer game if they wanted. With the open hub levels and the like.

Better than relying on Rabbids and Assassins Creed all the time

Profchaos148d ago

Yeah agree id love a Rayman 2 style 3d platform game over another 2d platformer I know people loved legends but it never gelled with me same as Rayman 1 back in the day on PS it just felt like a average platformer with sonic and Mario offering something better on what was then last gen hardware

Terry_B149d ago

Yes..but I am sure it won't be the Rayman game fans want. Not from the company that is Ubisoft today.

mastershredder149d ago (Edited 149d ago )

Ancel is retired from games. His hoodlum/rabbid team are doing their own thing. It would not be the same if Ubisoft did.

Profchaos148d ago

Probably far more profitable to make low effort Rabbids games aimed at kids over a next Rayman

Chocoburger149d ago

Experience points, skill trees to fill up, level gating, endless menial tasks and side quests, constantly scrounging for resources. Always having to upgrade your gear. A.KA. "The Ubisoft effect".

No thanks, don't ruin Rayman's legacy.

Profchaos148d ago

Sure there will be it'll launch right alongside the next splinter cell

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Rayman Legends – 10 years on from the near perfect platformer

A decade on from Rayman Legends' release, it remains a near perfect platformer, so what happened to Rayman? Will we ever see another sequel?

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Rayman Legends - 10 Years of Legendary Platforming

Rayman Legends made its debut 10 years ago today, and has been launched on nearly every gaming platform since.

HankHill331d ago

Too bad Ubisoft only cares about live service games now. Maybe one day they'll make a new Rayman game.

Venoxn4g331d ago

Great games.. would be cool to get qn Origins remaster at least..I know that many of the levels are in Legends, but still

Outlawzz331d ago

Loved this game but wish they would create a new Rayman 3d game.