
Rumour: Monster Hunter 4 Delayed For a Vita Release?

Oprainfall writes:

"Monster Hunter 4 was recently delayed in Japan. Originally to be released in March, it has since been pushed back to the summer of this year.

Now Japanese sources point towards a simultaneous release of the game for both the 3DS and the PlayStation Vita as being the cause of the delay."

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Thantalas4207d ago

Isn't Monster Hunter 4 a Nintendo exclusive? Do you know what the magazine article translated into English means?

NukaCola4207d ago (Edited 4207d ago )

It isn't announced for another system yet, however Monster Hunter as a brand isn't exclusive. Maybe it will come to Vita. They had a Vita remaster for the last one at the TGS when NGP was announced. I do hope for this though. The Vita could really use this in a bundle, especially in Japan.

NewMonday4207d ago (Edited 4207d ago )

if i was Capcom I would releas it for the PSP as well, it is where the biggest MH fanbase is, and an HD edition for the Vita like Namco is doing with God Eater 2, if it is out for the PSP, PSVita and 3DS it will be the best selling MH yet.

jony_dols4207d ago (Edited 4207d ago )

Monster Hunter was huge on the PSP in Japan, so it would make sense that Capcom would return the favor & bring it to the Vita.

Also if Soul Sacrifice is a big success, then it could be a turning point for the PSV in it's home market.

dgonza404207d ago

I think if Sony wants to sell more vitas, they shouldn't let the MH team release it on PSP. It's pretty clear more vitas need to be picked up, so having the game for vita and 3DS really opens up for more vita sales. Exciting news though; whatever gets more vitas off shelves is fine with me!

UltraVegito4207d ago

Hopefully the game comes quite some time after SS.

Sony needs to make certain that game establish itself as a fail safe against a 3ds situation.
If this is true that's gonna be a great turning point in Vita sales.

sikbeta4207d ago

There is no point in doing it, the Whole MH fanbase moved to 3DS now, best result it could have is bump in sales and that's in Japan alone, well IF this happen, which is not, because I already explain why :P

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 4207d ago
wheresmymonkey4207d ago

I thought Nintendo were publishing it. Like they did with Monster Hunter 3.

Diver4207d ago (Edited 4207d ago )

Publishing a title means nothing. IP rights are everything. We had several third party titles this gen published by one hardware company only to see those same games come to another platform.

tehpees34207d ago (Edited 4207d ago )

It MAY be in a contract so it will just get on Vita later anyway. If Nintendo have a contract on it it will be timed. If not it can get on there day and date.

Either way a Monster Hunter game will get on Vita eventually anyway.

kratos1234207d ago

Just like how MH 3 Was only coming out on the WII.
Come on man you know better then this they just change the name a little put some extra features in it and call it MH4g edition just like they did on the psp.

vork774207d ago

i remember there was a monster hunter for psp

miyamoto4207d ago (Edited 4207d ago )

Japanese magazine GameLab

any news on RE Revelations?

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 4207d ago
Jadedz4207d ago (Edited 4207d ago )

Though I have a hard time believing that. Awesome if true (both 3DS and Vita owners get to play the game).

EddieNX 4207d ago (Edited 4207d ago )

It would be good for Vita owners. HOWEVER , What about all the trailers stating ''exclusively on Nintendo 3DS'' and Capcop clearly stating it's a 3DS exclusive.

I don't believe it. I will believe it if I see it.

Even if it does come to vita , the 3DS version will destroy the sales of the vita version anyway :P

kesvalk4207d ago

we're talking about capcom here, i don't think this would be any problem for them...

sikbeta4207d ago

A bump in sales for a week, or even a month at most , honestly, there is nothing big MH4 will do for Vita now that the franchise and the fanbase moved to 3DS...

SegataShanshiro4207d ago

yeah capcom doing exclusives???? PLEASE! (for more information please refer to Resident evil 4 being a gamecube exclusive)

DarkHeroZX4207d ago

I know the graphics and online would be epic for vita. Plus trophies , party chat, and cross game music. The possibilities on vita are huge.

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HarryMasonHerpderp4207d ago

Had to end it with a fanboy troll comment didn't you.

Anyway I hope this is true as I enjoyed Monster Hunter Freedom Unite on the PSP and hopefully it will shift a few more Vita's, I wouldn't bet on it though since Capcom seem to be favouring Nintendo when it comes to Monster Hunter and most of the fans would have bought a 3DS or Wii to play these games already. Either way we still have Soul Sacrifice, God Eater 2 and Phantasy Star online 2 to look forward too on the Vita. Also I haven't put Ragnarok Odyssey down since christmas.

MorfiTM4207d ago

Would be great to have this game on PS VITA since Monster Hunter was the reason i have bought PSP (playing at university during boring lectures).
I'm being moderately optimistic, but I have thought that MH4 is a exclusive for 3DS.
If, by any chance it comes out on VITA, it would be cool for it to look similiar to soul sacrifice and not to be a direct port from 3DS with slightly better graphics.

Ult iMate4207d ago

How about Phantasy Star Online 2?

CaptainN4207d ago

I doubt this very much.....if anything it will show up on Wii-U eventually.

iamnsuperman4207d ago

It makes more sense to have it appear on as many consoles as possible (from Capcom's point of view) Nintendo helping development with money is one thing but in todays climate more money can be made making it appear on as many units as possible

CaptainN4207d ago

And all these disagrees fail to realize that Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate is on both Wii-U and 3DS ??? Do you honestly think if they were capable of taking Monster Hunter Tri for Wii and improving it to the U and 3DS, that they wont do the same with 4 and upgrade it for U?

Zodiac4207d ago

Anybody here read Japanese?

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Several Monster Hunter games discounted

Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate has been discounted to $16.33 on 3DS and $19.79 on Wii U. Also on sale are Monster Hunter 4 ($28.99) as well as the upcoming Monster Hunter Generations ($31.99 for Amazon Prime members).

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If Square Enix Designed Monster Hunter 4's Rage Armor

Check out a gallery of images for the epic-looking figure, designed by Final Fantasy's Tetsuya Nomura.

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Monster Hunter X sales top 1.5 million in two days

Monster Hunter X sold 1,542,104 units within its first two days of sale in Japan, according to a Famitsu report. The number includes retail copies, download cards, and the Monster Hunter X Special Pack. (It does not, however, include sales of the download version through the eShop.)

Additionally, 3DS hardware (including 3DS LL, New 3DS, and New 3DS LL) moved a total 133,628 units, compared to the previous week’s 33,203 units.

Here’s Monster Hunter X‘s launch numbers compared to previous big 3DS titles:

(Note: These are all according to Famitsu sales numbers.)

Pokemon X and Y – 2,096,050
Monster Hunter 4 – 1,875,115
Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate – 1,617,949
Monster Hunter X – 1,542,104

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EcoSos33159d ago

Those are really good sales, I hope that means it'll come over faster to the west.

styferion3159d ago

I hope so too, but judging from past titles we'll be waiting for the ultimate version before they decide to localize it.

freshslicepizza3159d ago (Edited 3159d ago )

good to see strong console software sales come out of japan.

Masterchief_thegoat3159d ago

3ds is the best place to play on the go

Guardia3159d ago (Edited 3159d ago )

Yes, That means that One Kid You Knew in Elementary School's uncle at Nintendo will still have a job! ;)

RoseSapphire3159d ago

When Monster Hunter gets made for a non-Nintendo console I'll be more interested. I'd be much happier with a PS4/Xbone version with fully integrated online play.

EcoSos33159d ago

There will be a MH online that runs on CryEngine 3. I also hope this one makes it here.


This is still the close beta and it looks amazing.

rezzah3159d ago

I hope it comes back to a PS console, been waiting since MHFU (Freedom Unite). I'd prefer the PS4 over the Vita.

OtakuDJK1NG-Rory3159d ago

lol okay

even when they support online already on 3ds lol

Neonridr3159d ago

Of course you would be. I mean why support Nintendo, when you can be the cool kid on the block and be Anti-Nintendo?

RoseSapphire3159d ago

Anti-Nintendo has nothing to do with it. The PS4 and Xbone are more powerful machines with a much more robust and friendly online service. It opens up the game to a significantly wider audience while also allowing for an improvement in quality.

Neonridr3159d ago

@BranWheatKillah - fair enough, I was only joking. The fact that you said a non-Nintendo console made it seem like you had other motives. If the NX is more powerful than the PS4, then is there a problem with playing it on that machine?

OtakuDJK1NG-Rory3158d ago

those wider audiences rather
play CoD, Madden, NBA, GTA, Assassin Creed, Need For Speed, FiFa and all the other popular western games.

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