
Too Human X06 no-show explained

"We knew that X06 would not be the right time," says Silicon Knights boss, Dennis Dyack

Dyack has explained why his long, long in the making action-RPG, Too Human, was absent from Microsoft's X06 last week, despite having been playable at E3 earlier in the year.

"This decision to not show at X06 was made immediately after E3," said Dyack, speaking on his blog. "We made the decision to next show the game when we are ready and we knew that X06 would not be the right time."

He continued: "When we do decide to show the game, our goal is to give everyone a true impression of the game -- one that includes story, audio, game play, artwork and technology. Things are going very well and Too Human is shaping up to be our best game to date."

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OC_MurphysLaw6503d ago

I know they were a disappointment at E3, but I am hopefull this game is going to be much better than its firt impression.

EVER OLVERA6503d ago

From what I know this game is being funded enormously by MS. So it is in MS best interest that this game becomes a system seller or no less than AAA title. Silicon Knight are no lazy ass's, they can develop some serious titles, I have no doubt that this game will become a stellar title...

original seed6503d ago

so im very glad to hear that they want to polish it off so it would aww when shown.

Anerythristic266503d ago (Edited 6503d ago )

I wasn't too worried when the developer admitted it might have been a mistake to show the game in it's E3 form. I still believe in this game.

You have to rember with Microsoft they show gameplay even if it is not great. It's cool that they are honest and real with the gamers.

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Too Human Free for Xbox Gamers - Download It Here

The action-RPG by now-defunct Silicon Knights is now free for Xbox gamers! Check out the Too Human free direct download link with armor sets here.

RazzerRedux1495d ago

Fun fact: I'm one of five people to have completed Too Human and actually liked it. It should be noted that the other four ended up in mental institutions....sadly.

excaliburps1495d ago

I completed it and kinda liked it. Controls were iffy but overall, I dug it. Shame Dyack was crazy. xD

IanTH1495d ago

Glad to hear it! So, when did you get out of the institution?

Marquinho1494d ago

Too Human was "The Order: 1886" of the 360.

Nitrowolf21495d ago (Edited 1495d ago )

I have never played this, mostly because I didn't own an Xbox prior to a few months ago Def. will check this out

darthv721495d ago

It certainly has a cool story and its a good game. it was just marred by long development time and kind of egotistical creator.

Looper1495d ago

Hey!! I was told survivors had all signed an NDA! I'm telling!

Kribwalker1495d ago

i really liked this one too. Always wished for a sequel, but sadly i don’t see it in the cards

excaliburps1495d ago

Yeah, it had a solid story and game mechanics. I remember the controls weren't smartly implemented, and every time you respawned, the animation was so long.

Fantangoooo1495d ago

I can't count the number of times I finished this game gridding for gear. Weird control but I liked it

Neonridr1495d ago

sounds very Polybius to me..

Poopmist1494d ago

Me and my friend beat it so many times. I got the best armor mathematically possible in it. Great game imo but their needed to be more tutorials on how runes work. The one that spawns singularities upon hitting someone was cash.

DerfDerf1494d ago

I actually really enjoyed it.

RamRod881494d ago

I beat it too. The controls were weird, but once I got use to them it was okay. I found the story to be actually half decent. Too bad there wasn't a sequel because I really believe if they have fixed the issues the first game had(controls, camera, etc), it could have been a great series.

HyperMoused1494d ago

I though it was great too, yay us

Anomander1494d ago

Beat it as well. it had a good story line. Overall it was decent.

glennhkboy1494d ago

I remember that I played the 1st stage. The control was so bad that I couldn't force myself to continue.

morganfell1494d ago

Fun fact...you're actually one of six :) That game was the reason I kept an Xbox 360 running until they released the very last B/C titles and it was among them.

Chronicle7801494d ago

I thought the game was ok, clunky but ok. Every time I go back to play it though it takes 20 minutes for the controls to 'click' again. Pity most of the advanced combos and controls aren't listed anywhere in the game.

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omegaheat1495d ago

Wait, people actually liked this game???????

Profchaos1494d ago

Liked not loved. It's like a cheap dominos pizza it's not great but it's serviceable if your starving

BrainSyphoned1494d ago ShowReplies(5)
AK911494d ago

Wait wasn’t it always free?

Father Murder X1494d ago

This game had some potential. I actually liked it.

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Phoenix Down 87.0 – Too Human

Denis Dyack would disapprove.

darthv721743d ago

I liked this game. It has it's flaws but the story and mechanics are pretty good. It still holds up today.

Kribwalker1742d ago

i really enjoyed it when it came out.

It was free recently on xbox through BC. Id love to see this revived but sadly i think the legal issues would stop that


Metal Gear Solid and Eternal Darkness Composer Passed Away

He worked in the game industry since the early ‘90s

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THC CELL1845d ago

Sad days for developers this year 3 we know of now
Rip 😕

2pacalypsenow1844d ago

I was worried it was Harry Gregson Williams.

AK911844d ago

Oh sad to say not that familiar with this man's work but RIP to this individual, his music must have been amazing.

SinkingSage1844d ago

Very sad news, I really enjoy the Eternal Darkness and Blood Omen soundtracks, masterpieces.

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