
PlayStation All-Stars Battle Royale Review - The Digital Fix

They say imitation is the most sincere form of flattery. Sony have spent much of this generation flattering Nintendo then, it seems, all with an increased flourish in the past couple of years. They have taken it upon themselves to let loose a variety of brave and innovative releases onto home console via digital distribution and have benefited by seeing the likes of Flowerand anything Pixeljunk (for example) reap significant rewards. They’ve brought one to one motion mapping via PlayStation Move and they have made Drake and Sackboy joint mascots of anything Sony in the way they’ve seen Nintendo manage Mario and Zelda. They’ve even deigned to give Sackboy his own kart racing game and now we have PlayStation All-Stars Battle Royale, a nod to Super Smash Bros. if ever there was.

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pain777pas4209d ago

WRONG! Nintendo got lucky with the Wii (which I hate and will not buy. Wii U... maybe when Zelda is out). Sony have elevated gaming in their own right with games like UC3, Infamous, GOW, Heavy Rain, Flower, Journey, LBP... Look Sony is running the business from a creative stand point. Sales may not reflect their impact but gamers know where the console gems of this generation are. PSABR is cool. With COOL characters that can actually fight in their respective games. It is a take on the MVC, SF x Xmen and SSMB type games but with its own flavor. You may have to switch out characters and not play 4 on 4 in most party games but PSABR is more like MVC with the 4 player from SSMB. The game is actually really fun and the characters range from mature to yeah... Fat princess.


A Decade Later: 5 Things PlayStation All-Stars Battle Royale Did Well

While Playstation All-Stars Battle Royale didn't get the best review, there are still some aspects of the game that deserve some credit.

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PlayStation All-Stars Battle Royale Launched 10 Years Too Early

Though PlayStation All Stars Battle Royale is a bit of a cult classic, it could have been a big hit if it launched in 2022 instead of 2012.

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Inverno579d ago

It wouldn't have mattered, Sony would've rushed it out and left it to die. More so now than before with their focus now being on SP narrative driven AAA games.

CrimsonWing69579d ago

Oh, but somehow Smash Bros. 64 made it work?

It just couldn’t compete with Smash Bros. and it wasn’t a free-to-play game like Multiversus.

PapaBop579d ago

I think it released at the right time. It's just after the success of Smash and Multiversus, it's finally time for a sequel.

spoonard579d ago

I'd be all in on a remake or remaster of the original. I enjoyed it because I didn't sit there and compare every aspect to SSB. I just enjoyed it as it was.

Magatsuhi579d ago

Sony should make part 2 and dump a good amount of money on it. Scrap super only kills and it's bound to succeed.

Father__Merrin579d ago

Yes the power kills spoilt it completely WTH was they thinking you should have hp bar that's it

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God of War: Ragnarok Weirdly Makes PlayStation All-Stars Battle Royale Canon

God of War: Ragnarok has plenty of fun references to PlayStation history, but now fans have discovered a conversation that calls back to PlayStation All-Stars Battle Royale — the crossover fighting game released for the PlayStation 3 and PlayStation Vita.

Nyxus586d ago

I wouldn't say canon. More like an easter egg.

Deathdeliverer585d ago

That’s interesting. It actually does make it canon lol. He mentioned it in a mainline game. I’d say that’s pretty cool.