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Panels to Pads: An Interview with the Writer of ZombiU

ZombiU, Binary Domain, Dead Space - Antony Johnston makes a living putting words in mouths, but what did he have to say when we caught up with him

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Community4263d ago

10 Most Underrated Third-Person Shooters

GF365: "Here are our picks for the ten most underrated third-person shooters that you might not have played before or even known about."

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Community453d ago
neutralgamer1992453d ago (Edited 453d ago )

Actually great list TBH I agree with all 10

I hope one day we get some remakes for the following

The saboteur(with a proper remake and quality of life features this game could be great)
Scarface world is yours
Binary domain ( such a great game with great story)
GUN(this needs a remake)
Space marine 40k(such fun time)

Would also like to suggest adding the mercenary series even the 2nd game which is disliked by many is a fun time

cthulhucultist453d ago

I recently finished Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine and found it to be very enjoyable.

The game respected the lore and the gameplay was quite decent.

The color palette was a bit underwhelming (backdrops and setting) and recycled but I think that it deserved better.

Here's hoping for an amazing sequel

Vengeance1138453d ago

Space Marine II !! My most anticipated game of 2023! Woot


Binary Domain: Remember Ryu Ga Gotoku Studio's Sci-Fi Shooter?

Step into a dystopian world full of robots and cyborgs with Binary Domain – the sci-fi shooter game from Ryu Ga Gotoku Studio. Let's revisit this classic!

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Community504d ago
shinoff2183505d ago

I personally enjoyed this when I played it. I know it wasnt reviewed well but f em

505d ago Replies(2)
masterfox504d ago

pretty solid third person shooter played from start to finish, also there is another great third person shooter game from that time and very unique called Inversion.

porkChop504d ago

Inversion was cool. It was made by the same team behind TimeShift, another really cool but flawed shooter.

HeliosHex504d ago

Yeah this was a good game despite poor reviews.

Hofstaderman504d ago

I still have my copy. It’s a brilliant game despite the reviews.

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Dead Space Games Ranked From Worst to Best

BLG writes: "Dead Space. It’s a beloved horror series – one that yours truly can’t stop talking about on stream! Yet there are more Dead Space games than you may be aware of. So it’s my duty to introduce you to the best Dead Space games, and one very, very bad one. It’s time to grab a plasma cutter, cut off the limbs of terrifying necromorphs, and decide once and for all (on this website) which of the Dead Space games reigns supreme!"

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Community725d ago
-Foxtrot726d ago

Dead Space Extraction better than the original Dead Space?


lucian229725d ago

I played all three. Didn't find them fun, just had nothing to play. I don't think I beat third game though. Combat was super clunky, graphics and art design were ugly imo, story in first game wasn't too bad, rest were meh.

Over hyped series imo, also it doesn't help horror games don't scare me, so I guess that's a big reason for me too.

MIDGETonSTILTS17725d ago

Play Alien Isolation on Hard or Nightmare.

Start on the movie DLC so that you don’t have to play a bunch of campaign in order to find out if you’ll be scared.

lucian229725d ago

I heard that was a good one. Honestly vr games scare me with jump scares because of how the threat feels real.

MIDGETonSTILTS17725d ago

There isn’t an official VR mode, unfortunately.

The audio should pull you right in if you use headphones.

CDbiggen725d ago

Just finished playing the first, enjoyed the fact Isaac was a silent alien crushing psycho doom-guy type. Just started the second yesterday and I'm annoyed he's a talker now and sounds like a regular guy who hasn't been through hell, but I suppose he couldn't remain silent.

VersusDMC725d ago

Dead Space 2 is my favorite followed by 1 then 3. All are good to me though. Just beat all 3 on series X and they hold up.

Xenial725d ago

As simple as 1,2,3.

Extraction, then Ignition.

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