
Black Ops 2 Wii U graphics analyzed vs rivals

If you are now the proud owner of a brand spanking new Nintendo Wii U console, we have a feeling that one of your launch games purchased was Black Ops 2. It’s now available to play on Nintendo’s new system for the first time and we already have a fantastic video for you to watch, giving you an initial look at how those ‘next gen’ Wii U graphics compare vs the Xbox 360 and PS3 versions of the game.

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Neonridr4326d ago (Edited 4326d ago )

Something positive at least to be said about the system for a change. I can see it now, the fanboys will come out and say "So what, it's only CoD". But if that is the case, then it's insulting that the current systems look poorer when running something as simple as CoD.

But this is what happens when a developer takes their time and doesn't rush stuff. Bare minimum they achieve parity, but in a case like this, the graphics seem to have a slight bump. It doesn't 1up the competition, but it's at least good to know that the visuals "look to be" slightly enhanced.

My only question is - What version of the game was it being compared to. Because we all know that the 360 and PS3 versions have been compared and there are differences between the two of them. But in this comparison, they are lumped together like they are the same visually, which isn't necessarily the case.

StanSmith4326d ago

It's the PS3 version that it is being compared to. You can see the button prompts show up during the video.

s8anicslayer4326d ago

Let us understand that this is a game not built to utilize the Wii u hardware but to run on current gen systems.

aquamala4326d ago

this can't be the PS3 version because I don't see freezes in the video

guitarded774326d ago

Let me start by saying the Wii U version looks great, but the comparison says PC/XBOX/PS3 that it's being compared against, but it's really just being compared to the PS3 version... that's kinda stupid to generalize the other versions when they are in fact a bit different visually too. Kinda biased.

SilentNegotiator4326d ago

It runs favorably to the worst version of the game. Whoopee!

I'll bet it compares to the 360 version like the 360 version compares to the ps3 version.

Frankly, I smell agenda. Why would you say "PC version and 360 version" when you're using the worst version as the example?

extermin8or4326d ago

thing is is that with the texture etc instal because im pretty certain when installed it looks better than when not installed- infact i'd pretty sure when I play it with textures installed both games loo the same minute the ps3's slight because of the native AA on the ps3 that often affects the colours slightly in screenshots anyway; less so when the game in motion though.

BattleAxe4326d ago

Wake me up when they show me something that actually matters, and where the developer has said that they have optimized a game to take advantage of the full capability of the WiiU hardware. Either way, the Wiiu is a current generation console, next generation starts when Sony says.

4326d ago
SolidStoner4325d ago

how can PC version be with x box and ps3... isnt PC more powerfull than any console... weird..

I didnt see any difference, maybe that small window was the case..

ThanatosDMC4325d ago

For a second, i thought it was hiphopgamer... remember those videos?

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ProjectVulcan4326d ago (Edited 4326d ago )

Yep, it depends what version it has been compared to. With the blur on the textures too we are seeing the PS3 version with the QAA blurring patch.

However that still means that it does look crisper than the PS3 at least. Slightly better alpha textures like the smoke/fire especially with the helicopter landing and the trucks burning as well. I suspect that it won't beat the 360 version very much and that they will look very similar. But generally it seems quite crisp and stable framerate wise.

Its not very in depth this analysis but its one of the earliest comparison videos I could find.

I am sure later we'll see a bunch of professional in depth comparisons.

DA_SHREDDER4326d ago

I think the fact you can even compare the WiiU version to the ps3 version is something that most people would have never thought that could happen. I'm happy with this gen's current graphics, i don't need games to look like real life. Games like that are sure to cost alot, and also the man power it takes to make a game look close to reality is probably time consuming and cost alot

tubers4325d ago

yeah it was a little hard to notice but I saw sharper geometry (higher res) and sharper textures on the Wii U.

DoomeDx4326d ago (Edited 4326d ago )

Its the PS3 version. Which is the worse looking version of them all because of lazy development.

In order in terms of graphics:

PC > Xbox > WiiU > PS3

EDIT: Im probally getting disagreed by PS3 Fanboys.. Just admit that Treyarch fucked up with the PS3 version

Blastoise4326d ago (Edited 4326d ago )

PC > Wii U/Xbox > PS3

In all fairness, the differences between all of them are quite small. Nobody's stopping to to think "damn, that grass looks a bit blurry, I wish it looked sharper" on the PS3 version.

I can't see any difference really between the Wii U version on this video, or the Xbox version from Eurogamers 360 vs PS3 video.

It's a small difference to me, it's CoD. Nobody has ever cared about the graphics. It's a noticeable difference, but nothing that's gonna stop me from enjoying the game.

THIS is a big difference

Computersaysno4326d ago (Edited 4326d ago )

Well if Wii U has as good a framerate as Xbox 360 but runs at a higher native resolution which we might find out soon for sure, then Wii U has the best console graphics for this game.

Does look higher rez. Could still be 880 x 720 tho like 360 and ps3 and be claimed by activision as 'native 720p' cos well...they are sneaky like that.

DoomeDx4326d ago

@ Blastoise..

The diffrence in Black Ops 2 for the PS3 is NOT a small diffrence..

Its horrible. Blurry, resolution is way lower, and the textures are alot blurrier too.

MadMax4326d ago

Lmao, what grade are you in kid?

insomnium24326d ago

Thanks blastoise. That pic brought back a lot of great memories with the only truly great COD game on the planet IMO. I was soo addicted to the online in MW1.....sigh....

The_KELRaTH4325d ago

It didn't help that with PS3 patch 1.02 things went from reasonably crisp to blurvision due to turning on x2aa which really isn't anti-aliasing at all.
This should have been made a selectable option as in BF3.

The Wii U version looks very clean and playable much closer to a mid/low range PC (Dual core + NV5800GTS).

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Sharingan_no_Kakashi4326d ago

The only real difference is the resolution from what I can see. Other than that it seems carbon copy. But the fact that a port can look better than the original in any aspect is telling. When devs really start to dig into what the wii u can do I'm sure the visual gap will widen. But the ps4 and nextbox will be out by then.

andibandit4325d ago

and the fact that each time the direction is changed on the PS3, everything become totally blurred.

Trunkz4326d ago

If they don't make the PC look amazing compared to the consoles, why do ppl think the Wii U is gonna look any much better then a PS3 or 360.

shutUpAndTakeMyMoney4326d ago (Edited 4326d ago )

Rick Ross looks a lil better on wiiU.

It's Cod so who cares. Now if BF3 was for wiiU that would be a game to see compared to ps3 & 360.

Also is this video saying wiiU is better than pc verson? They must sell nintendo crack in nintendo land.

If I liked cod I would still get the 360 version since it's bound the most stable.

eagle214326d ago

Looks much better on WiiU. Why are you guys afraid to just say it. :)


Does not the grass looks dark and not green on the U plus the colors do look darker even the helicopter and the big tree looks dark

Linsolv4326d ago

Textures are worse on WiiU.

Compare the gun skin (simpler on WiiU), scope reflection.

Of course the video's not exactly very high-res since they're using exactly 1/4 of my screen for each video feed. There's no wait to get a better comparison.

imdaboss14326d ago

its black ops graphics will always be crappy lol

ATi_Elite4326d ago (Edited 4326d ago )


1. That's not the PC version! Looks like the PS3 version!
2. It's just call of Duty. Don't expect great graphics!
3. COD is meant to look the same on all platforms cause frame rate is important!
4. the PC version however is capable of looking better thanks to the capabilities of the PC
5. Wake me up when a second generation Nintendo WiiU game gets released.
6. No first generation game on new consoles really look all that great anyway!
7. Can the Wiiu Run Crysis PC? We don't know cause Ninty has been so secretive about the GPU specs! Give me an article on that instead of a stupid comparison!
8. Hows the WiiU COD MP online capabilities? are they as good as the other platforms!
9. WiiU vs. PS3/x360 = Graphics Challenge and comparisons but....... PS3/X360 vs. PC = "Oh graphics don't matter", why is that lol?
10. Laughs at another half arse article about a generic shooter.....then goes back to playing Chivalry: Medieval Combat

1upgamer994325d ago

Yes Crysis can run on Wii U. In fact "beautiful" on Wii U.

fr0sty4326d ago (Edited 4326d ago )

Nothing to write home about. I think I noticed a bit of lens flare that was not in the ps3 version... What I want to see is a more detailed analysis that shows native res, FPS, etc.

To those saying "this isn't a game made to take advantage of the Wii U", of course it isn't. If it was it wouldn't be running on the other systems also, as any multiplatform title has to cater to the lowest common denominator in order to ensure that it can run on every system that it is made for. It is possible to add higher res textures or something like that, but it's rare that developers will take the extra time (and therefore money) to add features to one console that the others will not get, especially for a console with a small install base like Wii U currently has when compared to the other 2. The fact remains that, because Wii U is launching at the tail end of the current generation, it's going to have current gen ports for at least another year. So, such comparisons are valid, for now. However, this person completely ignored what resolution or frame rate the game is running at, and that can make all the difference in the world when the PS3/360 version are running at sub HD natively (then upscaling to 720p @30fps, as many COD games are well known for) and the Wii version is hitting 1080p60 (not saying this is the case, but these things need to be pointed out when making a comparison). You can't really pick out native resolution from a heavily compressed "1080p" youtube video running at just over 3.5mbps. For those of you that don't know much about video encoding, blu-ray 1080p runs at between 16-40mbps (and even that is heavily compressed from uncompressed 1080p, which clocks in at just over 186MBps). That's a LOT of quality loss going on, and not good for comparison.

Wake me when the Wii U/Orbis/Durango comparisons start coming out.

This video lost all credibility when it included PC in the mix (especially without even showing the PC version)... A top of the line gaming PC today would EASILY smoke anything Wii U could do... without even breaking a sweat.

metroid324326d ago (Edited 4326d ago )

The gamplay is smoother an faster plus it rendering a 720p image and a 480p image not to mention 2 gamepad support is around the corner and Nintendo has only allowed 50% of power to devs for first wave of games this was said around E3 so when that 50% is maxed out expect Battlefield4/Aliens/Project cars and Beyonetta2 to show you whats what but yeah Treyarch have stated wiiu has best textures/lighting/resolution ect so no need to compare in my eyes Fifa13 has l2/3 times the textures resolution in crowd/pitch/players so comparing is quite stupid fair enough with AC3/Batman/ect but most ports are superior in every way and this is on games tht have been optimized for 7 years on ps3/360.

Gamer19824325d ago

Why have they lumped PC with PS3 and 360? Sure the PC version isn't great thanks to being a port but still looks 10X better than console version thanks to PC hardware and still blows the WiiU version out the water.. These guys obviously are out to try and prove something and ignore the obvious facts.

profgerbik4325d ago

I had to explain this to everyone with the Batman comparisons, it's pretty dumb that I do.

It's completely moronic people don't understand that a game that has more time to be developed of course is going to look marginally better.

It is pathetic they are even comparing anything as of now really.

Like I said when games are released on all systems all at the same time, then I will care to see a comparison of the Wii U. If they keep ending up like this and Wii U always has longer development times then no wonder why those versions of those ports will look better, they have been updated to look better simply because they had more time to improve the games from past versions.

It honestly doesn't have crap to do with the Wii U and for sure is not any proof that it's graphics are better than it's competitors at this time.

Not like I care that much about graphics or like I buying one but still these comparisons are crap and I would like to see better ones in the future.

Neonridr4325d ago

Wait you are saying that Black Ops 2 had a longer development time over the other systems because it came out 5 days later? Are you serious? If anything, they had less time to work on this version since Treyarch was working on BLOPS2 as soon as BLOPS was done. I doubt Treyarch even had a dev kit for a Wii U then.

profgerbik4325d ago (Edited 4325d ago )

5 days is 5 days. Especially when someone as crappy as Nihilistic can make a CoD game in literally 5 months. So yea I am sure a lot can be done in five days with an entire dev team that is far better than Nihilistic.

Thing is they had probably finished other versions first before the release date regardless which probably gave them more than just 5 days from other releases to work on it. That is common sense as well but ok.

Trust me they also had dev kits ages ago and BLOPS is not my main issue all the other ports that had a ton of fucking time are which are always being the only comparison shots like Batman and AC3.. now BLOPS.

Did I even mention BLOPS 2 before though really? No, don't think I did. Sure I implied what I did and it's here but I was speaking in general obviously but I never directly said anything about it.

I mean it's pretty clear this is once again another really crappy comparison. On top of the fact I am watching this crap in 1080p and there is no significant difference other than slightly better coloring and the blur seems to lacking while the PS3 still has it, the textures are also more pixelated on the Wii U not by much but it's noticeable, I can notice that right off the bat with the weapons and scope during the fighting and don't forget the added flames to cars.. wow how stunning..

So unless you are also watching this in 1080p I don't want to hear it. I am very sure they could do all that in a measly 5 days, sorry.

profgerbik4325d ago (Edited 4325d ago )

So yea it doesn't help that the Wii U's version is not technically better other than better coloring and runs at lower texture resolutions.. Wow.

When you bump the texture resolution down like that it's noticeable and I could careless if the Wii U was better at the point, it clearly runs at lower texture res than a PS3 does still.

What is sad people are arguing about graphics when the Wii U clearly has no big jump on any of the older systems. From a graphical perspective that just blows, as those systems are really old and can still do just about the same if not better from what I notice.

I just don't understand why anyone would even buy Black Ops 2 or any of these ports on the Wii U, I am pretty sure everyone owns them all practically already on other systems.

I mean I understand if Wii U is your first big console but I seriously doubt that.

What a difference though.... I have 20/20 vision and a 60 inch LED, 1080p HDTV and set at 1080p res... which my computer is connected to.. So I guess if it isn't looking better than the PS3 on this TV.. I don't know when it ever will.

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StraightedgeSES4326d ago

Why did he put the PC in the same category as Ps3/360?

pixelsword4326d ago

Because NINTENDO BEATS ALL!!!!!!1!!!!!!1!

...in his mind.

Braid4326d ago (Edited 4326d ago )

That's exactly what I was thinking while watching the video. I mean, do you imply that the PC version runs exactly THE SAME as the PS3/360 version? That's completely incorrect.

While it can run better on a high-end configuration, it can also run poorer on a computer which has aging hardware. You can't simply come up and say "Hey, here's the PC version", as there's no definitive PC version of ANY game, with trillions of different configurations existing. You can say "it's how the game looks on a high-end system" though, which would give you a rough representation of the game's visuals on high detail, but again, it wouldn't give you any indication regarding the game's performance, as there's no single, definitive hardware representing the PC platform as consoles do.

Not that they show the PC version in this video, but do the PC footage on comparison videos use DX11 or DX9? How about advanced graphics options like texture sizes, shadow detail, anti-aliasing, resolution? You have to be extra careful when you compare the console version with the PC version, or else you'd be comparing apples to oranges.

Janitor4326d ago

So "next-gen" Nintendo is marginally improved graphics on an old engine?

Summons754326d ago (Edited 4326d ago )

yes.....because Blops2 which still has the graphics, clunky animations, and very very bland gameplay of a game from 2005 determines the WiiU's graphical capabilities.

Janitor4326d ago

OK, so what game does? This is the best looking one out right now, so what else do we have to go on? Face it, only thing next-gen about this thing is it's release date.

Zodiac4326d ago

"Face it, only thing next-gen about this thing is it's release date."

that's the only thing that makes any console any generation, lol.

Deku-Johnny4326d ago

@Janitor, The launch titles on a console are never much better than the last games on the generation before it. Wait till this time next year or the year after then we'll see what the Wii U can really do.

MRMagoo1234326d ago


the new ps and xbox will be out then lol so who cares.

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PersonMan4326d ago

"This is the best looking one out right now, so what else do we have to go on?"

Have you seen Assassin's Creed 3? This is definitely not the best looking game for the Wii U.

neogeo4326d ago

I have seen both. I rented AC3 on PS3 and bought it on WiiU. PS3 is much worse. Even more than this. PS3=low res, bad color and choppy framerate.
It's much more pronounced when you view on a 60" TV in person then on youtube.

PersonMan4326d ago

What I'm trying to say is... Assassin's Creed 3 is a much better looking game than Call of Duty Black Ops 2, so the person saying that Black Ops 2 is the best looking game on the Wii U is an idiot. Assassin's Creed 3 looks way better (I'm talking about the Wii U).

I have AC3 for PS3 and I can only imagine it looks even better on the Wii U with a more stable framerate. It already looks killer on the PS3.

Also, for the record, playing AC3 on the PS3 was fine. Yeah, it slowed down in some areas but so what, it was still an amazing experience. I'm not going to buy a whole new console and get used to a new controller just for a smoother framerate. It was still fun.

Plagasx4326d ago

AC3 on PC looks beautiful. Also, it runs 60fps :)

jbgamer4326d ago

No1 this is only 30% of the wii u's power, and again anyone remember what the ps3, and 360 games looked like at launch? Oh it was the ps2, and xbox1 right? Only a little bit better.

Eyeco4326d ago

lool no why don't you try playing some early PS3 and 360 titles like Ghost Recon Advanced War Fighter and Resistance FOM, Heavenly Sword they took a dump on everything the gen before.

Nothing we've seen on the Wii-U out and upcoming trumps anything this gen, not saying that it never will, but from what we've seen the Wii-U's hardware isn't looking very powerful.

Deku-Johnny4326d ago

PS3/360 launch titles mainly looked better because they were in HD so it tricked people into thinking they were amazingly better but they weren't. You never know how good graphics a console is capable of until it's been out for a couple of years.

metroid324326d ago

There much improved it renders 2 images 1 at native 720p and a 480p image as well so even with some ports only being slight improvements just shows how powerful wiiu is as these are release day games,games like Aliens and Bayonetta will show you what wiiu is all about even though them games still wont be anywhere near wiiu at MAX.

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PtRoLLFacE4326d ago

what i want to know id is running at hd or sub hd resolutions

FantasyStar4326d ago

I'm going to guess sub-hd given their history and attitude toward making games.

metroid324326d ago

720p native just like all wiiu games except a few that run 1080p native.

ronin4life4326d ago (Edited 4326d ago )

I want a performancd review Overall, not just the graphics...
Is the framerate high and stable?
How does off tv play work?
Are there any bugs?

This is the closest anyone seems to
Want to get to overviewing the wiiu version... but pop-up ads keep me out of even this...-_-;

Amsterdamsters4326d ago

My son and I were playing this on Wii U yesterday. The graphics are great and it plays great on either screen. Even Zombies two player (1 on TV, 1 on Gamepad) was awesome. When playing online today my son said that he preferred the Gamepad screen over the TV while playing.

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These Call of Duty games are officially dead as servers go offline

Following the Wii U and 3DS servers being taken offline, Call of Duty Black Ops 2 and Ghosts are officially dead.

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Call of Duty players are playing this game for the last time before it's taken offline

Call of Duty players are jumping into Black Ops 2 for the final time before its Wii U servers go offline for good.

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Xbox backwards compatibility sends old Call of Duty games back into the Top Five | UK Monthly Charts

GTA 5 and Red Dead Redemption 2 leap up due to summer sales

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shadowT406d ago

Xbox $70 billion bet paid out

fr0sty406d ago

Guess that's what happens when there's no good new games to play...

4Sh0w406d ago (Edited 406d ago )

Well regardless of exclusives, or whatever else there is to play on Xbox or ps, CoD has has still been the top selling game on ps platform since forever also.....so no surprise that the most popular game franchise on any console could easily have a revival due to servers coming back online...this is just credit to xbox backwards compatibility & thats good thing for Xbox gamers.

wiz7191406d ago

@Frosty orrrr maybe it’s a breath of fresh air to be able to go back to the peak of the series .. and it’s beem great lol

mkis007406d ago

It's going to take 10 years for xbox to generate that much profit...

Rhythmattic405d ago

Why worry when they have OS, Server and Background Data in their hands...
Gaming is just the small piece, at the top left in a few K piece jigsaw.

EasilyTheBest405d ago

If you buy a house with cash for 1 million dollars you still own the house. Microsoft don't need to make the money back.

Rhythmattic403d ago

But its not money back, its about how it goes missing.

jznrpg406d ago

Shooters is what Xbox people play most of the time and that’s about it by the numbers and sales of games.

shinoff2183406d ago

Atkeast older gamers nostalgia is good. Jeez.

Jin_Sakai406d ago

Mostly because the new CoD games are garbage. The old games were much better.

Rutaprkl405d ago

Agree 100%. Cod 4, WaW, Black ops 1 & 2, those were the days.

Rhythmattic405d ago

For MP, Unreal tournament , QIII Arena (loved the UT mod) FTW!

RaidenBlack405d ago

Unreal Tournament and Quake III were simply amazing ... CoD's and CoD-likes' rise killed the arena shooter popularity ...
Unreal Tournament 2004 is my favorite in the series.
Didn't enjoy Unreal Tournament III, Quake Champions that much.
Too bad Epic cancelled Unreal Tournament 2014 becoz of Fortnite

Rhythmattic405d ago (Edited 405d ago )

I got hooked on the QIII Urban Terror mod (and my work colleagues I introduced them to)... LAN Sessions at the closing of the doors at work, into the night , sinking beers and eating pizza..... Good times.

thesoftware730406d ago

Wow, good games never get old I guess.

CoD will always be a beast of a franchise, and how awesome is it that you can just boot it up or pop it into your Xbox and play, MS BC is really a neat feature.

CrimsonWing69406d ago

Shows you that backwards compatibility is a worthwhile feature.

1Victor405d ago

@crimson:” Shows you that backwards compatibility is a worthwhile feature.”
I agree it’s worthy at the start of the generation when there’s few new generation games but halfway through the generation it’s not a feature.
Now it’s good that this game is finding a renewed life for its fan but it shows a mayor flaw in new games release when a close decade old game is toppling the charts

CrimsonWing69405d ago

I don't know if I understand what you mean. It's a feature regardless of the time into the generation.

Let's take Armored Core 6 for example. Let's say I'm interested in checking out the previous Armored Core games, sure would be nice if I could play them on my current-gen console.

We're about 3 years into current-gen and old games are hitting in the top 5 for sales charts in the month.

I do get where you're coming from with older games possibly being better than the newer games, but the feature stays the feature. I can only speak for myself, but when there's a lull in game releases or nothing great is out, I like to go back to old titles. It's just nice to not have to have a bunch of consoles out to do so.

I think moving forward it'll be less and less of an issue as like with the PS5 you can access most all of the PS4 games, but I like going back to PS1 and PS2. Would be awesome to kind of make backwards compatibility a prioritized feature moving forward. Hell, Sony was the first to implement it.

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