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Top Five Forgotten Capcom Franchises

SuperPhillip Central writes, "The fighting game world collectively jumped for joy (but they were too self-conscious and proud to do it in front of their buds) when a new Darkstalkers was announced for Xbox Live Arcade and PlayStation Network for next year. That got me to thinking that this news is fine and all, but what about those other franchises that don't get enough time under the sun? At least you'll find here at SuperPhillip Central that they will get time in the spotlight tonight. These are series that have not had a serious entry in quite a while. Will your lost loves be mentioned? Only one way to find out, and that's to read on!"

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Community4339d ago
Pozzle4339d ago

This list needs more Dino Crisis.

Phil324339d ago

I got enough of my dino needs from Jurassic Park. Plus 3 really ticked me off. lol

Hicken4339d ago

Glad to see Breath of Fire, but no Rival Schools?

Phil324339d ago

Well, that's the fun of lists like these. Everybody's is different!

godofboobees4339d ago

I would kill for a new rival schools. Best fighting ever

bayonetta4339d ago

Damn i miss Rival school and Dino Crisis =[

izumo_lee4339d ago

Ghost & Goblins
Darkstalkers (though rumors of a new one is in development)

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Capcom Plans To Create Mega Man Games On An Ongoing Basis

Capcom is planning to develop brand new titles in the Mega Man franchise on an ongoing basis in the future.

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Community64d ago
Profchaos65d ago

Question is always going to be what are you going to do with it? Capcom has burnt mega man fans many a time and trust is low overall so I think a bold new direction may not be the best idea unless it's backed with a sonic mania style project alongside it.

I could see a bold new 3d take on the Willy wars alongside a mania style game being very popular.

Just keep it far away from Live services and loot boxes

DarXyde64d ago

Hear me out.

........I think they could pull off a MetroidVania Mega Man.

Even better: make it Megaman X, but in a pre-X7 style.

Old McGroin64d ago

Or maybe do what Nintendo did with Metroid. Go from a 2D platformer to a 3D game, like Metroid Prime.

shinoff218364d ago

Sounds like a plan Capcom. Just don't forget the disc. Also I think alot of the mega man base would love to see a return of the rpg

Brazz63d ago (Edited 63d ago )

You know... I realy think a MM game that plays like ratchet and clank can work great! Mega Man can be very light hearted and family friendly, something for everyone If they use a formula similar to Ratchet and Clank, i realy want to see Capcom giving It a try.


Go And Vote For Onimusha In Capcom's Survey, This Gem Deserves As Much

Hanzala from eXputer says, "Onimusha deserves a proper Resident Evil-style comeback as much as the other Capcom gems, and I'm glad they might get the chance after all."

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Community219d ago
H9219d ago

I don't know man, Onimusha for modern audiences doesn't sound like a good idea

badboyz09219d ago

Loved the Onimusha series on my ps2 just as much as DmC.

shinoff2183219d ago

Hell naw. I voted for breath of fire. It's thr best choice imo.

Please vote breath of fire.

CrimsonWing69219d ago

Breath of Fire 3 got my vote. 3 and 4 are glorious games to me, but I could only pick one.

Unknown_Gamer5794219d ago (Edited 219d ago )

I did vote for a Breath of Fire 1-3 remake in the remake section, and it was one of my three choices in series I wish would make a comeback.

SimpleSlave219d ago

Why, though? With Nioh, Sekiro, and every other From Software game with a Samurai build in it, what's the point? The lore? Was it really so unique and interesting that it warrant this "beg Capcom" movement Capcom keeps telling us we need to do all these years? Fudge no. Either make a game or don't but stop this "fans need to game beg or else" bs.

Take Castlevania for example. What's the point in a new entry? From Software literally gave us the entire plotline in Bloodborne with Cainhurst Castle and then some. They also let you play as a Belmont/Alucard build in most of their other games so a new Castlevania is not warranted. Now, if Konami wants to do something, sure, but otherwise? I ain't begging. I'm good actually.

These companies are ran by idiots, that's for sure. Read the market. See the games that are coming out that people are loving and if you have an old IP that fits the bill? Well? Do something about it ya goofs! Otherwise? Let the IP go to the public domain. Trust me, bro. The internet will do a far better job - and worst - than you ever will with all these dormant or dead IPs.

Some Indie devs are even making Dino Crisis like games and people are excited for it. And what is Capcom doing? Sending surveys...FFS!

Get the fudge out of here

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Taking A Look Back at the Best Co-Op Games the Dreamcast Had to Offer

These Co-Op games on the Sega Dreamcast are dream-castic, they're suited for everyone looking for fun times

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