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Xbox 720 has Halo 5 being developed for it now says 343 Industries

Examiner writes, "The Xbox 720 and next-generation consoles seem to be a bit of a mystery in some respects, but not to 343 Industries as they seem to be working on next-generation development for Halo 5."

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Community4246d ago
OneAboveAll4246d ago

Shittiest looking "5" i'v ever seen. lrn2phoshop.

Qrphe4246d ago

It's as bad as the 6 from RE6.

Campy da Camper4246d ago

Agreed. I read a comment about the RE6 looking like a giraffe blowing itself and now that is all I see.

Peppino74245d ago

At least there's something to look forward too.

Cam9774245d ago

Yeah, but it doesn't look like a retarded giraffe.

b163o14245d ago

Lmao I love where this conversation headed. The #5 lol.

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josephayal4246d ago

this looks kinda cool and cute

crxss4245d ago

haha whoever made that picture didnt even try to make it good, you can see that the 5 was just pasted over as a different image rather than drawn on lol

4245d ago
coolmaster4245d ago

This "5" looks like someone drew it in Paint.

geth1gh4245d ago

Where the hell in this article does anyone say anything about next gen consoles???

The only time its mentioned is when the author of the article implies it in the first paragraph. Guess he wants some serious hits to his page....

Blacktric4245d ago

First comment says how crappy the 5 looks in the obviously photoshopped thumbnail picture, the rest of the comments are just bunch of off topic crap agreeing with the guy or claiming there's worse. That's N4G community for ya.

On topic:

""We've done as much prototyping and storytelling and the future arc of the universe as we have on technology.

"So we're definitely working on the future but in some ways it's technologically agnostic at this point."

So there's nothing that states that the guy said Halo 5 is being developed for sure for Xbox 720. And that's Examiner for ya.

otherZinc4245d ago (Edited 4245d ago )

You guys didn't even read the article!
Its about development of Halo 5.

Per the ARTICLE!, this is a good move. I'm glad they understand we want the Halo Series to continue.

If you own a business or a team of developers, you want them constantly working on the next big thing. This is what 343 is doing, "working on the next big thing"!


showtimefolks4245d ago

well what did you think they will stop making halo games all of the sudden? in other news uncharted 4,gt6,killzone4,forza,fable,al an wake all will come to next gen system

Gamer19824245d ago

Halo is the new COD. Theres a new title out every year lately.. So differnt from the first 2, 3 years between 1 and 2 and 3 years between 2 and 3 yet now they are every year.. Rushed cash cows..

starchild4245d ago

You're an idiot. Last generation we only got two Halo games. This generation we have had two major Halo games (Halo 3 and Halo Reach), 1 spin off (Halo 3 ODST), and we are about to get a 3rd major Halo game (Halo 4). The Xbox 360 has been out since 2005.

How is that much different than 4 Uncharted games, 5 Ratchet & Clanks, 4 Resistances, etc?

There hasn't been a Halo out every year. Not even close. Halo Reach came out over two years ago. Halo 3 came out over 5 years ago.

The pace of new releases in the Halo franchise is actually fairly slow considering how wildly popular the series is.

killerhog4245d ago


Halo 3
Halo wars
Halo ostd
Halo reach
Halo HD
Halo 4

Uncharted 1-3
Uncharted golden abyss (psvita)
killzone 2-3, trilogy
Killzone (psvita)
Resistance 1-3
Resistance burning skies (psvita)
Wasn't most of the ratchet and clank technically dlc?

Psp is last gen, so like you implied, we ain't counting kz liberation or resistance then.

Crazyglues4245d ago

Come on' Really that 5 was just posted there for the story, it's not an official 343 Halo 5 logo.. LoL

The things you guys focus on... The story is about, "development has begun on Halo 5 for a next-generation system?"

Psycho_Mantis4245d ago

From my perspective is actulley looks like a women bending over giving a giraffe a blowjob....lok at it again im not kidding!

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LX-General-Kaos4246d ago (Edited 4246d ago )

This is positive news

Even before the grand celebration caliber release of the industry leading platform exclusive first person shooter franchise with Halo 4. Halo fans can rest assured that Halo will carry on into the next generation of Microsoft and online gaming. With Halo 5 being developed for the successor of the current generation leading HD platform the "Xbox 720".

News has been breaking out left and right for future next generation platforms. Even rumors of an E3 2013 showing. The world has been on the sidelines patiently waiting for future Xbox confirmation. 343 has just given us the evidence needed to insure that the future of Xbox live is lurking.

Day one purchase for the Xbox 720, and Halo 5 when available wherever videogames are sold.

Rated E For Everyone

CalvinKlein4245d ago

ahha yeah sure, when someone praises someone that is not sony it is trolling to these sony fanboys lol. You can only write a positive comment about sony or you are trolling here on N4g.

ginsunuva4245d ago

No he's funny. I wanna read more.

MidnytRain4245d ago


Are you kidding? Have you read this guy's posts? He goes beyond simple praise. What he does would be more accurately described as "****-riding."

konnerbllb4245d ago

MidnytRain, Exactly. He's clearly a troll if you read enough of his posts.

Calvin, I own an xbox and ps3 but hardly play either. I don't consider myself bound to either console in a fanboy fashion.

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Thatguy-3104246d ago

Your PR way of approaching these articles really make my day. Get a good laugh out of it. But seriously another Halo? How much more to the story is there?

LX-General-Kaos4246d ago (Edited 4246d ago )

Thank you for the support. Halo has a considerable amount of story left from past present and the future of the Halo timeline. There are books, side characters, and sub stories like the Forward to Dawn mini series. Which all have potential to be transferred onto disc for your future gaming experience. The fight is far from over in the Halo universe.

Trunkz4246d ago

Milk it like Call of Duty is the thought process.

Blacklash934246d ago

This is a new trilogy and Microsoft isn't making that a secret. It's not like Bungie didn't leave the series wide open for another story after 3.

Allsystemgamer4246d ago

The halo universe is massive. It's as large as starwars an Star Trek. The lore is there. It doesn't have to revolve around cheif. There's the covenant wars, insurgencies, political issues, space development, how the covenant came to be, origin of the flood, the whole forerunner back story. I don't mind more halo so long as they keep it fresh ala halo 4 (which I got today an it's what reach SHOULD have been)

Gazondaily4246d ago (Edited 4246d ago )

What do you mean another Halo? This is part of a new trilogy announced. And its not as if its being released annually, they are working on the next iteration of the game on next gen tech. Common sense would dictate that it would be prudent to do so.

Do you honestly think sequels to other FPS' like Killzone etc arent being worked on for next gen tech?

This is a good thing, unless of course you want a last minute rush job to get the game out on next gen consoles.

KMCROC4245d ago

A bunch if you have the right writers & vivid imagination. here's a few stories deep Space exploration, planet colonization. Also it a FPS/RPG in which your a soldier so as long that there are society's or country's,planets governed by humans there's always a story to create & tell with your soldier.

shutUpAndTakeMyMoney4245d ago

story doesn't matter. It's the $$$. If they have to chief will die and his son will be in part 6.

miDnIghtEr20C_SfF4245d ago

@septic... this is N4G man... land of the SDF! Of course another Halo game is bad.

But if this was the 4th Uncharted game, or 4th Killzone, or 3rd Infamous or 4th Resistance, or 6th GT... it would be all cherries!

N4G... where your bubbles can go down in an instant for saying something like... I love Halo, can't wait for Halo 4... you say something like that in a Halo article, and boom.. SDF are bubble bursting everywhere.

On topic... Heck ya Halo 5 is coming! Maybe it will come out in same time frame that Gears did as a heavy hitter when it first came out. I don't think a new Halo will be ready by next Year when Durango comes out. Could be wrong though.

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kingdavid4246d ago

how da hell do you have 7 bubbles?

KingOptimusAscend1114246d ago

His Nintendo buddies that's how.

AsunaYuukiTheFlash4246d ago

Obviously he has multiple accounts.

Awesome_Gamer4245d ago

Because, despite the popular believe, this site is actually filled with Nintendo fanboys, that's why he has 7 bubbles, and he has multiple accounts too.

greenpowerz4245d ago (Edited 4245d ago )

The better question, is why are there so many ps3 fanboy trolls in here offend in here attacking him and trying to smear him, trying to get people take his bubbles.

Saying he is trolling because he's saying good things about 360 in a 360 article as if It's normal for so many fanboys from Sony to be in a 360 article. Ps3 fanboys feeling purposely and personally attacked simply from hearing positive excited comments about the 360 in places PS3 fanboys shouldn't be that concerned with.

What fanboys from anothing console in vast numbers go into PS4 articles and attackes Sony fans for being excited for PS4? It's almot a mentally ill concept

He has that many bubbles because be's nintendo fan and ps3 fanboys rarely troll nintendo articles in relative to 360 articles.

Bigpappy4245d ago

The "LX-general" is one of the few posters on this site who has strong writing talent. The only other person that come to mine is "Alpha". Most the others are here to try and bully away opinion that don't support their views.

kingdavid4245d ago (Edited 4245d ago )

Not in the slightest. If he did the same thing with sony, my view would be exactly the same. Get out of his ass already.

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2v14246d ago (Edited 4246d ago )

dude you need to go get a blank page of something and just spend you sweet time just writing whatever your way of seen life and how the world works, but you sure are loosing your time in here

blue_cheese4245d ago

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Perjoss4245d ago

I have to admit, I never read LX-General-Kaos' posts, the first few lines always put me off. But man I'm so glad they exist because the reactions they get from people are hilarious! I can't believe how wound up people get over stuff like this. And for that I thank you LX-General-Kaos.

ZoyosJD4245d ago

This is expected news.

And furthermore announced even before the release of the 360 exclusive, Halo 4. Halo fans can expect that the Halo series will carry on to the next generation Microsoft console with Halo 5 being developed for the successor of the Xbox 360 the "Xbox 720".

News has been breaking out left and right for future next generation platforms. Even rumors of an E3 2013 showing. The 360 gaming community has been on the sidelines patiently waiting for future Xbox confirmation. 343 has just given us no real useful information if you read the article.

Day one purchases for the Xbox 720 and Halo 5 will be available at your local game stores and online as usual.

Rated NPR For No Public Relations

Blacktric4245d ago (Edited 4245d ago )

>Well said


Pillsbury14245d ago

Have fun with that as halo, gears of war and forza is all m$ has. Oh yeah and its arm flailing recognition system ver. 2.0

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4246d ago
FlameHawk4246d ago (Edited 4246d ago )

Of course it's Halo 5, they should try to come up with a new Ip. New System, New Ip.

KangarooSam4246d ago

See: Bungie's new IP. New system, new IP.

torchic4246d ago

that's a timed-exclusive multiplatform game bro.

wwm0nkey4246d ago

You know 343 was made to make Halo games right? I mean they are even named after a character in Halo

Bungie no longer makes Halo and they are currently working on Destiny which is a 360/PS3 and next gen title, so there is your new IP you wanted from the FORMER Halo studio.

KangarooSam4246d ago

This shit is getting ridiculous. I'll admit that I'm VERY excited for this but Jesus, Halo 4 isn't even out yet. Might as well write an article on "Halo 7 being developed for Xbox 4".
We all already knew this was gonna happen.

Allsystemgamer4246d ago

And as long as its fresh a d brings new things who cares as long as its a good game? The story is huge if you read into the whole thing.

Summons754246d ago

You do realize they said new TRIlogy, right? They already announced Halo 5 and 6 when they announced 4. There shouldn't be anything ridiculous about this. Halo universe is huge and there still is a lot of about the lore they haven't told, and this is including the games, books, comics, movies. They still hardly touched upon anything for a universe that is ever expanding.

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The importance of audio: How music makes games better

How do composers make the iconic music tracks from games that we love? And just what makes them so memorable?

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Community82d ago
purple10148d ago (Edited 48d ago )

Twitter is blowing up right now

All games coming to PlayStation
Next Xbox will have steam
Next Xbox niche and only for “gamers who want it” (it’s a really powerful pc or a steam deck type portable, or both)

48d ago

Ex-343 dev says there were “20-30” pitched Halo games we’ll never see

A former 343 developer has revealed that mountains of Halo pitches failed to be approved, including a return to ODSTs and a push for more intimate, dark themes.

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Community121d ago
Kaii121d ago

Well, 4-Infinite dropped the ball massively so don't worry.

Sgt_Slaughter120d ago (Edited 120d ago )

Not really. 4, 5, MCC, and Infinite are only remembered for their shortcomings and failures when the franchise was purely known for being a system seller and an all-time great. There's a reason 1, 2, 3, and Reach are looked back on fondly, and it's not because of nostalgia.

FinalFantasyFanatic120d ago

I don't know of anyone that speaks fondly of the later Halo games, I would like to play 5, but I know it's not good, and I'm just waiting on Infinite to hit my strike price. I played MCC a lot later after it came out, so must of those bugs/issues were gone by the time I played it.

120d ago
PhillyDonJawn120d ago (Edited 120d ago )

To say it dropped the massively is just not true. Many in the community hold H5 as the best mp mechanics in the entire series and say its what 4 should've been. Its campaign was trash but the MP is Fantastic and many faces of the community still play today and it only made 500mill in the matter of months but sure it dropped the ball massively. 4 was hated due to all the changes at once. And CoD like feature and rightful get hate but it's campaign story was liked by a majority of ppl. 343 hasn't nailed ot 100% but they get 1 thing perfect but F up in other places. Infinite had a good campaign and design but the story was a mess. The MP improves upon what Halo 3 was and is what many ppl wanted to go back to but it lacked content severely. So massively aint the word. Dropping the ball massively is when it's pure trash and unplay/unenjoyable. Most ppl blind by nostalgia so soon as 1 thing aint the same its hated cause Halo set the bar so high
FYI reach was not that good.

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Vengeance1138121d ago

Dead IP, time to invent something new.

Ultra-MAGA121d ago

Maybe they can have ID or one of the COD studios help 343 with this series.

jznrpg121d ago

Halo-Pop like Gears Pop. Halo bowling. Halo Cooking Mama. There’s a reason why you won’t hear about them

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Why 343’s next Halo Xbox game needs to be a return to ODST

With its smooth jazz and iconic New Mombasa streets, we need Xbox's next Halo game to return to the remarkable world of Halo 3: ODST.

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