
Halo 4 Review | IGN

IGN - As usual, of course, the fate of the universe rests on Master Chief’s long-dormant shoulders – the green-armored super-soldier has been on ice aboard the Forward Unto Dawn since Halo 3 faded to black five years ago – but this time our hero bears an even greater burden.

-Alpha4285d ago (Edited 4285d ago )

Don't have a 360, but I was a hardcore Halo 1 fan, so it sucks that I'm missing out. Halo is such an phenomenal franchise, I can't help but get excited.

Regardless, I'm glad 343 did such a great job.

LX-General-Kaos4285d ago (Edited 4285d ago )

Everyone was afraid of putting Halo in the hands of a new development studio. Luckily they have not let us down. Keeping the title of greatest First Person Shooter franchise of all time.

The Xbox 360 has aged gracefully, even at the end of its lifespan the 360 is still able to produce industry leading gaming experiences. Possibly and likely game of the year quality. Halo 4 is finally here. Cheers to a good time.

Rated E For Everyone

NukaCola4285d ago

Crazy high score of IGN. Haven't seen them give a score like this in ages, even with the minor nitpicks. Either way, the game looks pretty damn good. Halo is fun and I'll get it sometime soon. Glad to see 343 did a good job on this one.

martinezjesus19934285d ago (Edited 4285d ago )

^^uncharted 3 got a 10 from IGN, just sayin.. so anyways i had my doubts with the new developer and all, but congrats to 343, good thing i have both 360 and pas3 so i get the best of both worlds

Kingdom Come4285d ago (Edited 4285d ago )

@ Martinez

Uncharted 3 was given a 10 back when IGN restricted themselves to .5's in their reviews, making them round up to the nearest .5. They listed flaws for Uncharted, but Greg Miller wanted to give it a 10 regardless.

This review was written superbly and truly highlighted Halo 4's magnificence. I prefer their reviews now that they've returned to their older scoring system, the reviewers can be more free with their scoring, and if I'm not mistaken, Halo 4 is the highest scoring game since they returned to the current scoring system. Again, 343 did a tremendous job.

LOGICWINS4285d ago

Someone just HAD to mention Uncharted in this thread


4285d ago
NewMonday4285d ago

Dose the story arc standalone or is it a cliffhanger ending?

SuperLupe4285d ago

Same here man ... just got myself thinking of getting another 360 just for this.

I left home for studies so left my 360 for my little bro's and bought a PS3 for myself.

Maybe I'll just get the one of those 4GB models second hand. That is if the game/multiplayer doesnt require some kind of mandatory install. Anyway, I absolutely HAVE to play this.

unchartedxplorer4285d ago

crusedernm. Yeah, wait until GTA V comes out

mewhy324285d ago

Wow, the reviewer said this was the best game on any system!!!!!

RAZORLAND4285d ago

so when did IGN go back to the 100 point scale?

EVILDEAD3604285d ago

A huge salute to 343 studios for pulling off what some thought was impossible..

You could feel that something special was brewing over there this entire time.

This may be the greatest collection of talent put together in the history of gaming.

Been a massive fan of Halo and Bungie from the old Giant box debut all the way through to Reach.

But it's official...the Baton has officially been passed.

Just a few more days..Can't wait

Life is good


darthv724285d ago

im surprised you still do not have a 360. I can recall a few years back you saying you want one but the reliability was a factor.

so even after they have made a better system you still dont have one....oh well.

Do yourself a favor and get one. then you can play this game and many other games in the 360 library. There really is nothing wrong with playing the field.

Jinkies4285d ago

I can't to get Halo 4

Off Topic


How does this guy keep getting bubbles, he's such a fake. The Rated E for everyone crap is just plain annoying now.

gaffyh4285d ago

@darth - Tbh though, now it's got to a point where it's almost not worth buying an Xbox 360 or PS3 (if you don't already have one or you have one of the other) because next gen consoles are right round the corner.

darthv724285d ago

yeah i can agree. But there is really nothing wrong with having both at some point.

I encourage those with only a 360 to get a ps3. It isnt an evil system that many proclaim it to be.

Same with those who only have a ps3. the 360 does a nice job of going well with the ps3. Those who stick to their guns and only support one, you have more strength than me.

Im a console whore who loves to play field..

deafdani4285d ago


You mean the Microsoft™ Xbox 360® Entertainment System.


pixelsword4285d ago (Edited 4285d ago )



Good job 343!

I usually don't like IGN Reviews, though because they're fullabull, but how can you hate Halo?

guitarded774285d ago

I've never been a big Halo fan. I've played the games and like them, but not really a must play kinda game for me. Until now that is... 343 clearly has a better understanding of the XBOX hardware than Bungie did, and Halo 4 looks beautiful. Can't wait to get my hands on it.

Sarcasm4285d ago

Gotta say this game is looking pretty damn good. Haven't been excited about a 360 game since the first Gears of War.

Bravo 343

+ Show (18) more repliesLast reply 4285d ago
Nimblest-Assassin4285d ago (Edited 4285d ago )

Even though I don't own a 360, I love Halo.

Its been tradition since Halo 1 that me and my cousin split screen the campaign

Congrats 343

slixshot4285d ago

how does one disagree with this comment? What, you disagree that he's played Halo 1 with his cousin?

zgoldenlionz4285d ago

I rarely touch my 360 but there's always the exception when a new halo comes out. Glad to see this one looks to be pretty great, too bad I'll have to go buy another battery pack for my controller I don't want to run thru tons of double A batteries while playing this game.

Reverent4285d ago

I'm in the same position as you. Halo by itself is a massive reason that makes me wish I owned an Xbox. Anyone who doesn't own both a PS3 and an Xbox are really missing out on some of the greatest games of the generation.

dragonrage004285d ago

They disagree that he likes Halo. Apparently one cant have opinios. Well you're in N4G so get used to that.

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DUSK5064285d ago ShowReplies(7)
ReservoirDog3164285d ago

I'm in your exact same position. I really wish I didn't sell my 360.

I guess I'll just go back and get it when the next xbox comes out with backwards compatibility (hopefully).

Or maybe I'll just steal a 360. Yeah...

insomnium24285d ago (Edited 4285d ago )

I feel like playing Halo:ce. If I pick up a x360 (or a b/c 720) someday I will buy all the games I'm interested in with it.

Though I'm going to have to wait until I retire in 35 or so years before I have that much time to spend in gaming so.....

PinkFunk4285d ago

Damn! Didn't expect that. Well, to be honest I didn't know what to expect. I remember playing Halo 2 on my xbox with some friends and having a serious blast. Though I never played the single player so I can't really say much.

I am really happy for 343 though. They had a lot to work up to but it looks like their passion and talent surpassed expectations. And that's something to really acknowledge.

I don't have a 360 so i'm not sure i'll get to experience it in the foreseeable future, but I really hope to stumble in at a friend's place and see it in action!

SockeyBoy4285d ago

Is it sad that I got a teared up? I can't wait!!

FragMnTagM4285d ago

Goosebumps and tears. It just means you have really fond memories of Halo's past, and this reminded you of those good times, which in turn released a dose of seratonin.

Autodidactdystopia4285d ago

Goosebumps and tears. It just means you have really fond memories of Halo's past, and this reminded you of those good times, which in turn released a dose of Gayness.

sandynig4285d ago

I'm the same way. I love Halo and I've been hoping that 343 would make the best Halo game to date. Looks like they have! I'm so stoked! November 6th can't come soon enough!

JAMurida4285d ago

Yeah, I'll admit that I didn't think Halo would do well in other hands but just going off of the footage and what not, I'm impressed. Sadly I'm in the same boat though. Got rid of my 360 like 3-4 years ago.

Crazay4285d ago (Edited 4285d ago )

I would fully agree with this assessment from IGN for a change. The game is killer. I'm just not ready to post my review yet.

gman_moose4285d ago

I'm jealous too. I want to play it but it would cost me $60 for the game, and $50 to renew my XBL Gold for another year. Screw that. I'm done with paying to be able to play online.

videoxgamexfanboy4285d ago

So u came in a halo thread to complain about paying for live? Trolls will be trolls

kupomogli4285d ago


Yeah. He's a troll because he disagrees with your opinion. He's stated he's jealous because he wants to play the game but won't pay to play online. That's the same reason I no longer have 360 and have yet to pick up the slim.

Most anything that has been coming out on the 360 that I've been interested in has come out on the PS3. There are games that are exclusive to the 360 that I want to get. Forza Horizon and Gears of War 3 are two games, but when I do get them, it'll be single player exclusive after the free membership that comes with the game ends because I refuse to pay to play games online like every other system doesn't make you do outside of games being MMOs.

It's times like this that I'm glad most of the games I like are on PS3 or PC.

chriski3334285d ago ShowReplies(1)
PtRoLLFacE4285d ago

The Xbox’s original king has returned to his rightful place on the throne. no one can argue about that

ILive4285d ago (Edited 4285d ago )

I feel the review is being very bias because its Halo. The game is not even innovative, its just ideas new to the series.

FragMnTagM4285d ago

Your comment doesn't stand to reason at all. Yes, they did incorporate SOME things from other games, but they have given so much more content in a game pre DLC than anything I have seen this generation.

Name a game that has had WEEKLY episodic content for FREE. 3 to 5 missions every week for FREE!

You are either crazy, a hater, or just plain stupid.

That doesn't even touch forge mode, which in itself is a whole 'nother thing that will surely create even more game modes that will be incorporated into multiplayer, just like Halo 3 and Reach. They have really given players robust features and a nice toolset to create some truly special maps and game modes within forge.

You are either crazy, a hater, or just plain trolling.

I feel I have wasted enough time on your worthless existence.

otherZinc4285d ago

Wow! What a review.

They hit everything I was looking for:
Sandbox is better
Scale is larger
Enemy AI
Spartan Ops

This is all written without spoilers galore. Only concern is the Music, that may be the reason for the 9.8.

Absolutely cant wait. This review has me ready to play. I'm going to play some Halo:Anniversary to prepare for Halo 4:Heroic Mode!

TENTONGUN4285d ago

music has always been good in halo. but i hate how you can never turn it off and just listen to the environment effects with the 5.1 cranked. anyways i love when a new halo is released.


awesome score but Nov 13 75% of those players will jump on COD BO 2

ConstipatedGorilla4285d ago

Yeah, I don't think so. COD is tired. It was tired last year even.


like i said only that much

Amplitude4285d ago

Ive got a 360 but im not paying for Live lol ill probably get it for single player and split screen though

FragMnTagM4285d ago

That is pretty sad seeing as how a lot of the game involves multiplayer.

I bet you have a cell phone that doesn't bring you nearly as much entertainment as Live does, but you spend over 50 bucks a month on it.

By the way XBL can be had for under 30 bucks for an entire year at times.

Amplitude4285d ago (Edited 4285d ago )

I dont use my 360 even close to enough to justify it.
I buy my PS3 exclusives on 360 and my multiplats for PC lol free online <3

Let's be honest we havent had a great 360 exclusive in quite a while. :/

Tonester9254285d ago

I really loved Halo 3. I was in highschool and I used to stay up all night/morning lol Then the newer ones started releasing and I just couldn't get into those.

I really started hating the fact that you could take a heavy load of bullets, but an elbow hurts more than a sniper round in the chest? lol

So everyone had the assault rifle and could empty a whole clip and hit you with 70% of the bullets and still keep running away. I just opened my eyes and seen how dumb that was.

Now the multiplayer story was great! I loved going with a squad of friends looking for skulls and watching youtube videos trying to find them all.

I tried to play Halo Reach recently and that spark is just gone (crazy boring) and my Xbox has dust on it. Maybe this can get me back in the franchise.

Anon19744285d ago

Fantastic. I'm so looking forward to getting my hands on this game and having some time to spend with it. I've made no secret of the fact I was thoroughly disappointed with the lacklustre single player of Halo Reach and skipped over ODST altogether.

It sounds like this is finally a return to form. Good job, 343.

Crazyglues4285d ago (Edited 4285d ago )

@ -Alpha

yeah don't feel bad I was a super Halo 1 fan, I mean I loved some Halo back in the day.. having friends come over and linking the Xboxes together -Was just some of the best gaming moments of my Gaming Life..

We would play all night to the next day... Good Times..

I have since moved on, and just became diehard PS3 and even though I have a 360 I kinda left halo after the let down IMO of halo 2 on 360...

-But wow Halo 4 looks amazing, and I mean amazing.. they did do a hell of a job.. 343 I'm super excited at what they seem to have been able to do with the franchise.. and I can't wait to play it..

My PS3 friends are about to be a little upset that I have abandon them, but it was for HALO 4 I mean it's HALO 4 Come On' I have to play it (just because of everything Halo 1 was on Xbox)... and IGN gave it a 9.8 that's just extra icing on the cake.

||.........___||.......____|| I'll be back.. LoL

SephirothX214285d ago

Though the environment are not as large as those in halo 3. The levels are narrower as a compromise for the improved graphics. This is the only disappointing thing.

ShabbaRanks4285d ago

Dam I don't know... IGN was saying the same thing about Halo3 and I was uber disappointed. They gave Halo Reach a lower score and I actually liked it better then Halo3...

Hitman5 is arround the corner too plus BF3 aftermath so I think il pass... Big big Hitman fan :S and I may end up getting Halo4 anyway, but not right now

Kohven4285d ago Show
joab7774285d ago

So, either they hav had it longer to judge it better or others r not as happy about halo 4. I figured that it would be amazing (maybe not this goos from ign...though some bias is expected), but so many others do not share the same opinion. Can u really review this game in such a short time? Do many just hate halo and microsoft. Or is next gen approaching making it hard to review games honestly? I guess i will see when i play

Rage_S904284d ago

Halo is the best thing to ever happen to humanity.

chaos-lockheart4284d ago

is it me or is this review scripted? Gamespot sounds like it has the same reviewer that says the exact thing as igns, im i missing something?

+ Show (21) more repliesLast reply 4284d ago
Kingdom Come4285d ago (Edited 4285d ago )

Congratulations 343. You deserve this appreciation after the sheer amount of effort you've put into the development of this game. The anticipation for my Limited Edition's arrival is unbearable...

Chief's back, and better than ever.

floetry1014285d ago

No doubt. The pressure was certainly on them to deliver. Glad they did.

Norrison4285d ago

I knew this game was going to get epic reviews, the devs looked decided to make an epic game, and they did.

aviator1894285d ago

The review was an awesome read and the score is pretty much what I was expecting from all the previews and praise.

This just made the 5 days waiting game a little longer...

Kalowest4285d ago

Finally, a FPS that pushes the genre in the right direction.

BeAGamer4285d ago ShowReplies(1)
4285d ago Replies(1)
Gamer19824285d ago

What direction is that? its still the same as every other Generic FPS out there run from point A to point B and kill guys along the way with an online mode thrown in so you don't get bored after you finished it. Killzone, Resistancer, COD, Battlefield there all the same generic war game with a differnt code of paint and other differnces to make it a differnt experience. The point it you still do the exact same thing you been doing on the game since back in the Xbox 1 days running from point A to point B. This is not Dishonoured or an open world game is another FPS the same as any other and for that reason it doesnt deserve massive praise IMO. Game reviewers don't know a great game anymore.

videoxgamexfanboy4285d ago

99% of the games out there are go from A to B. It's about how u get there that separates them. You make absolutely no sense.

greenpowerz4285d ago (Edited 4285d ago )

Must be dam good. Picking it up before the election and playing it after.


Disagree with my and reviewers opinions? Disagree with my plans?

*You know you're an xbox fan: when no matter what you say it's bad*

insomnium24285d ago ShowReplies(1)
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Master Chief Became More Than A Machine In 343's Halo

In Halo 4, 5, and Infinite, Master Chief became a more nuanced, human character.

In spite of the Halo series’ struggles, 343 deserves praise for adding nuance and characterisation to the ever-beating heart of Halo - The Master Chief. Playing through Infinite, it's abundantly clear that the events of the current and previous trilogies have irrevocably changed the iconic hero. He’s no longer the ‘blank slate’ that was previously presented by Bungie. He’s a fatigued, damaged and fallible protagonist, and one who is meandering through currents of grief, while reveling in his newfound agency. Giving the Chief a compelling and meaningful voice was no small feat, and 343 should be proud of that victory.

Read Full Story >>
kingnick499d ago

This article completely misses part of the appeal of the original iteration of character in the original game trilogy. It was the Chief and Cortana vs an entire alien collective. The blank slate Bungie displayed in their games was genius, he was an mysterious hero a wide audience could identify with because he wasn't as clearly defined as most characters.

The books added a lot of lore and backstory but most Halo players just want a fun game with exposition that doesn't get in the way of gameplay, it's why the Cortana level in Halo 3 was derided.

Not every character has to be a damaged soyboy, a soldier has to suck it up and do his duty.

BandarHub499d ago

A lot of people give the 343 version of Master Chief a lot of slack.
But Fundamentally he is still the same character, he just has a couple more dialogues. He has not changed in terms of attitude.
"Not every character has to be a damaged soyboy, a soldier has to suck it up and do his duty."
And that's what he has done at the end of the day, he did his duty. Watch his partner die, and was ready to destroy the weapon in Halo infinite....he is still the same soilder that everyone remembers

Halo Infintes one was a nice balance between both.

slate91499d ago

Chief and the halo franchise became a joke under 343

Sciurus_vulgaris498d ago

The 343i Master Chief has is based on the books. However, in Halo 4-Infinite, the Master Chief overtime become. gradually becomes more willing to show some emotion.

Obscure_Observer498d ago

"However, in Halo 4-Infinite, the Master Chief overtime become. gradually becomes more willing to show some emotion."

Which is awesome! I love how Master Chief become more John and less soldier.

Sciurus_vulgaris498d ago

I didn’t even notice my typos,lol


Halo's Identity Problem Began With an Admirable Mess

It’s a law of nature that eventually, every long-running game franchise will have a particular entry that gets dinged for straying too far from what made it so fun in the first place. Your Super Mario Sunshine, your Dragon Age II, Assassin’s Creed III, and so on. Whether or not that opinion changes more favorably over time, the initial specter of negativity will forever hover it. Microsoft’s Halo is no exception, except that negative specter hasn’t hovered over one particular game, but one whole studio.

The3faces619d ago

True Halo 4 was a sign of 343i's incompetence and the decline of Halo.


10 Years Later, Halo 4 Proves Itself a Disappointing Omen for Halo Infinite

Halo 4 released 10 years ago today, and its disappointing reception was just an omen of things to come with 343 Industries at the helm.

Read Full Story >>
Sonyslave3628d ago (Edited 628d ago )

Halo 4 and infinite have a 87 on metacritic and five a 84🤣. 343i need contents and everything else will play it self out.

ChasterMies627d ago

Halo 4, 5, and Infinite reviews are good examples of the pressure on review sites to score everything between 8-10 out of 10.

ChubbyBlade627d ago

As if reviews scores are any indication of a franchises health.

Halo has been in shambles for YEARS

-Foxtrot627d ago

Halo 4-6 are like the Star Wars sequel trilogy

They all just seem like a brand new games with small connections to the last one but no solid arc connecting them, you’re just told stuff that happened off screen in between the games and nothing makes sense

It’s like they didn’t plan a new trilogy out

CoNn3rB627d ago

That's actually a pretty good way to sum it up

LucasRuinedChildhood627d ago (Edited 627d ago )

I would argue that the new Star Wars trilogy is still better. lol

Most Halo fans would kill for the equivalent of The Force Awakens at this stage (a competent rehash of what came before it). Halo Infinite tried to be that but was undercooked and failed. Halo 4 wasn't that either - they started messing with the formula straight away although the story was okay.

There was nothing particularly compelling about Halo 5's story besides the fake plot they advertised. The Last Jedi is a divisive movie but as RedLetterMedia would say, it was "sporadically interesting" because it tried some new things and set up things that could have been great (like Kylo teaming up with Rey after backstabbing Snoke). That conversation with Yoda is great and it felt like the real Yoda, not that CGI thing in the prequels.
- "Skywalker, still looking to the horizon. Never here, now, hmm? The need in front of your nose."
- "The greatest teacher, failure is ... Luke, we are what they grow beyond. That is the true burden of all masters."
- "That library contained nothing that the girl Rey does not already possess." (because she already took them, haha).

The Rise Of Skywalker is the only one where loads of stuff happens off screen ("Palpatine has returned") in between and nothing makes sense because ... they just needed a main villain and 100 star destroyers to blow up. They could have done something much better.

MrChow666627d ago

no, all disney star wars sucks also disney marvel and everything godamn disney touches

627d ago Replies(3)
Yui_Suzumiya627d ago

Um, didn't Halo 4 have the best campaign out of the new Trilogy? Lol

ChubbyBlade627d ago

Yep and even then it wasn’t very good.

Levii_92627d ago

I'm getting a good gaming laptop soon and i'm finally going to play through the Halo franchise again plus Infinite but i never played Halo 4 before .. can anyone tell me how's the campaign in comparison to the games before it and compared to Halo 5 ?

Stanjara627d ago

Halo 4 campaign great, multi bad.
Halo 5 campaign trash, multi good.

Best Cortana halo 4.

ChubbyBlade627d ago (Edited 627d ago )

Halo 4 was when they started turning it into a “modern” game. Aka taking tips from CoD.

The older titles were sandbox based with weapons that all filled a niche and vehicles that did the same. Open levels with multiple ways to approach in different spots with different weapons etc.

Halo 4/5 doesn’t have that. It’s a linear shooter and nothing else. The story is alright but that’s about it. If it wasn’t a halo game, it would be ok but because it is a halo game, it’s outshone by the previous games.

It’s a hell of a lot better than 5 though. I found infinite pretty meh

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