
Remember Me Developer DONTNOD: 'Inception Ripped Us Off'

DONTNOD Entertainment have hit back at claims that the developers stole ideas from the highly acclaimed movie Inception.

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LostDjinn4268d ago (Edited 4268d ago )

So, something along the lines of:

ElitaStorm4267d ago

i think inception is inspired by paprika anime movie and uncle scrooge a dream of a lifetime.

Griffin48714267d ago

As if there are still original ideas out there.

dalibor4267d ago

The Last Guardian swoops in and kisses you on your cheek. There are original ideas out there but it sure is becoming harder and harder to come up with them that's for sure. And I think that TLG is somewhat of an original idea for a game. If not that than Shadow of the Colossus sure does imo. As well as some of the other games out there.

smashman984267d ago

Yes because we know so much about the last guardian

Blankman854267d ago

Tell me, whats so original about TLG, I really want to know.

ElitaStorm4267d ago

@Ndivhu the whole concept is 1000 times better the any cod game

ziggurcat4267d ago

yeah.... no, i don't think nolan would have been privy to dontnod's design documents, nor would he have known that this game existed, so accusing nolan of stealing their ideas is a little bit silly.


gaffyh4267d ago

He's obviously joking, I don't think he actually believes Nolan ripped them off.

Grimhammer004267d ago

I'll give respect to anyone who can create a sci-fi that has no gunfights, no humanoid aliens, no human-centric end of days plot and no spaceships.

But...still be epic and captivating with relatable ideas and meaningful conflicts.

So yeah. Since that's impossible....

shiver1304267d ago

There are space ships in that movie...

MySwordIsHeavenly4267d ago

I don't know. One could argue that A.I. was fairly close to that, since the "ends of days" thing was not a main plot point.

wquach4267d ago (Edited 4267d ago )

12 Monkeys
A Clockwork Orange
A Scanner Darkly
Dark City
Abre Los Ojos (Open Your Eyes)
The Truman Show
Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind
Many of Philip K. Dick's works

There's many sci-fi movies that aren't focused on those elements, that are human/character driven, wrapped in sci-fi elements or situations. And docking movies for having a gun or spaceship shouldn't count as long as it isn't used for the sole purpose to generate the compelling parts of the movie.

Hell, even movies that use those elements can still be epic and captivating with relatable ideas and meaningful conflicts.

That list above (and many other sci-fi movies) may have a gun here or there, or a space ship (Moon takes place on a company settlement on the moon and is merely just for setting), but they are not plot-driven elements any more than cigarette smoking in gangster films.

It's not impossible - far from it. There's definitely "smart" sci-fi out there if you look for it.

And of course, it depends on what your definition of "sci-fi" means. If you define it as wiki does that it involves "dealing with the impact of imagined innovations in science or technology," then that encompasses a crapton of movies without the criteria you listed.

MysticStrummer4267d ago

Good list, though as you admit some of them don't adhere completely to Grimhammer's conditions. As soon as I saw his/her post, I thought of Phillip K Dick's books and short stories. Reading his stuff really changed my idea of what sci fi is.

MySwordIsHeavenly4267d ago

Inception was based largely off of Paprika...a 2006 anime.

wquach4267d ago

Or we could say it's based off of eXistenZ (1999) by David Cronenberg.

Parts of Paprika are similar yes but the same can be said of so many other films, especially when you deal with dreams.

The fact is, works share elements of other works. They may be influenced by them, they might not, they may be built from them, but they still exist in their own worlds with their own rules and plot elements.

Watching Paprika and Inception recently again, they are still very different films.

MySwordIsHeavenly4267d ago

Christopher Nolan SAID that Inception was based loosely off of Paprika...

I'm not saying that anything copied anything else. I'm telling you guys a fact.

wquach4266d ago (Edited 4266d ago )


According to one interview - "Christopher Nolan cites [Paprika] as one of the principal influences and was inspired by its main character to flesh out his character played by Ellen Page, a 'spirit architect' named Ariadne."

The direct source of this is a french interview:

However, it is not a direct quote.

Nolan also conceived of Inception much earlier, having spent nine to ten years writing the screenplay: http://collider.com/directo...

According to some posts, he may or may not have even seen the movie to begin with:

http://www.nolanfans.com/fo... (read the last two posts about him being misquoted)

So at most, it isn't largely or loosely based off of Paprika; it's an influence for sure.

Also, take a look at eXistenZ and you'll actually see larger parallels with Inception (although Nolan has never mentioned of it).

Look, I love Paprika and Satoshi Kon's work (it's a damn shame of his early death), but what I wrote above - THAT's fact.

wquach4265d ago

And if you want to know when the 80 page screenplay entitled "dream stealers" was made, it was made shortly after 2002 when Nolan finished Insomnia and before he made Batman Begins (2005):


Paprika was made in 2006.

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Remember Me - A Forgotten Gem

A Capcom classic, Remember Me, has ironically been forgotten in the 10 years since its release on PC, Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3.

SimpleSlave383d ago

Sadly, Remember Me is not a forgotten Gem but a case of wasted potential. The best idea the game had was the Mind Remix Segments and the New Paris World setting, neither of which where really exploited or used well. Instead everything comes down to this just being pretty Beat'em Up and nothing more.

It does deserves a re-imagining though. Make it in first person and use something like the current Sherlock Holmes like gamedesign. Use some of that Deus Ex/Hitman mechanics and go all the way with the Memory Remix as the center piece.

Each case takes place in the mind of a victim, either dead, dying, or alive, and each level should be design like a Hitman level. Contained but chock-full of details. Investigating in the real world give you hints and clues as to how you can help or mess up a person's memory. Make this a player's choice. You can add combat but make it tasteful and short IF combat is required. Make the combat fit the narrative and the setting. Like a Boss fight taking place in the Mind of a CEO that's hiding a dark secret. Or a victim injected with some nasty Nano Machines trying to erase her memories so she can't be scanned by the Memory Remix Agent. Stuff like that. Again, make these short, sweet and to the point.

The potential for a classic is there but the original wasn't even close to being it.

blackblades382d ago

I liked the game, couldve been better but you can say that for every game or movie.


Looking Back at the Best Beat'em Ups on the PS3

Carve your burning fist through this list featuring the best beat'em ups you can experience on the PlayStation 3.

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jznrpg464d ago

I loved Asura’s Wrath . It’s my avatar still to this day

Abnor_Mal464d ago

I remember Remember Me, I haven’t forgotten that it was actually a good game.


Bring it Back | Remember Me

Some may not remember Capcom and Dontnod Entertainment's Remember Me, but GotGame does, making it a part of another Bring it Back retrospective.

IamTylerDurden11177d ago (Edited 1177d ago )

I agree. Personally, Remember Me, imo, was quite underrated. The game was linear and beautiful Neo Paris wasn't available to be explored as much as I would've liked, but as a whole, it was enjoyable.

Graphics were excellent, the art style was terrific and Nillin was a tremendous character that was voiced beautifully. It even had a solid story. Combat was attacked, but going back recently, I rather enjoyed it. The pressen system was genius and the basic flow to action worked. Platforming was terrible, but the overall package was one that i loved and I'd rather DontNod make more titles like this then become complacent making knockoff Tell Tale games. They are going down the same road as TT, using old tech and pumping out inferior products consistently. I know they had interest in a sequel and had already written the script. Capcom just doesn't want it, but I do.

Magog1177d ago

Yeah their walking simulators do nothing for me. Funny that Quantic Dream seem to be going in the other direction. I wouldn't be surprised to see some actual gameplay in their next game.

Relientk771177d ago

I will always see Remember Me as one of the most underrated games of the PS3/Xbox 360 generation. I had a blast with the game. I would love a sequel.

PersonX1177d ago

No point, nothing but a mediocre game.