
PlayStation Store now accepts PayPal

PlayStation Network Users can now pay via PayPal to recharge credit on PlayStation Store.

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SonyNGP4359d ago

Very nice. Hopefully this isn't region locked like it is on the 360...

JAM_brz4359d ago (Edited 4359d ago )

That´s a good point. I´m from Brazil, and would be nice insert credit in my US account via PayPal. But I think it´ll be region locked. :-/

CockSplash4359d ago (Edited 4359d ago )

The most redundant thing possible. Region locking the ability to pay. You would think companies would be all for taking our money any way it is possible. Just when I was about to get excited over this too.

BlindGuardian4359d ago (Edited 4359d ago )

I'm from Argentina and this is amazing news

I can't use my credit card on the PSstore because it has a local address and to buy stuff from the PSstore I have to buy PSN cards but here they sell them with profit, so a 50 dollar card is like 65 dollars or more

I'm thinking of going all digital for next gen and this might make it much more affordable

Google and Apple accept international credit cards on the AppStore and GooglePlay, it's just incomprehensible that Sony doesn't

JAM_brz4359d ago


Hello "customer of our brazilian soccer team".. lol

just kidding

Here I buy PSN cards too from Mercado Livre. I already paid about 55 dollars in 50 USD Credit PSN. And in the past I bought from Best Buy, but in the last time I checked the site, the card was unavailable for "send the code via email".

Hopefully this PayPal deal solve our problem.

Regards from a south american friend.

JKelloggs4359d ago

I hope not, seeing as this is included now, I could get CS:GO off of my US account

gameplayingfool4359d ago

Region blocking is the stupidest thing ever.

stage884359d ago

Excellent, I will be spending a lot more on the store now.

Xof4359d ago (Edited 4359d ago )

This is cool. Especially if it's for ALL of the stores. Most retailers overprice the **** out of Japanese PSN cards, usually with a 150% to 200% mark-up. Shame paypal is such a rip-off.

Xof4359d ago (Edited 4359d ago )

Paypal charges you for each transaction. It's usually not a big percentage, but the fees get quite a bit bigger for international transactions.

And Paypal has a history of screwing over customers. If you sell stuff on eBay, for example, buyers can basically get Paypal to take the money they paid you and give it back to them and there's nothing you can do. That's happened to me twice.

And then there are also stories of Paypal randomly removing funds from users' balances.

@your reply: it's not, which is why I said it was cool. ~__~

stage884359d ago (Edited 4359d ago )

That's unfortunate but doesn't seem like it is a big hindrance if using it for PSN.

@your reply: chill out, you edited your comment which didn't say that before.

sourav934359d ago (Edited 4359d ago )

Erm...I've been using PayPal for a long time, and I've never been charged for any transaction; any /local/ transaction anyways. Yes, their exchange rate for international transactions is pretty crap, but that's where I'm guessing they get their commission from. But other than that, it's a simple payment method.

And to avoid situations where funds are randomly removed from your account, just don't keep funds in your PayPal account. Just link your credit/debit card with it, and during payment, it's as if you used your card for the payment, and it's just as fast as PayPal funds.

jd6664359d ago

I've never been charged either, strange!!

poolsharky274358d ago

It's a common misconception that people have about paypal.

They actually charge the company for each (credit) transaction (credit card processing fees), NOT the customer. Source: I used to have my own online business, and we accepted paypal.

gaffyh4358d ago

@above. - That's true for the most part, except if you pay someone with the money owed option, which will charge the person paying instead of the person receiving the money.

tiffac0084358d ago

Doesn't every payment option charge the company they allow their services to function with? I think that's how they get most of their money.

Anyways I hope I can use this in the future. It will make it easier for me.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 4358d ago
Snookies124359d ago

Well, I agree that Japanese PSN cards are outrageously priced... So, it would be really nice if it works for all stores, though I doubt it will...

csreynolds4359d ago

Happy, unless they will only allow me to buy UK content. Want some US Store content...

a_bro4359d ago

nice to see that the PS store continues to evolve. hopefully we're able to buy a game from the web and automatically push it to our PS3s, that would be cooler.

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Rolling the Dice: Do Modern RPGs Miss the Point of Team-Based Play?

It seems it was long time ago. A bunch of friends spending hours on end playing RPG games, sitting around the table with the box of cold pizza. Excited about the story, listening to the Game Master, they were completely engaged in the worlds only visible to them and their imaginations.

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Takwin2774d ago

The GM is the programmer, and in MMOs and co-ops, you can play with others. If you want to ONLY use your imagination for the visuals, read a book.


Record of Agarest War 2 announced for PS3

Scrawl: "Looks like we know how that new Compile Heart countdown is going to end. The latest issue of Famitsu has confirmed that Agarest Senki 2, known as Record of Agarest War 2 in the US, is Compile Heart’s newest title."

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Godmars2905219d ago

1) Hope they put it on disc this time.
2) Hope this is a positive for Neptune coming over as well.

Demons Souls5219d ago

If so, that's being developed & published by Idea Factory. Compile Heart has nothing to do with it (Thank God for that).

Godmars2905219d ago (Edited 5219d ago )

Thought Compile Heart was one of the companies lending characters.

Was also speaking in general as in regards to a US of Neptune. If these guys are offing a second game, NIS or Atlus, both of whom offer quirkier titles, will put that one out.

My issue isn't - wholly - with the DL-only option, but the price. The first game should be $30. Maybe $40, and by that I mean $39.99. The only reason its $45 is the 360 disc version which has extras. Nevermind that by all rights its a PS2 game. Something that proabbly could have been done if the devs had the GOW2 engine or tools.

ClownBelt5219d ago

I approve of this god damn message.

Could have gotten my 60 bucks if they just put it on a disc.

5219d ago Replies(1)
Tripl3seis5219d ago

Another exclusive damnn the ps3 keeps on rollin wit games awesome ;)

Jack-Pyro5219d ago

Is this a half decent SRPG, porn aside, cause if it is, i might just decide to go and buy it for the 360.

Anon73495219d ago

There's no porn just some sexual innuendos but that's it.

Also it is a great game by itself, maybe not graphically but everything else is top tier.

RedDevils5219d ago

so it had some kind of "top tier" porn story jk

ThanatosDMC5219d ago

Yup, it's a decent game. I just hate that a move has to go first before any attack options.

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2810d ago
Bismarn2810d ago

Bless must be an amazing game to be on all these platforms (according to the tags): iPad iPhone Nintendo DS PC PS Vita PS2 PS3 PS4 PSP Wii Wii U Xbox Xbox 360 Xbox One