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Fable: The Journey surprises by smart mix of motion controls and storytelling | GamesBeat Review

Rob LeFebvre: "I’ll admit, I was skeptical of recently released Fable: The Journey. It’s an exclusive Xbox 360 Kinect title, and I truly expected a kid-centric, dumbed-down, on-rails arcade game with ridiculously imprecise flailing dynamics. I thought the experience would be set somewhat in the the Fable universe but not dealing with anything important or specific to that universe. A one-off if you will. Sort of like a Wii version of a high-profile, multiplatform title.

Turns out, I was wrong."

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RonaldRaygun4266d ago
Tolkoto4266d ago

I was surprised by the demo.

DivineAssault 4266d ago

i would like to try this game out.. I loved the fable games but im not sure about kinect only gameplay

Laxman4266d ago

You can try it out with the demo on the marketplace. I found it surprisingly enjoyable, as I dont really like my Kinect.

ChunkyLover534266d ago

It is a fun game, definitely a lot of Easter Eggs if you've played through the other Fable games. It also imports your choices from Fable 3 and those choices affect how things are in Albion during the game.

I'd suggest not playing it for longer than a couple of hours per session, your arms tend to get tired and that can hurt your aim, but I had no problems with the controls and there is a very emotional ending to the game.

ziggurcat4266d ago

"smart mix of motion controls"

you mean, on-rails controls...

Laxman4266d ago

No, he means motion controls.

Nothing smart about on-rails.

Shadonic4266d ago

how did you get on rails from motion controls.

TheGreenMan4266d ago

Uh...because the game is on rails. This has already been established...

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Top 10 Worst Kinect Games

Alex S. from Link-Cable writes: "A few days ago, Microsoft announced that they were officially discontinuing their Kinect motion-sensing accessory. What was once considered a chief-rival to Nintendo’s Wii revolution and an integral part of the Xbox One’s launch has come to an end, and we here at Link-Cable… couldn’t be happier. The Kinect, while sporting impressive technology never managed to live up to its full potential and most of the games released for the device either had shoe-horned in support or barely functioned as intentioned, in part because of the device’s very specific ideal conditions. So as the Kinect sails off into sunset, we’ve decided to remember the worst of times and look back at the Top 10 Worst Kinect games."

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RyanDJ2411d ago

Kinect, for me, is easily worth owning for two things: Dance Central for me acting like an idiot and having fun, and Kinect Party for my kids when they want to have easy-access stupid fun at like a kid's party. Those were the only games I have enjoyed on it, and they couldn't be done any other way (well, I guess that KP is EyeToy-level work). But my hope is that when motion control falls away, we'll get a proper DDR again.

andrewsquall2410d ago (Edited 2410d ago )

Yet for 150 quid it is and was most certainly not worth owning for solely those 2 games, that you have to pay money for also.

Now far be it from me to tell you what is worth it or not worth it to you. But if that is what is worth it to you, I don't want to know what ISN'T worth it lol.

RyanDJ2409d ago

It was worth it to buy one used for half price and get one of those two games for free. ;)

datriax2410d ago

All of them are tied for 1st place.

darthv722410d ago

Star wars wouldnt be so bad if it didnt have.... the dancing. Ughhh that dancing.

They should do a list of 10 best kinect games as well. I'm sure fruit ninja and gun stringer would be on there. Those are actually fun to play.


15 Xbox Games With Absolutely Horrible Sequels

When an original game becomes a hit, it can be difficult to re-configure its secret sauce into an equally enjoyable sequel.

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Nyxus2577d ago WhoDisagree(0)Agree(0)
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Community2576d ago
Christopher2577d ago

Would you say absolutely horrible hyperbole? :D

4Sh0w2576d ago (Edited 2576d ago )

Halo 5?....pffft to each his own but Halo 5 is a great game, every Xbox owner I know enjoyed it, the campaign was nice I like the teamwork concept and the multiplayer keeps 'em coming back with great gameplay & modes so much content, 343 did a helluva job.

Christopher2576d ago

@4Show: Uh... going to assume that's a comment intended for someone else.

spicelicka2576d ago

Not Halo 5. It had a bad story COMPARED to past games but it didn't have a bad story overall. The gameplay was top notch, and multiplayer is still one of the best on the market right now. Custom games browser is the single greatest thing 343 did which I'm grateful for.

ninsigma2576d ago

Nah it really was a bad campaign. MP was great but seriously, that was a hugely terrible story mode.

spicelicka2575d ago

The story maybe, but some of the missions were extremely fun. The Sangehlios ones are right up there with the best missions in the franchise.

Kingthrash3602576d ago

Halos mp was great but became boring quicker than most.
The story. Naw that was bad and it's marketing was a lie. Made it seem like old master chief was gunna fight that new fake master chief but the conflict ended up being a one punch cgi sequence.
Not to mention fighting the same boss over and over and add the no split screen mp and whala! You got the worst canon halo ever made

brich2332576d ago

Compared to Halo 4, Halo 5's story was trash and not memorable at all.

ninsigma2575d ago

That's not really saying much though cuz that was pretty bad as well.

ninsigma2575d ago

Agreed on sanghelios. That was one of the very few times it actually felt like halo.

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Aenea2576d ago

And another article with 15 items from this website *shakes head*

MadLad2576d ago

Halo 5, FarCry 2, Dragon Age 2, Nuts and Bolts, and Gears of War: Judgement were all far from bad games. Hell, even Crackdown 2 was pretty fun.

There's a difference between a lesser sequel, and a bad game.

rlow12575d ago

With a Title that says "horrible sequels", most of these are far from that. Better title should be disappointing sequels. But I'm sure they went with the former to get clicks and bring in the fanboys.

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Community3024d ago
oSHINSAo3024d ago

i miss a Black and White game so much

Bahamut3024d ago (Edited 3024d ago )

Good times. Back when Lionhead Studios actually meant something. Black and White was awesome, Fable was great, Fable 2 was real good, then it all went downhill from there.

They had such big aspirations and goals, it's a shame that it came to this. I knew it wouldn't last when Peter Molyneux left. Say what you want about the man, but he had vision. True he never followed up on 75% of what he said, but nevertheless the heart of Lionhead Studios came from him.

Imalwaysright3024d ago

Who wouldn't miss being a god?

gangsta_red3024d ago

If someone asks you if you're a god, you say yes.

3024d ago