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GTA V blowout confirmed for next month with next Game Informer cover story

Game Informer's November 2012 issue was only published a few days ago, but the magazine's editor in chief has already confirmed the cover story for December.

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Christopher4366d ago
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Christopher4366d ago
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Prcko4366d ago (Edited 4366d ago )

OMG,finalllllllllllyyyyyyyyyyy yyyyyyyy
Hype is back
30% atm

NYC_Gamer4366d ago

Its about time we get some fresh details

fuzion17c4366d ago

I'm currently playing GTAIV Complete Edition in preparation for GTAV!!!

irepbtown4366d ago

For the past; god knows how long, we've been reading rumors, speculations, all that kind of crap.

At least we know we'll get some real info in December. That's what counts!!!

ajax174365d ago

I guess 4 people don't want new details...

blumatt4366d ago

I just hope the game is more like San Andreas and less like GTA 4. I want to be able to do all kinds of side missions and crazy stuff like skydiving and working out to gain more stamina. It was cool how in San Andreas you could get fat. LoL

I also hope they bring back controller cheat codes. Putting them in with that ingame cell phone sucked!!

I want my (r1 r2 l1 r2 left down up right left down up right) cheat codes back. I used to be able to put them in so fast it would slow my PS2 down to like 5 frames per second. Haha

Getowned4365d ago (Edited 4365d ago )

@ blumatt Iagree, I want it more like SA but with a bad ass vice city type story :P..

"I also hope they bring back controller cheat codes. Putting them in with that ingame cell phone sucked!! "

This is the only thing I dissagre with, I loved the cell phone having the cheats because I never had to put them in again, I loved summoning my helicopter it made the game so awesome flying everywhere in the helicopter XD ... I remember playing GTA online and jumping out of the heli just in time for it to crash into a building killing everyone LOL!!!!!!!! good times. The MP had so much potential. I can't wait for a new GTA game x_x!

Emilio_Estevez4366d ago

No argument here. Give us the details!

Christopher4366d ago

So, looks like a May release then.

FarCryLover1824366d ago

Probably, or March or April.

Christopher4366d ago

I say May because...

GTAIV - April 2008
RDR - May 2010
L.A. Noire - May 2011

I think they may have moved from April to May in their mid-year release schedule. And, this cover issue will be a good way to advertise their R* game bundle which in turn will help advertise GTAV over the months. Not that it really needs that much advertising to sell well.

FarCryLover1824366d ago

Yeah, there is a real good chance that it will come in May, don't forget Max Payne 3 in May 2012. But, poor ol' Max didn't sell nearly as well as LA Noire, GTA or RDR, so I think they may (or may not) try the April timeslot like GTAIV.

Dovahkiin4366d ago

People clearly read this comment, disagreed, read your logic in the later comment, and agreed. People are stupid.

BitbyDeath4366d ago

The first 5 months of 2013 is going to be crazy.
Possibly the biggest release of AAA games ever.

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GuyThatPlaysGames4366d ago

After the details are released prepare for a ton of articles like "5 Things I Think They Should Remove From The Game Before It's Released" and other completely retarded articles. Oh wait this is N4G so that's expected lol

Awesome_Gamer4366d ago


Can't wait man, i love this series.

showtimefolks4365d ago

i am excited but if you look at GTA 4 which was also on GI cover this is not as much a surprise as it was expection. One thing is after the cover blowout we will know more so all these fake leaks can stop

i been paying for GI but only few months actually got the magazine in mail lol. maybe next time i shouldn't renew just too lazy to take action lol

anyway hopefully GTA 5 will return to world of mayhem while still having a serious tone like GTA 3,vs and SA

i wish RS would release GTA hd collection i would be all over that

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ExoHazMatt4366d ago

Excellent. Game Informer's coverage is always top notch and this is a game I'm very much looking forward to.

Bring on the info!

crimsonfox4366d ago (Edited 4366d ago )

Game Informer always has the GTA blow outs!I still have my Vice City world exclusive magazine too, I have my San Andreas one and my GTA 4 copy I can't wait to slam my face into this. GROVE STREET OG ON THA SET LOC!!! Let the sin...Begin

blue_cheese4366d ago

i feel like i should see a troll face at the end of this's to hoping its finally safe to get my hopes up! lol

rickybadman4366d ago

My body and reading glasses are ready

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GTA V gets unsupported tag on Steam Deck, but Valve may be "working with Rockstar Games" to fix it

With BattlEye anti-cheat breaking GTA Online on the Steam Deck, backlash from fans may be answered as Valve says they're looking for a fix.

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GTA V on Android "runs great" as PC emulators improve massively

Rockstar's GTA V on Android is now possible as the Winlator PC emulator now runs the game without any issues on powerful phones.

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Community7d ago

Rockstar Reportedly Adding Ray Tracing To GTA V PC Version, Datamine Finds

Rockstar Games is apparently adding ray tracing to the PC version of GTA V, based on the findings of a new datamine.

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Tacoboto7d ago

It would be about time. Throw us PC players a bone by doing this and finally putting out RDR1


It looks amazing with mods: But it's good to get something official.