
Destructoid's Review: Ratchet and Clank Collection


For a while there, the 3D platformer was lost on Sony’s platform but then Insomniac found it. And, somehow, the Spyro guys made it better than the genre ever was on the PlayStation.

Along with Naughty Dog and Sucker Punch, Insomniac took lessons learned from the previous generation, spliced the traditional platformer with other genres, and churned out one of the best trilogies that games have to offer.

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Relientk774393d ago

Amazing games, and still a blast to play after all these years

thorstein4393d ago

Your Random Review of [Insert Game Title] for the [Insert Game System.] is trite. It is a poor example of critique. Your comments are wonky and your analysis is tacked on. It would be even more cliched had I not had to grind through all of the tacked on, random hype of your prowess as a reviewer. And since you have written a review before, it certainly doesn't live up to the standards previously set by your review of [insert other game title] for [insert favorite gaming system.]
I give your review a 0.13.
The Good: It was in English, barely.
The Bad: Cliched Terminology should be avoided like the plague.
The Ugly: Putting your photoshopped picture next to your review doesn't make you less of a tool.


What's Your Favorite Holiday Gaming Memories?

The holidays are here, and we asked around for some cherished gaming memories during these festive times. Got any of your own?

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Relientk773561d ago

Playing video games all day on Xmas, PS1 and PS2 as a kid


WeAreLegion3561d ago

Oddly enough, I play The Grinch on PS1 every December. One of the best licensed titles of the time.

XXXL3561d ago

I remember getting the original Legend of Zelda as a kid. First time I laid eyes on that gold beauty I was beside myself. Years later getting the SNES was a great memory too. I miss being a kid sometimes. I hope to envoke that nostalgia with my children.

DragoonsScaleLegends3561d ago

I think I have only got a game system for Christmas twice and that was the Original Xbox and PSP 1000. Both were amazing when I got them back in the day. But I think my favorite console I ever got was for a birthday and that was the Nintendo 64 with Mario Kart 64, Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 2, and Army Men Sarge Heroes. But all of these were unexpected gifts that were so awesome opening up and being surprised. Also I have all of Nintendo and Sonys consoles and only the Original Xbox from Microsoft.

WeedyOne3561d ago

When i got my PS2 for Christmas, i wasnt expecting one due to low supply. Played Dynasty Warriors 2 all day!

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Best Buy Weekend Sale For Select PS3 and Xbox 360 Titles Now Live

Techtorial: Best Buy listed its new deals for the weekend including $15 price tag to a few popular PS3 and Xbox 360 titles.

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What’s Your Favorite HD Collection?

"Since we’re just starting this today, we chose the very first question: What’s Your Favorite HD Collection?"

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TrendyGamers4274d ago (Edited 4274d ago )

I wish I had time/money to play all of the HD collections out there right now.

doctorstrange4274d ago

I wish I had time/money to play every good game ever.

InactiveUser4274d ago (Edited 4274d ago )


#1 - God of War: Collection*
(The only one I actually replayed completely through and platinumed both, so I have to give it the top spot.)

#2 - Metal Gear Solid: Collection
(Barely played it so far [I beat the originals and was hoping for MGS1 HD], but still a great collection and deserved the HD treatment)

#3 - Ico & Shadow of the Colossus Collection
(Beat SotC again. Still haven't played Ico, but plan to eventually)

#4 - God of War: Origins Collection*
(The PSP remakes; own it, haven't played it yet, but will eventually.)

#5 - Ratchet & Clank Collection
(Owned the originals, haven't bought or played this yet, but will.)

*God of War Saga obviously includes both #1 & #4 Origins, but Origins isn't on-disc. I prefer on-disc.

Some other HD remasters/remakes I'd buy (not collections, I know):
Half-Life HD (or a Black Mesa console release)

Test Drive: Eve of Destruction HD (preferably included with an EoD2 release on PS4)

ftwrthtx4274d ago

There are too many for me to have a favorite.

prototypeknuckles4274d ago

Prince of Persia Trilogy
Sly Collection

Soldierone4274d ago

Jak and Daxter and Sly

I haven't played the Ratchet one yet :/

Ilovetheps54274d ago

My favorite is Jak and Daxter. I enjoyed that series a ton in the PS2 days and it's still incredibly fun today. Such a great series.

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