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Community4337d ago
alexcosborn4337d ago

I'm shocked! I thought Sony was brining on help from other devs to get this one finished.

This is very unfortunate :(

dbjj120884337d ago

I'm not shocked. What kind of sales was this going to bring in anyway?

doctorstrange4337d ago

Yeah, but they must have invested quite a bit already.

b163o14337d ago

The problem I had with this game, was the gameplay looked just like ICO minus the girl. I really didn't see the hype in it besides the developer...

guitarded774337d ago

TLG could have just been a code name. Maybe they plan on a new title. Just being optimistic :D

da_2pacalypse4337d ago

*cries* :'(

well this kind of ruined my day :(

darthv724337d ago

the game is getting a new name so no need for TLG anymore. We will see some footage of it at TGS soon enough.

sikbeta4337d ago

Team ICO don't make game for the sales, ICO and SOTC were showcases, now that Ueda is leaving there is no need to keep investing in that team anymore, Western Devs can make better games in less time, SCEA and SCEE have done much more than SCEJ could have ever hope...

NastyLeftHook04337d ago

Who knows? Probably quite a bit. I would have bought it. I love the series, its so deep and creative. It would have gained tons of good media probably because of how great it looked, went on to get a game of the year award, ended up selling 4-5 million, who knows.

-Alpha4337d ago (Edited 4337d ago )


u r sadly correct. maybe this was a way to cut losses. but its just too unbelievable. maybe they modified the name, tlg is too popular now to change it completly. It kills me to see japanese games get turned upside down like this

Edit: Hm im reading that the same thing happened to ff versus last year, and that game is still in development..time to spam Sony twitter

Nitrowolf24337d ago (Edited 4337d ago )

Um guys
you do know that if a Trademark is left unused or whatever for a very long period of time they get marked Abandoned right? It's like that in the US at least. All this means is that Sony hasn't used it yet (by US standards), and since they were the exclusive owners of it it doesn't fall under the rules that anyone can buy and register it. Sony will re-register or do a name change.

BinaryMind4337d ago

I would like to see a news story that doesn't spell doom for this title.

-Alpha4337d ago (Edited 4337d ago )


Didnt know that and thatd explain FF Versus having its trademark marked as dead too. Whew, I feel better but have always dreaded seeing this headline


fighisimo4337d ago

If gaming continues being measured for its revenues, it can be dead and done. Thank's to guys like you two

knowyourstuff4336d ago

With the right marketing campaign you can sell anything, you just need to tailor your message to your audience, something Sony has had troubles doing for the longest time.

But really, Sony has reached a wider audience with the ICO collection HD remakes, so with right amount of hype (not too much), they'll sell a good amount of copies. I think Sony is a big fan of the what the Dev team has created, so they're more willing to give them help. If this was another team they'd be out the door long ago.

AAACE54336d ago

With sonys financial situation im not surprised. I was actually one of the few who bought ico on ps2. Seeing how sales for these unique games have been hit or miss, i can see how a 3rd game can bee seen as risky.

Also keep in mind that they probably just changed the name.

ZombieKiller4336d ago

Sony doesn't care JUST about sales. Hence why you don't see advertisements all over the dashboa-- uh I mean XMB.

xursz4336d ago

I agree that Sony's western studios are nothing short of amazing but this is no reason to discredit Japan Studio, the co-creator of Demon's Souls. Ico and SotC are still iconic games, synonymous with the production values of SJS.

vega2754336d ago

the game is still in development as per a sony rep tweeting an update on TLG

hopefully the internet will calm down with this bit of news.

EVILDEAD3604336d ago (Edited 4336d ago )


The ONE game that looked to be one of the defining moments this gen...This one hurt BAD..

But hope it truly is still in development...fires up PS3 Slim and starts to play SOTC HD in 3D while drinking heavily..


4336d ago
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Thatguy-3104337d ago

most likely renamed and will be shown at gamescom. Wasn't one of the unannounced titles Japanese?
Sony themselves have said the game isn't cancelled so i believe them. The Last Guardian was a really good name for it though.

50Terabytespersec4336d ago

Highly doubt if it was abandoned but renamed and rebooted like many Sony films etc...
This game was and will be astonishing so were the past games made by Ueda Son ..

pr0digyZA4337d ago (Edited 4337d ago )

Didn't Sony say that it would be released no matter what?

If not then I will still wait till Sony themselves confirm.

Knight_Crawler4336d ago

Sony said that before they were in this mess that they are in financially and before the restructure.

Kaz has to play his cards right if he want to bring Sony back to good standings and cutting certain project is one one of being more cost effective.

showtimefolks4337d ago

Sony world wide studios president about a month ago it's still in development. Santa Monica studios sent some of their most talented people to help. I just think this game will go in hiding and all of the sudden be a quench title for ps4

I dont think ts canceled more like on hold

Who the heck cares about sales SOTC lifetime sales are over 2 million not counting digital so the game could be a success. Sony takes risks with heir games like heavy rain this and beyond 2 souls

Everything isn't about sales by that standard COD is the best game over

xtremeimport4336d ago

could they not has just changed the name?

ATi_Elite4336d ago (Edited 4336d ago )

Santa Monica was brought in to fix and complete the game and that's what they are gonna DO!

Sony letting go "The Last Guardian" title just could be a move determined by the Lawyers to prevent lawsuits from EX Team Ico members or Fumito Ueda who have left. Fumito Ueda is still helping complete the game but is working as a "Freelancer".

The game will be released in 2013!

modesign4336d ago

sony is a publisher, they hand the developers the money and the developers are suppose to bring a game to completion, TLG was a cool concept but the developer failed to bring it to completion, The end.

Lovable4336d ago

Abandon all hope people..tlg is dead officially! :)

mewhy324336d ago

I am VERY disappointed. This is the main reason that I purchased my ps3 slim. Wow, I mean wow. I've played most of the other exclusive titles but this was the primary reason for my purchase.

chazjamie4336d ago

i know your pain dude, the ps3 is so disappointing in every way. i bought it specifically for mgs 4. sure i enjoyed titles such as lbp and uncharted 2, but i knew their had to be more than this. i wish i got an xbox, but its too late now .

zeddy4336d ago

could be a name change but thats just me digging for some hope. im sure Shuhei Yoshida said the game was still alive but it doesnt look good. what a shame.

andibandit4336d ago

No worries people, Sony are just letting the name go and opting for "The Last ChickenDog"

DeadlyFire4336d ago

Its called a name change....

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Emilio_Estevez4337d ago (Edited 4337d ago )

Uh ohh.....hopefully just a renewal deadline they forgot about.

Or maybe a name change..

KiRBY30004337d ago

im thinking a name change too.

maybe they dont want people to be confused thinking "The Last Guardian" and "The Last of Us" are somewhat related.

the development for this game has been pretty chaotic though, which is never a good thing.

Cryptcuzz4337d ago

This is the most logical explanation.

A name change will be revealed, new game footage will be shown, release date will be announced come TGS. You can count on it!

I am however being optimistic about all this, but I highly doubt this game is cancelled with all the resources thrown at it, as well as Sony SSM studios working on the game.

WeskerChildReborned4336d ago

Yea i would hate for this game to be cancelled. It looked like it had potential.

Knight_Crawler4336d ago

Your a glass half full instaed of half empty guy...bubbles.

Emilio_Estevez4336d ago

Turned out I was right too! There is a story with Sony saying someone forgot to renew :)

Honky Kong4336d ago

or it will be a WiiU exclusive?

doctorstrange4337d ago

Please don't let it be cancelled.

Prcko4337d ago Show
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15 More Underrated PS4 Games You Probably Didn’t Play

GB: "With this feature, we run down 15 of the most underrated games on the PS4 that never received the love and appreciation they truly deserve."

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Community193d ago
Christopher195d ago

I've played 15, and I wouldn't consider any of those underrated TBH. Some of them are pretty high rated.

banger88195d ago

That's amazing, Gamingbolt actually put all 15 games on the same page.

shinoff2183194d ago

I. Not seeing anything on that list underrated. I never played concrete genie, the ASTRO vr,and one other but I forgot the name already. Nothing on there was underrated at all imo.

persona4chie193d ago

There’s only 4 of those games I never played, and no most of those aren’t underrated.

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The Last Guardian Is One of Gaming’s Most Beautiful Depictions of Friendship

Friendship is hard to depict accurately, but The Last Guardian does a good job of showing all its ups and downs through Trico and the boy.

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Community879d ago
NeedleEye879d ago

Technical issues aside, this is easily one of my favorite games from last gen.

ClayRules2012878d ago (Edited 878d ago )

I couldn’t agree more. I’ll never forget the emotional experience I had with this game. After waiting all those years, and than to finally play it. It was a visual beauty, along with offering a story/friendship between the 2 characters that was unique and unforgettable. Far surpassed my expectations. A masterpiece!

Technical issues aside, never have I played anything quite like it!

Magog879d ago

I enjoyed the game but it started out too simple and easy. If the entire game was as intense and challenging as the last 20% it would have been a 10/10 experience.

EvertonFC879d ago

Great game, so underrated. One of my favourites and top 20 games of all time

Phoenix76878d ago

I managed to grab the collectors edition for £40 about a year after it released. Was an enjoyable game, but I had just finished Shadow of the colossus, and whilst I enjoyed it, it was not as good when compared.

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Making Sense of Trico: The Last Guardian's Misunderstood Hero

To better understand why The Last Guardian's Trico clicked with some gamers and annoyed others, this article will explore the story behind the beast to see what makes it tick. Although a somewhat polarizing figure, Trico is a unique element of The Last Guardian that is equal parts captivating and mysterious. While some appreciate the beast's realism and unpredictability, other found the strange creature to be a tad too frustrating.

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Community1153d ago
Trilithon1152d ago

unique classic with a high quality sound track