
Kingdom Hearts 3D: Dream Drop Distance Review | gamrReview

gamrReview: "Essentially, it should go without saying that Kingdom Hearts fans need to own this game. It features the most exciting combat the series has ever known, has some stunning visual and audio work, and ties together all previous titles while weaving new plot threads that set the stage for a final entry in the series."

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TheDivine4335d ago

Really great game and of the most enjoyable Kingdom Hearts ive played. Theres a few issues like lack of npc's so areas feel empty except for enemies, the drop system is a love it or hate it feature, and its fairly short but theres a wealth of side content and its a whole lot of new areas for the series. If your a fan you owe it to yourself to play this. Buy a 3ds if you have to, the xl drops pretty soon.

Im halfway done and so far its fantastic. Haunchback has some of the best music and Tron's world is very memorable. The boss fight is really great and intense unless your overleveled. I cant wait to hit Fantasia. Ive heard its the best world in the game and possibly the series. So close lol.

Capt-FuzzyPants4335d ago

Yeah I've never seen France so empty. And whoever told you how great Fantasia was is right. Definitely one of the best worlds I've ever played in KH. It's no Hollow Bastion, but theres something about it that makes it fun. I literally just beat it like an hour ago and the game is phenomenal.


Dream Drop Distance Derailed Kingdom Hearts in Style

While very flawed, DDD highlights why the series works as well as it does. Between a willingness to innovate and consistently strong character writing, Kingdom Hearts is never boring. The plot can derail itself off the tracks completely, but there’s still substance within the main cast.

Gameplay can be unrecognizable from title to title, but that’s exactly what keeps each entry worth revisiting. DDD is better than just another KH title. It has a strong identity and knows exactly what kind of game it is, for better or worse.

Dream Drop Distance didn’t have to derail Kingdom Hearts as hard as it did, but doing resulted in an unforgettable experience– a bridge to Kingdom Hearts III that’s as essential as it is eclectic.

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The 'Teen Years: A Look Back at Kingdom Hearts over the Past 10 Years

As the decade ends, let’s look back at many of the biggest moments in the Kingdom Hearts series. From games to merchandise, there was something for every Kingdom Hearts fan to enjoy.


5 Nintendo 3DS Games That Deserve A Nintendo Switch Port

Nintendo has remained the king of handheld gaming since the release of the Gameboy. With the 3DS slowly dying and the Nintendo Switch selling huge perhaps it's time to port some the 3DS games to the Switch. Here are 5 Nintendo 3DS games that deserve to be ported to the Nintendo Switch.

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Miss_Vixen1894d ago

Although not 3DS games, I would like to see the Golden Sun games and Chrono Trigger be released on the Switch.

Fist4achin1894d ago

Yes. We are long overdue for a remastered edition of both of those games.

King_Noctis1894d ago

Or give Chrono Triggers a remake. I would really love to see that.