
'Kingdom Hearts 3D: Dream Drop Distance' review: dropping the dream | The Verge

The Verge: "3D comes to the series with Kingdom Hearts 3D: Dream Drop Distance, but most of the fun got lost along the way."

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smashman984438d ago (Edited 4438d ago )

This game has no final fantasy... 5/10

thats what i got

NukaCola4437d ago

It seems that Square is killing the magic of the Kingdom Hearts series with each continuous game. I think they should rap this up with a good console HD KH3 title. We have had 3 times the games on remakes and handheld versions and it's about time to let go of stretching the story and get on a third game with some closure. There is so much we havent even touched and the devs just repeat the same game over and over again.

I really want a Toy Story world and visit the land in Jungle Book too.

TheGOODKyle4437d ago

KH3 won't end the story just the Xehanort saga.

DaThreats4438d ago

Stop making damn DS games
And make us our AAA RPG Playstation exclusives like the good old days

WeskerChildReborned4438d ago

I know, they are like teasing us cause they know we want a Kingdom Hearts 3 lol.

AWBrawler4438d ago

I don't believe that score. the demo seemed good and the trailers were epic. I have to play it for myself

chrispen94438d ago

The game is great and in my opinion, this review is flawed.

I am immersed in the story, the gameplay is the best it has ever been with its new "Flowmotion" mechanic and the characters from "The World That Ends With You" are on the game. Final Fantasy has been in the majority of Kingdom Hearts games before. It's time to let other Square Enix titles receive more attention. KH 3D does that. This reviewer nitpicks and tries to find excuses for such a low score.

What this reviewer gets right, however, is the Drop system. I hate it. It takes you out of that particular character's story and sometimes even boss fights. If that happens, you have to fight the boss all the way at the beginning. Also, I agree that having Dream Eaters rather than the characters of the worlds is an annoying feature. I wanted to fight alongside Goofy and Donald, not these creatures. These faults however do not make Dream Drop Distance a 5/10.

This is one of my favorite titles in the series. This is my opinion of course but this game does not deserve a score as terrible as this.

aNDROiD17_4437d ago Show
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Dream Drop Distance Derailed Kingdom Hearts in Style

While very flawed, DDD highlights why the series works as well as it does. Between a willingness to innovate and consistently strong character writing, Kingdom Hearts is never boring. The plot can derail itself off the tracks completely, but there’s still substance within the main cast.

Gameplay can be unrecognizable from title to title, but that’s exactly what keeps each entry worth revisiting. DDD is better than just another KH title. It has a strong identity and knows exactly what kind of game it is, for better or worse.

Dream Drop Distance didn’t have to derail Kingdom Hearts as hard as it did, but doing resulted in an unforgettable experience– a bridge to Kingdom Hearts III that’s as essential as it is eclectic.

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Miss_Vixen1988d ago

Although not 3DS games, I would like to see the Golden Sun games and Chrono Trigger be released on the Switch.

Fist4achin1988d ago

Yes. We are long overdue for a remastered edition of both of those games.

King_Noctis1988d ago

Or give Chrono Triggers a remake. I would really love to see that.