
Gaming Under the Influence #2 ~ July 12th 2012

Ken Konarzewski writes:

"BIG NEWS!!!!!!!!!!! Starting next week, this will be a VIDEO SHOW! Get your beers ready!

One thing a lot of the adults have learned is that when you grew up, your Mountain Dew’s and Bawls Energy Drinks have turned into beer and Jack & Coke’s. A lot of us still play the party games, but things have progressed from the days of Mario Kart on the Super Nintendo. Welcome to the world of Gaming Under the Influence, where we introduce you to some craft beers, interesting drink concoctions, and video games that you can turn into drinking games.

Each week we will concentrate on a system and rotate it every week between all consoles and of course PC games. This week we will be discussing some fun things you can do while you have friends over and playing on your Sega Genesis. The Genesis is a fan favorite as you were introduced to many games on it including Primal Rage, Streets of Rage, and Wolverine: Adamantium Rage (plenty of ‘rage’ for this system!)"


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838d ago
838d ago

15 Sega Genesis Games that Hold Up Today

The Sega Genesis is a tad underappreciated. This site has already posted about how this console was great for the RPG genre despite the SNES getting more glory. However, that was not the only genre that flourished on the Genesis/Mega Drive.

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Jiub925d ago

Shining Force is on my long list of game series should be revived. Same with console Phantasy Star

Fonsecap925d ago

Shining Force 1, 2 and 3 were awesome, the third one can only be played with emulation along with the translation project because of Episode 2 and 3 that were only released in JP. But I agree, I don't know why SEGA don't revive this franchise, tactics games are very well accepted these days.

Jiub925d ago

I didn't know that about the third one. After the success of the last Fire Emblem, I can't imagine why we don't get more tactics RPGs out there. I'd even take a tactics ogre at this point

925d ago
gold_drake925d ago

i love shining force. i need a bundle with all the games in it.

but the mobile game is coming soon anyways :)

Petebloodyonion925d ago

I'm sorry but I feel the list has been made by a person checking his own backlog catalog.
Mortal Kombat 2? missing half of the sounds and animation from the arcade.
And can we say Super dark soul difficulty when we say Earthworm Jim 2

Here's my pick for still holding up and fun

- Shinobi Shadow Dancer, not too tough nor too easy with a good arcade challenge 1 hour long to complete.
- Gunstar Heroes
- Nhl 94
- Thunder Force 3

Shuckylad925d ago

The 16 bit era in general has aged better than any pre hd generation imo.

Fist4achin925d ago

Great lost with lots of memories. A reboot of the Shadowrun game and Shining Force would keep me entertained and busy for a long time.

gold_drake925d ago

-Sonic 2, 3 and knuckles, pinball
-that one x-men game i always forget its name
-that one fighting game that has different characters (a fishmen, an assassin lady, a private detective from the 70s etc)
-shining force 2
-dynamite heady (probably the best looking genesis game, imo)
-wonderboy in monster world

those are the ones that come to mind ha.

Yui_Suzumiya924d ago

Sega CD version is so much better though.. I had both versions back in the 90's

gold_drake923d ago

oh yeh, thats the name. i always forget it haha.

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