
CVG: Virtua Fighter 5: Final Showdown review: Meet the real master

No fighting game is more misunderstood than Virtua Fighter. Often derided as complex and inaccessible, it's actually a far simpler and less demanding game than Street Fighter when played at a moderately high level.

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Baka-akaB4370d ago

My issues where always more the rather blandness and unappealing nature of most characters . At the end of the day , the feel look and charm of the chars is as important as the core gameplay .

Of course it's in the eye of the beholder , so there are definitively people that dont care about that , or actually find the characters cool .

darthseth244370d ago

Got this for free with ps+. Wonder what xbla gold got this month for free?

Hufandpuf4369d ago

You turned this into a console discussion. Good job /s

jetlian4369d ago

he means he paid to rent lol nothing is truly free

darthseth244369d ago

Yeah your right but wrong.I paid for a ps+ subscription but I don't pay to play online on psn.Now xbla gold I pay for online. What happens when I stop paying can I still play online for the game I just dropped $60.00 on?What am I getting for free on xblg that I cant get anywhere else please dont bring up overrated party chat.

jetlian4369d ago

who said xbla was free? or anything on it was free. Xbla gets more content though


Sega Still Has No Concrete Plans For Virtua Fighter 6

From Siliconera: "The latest Famitsu issue has special coverage to mark the release of Virtua Fighter 5 Ultimate Showdown. It included an interview with chief producer Seiji Aoki from Sega. The interview revealed that Sega still has yet to make any plans for Virtua Fighter 6 as of Ultimate Showdown‘s release. "

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KingofBandits1118d ago

Disappointing but I would think that the re-release of VF5 will play a large roll in if VF6 happens or not. Fighting games have went from "evergreen" coin eaters to e-sports competitions and I could see that making new titles difficult for the bean counters to justify. Still the current trends in fighters have me less then thrilled with the future of the genre. Way too much DLC, over priced season passes, $100 "day 1 editions" its all just become a bit ridiculous imo.

Yi-Long1117d ago (Edited 1117d ago )

The genre has been killing itself with its DLC greed. Only hardcore fighting games fans will invest in buying these releases on Day 1, while everyone else sees the expensive Season Passes and decides to either wait for a complete edition somewhere down the line, or just skip these games completely.

A more healthy plan for these games would be to release these games for 40 bucks orso, announce ALL content released post-release will be 100% free for all players, and then just KEEP that price for the game at that 40 bucks for the first few years.

That way, there’s far more incentive for players to step in on Day 1, you won’t split up the community between haves & have nots, you’ll keep positive word of mouth rolling with each new free update throughout its lifespan, and you’ll be able to sell the base-game for full price for FAR longer than they did last-gen with games like Tekken 7 & SC6 in the bargain-bin within 2-3 months after release (and many STILL opting NOT to buy it, because of the expensive DLC and thus the idea you’d buy a fraction of a game … )

DLC greed keeps folks from buying games at full price, or even buying it at all. Again, FANS will buy, but many more mainstream occasional players will skip.

VTKC1117d ago

That is so me. I am a fan but a fan with self control. The last time I fell for their Decievingly Later Content was Tekken 7 and Dragonball fighting game. I have not brought another fighter on Day one since then. Tons of content for Tekken 7 I missing out on. Same with Dead or Alive, Soul Caliber, Dragonball. I refuse to buy their game X amount of times again until they do a "Legacy Edition". Or whatever they call them now where all the content is on the disc or discs and not with some voucher codes like lazy ass Street Fighter 5. And if they never do one then too bad. I will just play some other game. Theres plenty of suckers out there funding these practices.

Yi-Long1116d ago

Same. I bought DB FighterZ new, but it was only 8 bucks orso. Never bought any of the DLC and never will, but if they’ll release a Complete Edition I’d bite. The sad thing is that I absolutely do like/love the game, but because the roster is incomplete I just don’t play the game.

Recently bought Mortal Kombat 11 Ultimate Edition. Didn’t have much of an interest in the game before there was a complete release, but when there was I decided I’d jump in. Which was a good decision cause it’s great.

Never picked up Tekken 7, SC6, or Street Fighter 5. What’s the point if they’re incomplete rosters?

blackblades1117d ago

People want it, fighting games been releasing left and right these days. VF was like the only one that was a no show.

Vanfernal1117d ago

Well if they don't plan on using rollback netcode they might as well not bother. So far my VF matches have gone from "playable" to lag fests. I was really rooting for this game but they dropped the ball with the netcode.

WheatBread1117d ago

I don't expect much from Sega these days.


Virtua Fighter 5: Final Showdown is fully playable on PC thanks to this unlocker

Owners of Yakuza 6 can use this unlocker in order to play Virtua Fighter 5 Final Showdown without booting Yakuza 6.

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boing11161d ago

It's crazy that this game is inside of another game :)


Sega: Don't Expect 'Virtua Fighter 6' Anytime Soon

Even though the Virtua Fighter brand has been a dependable one for Sega over the past few years, it doesn’t appear to be on the company’s agenda for the future -- at least, for the time being.

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michaelknight352058d ago

Probably see VF6 next generation

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