
Halo 2 Anniversary Actually Happening?

In the latest Official Xbox Magazine, a spot in the magazine where rumors are usually reported, stated the following. “Following the success of Halo Anniversary remake, 343 Industries has now started development of Halo 2 Anniversary.” The little snippet of the article will be pictured below.

Added scan of the page with the tidbit on the rumor.

Irishguy954367d ago

Thought this was confirmed?? Why wouldn't they? I really hope they give ius Halo 2's Multiplayer with ti though and not reach's, simply because I have Reach and would liek to play this again> loved the maps on this one.

Wingsfan244367d ago

Not confirmed yet, but with the info-graphic they released a few days ago showing that anniversary sold 1.5 million copies, I can't see a reason why they wouldn't do the same for Halo 2. It's just extra money in their pockets.

guitarded774367d ago

I hope they do it... I skipped the first two Halo games because I never had the first XBOX. I started at 3 which I really didn't like, then ODST and Reach. I still had the meh syndrome when it came to Halo, then I played CE HD and thought it was great. Giving 2 a complete HD makeover like CE would be great for me since I haven't played it yet and I was so impressed with CE.

Trebius514367d ago

Well, considering the 360 lacks any decent exclusive game lineups, it only makes sense to rehash their previously released exclusives as Anniversary editions to give their core players something to play. (even if its the same thing)

So glad i own all 3 platforms.

snipes1014366d ago

I have two things to say:

1) Yes please to Halo 2 HD and

2) I usually don't feed the trolls but I'll throw Trebius a bone by telling him to f*uck off. Really, this article is about Halo, not how many games your respective platform (yes, I see that you're trying to backpedal by saying you own all 3) has for you to wave at everyone else.

Shepherd 2144366d ago (Edited 4366d ago )

If you collected and wrote down all the symbols you get from each terminal you find in CE Anniversary, you can take and input them to Halo Waypoint, the Halo content hub app on your xbox. Doing this initiates a hidden cutscene that explains what happens with a few details in-between halo 1 and 2 that for 8 years no one has known.

You only understand it if you paid attention to the story but the fact that it's a brand new cutscene that that paves the way and leads into halo 2 is exciting and a big hint to true Halo fans.

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Felinox4367d ago

This would make a good learning tool for 720 launch window. Then HALO 5 when they have a good grip on hardware.

mugoldeneagle034367d ago

Last I heard this was supposed to be one of the launch titles for the next Xbox. If not maybe the 360's last hoorah.

Seems likely.

Muffins12234367d ago

there gonna make the halo 2's Anniversary available for halo 4 in 2 map packs just like reach...

DasTier4366d ago

I imagine it will be on halos 4 multiplayer as they won't release this this year, I don't think it's 10 years old yet be it will be in 2014, so I reckon we get 4, a year off and then 2 anniversary in 2014.

I wish they put 1,2 &3 all remastered in a box set :(

Also I wish ODST played more like ghost recon and that you weren't strong the MC.

And that wars gets a sequel.

They should have used the name halo like Tom clancys, and just have lots of unrelated , different genre games in the same universe

NewZealander4366d ago

easily the best game in the series, and maybe if we make enough noise they might add a extended cut to fix the ending :)

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NYC_Gamer4367d ago

I might need to check out Halo since a lot of fans have said the story is good

Wingsfan244367d ago (Edited 4367d ago )

One of the only game series I can play and never get tired of the story haha.

@Irishguy95 - Can't forget about the epic soundtracks as well, man, I hear any Halo song and it forces my hand to play the game hahaha.

Trebius514367d ago

You dont have much of a choice though, so its like being in jail and saying "MAN i love bread and water! I can eat this everyday and never get tired! MMM!!"

Irishguy954367d ago (Edited 4367d ago )

I'd say you'll be disappointed at first due to the gameplay not being what it is in other shooters(hide behind **** and irons sights), but stick to it, it's quite good and you'll probably enjoy the scale, enemy Ai, vehicles and combat when you get used to it

h311rais3r4367d ago

It's great. It feels modern to this day lol. The story you really have to listen to and if you can, read the books. Halos universe is almost as big as star wars! All the books are well written and extremely informative of each game and events that lead up to and after

spicelicka4367d ago

Ooo man bro, just play halo with an open mind and i can guarantee you'll be huge fan easily.

I play hundreds of games, but this is on franchise where i've played the campaign over and over again like 30 times, for EACH game. Once you're into the story and get used to the gameplay, there's nothing like it.

Just listening to the music makes me wanna play halo. In fact just talking about it right now makes me wanna go play. In fact, i'm gonna go play it....peace out:)

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 4367d ago
sandman2244367d ago

Oh look, 1 of the 2 franchises Microsoft made exclusive. The other one being gears. That's all the games Microsoft can make exclusive. It's so sad.

Trebius514367d ago

Stop trolling bro!!! Be happy for them, theyre getting another exclusive on their loooooong list of exclusives. (one thats not a kinect title)

_Aarix_4367d ago


Oh yea, forgot to welcome you to n4ps3, though its not exactly needed as you fit in like a long lost brother, are you related to tentonsoftubes? Tell him i said hi

Siren304367d ago

Since you have 10 comments in the last hour I'm guessing that the ps3 exclusives aren't doing it for you either

sandman2244367d ago

No they're not doing it right now. I'm actually playing mw3 for my 360. And every once in a while I'll play it on my ps3. Then I get upset because I realize the 360 has the better version and is overall a smoother multiplayer experience. Don't get me wrong I love my 360 as much as I love my ps3.

ALLWRONG4366d ago

Doesn't the 360 have more exclusives than say... Sony?

Stansolo4366d ago (Edited 4366d ago )

Not more, just better.
"Here comes the hate mail"....lol.
The ps3 is still a great console though.

vallencer4366d ago

Here I will list exclusives for you. Fable, halo, gears, forza, anything rare makes, first mass effect, blue dragon, lost odyssey, tales of vesperia, dance central, kinectimals. Im sure there's more but before you go saying things like that troll just think hard about how many exclusives there really are.

DasTier4366d ago

You realise there still a lot you didn't list right?

mysterym4366d ago

@Sandman224 I'll be glad when you have one bubble so i'll have to read less of your nonsense!

Stansolo4366d ago

Sony wished they got the halo franchise I tell you, you might take the piss but there's no fooling anyone halo is massive.
Just take a look at halo 4 and tell me that don't look stunning.

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Cajun Chicken4367d ago

I loved Halo Anniversary, but I don't think a remake of Halo 2 is really called for.
Halo 2 was split up in sections of linear levels a lot more than the first game in which levels felt like open landscapes, I don't think it would really work.

lastdual4367d ago

I agree that the campaign hasn't aged as well as CE, but the multiplayer was stellar.

That said, as cool as a multiplayer Halo 2 remake would be, I don't see it happening any time soon, as it would split the player base. I'm pretty sure 343 wants Halo 4 to have a nice long multiplayer lifespan.

Wingsfan244367d ago

They could always add the maps as dlc like they did with the original anniversary map set?

lastdual4367d ago


But that wouldn't really be a "Halo 2 remake", that would just be a map pack. For it to be a real remake, it would have to actually play like Halo 2.

Irishguy954367d ago

I liked Halo 2's campaign the most in the series. Especially the story.

mysterym4366d ago

Halo 1 was definately better for single player, but i want halo 2 just for the multiplayer. Clocked in over 11k multiplayer games on that bad boy and would love to play it again. It would be awesome if it was released on the halo 4 engine - halo 2's netcode would be considered piss poor now.

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Halo 2: Anniversary PC review - legendary mode | Metro

An excellent port of the Xbox game but the original is now so old it’s becoming difficult to enjoy even for veteran fans.


Halo 2 Original vs Anniversary Remaster 4K Comparison Screenshots

DSOGaming writes: "Halo 2 Anniversary Remaster is now available on the PC and below you can find some 4K comparison screenshots between the vanilla and the remaster versions."

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masterfox1498d ago (Edited 1498d ago )

Would it be awesome to see a facelift like Capcom did with Resident Evil 2 or Sony and its devs did with the Shadow of Colossus, all this time passed and MS did to Halo 2 this upgrade? , seriously a little more respect or little more love MS to your own franchise would it be nice, I mean this franchise was the franchise who literally put the xbox as a recognizable gaming brand.

Fishy Fingers1498d ago

Be nice sure, but 5 games for less than the cost of RE2 or SoC, not really comparable.

Just a nice lead up to Halo Infinite for PC players.

Sciurus_vulgaris1497d ago

Halo 2 anniversary is almost 6 years old and unlike Resident Evil 2(2019), it’s not a remake.

Spurg1497d ago

It already had a facelift and updated soundtrack . Which keeps true to the game without altering it.
Halo's artstyle can't change dramatically because Halo fans won't like it...change the sound and look of a sniper. The whole community goes crazy.


Here are some 4K screenshots from the PC version of Halo 2 Anniversary Remaster

DSOGaming writes: "Microsoft and 343 Industries have invited us to the latest beta phase of the Halo 2 Anniversary Remaster. As such, we've decided to capture some 4K screenshots and share them with you. Thus, these screenshots will give you an idea of what you can expect from this game."

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lellkay1520d ago

I do love me some Halo 2.

1520d ago Replies(1)