
Metal Gear Solid HD Collection Vita Review [Capsule Computers]

Capsule Computers writes:

"Perhaps one of the biggest arguments potential buyers can make to justify not picking up the Vita version of Metal Gear Solid HD Collection Is the fact that it doesn’t include Peace Walker as well. While this is a detriment to the release as a whole, the two games that are still included in this release will provide some of the most outstanding experiences you can have on your PlayStation Vita, and the best part of it all is the fact you can now have these experiences anywhere you choose to."

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Snookies124477d ago

The only problem I've experienced, is that occasionally during codec calls, the text will weird out a little while talking. Though it's not all too noticeable. The package as a whole is amazing, and I still find myself in awe at how well it runs and looks on the Vita screen.

masterabbott4477d ago

Looks like a great game, review is very informative, thanks for sharing it.


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contra157464d ago (Edited 464d ago )

Can’t wait to one day break that game out of the collection vault

aaronaton463d ago

Currently playing Snake Eater HD on CRT 16:9, via Scart RGB. Game looks great but not as clean as MGS2, but thats due to the setting. Can't wait for the remake + the next HD collection on PS5.


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Nyxus898d ago

It's Konami. Expect nothing.

Snookies12898d ago

Konami's too busy with their Pachinko machines to worry over silly little things like this.

898d ago
masterfox898d ago

glad I have my PS3 HD MGS collection.

Orchard898d ago

MGS is just missing in general. Thanks Konami.

898d ago Replies(2)
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