
Can PC game Civilisation predict the future?

A man who has been playing the computer game Civilisation II for ten years describes the year 3991 AD as a hellish nightmare of suffering and devastation.

Daniel Knowles, from the Telegraph and a fan of the game, says the game has certain assumptions built in to it about what will happen if there is a nuclear war or if you stop producing green technology.

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Ducky4359d ago (Edited 4359d ago )

From my experiences with Ghandhi, I'd say civilisation is usually off the mark.

Then again, we never know if he would've behaved differently if he had nukes.

Dovahkiin4358d ago

Ghandi is sometimes such a dick in Civ V.

Cpt Jack House4359d ago

How did this article get approved?

PwnerifficOne4359d ago

This guy's game has been covered by literally every major news source. We don't need to hear more about it...


What games would you put on a Classic PC?

The hubbub around Nintendo's SNES Classic announcement this week had us wondering: what would an equivalent, retro PC look like if it released today, and what games would you put on it?

CarlDechance2070d ago

Command HQ
Command and Conquer: Red Alert
King's Quest
F-19 Stealth Fighter
Silent Service

-Foxtrot2070d ago

Duke Nukem
Half Life and all the spin off games
Deus Ex
Theme Hospital
System Shock
Dungeon Keeper
The Secret of Monkey Island
SimCity 2000
The Sims (All Expansions)

Seraphim2069d ago (Edited 2069d ago )

nice list. the OG Wolfenstein, Doom and Duke Nukem are musts.... I know there were a lot of others I can't recall so off the top of my head the only thing I can think to add would be Arkanoid. that game was so much fun with that stupid bouncing ball and bricks. Then more recently games like Starcraft, Diablo, etc. I'm think OG PC though like late 80s early, early 90s.

Skuletor2069d ago

Duke Nukem the original side scroller version or Duke Nukem 3D?

Seraphim2069d ago (Edited 2069d ago )

OG!! though 3D too would be fine.

King_Noctis2069d ago

The orignal Sims was awesome.

On topic, I wish a PC classic would exist somedays.

I_am_Batman2070d ago (Edited 2070d ago )

Wolfenstein 3D
Unreal Tournament 2004
Half Life 1 & 2 (&3)
Far Cry 1 & 2
Portal 1 & 2
Monkey Island
Grim Fandango
Day of the Tentacle
Alone in the dark
Lands of Lore 1 & 2
Witcher 1 & 2
The Elder Scrolls: Morrowind
Gothic and Gothic 2
System Shock 1 & 2
Thief 1, 2, 3
Deus Ex & Invisible War
Commandos 1 & 2
Diablo 1 & 2
Siege of Avalon
Throne of Darkness
Command & Conquer and C&C Red Alert 1 & 2
Age of Empires 1, 2, 3 & Age of mythology
Empire Earth
Warcraft 3
Rise of Nations: Rise of Legends
Black & White
Worms Armageddon
GTA 1 and 2

2070d ago
Dragonscale2069d ago (Edited 2069d ago )

Total Annihilation
Elite/Elite 2
Doom/Doom 2
UFO Enemy Unknown
Dune 2

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Why Civilization II Is The Best Game In The Series

Our editor harks back to a simpler time, as he explains why he considers Civilization II to be the best in the series to date.


When did you know you were playing a game way too much?

PC Gamer writes: Many games are designed to be extremely moreish. Civ invites you to click that end-turn button and keep building your empire. Online games like Runescape let you team up with like-minded people from around the globe to go on adventures. Surely you can fit another round of Dota 2 in before bed, and maybe another. But there comes a time when it all has to stop, right? Right??

This week's question: When did you know you were playing a game way too much? Let the confessions begin.

MrsNesbitt2158d ago

Dota 2 the ultimate culprit!

strayanalog2158d ago

Or any one of its sequels, like Xtreme Beach Volleyball.

2157d ago Replies(1)
ZaWarudo2158d ago

When i was basically plugged into the wall with my PSP. I was playing Persona 3 Portable for 14 hours straight.

It was my first Persona game and first SMT game.

Sam Fisher2157d ago

Good choice there, dont worry it happens to all of us

crazychris41242158d ago

When you hear birds chirping and then you remember you started playing after dinner

2158d ago
ApocalypseShadow2158d ago (Edited 2158d ago )

When I pressed start after the credits rolle unless I could skip the credits sooner.

Asteroids,defender,pitfall,he ro,Galaga, dig dug, yi are kung fu, gyruss,Mega man,metroid, contra, castlevania, ninja gaiden, Zelda, super Mario,Gunstar heroes, streets of rage, street fighter 2,phantasy star, super monaco gp,syphon filter, Tenchu, tekken,guardian heroes, ready 2 rumble, soul calibur,nfl 2k,nba 2k,ridge racer, gran turismo, ace combat, resident evil,devil may cry, so on and so forth yada yada yada blah blah blah. Yes I've played a lot of games.

Back then up until this point, if a game is FUN,doesn't matter how it looks, how long it is, how many blisters, how many cramped hands throwing hadokens,if it's fun, I just kept playing and hitting start. Only stopping to eat, do homework, sleep(after the sun came up), pee, etc. Then jump right back in.

Now, I feel I don't have the time as I once did. But currently, I have spent many, many hours playing raw data with all the different characters and super hot on psvr among the other games I have. Dual wielding definitely has that Dante feel crossing hands or shooting from behind my head to the side.(yes,you can pull that off in psvr)There's just nothing else like it. And let's not even talk about being the archer. It's like being green arrow for hours on end.

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