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Gearbox: "Wii U is a Powerful, Powerful Machine"

Nintendolife writes: "Gearbox Software, the team behind Aliens: Colonial Marines on Wii U, has been a vocal supporter of the machine so far. Comments from chief creative officer Brian Martell sit at the top of our Wii U power thermometer and Randy Pitchford said the Wii U's A:CM will be the best-looking version."

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Community4504d ago
Brosy4504d ago

I just don't see much hardcore gaming going on with that gigantic controller. They should have just made a regular controller and went with the extra power of the Wii U. Now if there is a way for player 1 to use something besides that gawky controller then the Wii U could be interresting. Especially with their 1st party line up. I'm just not a fan of that gimmicky controller.

dark-hollow4504d ago

it have d-PAD, 4 face buttons, 4 shoulder buttons, two analog sticks. it basically a traditional controller with a giant diplay on the middle, and if its comfortable to hold, whats the harm?

iamnsuperman4504d ago (Edited 4504d ago )

I agree. I do not think the controller is going to be the hard sell. I think it is more to do with 3rd party just releasing multiplats that are not really using the tech but making them work on all three systems (PS3, 360 and Wii U). Nintendo's core fanbase will buy the Wii U. It is the others who have a 360 or PS3 (or both) who can play a lot of multiplats all ready without buying a new system ( as we have known multiplats tend to be equal on all systems). That is going to be the problem for Nintendo.

OT: Good to hear it is a powerful machine.

BattleAxe4504d ago

Gearbox: "Wii U is a Powerful, Powerful Machine"

Gearbox is smart, they understand how the industry politics work.

Shok4504d ago

People are so stuck on the screen lol. I don't get it, the Wii U is essentially a standard controller, just with a screen in the middle.

SilentNegotiator4503d ago

"whats the harm?"

Probably its weight.

DigitalAnalog4503d ago

from the impressions I got, they were extremely light. The display is just the receiver so there's no HW components inside to display native graphics.

nveenio4503d ago

Remember the original Xbox controller? People hated it. Why? It was massive and uncomfortable. I think people fear the same from WiiU. How will it hold up in an extended play session?

zero_cool4503d ago

The comfort level of the controller design is debatable.

Cheers Gamers & Happy Gaming!

dcbronco4503d ago

Some of the same people complaining about the size of the controller probably love tablets.

hellvaguy4503d ago

Id like to be optimistic about hardcores liking that flat controller. But then I think its kind of like holding a skinny chick with no chest or butt. I mean theres just no sexy curves there to be seen, idk.

However, for more casual and nintendo fans I can see the appeal of new game experiences that screen in the center could add.

fragnificent4503d ago (Edited 4503d ago )

""whats the harm?"

Probably its weight."

the problem is... when people see that controller they instantly think, Tablet PC, which are heavy in comparison with controllers.

Yet the Wii U controller is just a standard controller with a screen, no cpu or ram like on tablet.
and screens are quite light.

Nintendo aren't idiots and even though some people might not have like their previous ventures they know what there doing, if you have any interest in this console just wait. all will be revelled soon

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Akuma-4504d ago (Edited 4504d ago )

the wii u is weak compared to tech of today. all the code speaches from these guys are just hype for their game. most developers would say the ps3 is a powerful machine in this day and age but we know it cant do certain things way better than what weve been seeing on the console as of late. i dont doubt the wii u maybe able to do better anti-aliasing and little things better than a ps3 or xbox but being 1.5 as powerful or a little more powerful doesnt mean a thing to most core gamers. the wii u should be more than 5 times as pwerful as these old hd consoles of today to be taken seriously by the core. why should a core gamer who owns a ps3 and xbox 360 buy a multiplatform game for the wii u if its just barely better for that console. a small minority will want to try the wii u but thats it . it doesnt make any sense to spend 300 and up to buy a multiplatform game for wii u when you have hd consoles when the games look similar.

most core gamers of today like the ergonomic design of the hd consoles and for them to move on to a tablet controller to game for mass amount of time doesnt cut it. i know alot of people will cite quotes from people that have held the wii u controller to back up an argument about he controller being comfortable but playing on the wii upad for 10 minutes doesnt mean anything. im quite sure that long playtime with the wii upad will become quite uncomfortable for the player. have anyone gamed on an ipad or any big tablet device? they become very uncomfortable quickly.

heres the deal, nintendo needs to make a controller that is very comfortable to hold for any extended playtime and stop messing about. they made the wiimote and said its amazing but core users will agree that its rubbish. they had to release a wiimotion plus for better accuracy and even that doesnt make it as accurate as a ps move. nintendo is suffering with the wii and the casuals have abandoned them so they are trying to trick the core gamers into thinking they are designing something for them. a screen on a controller to interact with in core games especially online isnt a good idea because taking concentration away from the screen for a second can be futile. the screen is good for more casual gameplay and such and proving it isnt for the core. i saw certain previews of the wii u where developers will want gamers to hold up the wii upad infront of them to mimic a 3ds or ds but that is just silly.

notice nintendo made the wii upad with functions and buttons like the traditional controller but they are still messing about with the design of the controller.

NYC_Gamer4504d ago (Edited 4504d ago )

Really doubt people would buy the Wii-U just for 3rd party software...Most people buy Nintendo consoles/handhelds for the first party exclusives....Real 3rd party support for Wii-U is just a bonus after how bad the original Wii was treated by 3rd party studios....That tablet controller and it's features is a selling point in my opinion...None of us can say the controller is uncomfortable since never used it before..

ChickeyCantor4504d ago

"most core gamers of today like the ergonomic design of the hd consoles and for them to move on to a tablet controller to game for mass amount of time doesnt cut it. "

No one said you will play games "only" on the tablet. It compliments the TV. And if the TV needs to be used you can continue playing on the tablet.

So far no one is complaining about the controller( people who actually used it).
Facts, do you have 'm?

Akuma-4504d ago (Edited 4504d ago )

''No one said you will play games "only" on the tablet. It compliments the TV. And if the TV needs to be used you can continue playing on the tablet.''

*******ok SIDAR********

you are correct dude, most core gamers will be satisfied with playing their core hd games on a 6inch screen that most likely will be at 480p resolution.

most households in todays modern society has more than one teli so the feature of playing games on the wii upad is silly. most people will try out the feauture but wont go back to using the feature a second time.sort of like the 3d on the 3ds which most people dont use.

i game on a 65inch and i love it to where if i game on a 50inch or smaller it upsets me. im quite sure that most people that are useto their big screens wont want to game on a 6inch screen. i dont even understand the point of gaming on a 6inch screen because someone else is using the teli unless you are a child. whats the purpose of having a hi def console if youll be gaming on a 480p screen of today when hd telis are so cheap?

people, stop spinning bad decisions made by the companies or apologize for rubbish. demand quality.

Ravenor4504d ago

You can use the Classic controller Pro...holy fuck. Every god damn article, you're here spouting the same shit. THE EXACT SAME CRAP.

Take your parents 65 inch tv and cram it up your rear, maybe that'll jolt your brain dead head into realizing absolutely no one cares for your poorly written speculation and whining.

Why the fuck do you care if I enjoy Nintendo franchises and enjoy their brand of couch MP with friends and family? What are you trying to prove? Do you think people care? Do you think you aren't irritating?

My PC for awhile now has been several times more powerful then either console, and yet I take them "seriously" still. Your theory is flawed, get back in your hole.

dark-hollow4504d ago

Core core core!!!!

Who the f@#k made you the official spokesman of core gamers?

ChickeyCantor4504d ago (Edited 4504d ago )

"most households in todays modern society has more than one teli so the feature of playing games on the wii upad is silly."

Then what is the problem?
I said the controller compliments the TV.

You play the game on the bigger screen while tons of other information are off put to the controller....Why am I even bothering.

I'm seriously questioning your intelligence.

"people, stop spinning bad decisions made by the companies or apologize for rubbish. demand quality."

Stop being a fool. And stop dramatizing the sh/t out of everything Nintendo does.

StraightedgeSES4504d ago

I hope you know the Wii U is a new console not a controller.

360GamerFG4503d ago

Your head is so far up SONY's rear that nobody takes the crap you spew seriously.
Just stop.

Ashunderfire864503d ago

The Wii U is the Dreamcast of 2 generations ago, it will do well in sells like the Dreamcast did, but Wii U will last longer than the Dreamcast ever did.

Uncharted2Vet4503d ago

aren't you the same dude that says you want the best hardware specs but you game on consoles which in itself is contradicting

yabhero4503d ago

Honestly dude... how do you know anything about WiiU... you don't work at Nintendo... the ONLY information we have about WiiU is the positive things devs have said about it. Also, saying a console is power doesn't help sell your game... it helps sell the console... Also please stop "core" in replace of "... REAL gamers adpot the challenge of new controller instead I beggin for the redesigned version the PS controller from 17 years ago in 1995

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Moncole4504d ago

What's a hardcore game to your standards? To me a there are no hardcore games, only fun and boring games.

VanillaBear4504d ago

Cooking Mama - Casual Game

Wii Fit - Casual Game

Half life 2 - Core game

You see how this works

To the casual gamer Wii Fit isn't boring and Cooking Mama is fun

Don't start with the "Theres no casual and core" BS because since the Wii was released in 2006, there is.

Moncole4504d ago (Edited 4504d ago )

I love Half Life 2, it's tons of fun. But Duke Nukem is considerded a hardcore game and it sucks and Jetpack Joyride is considered casual and it's lots of fun. Just because it's considered a core game doesn't mean it good.

I would rather play Jetpack Joyride over Dukem Forever any day.

Ducky4504d ago (Edited 4504d ago )

Casual = Is played every now and then. Requires relatively little amount of attention. Most mobile games fall under this category.

Core = Require more 'seriousness' from the player. Average game session lasts longer than a casual game (it's arguable)... and you usually can't just pick it up half a month later and know exactly what's going on.

HardCore = Requires the player to be an elitist.

Liking one doesn't mean you find the other boring. PopCap are the masters at casual games, yet I love most of their games.
If the WiiU controller is comfortable to hold, then I don't see why both Casual & Core gaming isn't possible.

SilentNegotiator4503d ago

"But Duke Nukem is considerded a hardcore game and it sucks and Jetpack Joyride is considered casual and it's lots of fun"

You're not talking about "Forever" are you? Because the old Duke Nukem games aren't considered "hardcore" in today's standards and Forever was a POS cash-in of a half-completed product.

Stop downplaying the separation of casual, core, and hardcore. No one is saying any of them are "bad"

jessupj4502d ago

There are core and casual games aimed at core and casual players. Deal with it.

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Fel084504d ago

Just watch the controller become a success and MS and SONY coming up with something similar a few years later.

mike1up4503d ago

It had to be said.

Bubble Up+

GamingPerson4504d ago

I would say wiiU will be fit for mmo more than ps3 and xbox! So many hot keys can be on it.

mamotte4503d ago

But everyone want remote control between Vita and the PS3, wich in the end is the same thing: A normal controller with a screen in the middle. So... forget it, we all know N4G is funny like that.

ABizzel14503d ago

Just use the Classic Wii Controller, since all Wii accessories are suppose to work with it.

xtreampro4503d ago (Edited 4503d ago )

At first I disliked the controller but after reading more into it and seeing more people praise it's functionality and the practicality of having a screen I'm starting to like it more and more.

It's only now that I realise that it'd probably be a great controller to hold in your hands.

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Cyb3r4504d ago

Now I really cant wait till E3

user54670074504d ago (Edited 4504d ago )

You know I will still wait for E3 before getting excited, to me this just seems more about Gearbox wanting Aliens: Colonial Marines to sell more on the Wii U, so it's the reason why I'm not going to take their word for it

I mean it's funny how it's mostly just Gearbox saying things like this about the Wii U.

iamnsuperman4504d ago (Edited 4504d ago )

You do have a point. By doing this their game is in the gaming media. I am not seeing others developers doing this.

user54670074504d ago (Edited 4504d ago )

" I am not seeing others developers doing this."

My point exactly

The Wii U specs must be in nearly every developers hands by now, if Gearbox is telling the truth then other developers would be joining in with Gearboxes comments about how powerful it is.

So far it's just been Gearbox and as I've said I think it's only because they want the Wii U version of Aliens: Colonial Marines to sell well

I think people have just got to take a step back and be insightful when developers do this sort of thing. Not just take their word for it.

Lets just wait untill E3

yabhero4503d ago

Umm guys...

THQ: “WiiU is just alot more powerful than current HD consoles it does 1080p very easy.”

Epic: “It will do things current HD consoles simply cant do its going to be a powerful box.”

Crytek: “WiiU devkits are very powerful,the specs are very good”

Vigil Games: “We had the game at the same level as high end pc version in a matter of days and a few lines of code got the game up and running on tablet in 5 mins.”

EA: "Wii U is not a transitional platform, it is a true next generation system."

VanillaBear4504d ago

Least someone else dosen't just automaticaly take their word for it. I like it when people actually try and think about the comments logicaly and why they would say something like that. As you have said they pretty much want to make sure Alien CM will sell on the Wii U. It's not like they are going to come out and say it's not powerful because then people will just buy the PS3/Xbox 360 version of Alien CM, I'm guessing it will be a little more expensive on the Wii U because of it being a new console.

Your right where is other developers comments to back up Gearboxes claims, if they were telling the truth then I bet developers who are developing for the Wii U would glady speak out.

LOL_WUT4503d ago

VanillaBear Well said +1

PopRocks3594504d ago

What are you guys talking about?


And Epic Games

Have both echoed similar sentiments eons ago. God, some of you are incredibly ignorant.

AdvanceWarsSgt4502d ago

Not ignorant. They just want to so badly believe the WiiU is underpowered they immediately ignore any statements that contradict their beliefs.

NastyLeftHook04504d ago

i cannot wait for next gen.

wii u and ps4! ahh good times.

jacen1004504d ago

lookin forward to E3 to see this hype backed up

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Roundtable: Games That Should Have Received a Sequel

Too many games aren't given a second shot. We at VGU choose which games we would love to see receive a sequel.

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Community1115d ago
JonTheGod1115d ago (Edited 1115d ago )

The Saboteur - criminally underrated and a fantastic mechanic of bringing colour back to Nazi-occupied Paris.

The article lists Bulletstorm, Sleeping Dogs, and Aliens: Colonial Marines.


Lazy Writing – Five Diabolical Duds from the Last Decade

Player 2 takes some quiet time to look back at some of the most hyped failures of the past 10 years.

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SpamnJam1693d ago

Can't argue with any of those really, but I would add Resident Evil Operation Racoon City and Metal Gear Survive to that list. Both terrible games from good franchises.

AK911693d ago

Bulletstorm, I actually liked the gameplay but the atrocious writing and characters made me despise the game by the end of it.


Aliens: Colonial Marines Offers Stellar Multiplayer (If You Use Mods)

Thanks to a bustling mod community on Steam, Gearbox's Aliens: Colonial Marines actually has a stellar multiplayer experience to offer these days.

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Community1761d ago
FTLmaster1762d ago

I still play AvP on PS3 to this day. That game had fun multiplayer too.