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danand82 (2) - 4508d ago Cancel
Pozzle (4) - 4508d ago Cancel
NYC_Gamer (2) - 4508d ago Cancel
acemonkey (1) - 4508d ago Cancel
ElasticLove (1) - 4508d ago Cancel

Marvel Heroes is a Diablo-style MMO - IGN Preview


How do you squeeze the colossal Marvel Universe into the MMO space? Gazillion Entertainment and its Secret Identity Studios aren’t following convention. Instead of creating a game that resembles something like World of Warcraft, Secret Identity is drawing inspiration from another of Blizzard’s franchises: Diablo.

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Community4508d ago
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Emilio_Estevez4508d ago
Christopher4508d ago

Don't really like the environments. Looks like a gritty crime game world, not really a super hero world.

Overall, the look and feel doesn't feel like a 'comic book' super hero game.

Hisiru4508d ago

Well, to be fair, sometimes you need crime in order to have super hero.

Larry L4508d ago (Edited 4508d ago )

It looks as much like a "comic book super hero game" as X-Men Legends or Marvel Ultimate Alliance do. It's basically the same idea, just much deeper in terms of character building.

This is great for me. I loved the XML and MUA games so much but felt all of them were too "small" in terms of scope and scale compared to what Marvel does in the comics. I'm REALLY looking forward to this assuming it's coming to PS3. I know the article says it is on the side-bar, but IDK.....I'd like that to be official.

Also, I think it's refreshing that this game is just going with actual heroes being playable, instead of letting us create our own. Though I suppose the option for both would be most ideal. I'm a fan of Marvel because I like the characters. So I want to play as those characters. Are we going to see alot of Wolverine's running around? Yup, and I'll be one of them. But that's OK. There are alot of other heroes too. I wouldn't deny another Wolverine fan the right to be Wolverine, just because I want to play as him as well. I just know I would much rather be playing as my favorite Marvel heroes, than just interacting with them using a character of my own design. There are plenty of other games out there if I want to create my own character.

And who knows? It's still early, this is the first info on the game I've seen. Even just some color customization options for each costume would pretty much solve any issues with seeing the same characters everywhere.

All in all, I'm really excited to hear about this game, and if it's coming to consoles, I'll definitely be playing this from Day 1, and fully intend on supporting the title through whichever way they decide to handle micro-transactions.

acemonkey4508d ago

it could be good/nice....just do Marvel some glad to see a MMO/RPG on a system other then an PC since my PC cant run anything

beerkeg4508d ago

I think it's pc only, from what I've read about it.

GamingPerson4508d ago (Edited 4508d ago )

Like 99.9% of mmos before this. It will be pc only.
I will be trying this game out.

acemonkey4508d ago

yup cant be worst then DC least its free to play now on PS3 and PC so lol if it fails we can play it for free (maybe)

AngelicIceDiamond4508d ago (Edited 4508d ago )

A Marvel MMO was in the long time in the making, suppose to come to the Xbox as an Exclusive some odd years ago, gets canceled. The Ip has been just floating soaring in the air like Iron Man for all these years then? Lol so glad to see the Ip get picked back up.

soundslike4508d ago

Looks decent enough, though from what was shown the superheroes seem somehwat out of place. Could be the art direction, or just the gameplay style, but I think it will be fun regardless.

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Indiegogo Campaign Opened to Buy Marvel Heroes

A non-profit educational group is looking to buy the Marvel Heroes license to either maintain the MMOARPG as-is or use it to build an entirely new game.

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Community2422d ago
zeal0us2422d ago

Too bad Disney won't allow it.

staticall2422d ago

Why campaign is set to "Flexible goal"? Like "We desperately need $450 000, but hey, we'll settle for any amount of money you'll give to us. And we won't have to do a damn thing.".

They say in Indiegogo campaign: "To achieve our plan, we are currently seeking a minimum of $450k – $900k". MINIMUM of $450k, so why "flexible"?
Next, they say that currently, "creditors claims totaling at $900K" and "The closer our offer is to those claims, the greater our chances of success". A chance costs $450 000.
They're also saying that "One downside is that Gazillion has spent millions to license the use of characters and story lines over the years", where will they get millions for a license? Another campaign? Aggressive microtransactions? Oh, right, "Unless millions are raised to fund this campaign, the odds of this option being successful are very limited."

Even their Paragon university website has "Coming Soon" on it and "Elder mage" have only one "news" and copy-pasted content from Indiegogo campaign. Sounds like a scam to me.

Wolfyseyes2421d ago

These were all my feelings as well. The whole thing reeks of ripoff and I'm generally a pretty forgiving guy when it comes to crowdfunding campaigns.


Gaming Historia Episode 2: The Rise or Fall of Digital Gaming

Chris and Colby are back with Episode 2 of the Gaming Historia podcast. In this episode, we use the imminent closure of Paragon as a jumping off point to discuss Digital Gaming and how it affects gaming as a whole. In addition, we get a little off topic about questionable things that are done with amiibos.

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Community2425d ago

When Games Like Marvel Heroes Shut Down, There Are Hardly Any Happy Endings

There's not a lot of closure when free-to-play games go away.

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Community2487d ago
jjb19812487d ago

I almost spent 50 bucks on this game. It's sad for the people that spent all that money.

LOOK_AT_THIS_I2487d ago

Had a notification on PSN that refunds will be given on things purchased from IIRC August until now. Hate to see it close down I was starting to enjoy it but at least will be getting some of my money back.

2487d ago