
Spinning Its Web: The Top Five Spider-Man Games (Gamerlive.tv)

Which of the web-slinger's adventures made the number one slot?!

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Jaxboxchick4449d ago

I've never been much of a spider man game fan, but I do think the movies are quite sexay.

CoolBeansRus4448d ago

You should try the games! They are fun and some of them are very well made.

antz11044448d ago

Wow, this is a terrible list. Spider-Man 2 and Ultimate are really the only good one on there.

Total fail for no Spider-Man for PS1, Maximun Carnage (even though it got a mention), and especially Web of Shadows. Shattered Dimensions was horrible.

Sharingan_no_Kakashi4449d ago

Spider-man for ps1
Spider-man 2 for ps1
Spider-man the movie for ps2

Those are the top three. The open world era was fun for swinging around but that's pretty much the only thing they got right. The combat was garbage and they don't focus enough on the stealthy side of spider-man. Here's hoping that the Amazing Spider-Man gets it right.

Kevin ButIer4449d ago

I totally loved Maximun Carnage game, it was sooo good for its time, its a clasic.

roadkillers4448d ago

How did you have time to play NES when you were working your way up the Playstation corporate ladder? You really can do it all!

SilentNegotiator4448d ago (Edited 4448d ago )

Spiderman on N64/Ps1 definitely takes the cake.

Rupee4449d ago

I was scared they had "friend or foe" on the list lol. I loved spider-man 2 though. I used to get on that game just to swing around the city.

Looking forward to the new game. Don't know if I'm the only one but I'm not really liking the new outfit.

JsonHenry4449d ago

My favorite (for its time) was Spiderman: Separation Anxiety back in the day.

dooge4448d ago

Yup, mine too. Spiderman and Venom teaming up...Beast.

MySwordIsHeavenly4449d ago

Web of Shadows has the best gameplay, BY FAR. The best story goes to Ultimate Spider-man though. :)

antz11044448d ago

Great story, hands down the best combat system.

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Ranking Every Spider-Man Game From Worst To Best

From the Amazing Spider-Man series to the most recent titles and DLCs, explore which Spider-Man game deserves to be ranked first and why.

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Sonic1881247d ago (Edited 247d ago )

Spider-Man 2 (2004) and Ultimate Spider-Man use to be my favorite until Insomniac games took over.

Inverno247d ago

I'd still choose Ultimate above all other games, followed by Shattered Dimensions

Abnor_Mal246d ago (Edited 246d ago )

My favorite and still champion Spiderman PS2, followed by Marvels Spiderman2, then Miles Morales, followed by Marvels Spiderman, and finally Ultimate Spiderman.

I need to drag out my PS3 and try Web of Shadows, owned the game for years and years and never played.

Rimeskeem246d ago

Shout out to cultured vultures for NOT making this 40 separate pages.

Relientk77246d ago

Spider-Man (2000), Spider-Man 2: Enter Electro, and Spider-Man: Shattered Dimensions were all so good! I have fond memories playing them.


I’d Die For A Web-Slinging Spider-Verse Game in the Same Visual Style As the Animated Films

TW: “With the recent release of the sequel film, Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse, I’ve been revisiting the astounding world of the Spider-Verse, enjoying both the prequel and the new sequel film in all their glory; and it’s led me to ask one question — why the hell isn’t there a Spider-Verse game?”

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blackblades406d ago

Didn't they already have that as a costume in the previous game.

purple101406d ago

There sure was a super sweet looking cell shaded suit. Made you feel like your actually playing a comic.

shinoff2183406d ago

The look is perfect we got enough games in that art style.

S2Killinit405d ago

It would still be sick though. And I dont mean cell shading to cut corners. It would have to be amazing like the movies themselves.

potatoseal405d ago

I too would like a whole game with the entire world looking like the animated movie. It could be awesome

jznrpg405d ago

I like this style better imo

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Every Spider-Man Game EVER Ranked From Worst to Best

BLG writes: "Marvel's Spider-Man games have spanned decades. We've ranked every game from worst to best across consoles, handhelds, PCs, and mobile."

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darthv72757d ago

2600 Spider-man was the first I ever played. So many memories of that and Superman game. I didn't play another SM game until the Sega CD Spider-man vs the Kingpin

Yui_Suzumiya755d ago

I guess 6 people don't believe you, lol

ClayRules2012757d ago

Spider-Man 2018 (Insomniac’s game) is the absolute worst…I’m kidding, I’m kidding. The absolute BEST Spider-Man games to date!

1. Spider-Man: Miles Morales “ “Insomniac”
2. Marvels Spider-Man 2018 “Insomniac”
3. Spider-Man Shattered Dimensions.
4 Spider-Man 2.
5 Spider-Man (I forget the name) but I played it when I was about 10 or so, back in school. I thought it was the coolest game (which was a side scroller) and believe it or not, I felt like I was playing Spider-Man lol. If only I knew what the future would hold for technology, the talent of artists in these studios in the future, my eyes and brain would melt outta my head haha.

Seraphim756d ago

Ultimate Spiderman is definitely #3 on my list and a gem of the PS2/XB/GC era imo.

I can see an argument to flip 1 and 2 but I think the improvements Insomniac made to Miles Morales does technically put it a step above the original. Because it was Miles it was something refreshingly different too.

ClayRules2012756d ago

Nice! I’m glad you enjoyed Ultimate Spider-Man. I forgot about that one. That was a good one!

Yeah, I can see that argument to clip 1 and 2 as well but the improvements added in Miles Morales for me definitely put it above the original, which is why I put it as my #1. I absolutely love both tho!

ZeekQuattro757d ago

The first one I played was on the Game Gear called Spider-man vs the Kingpin. Definitely one of the worst Spider-Man games but I loved it as a kid. My favorite Spider-Man games include Spider-Man PS1/64, Maximum Carnage, Web Of Shadows, Shattered Dimensions, ASM 1 and the two Sony recent Sony exclusive ones. Edge of Time and ASM 2 get honorable mentions because though I did enjoy them both felt like step back from the previous titles.

gunnerforlife757d ago

Still hold amazing memories of spiderman 2! What a game!

SavageFlamingo757d ago

They absolutely nailed the physics in that game. No game has ever come close.

Silly gameAr757d ago (Edited 757d ago )

Spider-Man The Movie, the game will probably be my favorite SP game ever, with the nostalgia goggles on. I doubt it would hold up at all today. Shattered Dimensions was great too.

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