User Review : Undertale

  • Restore your faith in gaming
  • It will fill you with Determination
  • A talking Skeleton that says bad jokes
  • It will make you hate Flowers
  • It will make you cry

It has a skeleton that says bad jokes!

2015 is an amazing year so far and had many great titles like MGSV, Bloodborne, The Witcher 3, Fallout 4 , etc. But none of those games was I able to call perfect. As a matter of fact, I didn’t expect to call a game that has graphics of NES game and bullet hell gameplay perfect because that genre is not my type. But Undertale just changed my view on everything. This game is basically Earthbound + RPG + Skeletons + Horror + Dating + Humor + Bad jokes + A Flower. Mix all those together and you get Undertale. That game will make you cry. If you think gaming is dead, or games nowadays worry more about visuals and dlc than actual meaningful content then you must play this. It will restore your faith in gaming again.


The premise is simple, you are a human who fell underground into a world full of monsters. You wake up and start your adventure, the game has multiple endings. Each and every decision you make will alter the game completely. Every single npc you encounter in this game is so lovable and cute, they all have they unique personality and amazing humor. The story is so deep and full of details. I don’t want to give much about the story but all I can say is that one minute you will be laughing and the next minute, you will be crying.


The graphics looks like a Nintendo NES game which Is not a bad thing because it gets the job done, its simple yet amazing and once you get immersed in the game( Take less than one minute and you will be immersed, trust me.), you will forget about the visuals and focus on the beauty of this game which is the story. And when you actually delve enough into this game, you will not think any other graphical style will fit the game. This style Is just so perfect for it.


The soundtrack in this game is a masterpiece. It's one of the best aspects in the game and one of the best ost I have heard in my life. It's just that good. In certain boss fights, it will make you go from a nervous person who thinks this fight is unbeatable to a certified badass who is determined to win this battle and never give up. And some of the soundtrack will also make you drop rivers of tears . The feels in this game is unmatched. There is no Voice Acting here, the game is in text form just like the style of the old JRPG games.


The gameplay is similar to RPG games with stats, level up and whatnot accompanied bullet hell style. But what makes this game unique is that you can finish the whole game without killing anyone. And you can interact with them during battle which makes this game a blast to play because of the funny things they say. For instance, you can choose to fight a dog to death or simply pet him and spare his life. And the ending changes on whether you killed the monsters or not. And the bosses are amazing, each one of them has their own personality and you can befriend them and date some of them :). And if you loved MGS1 and think that Psycho Mantis was a mind blowing experience then you are in for a treat. If you crave a Mind Fluck experience, then you will love this game. Just try not to get the bad ending because you will have a really bad time.


Now the game isn’t exactly long. It will take you 5 hours to finish the game but because of the multiple endings, you will definitely get back to it as soon as you finish it. It is a short game but it’s a damn good short game. Every moment you spend in this game will fill your heart with happiness, sorrow and laughter.


If you are a fan of gaming, then this game is a must. This is what I call perfection. We had some amazing games this year like MGSV, Bloodborne, Fallout 4, The Witcher 3, etc. But this game is just on a league of its own. It is that good and yes, the hype this game have is unbelievable and that might deter you from the game because you will think its overhyped. But it's not. It's really that good. Its worth your time and your money but be warned because it will make other games feel soulless because of just how good this game is.

This is my Game Of The Year. Hell, this is my Game Of The Generation so far . Thank You Toby Fox for making this masterpiece.

Go and buy this game NOW!

It gets the job done and you wont think any other style would fit the game or the characters.
The Act system where you can interact with monsters is unique and amazing.
Fun Factor
Its the most fun i ever had this year.
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Community3224d ago
DarkOcelet3224d ago

You will love this game. I guarantee it.

oasdada3224d ago

Im pretty sure I would.. your review sounds like its everything I want from a game.. and no surprise im getting all that from an indie dev as these are the only people not bound by AAA chains

ISHU3224d ago (Edited 3224d ago )

I ended this game last night and can proudly say that i'm in love with it. It's my true GOTY despite some of the great games that have come this year. From the soundtrack to the story to the characters this game bleeds perfection. I will recommend this game to anyone who loves videogames. It will be an experience of a lifetime.

BTW here's my faviorate soundtrack! :-D

and this one:

DarkOcelet3224d ago

Dat fight was the most epic $hit i witnessed this year.

This game was just unbelievable. And to think one guy did 95% of the game alone is mindblowing. Toby Fox is so damn talented.

ISHU3224d ago

Yup, would love to see more games from him like this one.

I-Hate-usernames3224d ago

I dont understand the indie games hate. There are many indie games that are better than AAA games. Take a look at AAA games, most of them are just disappointment.

DarkOcelet3224d ago

People who hate indie games and don't play them will be missing out on a lot of masterpieces.

It seems nowadays most of the AAA game developers and publishers are worried about getting as much money as they can rather than give us an experience that will stick with us.

Nowadays very few games don't have overpriced dlc, Season Pass or Microtransactions. Nearly all of the AAA games are filled with those.

And that said, i really hope you have played this game or will be playing it. You cant miss out on this beauty.

I-Hate-usernames3224d ago

I'm a gamer, i play all kind of games :)

The93Sting3223d ago

good review but sorry to point this out, the ups and downs doesn't make sense, how about what's in the game? I mean why "it will make you cry" a down point? teltale's Walking dead seasson one ending made us cry but it can't be a down point am I right? just saying, keep up the good work.

DarkOcelet3223d ago

Thank you for the kind response :)

But i am pretty sure you will understand what i mean when you play the game.

And yes, The Walking Dead was sad but this one will rip your heart out!

I think the day i completed it, i just kept thinking about the game for over 3 days on the beauty of it.

And to answer your question, the ups and downs where meant as hints on what happens in the game. They might not be understood now but once you play the game, you will know what i meant.

The93Sting3222d ago

Oh i see now. Enjoyed reading it well done. Keep the reviews coming! :)

goldwyncq3223d ago

Earthbound got me into RPGs and is one of my favorite games ever. Any game inspired by Earthbound is automatically a win for me. I really have to play this game some time.

DarkOcelet3223d ago

If you loved Earthbound then this game is a must!

You're gonna love it.

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Community80d ago
gold_drake81d ago

i think the fanbase knows exactly what hes about lol


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Community246d ago
Zenzuu246d ago (Edited 246d ago )

One of the most touching and beautiful told story with a great cast of characters and excellent soundtrack. I highly enjoyed my playthrough of the game very much. It's a darn shame, not many people know about it or even give it a chance just because of the way the game visually looks.

Venoxn4g246d ago

Great game, highly recommend.. it is true that at the beginning it doesn't look appealing, but once you get into is amazing