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User Review : Ratchet & Clank: A Crack in Time

  • Fun Gameplay
  • Colorful Level Scheme
  • Colorful Level Scheme
  • Plot Wandered
  • Simplistic Feel

A Platforming and Puzzle Solving Delight

Ratchet and Clank was never a game for me I thought to myself. It just looked unappealing to me. Well I was all wrong about Ratchet and the gang. I never gave the games a chance, but I finally did and boy did I ever enjoy it. After going through Ratchet and Clank: A Crack in Time, I wondered why I didn’t try the other ones. These games are beautifully brilliant. Insomniac knows how to keep fans happy with the newest installment in the Ratchet and Clank series. The series continues to grow, and become a success for Sony and Insomniac. A Crack in Time starts off right after Quest for Booty Bay finished. So for the storyline the game goes Tools of Destruction then Quest for Booty Bay and finally A Crack in Time. The story is quiet enjoyable, and it’s a fun tale to listen to. Since Clank was captured by a Zoni at the end of Tools of Destruction its Ratchets job to find him and rescue him. Ratchet and Clank are split apart in this game, and the two have to try and reunite and save the world. On the way to reuniting they both learn new tricks and skills, and have trouble along the way.

Dr Nefarious is at his evil plans again and you and Captin Qwark are going to stop him and save Clank. But along the way everything goes wrong and Ratchet pretty much has to save everyone, the world, you know the usual stuff. But later on Ratchet the final Lombax (that’s what we think?!) learn some things that will trigger him to change the past. But that means forgetting Clank in the process and everything else he currently knows if he wants to save his father and mother and to change the future. It will be a crack in time for Ratchet and Clank.

There is a tone of variety with a mix for platforming, puzzle solving, and fun gameplay which is for all to enjoy. You have a lot of options for secondary weapons, and your main weapon is the wrench. It is fun to use and the gameplay is simple and easy. The puzzles get you to think a little and they are fun to do. Clank and Ratchet both have different abilities but for the most part you use Ratchet. The game has a variety of levels and all designed in unique and colorful ways. The side missions are really neat with the cool tiny planets you can travel on and collect Zonis gold bolts, etc. You can do a lot in this game and will last you along time. Every level feels fresh and exciting with the beautiful and colorful scenery.

When you collect the different gadgets it opens up new places in the worlds. It’ll make you want to go back and explore the missing places where you couldn’t before. One of the neat secondary weapons you have is Mr. Zurkon and he is by your side until the enemies kill him but he shoots and stays by your side. All the weapons can be leveled up, maximum level is 5. To get to new planets and missions you can free roam in space with your spaceship and kill stuff with your blasters! When you collect Zonis, you get power ups for your ship to make it more unstoppable. The gold bolts unlock special outfits, there are upgrades for your weapons you can find, and other things to collect and use. Skill points are obtained by doing certain objectives and you are allowed to spend the points to buy stuff.

There are some tournaments to complete to unlock a new weapon and collect some of the gold bolts, etc. The sound is crisp and clean. Ratchet, Clank, Captain Qwark, Dr Nefarious, and every other character sounds great and don’t sound sloppy. Each voice suites its character and does a splendid job. The sound effects sound really good with all the enemies. The planets feel alive and are always continuing and not stopping. Insomniac knows how to deliver the perfect quality of sound and makes everything sounds great. The sound makes it feel like a real fun, and enjoyable story which never lets you down.

The graphics looks bright and amazing like I said before. The graphics are no Uncharted, but it is nice for a change and Insomniac knows how to do it. With every world feeling different and unique, like the lava, water, forest, and everything else in the levels and the tiny worlds makes it feel bright, cartoony, and gorgeous which suites Ratchet and Clank to give a wonderful experience.

After playing Ratchet and Clank: A Crack in Time I will never doubt the series because Insomniac created one of the best and fun experiences for Sony. You will enjoy this game from beginning to end, whether it’s the colorful graphics, the returning story or just because it’s Ratchet and Clank, this series will not disappoint anyone at all. With so much to do and enjoy in A Crack in Time it would be hard to put it down until you finished everything. Insomniac added another terrific entry into the Ratchet and Clank series.

Written By 2Can
Original Review from http://www.plasmastation.we...

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Community4945d ago
SweetIvy4945d ago

I love the Ratchet and Clank series but "A Crack in Time" for me is their definitely best yet, I totally loved the parts where you play Clank and overall it's one of my favourite games.
I always look forward to the next in the series!

HolyOrangeCows4942d ago

It was my favorite since "Up Your Arsenal"

The clank levels were fun.

ChronoJoe4945d ago (Edited 4945d ago )

I liked it but I think the clank parts ruined replayability. You have to repeat them on replays, and they don't change, or offer the same gameplay diversity as the rest of the game.

This means the game is a lot less, replay-able than the other Ratchet and Clank games, as it's a tedious chore to have to play through the Clank sections, which haven't changed, and you've played before. Not that it's one of the worst... not by far, I think it's the best of the ones on the PS3, but I think Ratchet and Clank 3 is better.

I got the platinum trophy regardless though.

SweetIvy4941d ago

Well, actually you can just skip them, the Clank puzzles, I mean.

ChronoJoe4941d ago


Seriously, didn't know you could D: i've done them like 7 times!!!

SweetIvy4939d ago

You can press Square, or something else, and you'll find yourself just passed the puzzle :).

morkendo234945d ago

so far Tool of Destruction is the best. wish insomniac would re-do Up Your Arsenal,Ratchet an Clank,Going Commando in tools of destruction style graphics.

ultimate-remag4944d ago

i jus got this game yesterday an i love it... really executed well n gr8 review... keep it up

Rage_S904943d ago

i've got the plat on this my only problem with it is they all seem the same/lack of inovation it's the same game as it was on the ps2. I would give it 7.5.

chadley4943d ago

No I'm not a grammar Nazi. I just completely did not understand what you said or were trying to say. It's gibberish. Your comment doesn't mean anything.

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Ranking the Ratchet and Clank Games from Worst to Best

From Xfire: "Insomniac Games first introduced the unlikely duo of Ratchet and Clank back in 2002 on the PlayStation 2. Since then, the series has taken audiences on a journey that has spanned not just an entire galaxy, but multiple dimensions, with its most recent outings."

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Community1189d ago
Levii_921189d ago

Best games of the franchise are Up Your Arsenal, A Crack in Time, 2016 Remake and without a doubt the newest one Rift Apart. You simply can’t go wrong with these.

Man what a glorious game series.

neutralgamer19921189d ago

Only ones I don't like as much are all 4 one and full frontal assault other than that all games are awesome( even these are good games just not up to the standard of other games in the series)

victorMaje1189d ago

Nice article, good list, they're all fun & I love this game!
Rift Apart is spectacular.
Insomniac are wizards, I want their next game to be a new Resistance. I can't wait to see what they have in store for us next.

DOMination-1189d ago

Ryan Mccaffrey said last week that Resistance 4 was in development but Sony cancelled it due to the high number of post-apocalyptic games around at the moment.

victorMaje1189d ago

Well that’s a shame. I feel they could do something truly special with today’s technology.

chicken_in_the_corn1189d ago

I'm looking forward to playing Rift Apart then the whole series sometime afterward. Up Your Arsenal is my favourite

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Qwarktastic – PSLS Ranks the Ratchet & Clank Series

PSLS: "With over 10 entries in the series, it can be hard to decide which is the best Ratchet and Clank game. We’re up for the task, though, and it made sense to rank the series from best to worst with the upcoming PS4 [reboot] out tomorrow"

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Community3084d ago
Germany73084d ago

I agree with the first place, it's also my favorite, but i really love all the main games of the series.


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On the day that Marty McFly went into the future, PSU takes a look at some of the greatest time travelers from the PlayStation era.

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Community3258d ago
ThatEnglishDude3258d ago

I still contend that TIMESPLITTERS 2 is the finest local multiplayer arcade shooter ever made and think it's absolutely asinine that we can get a CALL OF DUTY: BLACK OPS III but not a TIMESPLITTERS 4.