
Overwatch Is Just A Shell Of Its Former Glory

Overwatch was the hero shooter back then. It gave us an idea of what Team Fortress 2 could have been. It gave us the illusion of a very fast paced first person shooter. But recently, Blizzard just shot themselves on the foot with the updates they rolled off paired with the release of Valorant. Truly a wombo-combo.

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jambola1488d ago

there's still issue from day 1 that exist, they just don't give a shit about the game

jib1488d ago

What's this day 1 issue?

jambola1487d ago

Meant issues

like players being able to stand still in spawn for over a minute
muting people is terribly tedious, games 10 years before did it better
lazy half assed player avoiding system
players can still pick characters and cancel making noise for 40 seconds straight

gleepot1487d ago

Jambola, none of the things you mentioned are problems.

Black-Helghast1487d ago (Edited 1487d ago )

Jambola, youre just mad that mercy is your main and youre probably in bronze on comp. As a former top 500 player, i assure you the game has many flaws, none which you mentioned.

jambola1486d ago (Edited 1486d ago )

they're all problems

wow, your style of arguing is so easy

i won't even dignify that with a real response

jib1486d ago (Edited 1486d ago )

They're not "major" problems IMO. They're inconvenient but hardly enough to justify "they just don't give a shit." Specially since they've added so much to the game since release. I think it's fine if the additions/changes are criticized since that part's subjective but I can't agree that they didn't care/put effort after all these years

jambola1486d ago (Edited 1486d ago )


i think ignoring problems for over 3 years is very deserving of "don't give a shit"

fine them, let's compromise
how about, they don't give a shit, unless it can be in some way attached to lootboxes

bangoskank1487d ago

Funny because I played it last night and found myself still having fun.

Welshy1487d ago (Edited 1487d ago )

There's definitely still fun to be had, i don't think anyone is arguing with that, but as someone who played hardcore from beta to the year and a half to 2 year mark, it's just not the same today as it was then in my opinion.

The general the vibe around the game, the meta, the roster etc. That launch year and a half magic just isn't there anymore, for me personally at least. I could write a wall of text breaking down why but that's the jist of how I feel anyway.

bangoskank1487d ago (Edited 1487d ago )

Like anything else the magic fades over time. I agree that I can't play as much as I used to because I get bored after a few matches but I don't think anything has changed about the game to dull the experience. It just got old. But as far as team co-op goes this is my go to. I don't think its charm or gameplay can be matched.

EazyC1487d ago

No game has ever done that though, that magic can't last

Welshy1487d ago


It isn't just the "magic" wearing off alone. Alot of the new characters and meta changes from the original roster just makes it 90% less enjoyable for me on top of alot of other things.

I went back a couple of months ago and it just feels so chaotic and random now. You try to have a straight gunfight or focus some fire on a shield and you constantly get bashed by a hamster, fisted in the air by a Doomfist then shield bashed by Brigitte on the way down.

The amount of AOE's and moves that just knock your character all over make it borderline unplayable. The team fights and flow of gunplay just feel overall worse now imo.

jib1487d ago

@welshy Could it be the lack of experience with the new changes? because a lot of what you mentioned isn't that unmanageable once you've learned how to deal with them

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 1487d ago
vTuro241487d ago

All the awful CC that they've added over the years ruined comp for me. QP and arcade are still playable but I'm not all that interested in those.

2ndhandcorn1487d ago

Played alot of this game but went back to TF2 even with hackers its just way more fun than Overwatch for me but still enjoy it.

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Hands-on with Valorant on Xbox - the next big shooter to take the console market by storm | TXH

Valorant on Xbox Series X|S is an ultra-competitive, free-to-play FPS that will have you sweating from tension.

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Leeroyw6h ago

Team shooters are failing but these shill websites make it sound like it's the next big thing. What happened to actually reporting on games?

slate914h ago

Valorant failing? Its one if the most watched shooters on the market though.


Valorant console players are being banned for using keyboard and mouse

During the Valorant console beta, some players are being banned for using a keyboard and mouse to play instead of a controller.

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Jin_Sakai2d ago (Edited 2d ago )

Good. The vast majority of players use controller on consoles. Keep the playing field fair.

just_looken1d 11h ago (Edited 1d 11h ago )

Until they add in crossplay then it gets completed screwed to one side

DarXyde1d 10h ago


Don't play this game, but I'm guessing there's no way to filter opponent by controller method?

If they can ban people for using KBM, they must have some way to reliably detect this.

oof461d 8h ago

There will only be Xbox/PS crossplay. No console/Pc crossplay.

just_looken1d 7h ago


Na screwed Skewed you mean one side would have it but lets face it pc players killed console mp i told everyone that cross play will kill any console mp game 0 believed me now we have ps5 players playing against keyboard/mouse players that also may have mod menus.

Controller vs controller same platform is were console made sense to play online very low chance to find a mod menu user and it was more of a equal playing field ps3/ps4 was great for this. But now beyond the latency like i sated before console player's get screwed over.

Its just amazing ps5 version of gta online has not merged with the pc crowed mark my words if they allow gta6 console version to communicate with pc version than that online will be like the pc version completely unplayable.

I tried pc gtao never got out of a private lobby before i got fed over by some modder that game is totally broken on pc.

Zeref1d 6h ago (Edited 1d 6h ago )

The game has crossplay between consoles only. Keyboard and Mouse is not allowed at all.

So right now it's a completely level playing field. It actually feels really good.
PC has ruined console shooters. I'm glad Valorant chose to put competitive integrity over engagement numbers.

just_looken1d 6h ago


Thanks for the information so its ok for now but time will tell fortnight console was locked for abit till they flipped the switch.

ChronoJoe1d 1h ago

Almost no games have mixed input matchmaking. XDefiant, Apex, Destiny... and so forth, just split the player base based on input, it's much fairer for both sides. No one is going to get 'screwed'.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 1d 1h ago
NotoriousWhiz1d 4h ago

I've grown to believe that we shouldn't avoid players based on their input method. Just let proper skill based matchmaking filter them out. If they are too good, then they'll just end up playing with other people that are too good.

purple10119h ago

literally just had the same thought, before sbmm it would have been unfair, but now if your destroying newbs on a mouse keyboard combo, youl get moved to better lobbies pretty quick.

slayereddy1h ago

The worst player can still turn quicker, and move easier with kbm.

KwietStorm_BLM1d 11h ago

lol this ass backwards industry

X-231d 10h ago

Good, they made the decision to not implement Gyro functionality for the PS5 controller to "keep things balanced" so them allowing KBM is a bs move.

Inverno1d 10h ago

Yeaaaa mouse and keyboard were a feature and still technically are a feature advertised to work on consoles since last generation. Rather than encouraging people to actually use the feature let's ban them instead. Then they wonder why people don't use alternative controller schemes on consoles.

Eidolon1d 7h ago (Edited 1d 7h ago )

KB/M support needs to be "programmed" in for console. Can you just plug in KB/M an play? Someone allowed it when it is supposedly bannable. I sense an apology coming,

PassNextquestion1d 10h ago

If they don't want you to use a keyboard and mouse why implement it into the game...

PapaBop1d 3h ago

They haven't implemented it into the game. There are adapters you can buy like Xim. It's common for competitive shooters to ban players for using them because they combine the precision of a K/M with aim assist of a controller. I've came up against players using them in other games and it's just a broken horrible experience.

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