
A Switch Too Far: Why Nintendo's Latest Console Is Unconvincing

Alex Gibson from WGTC writes "Wait, that was it? Yep, I’ve suddenly been reminded why Nintendo are not the tour de force of the video gaming industry that they once were."

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gepugg2670d ago

I agree. Nintendo nail games not consoles.

Wallstreet372670d ago

I don't even agree with that. Its easy to keep making sequels and using same templates over and over. The hard part and what companies should be commended for is thinking out the box and bringing along new, innovative IPS which Nintendo isn't doing.

The console looks meh and overpriced.

Irishguy952670d ago (Edited 2670d ago )

While I agree new ips are kinda necessary, they still manage to make Mario and Zelda feel new and make amazing entries each time. Mario has about 7 different types of games in there. Side scroller - Mario 64 - kart etc
Zelda is completely different each time.

Similar to how FF changes. But anyway. Yeah, they should be pushing for new ips too

Also, anyone who thinks switch ain't gonna sell is ****ing insane. That **** will sell like hotcakes in JP and to casuals. Its a portable console that plugs in at home AND has the Wii's upbringing. It's already had heavy demand worldwide.

2670d ago
bouzebbal2670d ago (Edited 2670d ago )

the console is overpriced, and i think 1-2 switch should be the Switch Wii Sport, integrated in the bundle.
Apart from zelda mario, i haven't seen anything that makes me say "wow this is something Nintendo has never done before". This presentation is very similar to Wii U with almost same software.
Now at lteast the message is clear, it was a disaster at wii u reveal.
paid online also kills it more for me.. I am only interested in Zelda, and i have wii u for that.
i will maybe get it if a new zelda comes out

light692670d ago

Oh wow ignorance is great with this one. I guess you're the type of person that doesn't acknowledge splatoon as a new Ip that was innovative. You're the person that ignores that for the benefit of your argument. Dude Nintendo is the only company that thinks outside the box, they don't just throw out another console with the same shit as the rest. If you really think that then you're contradicting yourself like an idiot. Sony and Microsoft wouldn't have thought of going with this idea at all, look at wii. Nintendo popularized it first and then they followed, but yes you're so right they don't think "outside the box" lol yeah right

Wallstreet372670d ago (Edited 2670d ago )

Light we've had this conversation before. I know your a blind, star struck fanatic. They can wrap a turd in a Mario cape and you'll say it's dope. On the software side Nintendo just relies on existing IPS, rarely brings out a new one and aren't pushing software innovation hardly at all. Let me guess Zelda looks like its doing new things in the RPG genre huh? (New for Zelda yeah but new for arpg noooo). Or better yet Mario Maker wasn't a LBP wannabee that failed at offering LBP customization and deep online sharing capabilities (let's get this straight all companies copy off each other but I'm just making a point so does Nintendo lol).

Splatoon was oneeeeeee IP out of many (while were at it let me throw Devils Third in there lol haha that awesome new IP :)). One IP doesn't change Nintendo's stance and their poor offerings of new, innovative IPS on the software side so stop it bro. That's like me going to a restaurant and stating its the best because they only have one good meal but the rest is mediocre.

Get the hell out of hear with that bs narrative that Nintendo is the only one thinking outside the box. Sony has pushed the first and only true vr solution on consoles. That abomination that they Nintendo did years ago called virtual boy was only virtual reality in name and professionals agree. So not only is Sony innovating in hardware but in software we've gotten games like little big planet, Tear Away, Mod Nation, etc that had more innovation than anything Nintendo in the last three decades lol your not fooling us but yourself. Add to that games like Journey, Demon Souls, War hawk last gen and this generation Tomorrow Children, TLG, soon Wild, Dreams, etc and Sony not only continues pushing creativity in software but keeps giving us not just "one!" New IP but many :)

That presentation was a disaster of mediocrity and stalness filled with nothing but ports. Reinforcing that Nintendo hasn't changed its ways. Mind you all systems launch with ports but this was embarrassing lol

Blind, enabling idiot are many on here. Reggie's force is deeply embedded within you lol

Sony and Microst wouldn't have thought of coming up with this idea? Are you mad? Insane? PSP go did handheld gaming and had a dock to play games on television lol womp now Nintendo created the concept of handheld games to TV huh? Omg your more far gone than I thought lol You one of those ppl that said vita failed bcus no one wants to play console games on the go but are stroking this crap and calling it innovative lol hahaha

By the way I've preordered it just in case they find a way to change my mind. It cane out to 326 lol smh tooooo much.

2670d ago
XisThatKid2670d ago

But they make you 'Member with their Member Berries....
I'm sorry I was no impressed more nostalgia hunter shyt I don't need. with games they are finally catching up to with games that were once inspired by the big N.

light692670d ago Show
Wallstreet372670d ago (Edited 2670d ago )

On existing IPS as me saying that relying on existing IPS is wrong. Anything to move your agenda forward. No idiot its OK to makes sequels what's not OK is to just solely rely on them and have over 95% of your games be sequels and not offer gamers new and fresh games.

Wow you own a Sony console and Xbox (typical fanboy argument to try to convince ppl they aren't fanatics of one console) Guess what? I own an Xbox S, Wiu, PSVR, Pro, 3Ds lol soooooo? Doesn't change the fact I that your a fanatic that doesn't call things how they are. Presentation was trash and your defense bs won't change that. Again if you doubt I have a Wiiu pm me and try me. Yes fanboy Nintendo fans criticize Nintendo too smfh.

I have VR and played both in Pro and OG PS4 lol Both were good but pro was better. Stop talking nonsense bcus based off your comment I know your reaching and never tried PSVR. I play Rigs and Rush of Blood religiously Every day lol and they are awesome games. Your just a hater trying too hard but no one believes you. Let me guess Switch looks awesome huh lol Don't confuse PSVR with that crap virtual boy no one played and ruined ppls eyes lol This is real VR. Pro is buggy? Lol I'm done. I've never had an issue with my pro and love it. Take that propaganda elsewhere. I actually own one :) unlike you.

Your dismissed and gtfo with that stalking weird crap :)

light692670d ago

You're a still denying the fact I mentions the likes of wonderful 101, bayonetta, hyrule worriora, Tokyo mirage sessions, xenobalde lmao I mean Jesus are you being willfully dense? This just further shows that you ignore when people respond to you with what you want. That's sad lmao and that was just the Wiiu games.

Lmao when did I say that they had a great presintation? Now your just putting words together and saying false things. The presintation was far from perfect and I too admit they could have done better my argument was how you're being an idiot for ignoring the facts to benefit your argument lmao the salt must have gotten to you. Lmao hey dipshit unlike you I don't buy consoles and leave them collecting dust I play them, me telling you I own them isn't and excuse its to tell you I'm an actual gamer that regardless of who the company is regardless of the console and regardless of the motherfucking specs, I'll play the game because I enjoy gaming, I don't bitch about how a company did bad in a presentation like idiots like you, until you learn what gaming Is you're just going live a sad life getting mad a company for doing what they love, making games. And that's sad lmao ;)

Lmao I'm reaching? Sounds like you are from the salt you're spuing. I mean look at you talking about the virtual boy like it was relevant in this argument, I mean seriously why are you talking about it lmao yup I'm totally reaching dude, just like you reached for that comeback all the way in to the 90s ;)

Hey guess what you're one person out of millions, just because you don't experience a problem doesn't mean thousands of other didn't, that also the doesn't mean this fact I'm showing you doesn't exist. Lol gtfo yours so full of yourself that you think you're the only one in the world playing games

Lol ironic considering you're the one replying to my comments and telling me to pm you ;) it's okay some people are a bit slow kiddo

Wallstreet372670d ago (Edited 2669d ago )


Slow indeed and obsessed and stalkerish. What you consider your noble cause is borderline infatuation and you should get that checked out. Then you list a bunch of sequels like Bayonetta no one wanted bcus Bayonetta only sold like 1 million between Xbox/sony, Xenoblade and whatever bs others you listed. What did that prove? Again Nintendo relying in sequels and not new IPS. You are indeed slow and just strengthened my point of their problem. Learn to comprehend you'll get far in life. I'm still waiting for the new IPS oh wait Splatoon, Devils Third lol hahaha

light692669d ago Show
Wallstreet372669d ago (Edited 2669d ago )


Mad at the world because what you hoped would be a chance of turning things around turned in Nintendo turned into a travesty of a presentation and a joke.

Again as unpointed out to you its weak, underpowered hardware and Nintendo again relying on sequel upon sequel and rare and few new IPS. Again their new software output and innovation this and last gen is abysmal and you have done nothing to refute that but flip things to suit your agenda.

Your responses have been weak, idiotic and your Reggie defense is failing. Again stop being a lame and responding to all the ppl mad at Nintendo. They all have a valid reason to do so and you are no one to tell them otherwise :)

Enjoy your day blind fanatic

PS let's rephrase this because you came up with a list of obscure shovelware iPS years ago no one plays lol "Quality IPS" wow that list looks like a bunch of crap no one knows about except ppl Japan. Where arevthe quakity AAA ips? I doubt you even played 1% of those games. Keep doing research lol hahaha lol that was bad.

Update light...

Keep playing your obscure list of shovelware new IPS hahaha that made me laugh.Yeahhhhh sure you bought those over there in Japan lol foh with that be your lamer than what I thought and a kuar, anything to try to rescue your failed attempt at defending your love. So sweet.

You try so hard its sad.

light692669d ago Show
Omnislashver362669d ago (Edited 2669d ago )

I still say the console would have been better as a stationary $249-299 console. I mean we'd be dealing with 3-4x the graphics, an impressive leap no doubt. That Mario game would look pristine with no aliasing and near-pixar level graphics. Zelda would look way, way nicer. Square-Enix may have put more energy into an RPG that didn't look so gimmicky just because of it's retro design. I will say that Xenoblade 2 looked very good, no aliasing, and the anime style was blended near perfectly with 3D. It really does look amazing and I can't imagine it looking much better. But everything else? I'd be staring at the screen wondering why it looks so bad. Especially something like Mario/Zelda that have awesome elements but just come up short in the graphics department.

I'm probably going to buy, but I'm sadly not even interested in Zelda, and will have to wait for more games and probably a price drop as well. I imagine a $249 regular console with the same showing would have knocked it out of the park. Almost nobody is going to use the "portability" features anyway...

And honestly how "portable" is this thing? It doesn't fit in your pocket, is hard to bring on errands, most aren't going to bring it to school or work or on the bus. It's a joke in that regard. Kids who bring this thing outside are going to break the screen, and it has a measly 3 hour battery life for most games with decent graphics. The portability feature is just plain stupid.

+ Show (12) more repliesLast reply 2669d ago
Shuckylad2670d ago

Really? And what consoles do you play the nailed Nintendo games on?

nitus102670d ago

Well, how about the NES, SNES, N64 and Gamecube.

Oh, you probably mean those gimmicks like the Wii and the WiiU. 😉

kneon2669d ago

Even if there were Nintendo games I wanted to play, the switch would be a big turn off. It's a low quality tablet with weird add on controllers.

Do they really think this is going to attract people away from phones and tablets? That's where the Wii audience went, and they aren't coming back for this.

Irishguy952670d ago

I agree the consoles...agh, I like the switch, too costly though.

Nintendo nail their first party games.

masterfox2670d ago (Edited 2670d ago )

"Nintendo nail games", agree that Skyrim trailer look awesome even better than todays Skyrim and PC Skyrim :D

AcidDvl2670d ago

That's one of the stupidest, fanboyest comment I have ever read.

Artemidorus2670d ago

They nail consoles but the last four have been garbage this one is going down that road.

gums0072669d ago

and now they have no games. Let that sink in for a second

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 2669d ago
TheHip142670d ago

Wow do not agree at all. I think the Switch looks absolutely killer.

pwnsause_returns2670d ago

That's what I thought, but was mistaken, that was a very poor reveal. We still don't know what the launch games are except for zelda.

Vegamyster2670d ago

If I'm not mistaken they're going to be giving dates and new announcements tomorrow, not 100% though.

Good-Smurf2669d ago

I just watched Treehouse Live at still nothing new to show there.
You going to have only few games and only one worthwhile game to play with Switch at launch...not a good sign...

yeahokwhatever2670d ago

killer for their stock. dropping like a ton of bricks. Nintendo made a huge misstep. It'll take a miracle to sell these things.

Ark_2670d ago

Not a miracle - just more and convincing launch titles.
But it's propably too late for that ...

nitus102670d ago

The Nintendo Switch will sell and sell well for at least the first year and if third-party developers come up with new IP not ports of games that are already available for the PS4 and XB1. Without third party support the Switch will probably go the same way as the WiiU although the faithful will buy and defend it.

kneon2669d ago


it will sell well for a few months, until the last of the Nintendo fans have bought one.

jmc88882669d ago

Exactly. To use this weak console as a console it's going to cost more then a PS4 Pro and be approach Scorpio prices. Seriously Nintendo?

Console+controller+storage+on line and for some even a lan adapter since it won't have a lan.
$299+70(for a controller 70 dollars?)+50-100(storage)=$419 -469 to use it as a console and then another $50-60 for online = $469-529. Maybe even another $30 for a lan adapter. So for some up to $499-559.

Or you could buy a PS4 Pro for less. Hell that highest price might be a Scorpio price.

Remember PS4 Pro is roughly 28x the raw power of undocked Switch. Scorpio if we round down to 6 TFlops/ 0.147= 40x Switch undocked.

$299 for the power of 2007. It's so weak it can't even run Zelda past 900p when docked. Looks like 30 FPS as well. You won't be playing the AAA 3rd party games. It's a Nintendo box, which can't even run Nintendo games very well for $299 AGAIN. They don't even have enough power to make their own games on Switch run well. They can't even hit 1080/60 with BOTW with their new overpriced system in 2017.

It's competitors, which are much more powerful, cost far less, come with a game, and a controller. Guaranteed 3rd party support.

What is the average person going to buy? Not Switch. It's value is horrible. Absolutely horrible.

The paid online is going to keep alot of people from buying the system. No one want to pay for a online service. But most people are definitely not going to pay for a 2nd one, especially with Nintendo's track record and limited online games. With Sony/XB1 you can say... well I'll be playing CoD, Battlefront, Battlefield, etc, etc, etc. What can you say with Nintendo? Splatoon? Something else? That paid online is literally going to keep people from buying the hardware.

You NEED a pro controller. The joy cons suck, the joy cons put together suck (still small, and the proportion is just off... look at where that right thumbstick is... exactly). It looks uncomfortable as hell. So you'll need $70, yep $70 to buy a decent controller. Forget everything else $299+70 = PS4 Pro territory. Forget the online. Forget the storage. Just needing to buy the controller pushes this right up against PS4 Pro price. Nintendo has lost it's mind.

There's no games. Zelda on Wii U is going to run similar to Switch, and even if not, I'd rather save 400-500 by not buying Switch and getting it on my Wii U.

It's dead Jim. It's a very expensive handheld with almost no games and paid online. So much of that reveal screams those games are 2018 or 2019 so you're going to be waiting a long time for games. Also since Nintendo won't even finish Splatoon until summer and Mario until holiday (and maybe that slips into early 2018), how long will it take for those teams to make another game AFTER that? 2020? First party seems awfully bare. 3rd party is basically non-existent and worse then Wii U. This thing has worse power for the times then the Wii U.

They screwed up. I think people are running for the hills. The negative reactions everywhere are very XB1 like, except it's not about Kinect and all-digital, it's about the lack of games, the horrible price, insane peripheral prices, paid online. It's not an 'angry mob' due to be screwed with, it's an mob of people who think Nintendo is crack whore nuts for what they designed and what they are pricing it at.

PS4 and XB1 simply are massively better values in every conceivable way but portability, and no one cares about portability except a few million Nintendo fans and even many of them are disillusioned with Nintendo after last night.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 2669d ago
MASTER_RAIDEN2670d ago (Edited 2670d ago )

when i bought a ps4 the launch lineup was so unbelievably weak that the 2 games i ended up buying were COD Ghosts and Killzone shadow Fall. Meanwhile, Ryse: Son of Rome was busy flying off store shelves for xbox one.
The Switch looked great no matter how many times n4g users hit the disagree button. No one can say for certain if it'll be a success and thats fine, but i wouldnt be surprised if 6 months from now this website is littered with articles about the switches success. And even if it werent a success, that would never stop nintendo from making great games for a long period of time. Just stay cool and preorder if you like it.
The one thing that gets you hounded on a site like this is sharing an opinion that people are scared to admit feels true. I think the people here are afraid to admit the switch looked great because theyre so wrapped up in paying more money the same system with a higher resolution.

gametrotter2670d ago

You're forgetting that PS4 has immense third party support. Sony has survived without exclusives... that is not Nintendo's jam. If you want to go and pay $300 for a console that s inevitably going to have next to 0 third party support in 12 months and massive gaps between first party releases then go for it. I'm good.

Wallstreet372670d ago (Edited 2670d ago )

Whatever you tell yourself to validate your purchase.

The reality is ppl were born with free thinking and have different opinions. The other reality is that people were burned by the Wiiu and many (millions) did not buy it for the same reasons they won't buy this one. Nintendo has a big problem of relying too heavily on old IPS and not giving gamers a breathe of fresh air with new ones. They also seem to be always a generation behind in features and hardware. They want to sell their hardware at premium price then use games like old "Skyrim" as center pieces lol I'll pass.

Enjoy it bro but please kill that frivolous narrative. What ppl are really afraid of is calling out the company they grew up on out of some weird allegiance but Nintendo has really fallen off.

"Wrapped up in paying more for a system with higher resolution" lol no Wrapped up in buying a system that's well priced, has better hardware and is continuously offering new and exciting IPS, not just the same %amn sequels. Next month I'll be playing Horizon, this month I'm finishing up TLG, I've had the pleasure of platting Blood Borne, beating Until Dawn, enjoying Resogun, etc... All new IPS. You cant live off of Mario and same games forever, after awhile no matter how good they are you want more of something different.

People have valid reasons for disliking what Nintendo is doing.

OB1Biker2670d ago

'people are scared to admit feels true. '
Not according to wizards first rule. People tend to believe a lie if they fear it's true. I don't think people are 'scared' :)

Knushwood Butt2670d ago

Scalping does not mean success, and knowing Nintendo they'll pull their usual stunt of holding back production to try and make it look like there is huge demand.

Supply constraint!

jmc88882669d ago (Edited 2669d ago )

Huh? You make no sense.

I could care less if YOU want one. For anyone that actually wants want... great... to each their own.

But anyone who buys this as a console is going to be paying a PS4 Pro/Scorpio prices for 2007 tech, when clearly there are much better options. Like a console with games and AAA 3rd party support and amazingly an actual controller.

It's like paying $20 for a McDonalds hamburger when you can pay $15 for a steak next door at a restaurant.

You many want the McDonalds, but I think the average person will pay less for a much better tasting steak.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 2669d ago
Thunder_G0d_Bane2670d ago

I've pre-ordered it looks amazing!

PlayableGamez-2670d ago

How? They didnt show off the console.

pcz2669d ago (Edited 2669d ago )

I still dislike that the switch dock has the switch written on the side with that massive logo. Same for the control dock. Makes it look tacky. As if an owner wouldn't know it's a switch. It should be more discreet.

Xenoblade 2 is the most exciting thing. Mario looks great. Zelda is the obvious big draw... But will i fork out 300+ to play these three games littered throughout the year... No

Bleucrunch2669d ago

I completely agree, it is not surprising how closed minded people can be about this new console. It makes perfect sense for the mobile world that we live in today.

yeahokwhatever2669d ago

Not it doesn't. As a father of 2, I WAS looking forward to getting my kids a new Nintendo. Looks like thats not happening. Kid's break iPads all the time. When your 300$ console is a tablet, no thanks. How easy/often am I going to have to replace that screen? The Switch is like a 3 year old wearing a suit. It's kind of cute, but also he's going to ruin the suit. Nintendo just forced my kids to be stuck with their 3DS+Wii setup for their Nintendo fix.

danny8182669d ago

youre on N4G. Sony is where the circlejerkoffs are at

+ Show (6) more repliesLast reply 2669d ago
zcmilano2670d ago

I wanted to desperately to like this thing. Launch line up is thin, price is WAY too high.

TheOptimist2670d ago (Edited 2669d ago )

TBH... No console had a stellar start this gen

Completely agree.

nitus102670d ago

You are sort of right with the PS4's launch titles http://au.ign.com/wikis/pla... however, if you look at them there are some AAA third party games although there were quite a few different developers. and that is the part which counts.

The bottom line is if you get developers on your side you will get games and so far this has proven to be true.

Legion212669d ago

Let's say that was true. The Switch is in a different situation than the PS4 and Xbox One. The Switch is launching against established consoles with established libraries, at the same price. It's going to be a difficult sale at launch. Being the successor to less than stellar console made it even more crucial they had a great launch lineup to win over consumers, in my eyes they failed to do so.

PurpHerbison2669d ago

This is just terrible though. After the WiiU you'd think Nintendo is ready to win their fans back. Apparently not.

yeahokwhatever2669d ago

The PS4 launched with at least a half a dozen really good games. Yeah, not as good as the newer games, sure. The games that came out for launch were pretty impressive though coming from a PS3.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 2669d ago
_-EDMIX-_2670d ago

agreed mind you don't get me wrong I still like the switch as I've purchased all of Nintendo's Portables and this one will be no different except I just don't see me purchasing this at launch for a single title so I'm probably going to wait until summer to purchase it.

I'm worried deeply about the switch because this looks like another platform that is for Nintendo gamers buy Nintendo Gamers and it's starting to look like they're not going to get any brand new consumers.

the people who like Nintendo might see this as a knock out of the park but the biggest problem Nintendo has is actually selling their devices to everybody else and there's nothing I actually see from this device that is telling me that a bunch of people are going to purchase it that suddenly have never cared for Nintendo so I'm definitely worried because I don't see the new consumers they're going to be bringing in.

People need to strongly consider I'm purchasing this device for Zelda and for shin Megami tensei along with that new title that sort of looks like Bravely Default in regards to Art Direction.

That would actually mean that I'm purchasing the switch for the exact same reasons that I purchased the 3DS.

I just don't see any reason for someone to purchase the switch that didn't want to purchase the 3DS or Wii U and that is very worrying.

People need to consider that I liked the GameCube lol

So the things that I like about this don't necessarily bode well for the absolute majority that clearly are dwindling from purchasing Nintendo Hardware.

Everything that looks good about this also sort of looked good about the 3DS and the Wii U.

So I find it difficult to believe that Zelda breath of the wild in Mario Kart 8 will sell the switch but suddenly cannot sell the Wii U....

conanlifts2670d ago (Edited 2670d ago )

"this looks like another platform that is for Nintendo gamers buy Nintendo Gamers and it's starting to look like they're not going to get any brand new consumers. "

There will also be gamers like myself who have purchased every nintendo console day 1 up to now. Then after the delays and lack of games on the wii u became annoyed. This launch as it stands is looking worse than the wii u launch. All it takes is for mario to be delayed and literally they only have 2-3 great games announced for this year. I don't think it's worth purchasing unless they actually announce a decent and firm list of games with dates. If it turns out to be just zelda this will die a quick death as it will only sell at launch to zelda fans. Plus many will simply stick to the wii u version.

Of course they might announce more launch games over the next week.

_-EDMIX-_2670d ago

I really hope that's not the case but I'm afraid it's starting to kind of look that way.

Sometimes it's hard to tell with these things but I simply feel that the fad of the novelty of the wii is pretty much over and I don't really believe consumers are looking to dump $300 on fads anymore.

That worked extremely well for the we saw them trying to repackage that same concept that desperately make it seem as if this is similar in my opinion is not only weak but I believe it's difficult to convey such a message like that to millions of people especially after the fact.

They might have been able to make that work really well during its first reveal but I really don't believe something like that is going to be messaged acrossed really well at this point in time.

This is so Nintendo but I believe it is very likely it is going to fail only because I never really got the feeling that this was something that the market can be able to adapt to that previously left at Nintendo this is essentially catering to a lot of the same audience.

You might look at the switch and say to yourself, if all the things that are amazing about the switch right now we're all so amazing about the 3DS or Wii U exactly why did they sell less than their predecessors and why should this sell more?

This looks like it's seriously is just marketing to the same people that were always going to purchase this I saw absolutely nothing that an outside consumer might see that would change their mind about Nintendo.

At this point I'm starting to get the feeling that them simply doing 3DS numbers might be the greatest thing that they could hope for at this point.

PurpHerbison2669d ago

"People need to consider that I liked the GameCube lol "

That was the last Nintendo console I actually liked. Just been downhill gimmick central after the GameCube. Maybe the GameCube wasn't that amazing in comparison to what was already out, but when you compare the GameCube to what they do now... the GameCube is amazing.

madhouse022670d ago

They lost me at "Share the Joy"...Yeah, no thanks.

Knushwood Butt2670d ago

* Imagines Reggie approaching strangers and asking if they want to share the joy *

X-Alchemist2669d ago

After all this BS with the 'month free' games scheme, online subscriptions and the 4 game line up with an overpriced console, I hope this console bombs. Then they can damage control like MS did with the XBone and actually learn from their mess and be more fair to the consumer.

FallenAngel19842670d ago

The long Wii-esque portion of the reveal was very cringeworthy, especially in comparison to the first Switch trailer

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35 years of the Nintendo Game Boy, the handheld originally dubbed "hopeless"

Originally dubbed "hopeless", the Game Boy went on to have a lasting legacy, as well as hosting some of the most influential games of all time.

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ZeekQuattro17h ago

Lots of fond memories with the Gameboy. It was my first portable console. It's also the last system my parents played as games were getting too advanced for them outside of pinball, Mario and classic Donkey Kong games. 🤣

Cacabunga16h ago

I never had one but some school friends did.
I still remember the magical feeling of playing motocross and mario bros 2 (i think).. gaming addiction since that very moment

victorMaje16h ago

I’ll never forget opening that Christmas gift. I was ill, had a fever, and was screaming with Joy :)

Profchaos14h ago(Edited 14h ago)

I still have my original GB that I opened up on Christmas morning way back and donkey Kong game it came with.

Still works to I recently picked up a ever drive for a decent price and have been rediscovering some of my all time favourite games like Pokemon, super Mario land 2 and links awakening.

Amazing little system with interesting development and release story.

The story of how Tetris came to be a pack in has been turned into a movie it's that interesting

P_Bomb13h ago

I remember the audio being pretty ace back in the day.

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GFN Thursday: GeForce NOW on Steam Deck

Streaming on the Steam Deck is even easier with a new beta installation method for GeForce NOW. Plus GeForce NOW brings 24 new games for May.

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PS Remote Play on Android TV OS devices & Chromecast with Google TV | PS5

PS Remote Play on Android TV OS devices offers you more ways to play your favorite PS5® and PS4™ games.

Cacabunga2d ago

i have a 4K chrome cast from some years ago, not this white one.
does it support remote play as well?
next question: does PS5 and the chromecast have to be connected to same network?

i will try later and update here if no one has an answer, so people benefit.