
Rise of the Tomb Raider Sells an Estimated 301K First Week at Retail Sales

VGChartz' William D'Angelo writes: "The Xbox timed exclusive Rise of the Tomb Raider sold 301,028 units first week worldwide at retail, according to our estimates, which can be viewed on the VGChartz Global Weekly Chart for the week ending November 14th.

Breaking down the sales by platform, the game sold best on the Xbox One with 229,742 units sold (59%), compared to 71,286 units sold on the Xbox 360 (31%)."

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Thatguy-3103083d ago

This installment deserved a lot more than that. If we were to compare these numbers with the opening for the first installment last gen on the 360 you can see how it's lower. The last one debuted on the 360 with 482,328 copies. A lot of factors are at fault on to why it didn't sell great. Let's see how it does throughout next yr and whether ps4 owners decide to pick it up when it's released.

jon_snow3083d ago

Some Figure SE and CD can use.
- It sold less than 4% of Fallout 4 sales(5.5 million retail plus 2million steam).
- worldwide sales less than U.K Fallout 4 sales.
- It sold less than Order1886 1st week sales(521,000).
- It was the worst opening of any main TR game.

AngelicIceDiamond3083d ago

Could of been prevented if they didn't release it around Fallout 4. Even a child has more common sense then that....

Cupid_Viper_33083d ago

The only real reason why this is "yummy" news is because a certain fanbase has made it a habit of their to downplay most games on the PS4 as "niche" and saying that PS4 has no games. Now, they have to abide by that logic and call Forza 6, and this Timed exclusive game as niche as well.

Let's not forget all the PS4 games that were called niche: inFamous Second Son, Killzone ShadowFall, Until Dawn, The Order, BloodBorne, Driveclub, and a few other games. Meanwhile the real niche games like Forza Horizon 2, and Sunset Overdrive, Forza 6 and now Tomb Raider were all being hyped to as the greatest games ever.

So much for "closing the gap" and "the greatest line up EVER!" tag that was being thrown around.

silkrevolver3083d ago

@AngelicIceDiamond And, frankly, if they made it available on the PS4. Most multiplatform games sell double on it. I understand that Microsoft made a deal with them, but I doubt it was worth it.

Fatdrinkofwater3083d ago (Edited 3083d ago )


The niche ps4 games people talk about are the long LONG lists of jp games and indies.

The ps4 games you listed are great.

And im sure rrotr sold a lot more copies digital as well. But im sure a lot of gamers are waiting due to being over run with games at the moment myself included.

Im bogged with black ops 3. Forza 6. Halo 5. Fallout and a few others right now.

Im getting ROTTR in the new year.

Lol i cant believe you just called forza 6 and horizon 2 niche. Out of touch much

A big percentage of xb1 sales are digital all those games you listed sold great.


Over 300k physical on its first week not counting digital is impressive especially considering it was up against fallout and a bunch of other games.

The game will be fine

And how did you come up with that 100k digital figure? Sounds like you just pulled it out of thin air to downplay sales. And Didnt all the tomb raider bundles have digital codes?

Im full digital and i know a lot lf people that are too. Digital is on the rise big time.

Rottr nichest of niche?? Smh i cant believe im reading this trash

nix3083d ago (Edited 3083d ago )

Those figures. Sigh.

As a TR fan from yesteryears I'm saddened. Devs work so hard on it only to be left out of the factory to die.

It sold less than Order.. That game was murdered even before it came out... That's why i always say "PS gamers always buy different kind of games." I was one of them. No regrets there.


ROTR will probably feature under nichest of the niche.


Digital is probably 100k. I'm being very generous there.

3083d ago
Cupid_Viper_33083d ago (Edited 3083d ago )


"Lol i cant believe you just called forza 6 and horizon 2 niche. Out of touch much"

Oh no, you misunderstand greatly it seems. For the last 3 months, the talk has been about how Microsoft had all of these BIG exclusives while the PS4 doesn't really offer much only niche games. That's because people didn't think that those games would be successful commercially. So why is it "out of touch" now to call Forza 6 and RTR niche using that same standard?

Forza 6 is barely at 600,000 units sold since it released more than 2 months ago. http://www.vgchartz.com/gam...

But I absolutely get where you're going with the whole digital argument. Apparently games are selling some 50% to 90% digitally on the Xbox One now. It's an amazing new trend.

Edit: @ haha, there's no butt hurting or lashing out at all. People are simple using the same but more fitting measuring stick the Xbox fans have been using. It shouldn't feel like a lashing or anything else other than "FAIRNESS".

Like do you remember when GT5 got an 84 on metacritic how people were like "GT SUCKS!" or "The series has been in declined" etc.... I bet you those same folks are absolutely proud of Halo 5, even though it sits at 84 on metacritic. Can you imagine how much a of fanboy you'd be perceived at if level the same things said about GT5 at Halo 5?

The point is that you guys seems to always be able to dish it out but can't take it. Where I'm from, there's a name for people like that.

Fatdrinkofwater3083d ago (Edited 3083d ago )

600,000 physical in 2 months is pretty good i think but i went digital ultimate edition and i know for a fact a lot of people on the forza forums did the same.

Id bet a HUGE majority of forza 6 sales are digital plus there was the f6 console bundle too which came with digital codes also.

Fatdrinkofwater3083d ago (Edited 3083d ago )


Yes the forza brand is massive actually. So massive in fact it got its own custom console and controller. And has many many youtube channels and websites dedicated to it.

3083d ago
FriedGoat3083d ago

All of my Xbox One Games are digital, if these numbers aren't included I doubt we're seeing the real picture.

Fatdrinkofwater3083d ago (Edited 3083d ago )


Why you generalizing theres obviously stupid fanboys on each side.

This attitude of slagging off and butthurt revenge is crazy arent you guys sick of it??

Ive never acted this way im just sick of it poluting the gaming community.

I really liked gt5 i even went to the midnight launch. Im really looking forward to gt7 too.

But honestly how is 600k sales in 2 months considered niche? We all know its a lot higher than that as most sales for this game were digital.

And same goes for tomb raider. 301k physical in one week while up against fallout 4 is a big feat.

None of these games you guys listed ps4 or xb1 are niche

djplonker3083d ago (Edited 3083d ago )


You are saying you "think" the digital sales would make those numbers higher but then you would have to count the digital sales for the order 1886 and it would still have the same gap...

Tldr: the poorly selling the order 1886 didn't count digital sales either and it still beat tomb raider by miles.

DOMination-3083d ago

It was always going to sell less than TR 2013 because that released to an install base on 360 of what.. 50m?

Add to that a silly release day... this will sell well though the next few weeks as mums buy it for their teenage kids for xmas.

boodi3083d ago

combined reasons for this
1. is exclusive of 1 platform
2. came out on fallout 4 ( no match there bro )

i wonder how possible they did not choose another release date or time . go figure

nix3083d ago


my Order was digital too. you get what i'm saying.

freshslicepizza3083d ago

"The only real reason why this is "yummy" news is because a certain fanbase has made it a habit of their to downplay most games on the PS4 as "niche" and saying that PS4 has no games. Now, they have to abide by that logic and call Forza 6, and this Timed exclusive game as niche as well."

you are somehow confusing sales with aaa games. and let's not pretend this 'yummy' news as you call it brought you here in the first place. it has gotten beyond ridiculous how the two camps play off of each other. w

"Let's not forget all the PS4 games that were called niche: inFamous Second Son, Killzone ShadowFall, Until Dawn, The Order, BloodBorne, Driveclub, and a few other games. Meanwhile the real niche games like Forza Horizon 2, and Sunset Overdrive, Forza 6 and now Tomb Raider were all being hyped to as the greatest games ever."

name those people. none of those games are niche products. they are all promoted as aaa games. what is your purpose here if only to add to the system wars?

"So much for "closing the gap" and "the greatest line up EVER!" tag that was being thrown around."

there we have it, more system wars at play which is why this is 'yummy' news to a certain fanbase as you call it.

whatever happened to talking about how good the game is? instead we get this battle between the two fanbases all the time that somehow manage to not even actually talk about the games. isn't that after all why we are here, because we enjoy games?

kenshiro1003083d ago

Microsoft was too much in a hurry to compete with Uncharted 4. The game looked absolutely gorgeous when I last saw it, and it deserved more.

LeCreuset3083d ago

"isn't that after all why we are here, because we enjoy games?"

Funny. I assume people commenting on a sales article are HERE because they enjoy talking about sales.

twinspectre19903083d ago

what's wrong with niche games? i love them
it doesn't mean if a game is not popular automatically should be labeled as a bad game

even if a game sell like 100.000 copies doesn't mean is a terrible game, it's because this certain games was out the radar and people focused more on triple A games.

again if a game sell less or is unpopular doesn't mean is a bad game.

freshslicepizza3083d ago

"Funny. I assume people commenting on a sales article are HERE because they enjoy talking about sales."

true but instead of talking about tomb raider sales it turns into xbox versus playstation all the time. how did the sales of tomb raider all of the sudden turn into the ps4 only has niche games and a pissing contest between playstation games and xbox games?

LeCreuset3083d ago

"how did the sales of tomb raider all of the sudden turn into the ps4 only has niche games and a pissing contest between playstation games and xbox games?"

All of a sudden? Cupid broke it down for you pretty good, but let me go even further. We're talking the same game that "all of a sudden" cut off the majority of its fanbase so that MS could get into a pissing contest with Uncharted in the action adventure genre.

After all that, and all the history Cupid detailed, you want to come in and start calling fouls late in the game? What did you think the hot topic would be when the game released?

Gwiz3083d ago

Making this exclusive to any platform is just a dumb idea.


kenwonobi3083d ago

I would call ROTR a total and complete abject failure. Except it's a really good game by all accounts. Their strategy was obviously crap. Hopefully a PS4 release in 2016 recouped their losses.

jb2273083d ago

@fat drink

Racing titles are a "niche" market. Sometimes those markets can grow huge as is the case w/ GT, but they remain a smaller market that doesn't sustain as many fans or sales as something like an fps or sports title. Look how many racing games are released each year vs. How many mp fps titles are released for proof. Forza 6 apparently had some pretty low sales, so it seems like that franchise can't really support annualization, which is something MS should consider going forward.

As far as 100k digital being a low figure next to a 300k physical number, it's actually a little high. He pulled that figure out of thin air as much as you did if your evidence of digital growth is down to yourself & your group of friends. Gamestop said last week that digital sales typically amount to 20-25% of physical sales...I'm going to go ahead & trust the company that sells games for a living over you & your group of friends. Digital is definitely on the rise but it still doesn't represent the majority of marketshare on boxed titles. Indie games along w/. Plus & Gold subscriptions are really bringing digital into the forefront, so 'niche' titles do have their place in the grand scheme of things.

OT this number isn't all that great. I keep seeing XBO gamers saying they will "get around to it" so it'll be interesting to see how it turns out. I have no doubt that the game will sell more copies in the future, but these sales should be pretty indicative...games don't have huge spikes in growth months after release unless they introduce huge expansion packs, but RotTR will only be drip feeding challenge maps & a single new playable tomb. I'd say 2-3 million by the time it hits ps4 would be a very conservative number....it won't get any higher than that based off of these initial numbers, doubly so considering games in similar veins like JC3, FC Primal, Quantum Break, Deus Ex & many others will be releasing just around the corner. I'm really glad the game reviewed well & fans dug it, & I'll be glad that the game sells poorly in the end so it'll keep Square & other companies from going this timed exclusive route this gen, on either side.

TheTwelve3083d ago

And right now I'd prefer Tomb Raider over Fallout if it was out on PS4... Fallout boring me

TheCommentator3083d ago

@jon snow #1.1

I think that Tomb Raider will do fine just after holiday. Many people who bought COD, Halo, Fallout, or Battlefront will be looking for something to do after holiday. Before all the spring releases come out, many will jump on Tomb Raider. It's release window was terrible, but it's an excellent title that will sell well in the long run.

Fatdrinkofwater3083d ago (Edited 3083d ago )

Look at all these disagrees for FACTS and agrees for complete muppets saying crap like forza is niche and a flop. yet it sells millions and has its own official console and controller.

You fanboys really are a new level of ignorant/stupid

I been gaming for over 20 years i know what im talking about and the forza brand is MASSIVE but no you losers dont want to accept any kind of positive news/FACTS for anything xbox do you. Everything xbox has to be bad and a flop.

ive said NOTHING bad or taken any jabs about ps4 at all but yall on the defensive with them order sales an shit.

You lot are a joke its laughable haha

t-hall7853082d ago (Edited 3082d ago )

I currently purchased a ps4 (already an x1 owner). I got the uncharted bundle and a few more games. Never had a ps3 so i wanted to figure out the big deal about these games. Ive played thru 1 and halfway thru 2. I can definitely see where the tomb raider reboot draws a lot of influence from. That being said the reboot and definitely the sequel take a HUGE shit on these games. Its not all about run and gun. You can do that if you want but you can also plan a stealth attack much like mgs5 and kill the whole group undetected or you can actually sneak past a few people without even fighting them if you're crafty enough. Just a lot more depth with weapon customization, skills, etc etc. Get this game. Whether on x1 or in a year when its on ps4. No I'm not getting paid from square enix lol. This is just a really great game and i wanna see where the next one takes us. Even if its not your type of game, gift it to someone for the holidays. They wont be disappointed. The graphics, voice acting, story are all excellent. Played thru it 2x and even while i play uncharted its all i think about. Ok sales pitch done lol. I'll let you guys get back to hating

Griever3082d ago (Edited 3082d ago )


Dude you are the one ignoring facts when you state that Forza brand is MASSIVE. Forza games have always sold just a small fraction of what GT games sell. The latest Forza 6 did not even chart in the NPD! It was not even at number 10 even after all the hype and publicity. "Forza is niche" was an excuse used by Xbox fans themselves when the game did not chart in NPD. I saw Xbox fans ridiculing Uncharted Collection for being low on the NPD but you guys completely ignore that Forza 6 did not even chart?

Forza 6 flopped hard,period. RoTR flopped hard period. You know it when even Order 1886 and Tales of Zestiria sell more in teh first week of launch on a single platform. Halo 5 was the most successful out the Xbox exclusives for holidays and even that was a decline from previous games both critically and commercially. Yes, those games maybe excellent but we are here talkign from a sales and business perspective.

Fatdrinkofwater3082d ago (Edited 3082d ago )

Omfg seriously as an xbox owner and an avid follower of forza i can tell you forza is massive. I get that ps4 fanboys think its niche probably cuz they cant play it cuz im sure most of you dont even have xbox ones.

Its sold the majority of its sales digitally just like the rest of xb1 games especially because the best deal for the game was digital ultimate edition that most people in the forza community went for or they got the forza console.

The hell is wrong with you people digital is the future and physical sales are declining hard and you fanboys use it as an excuse to bag on xbox like its games arent selling.

Always gotta bring ps to the table to belittle xbox and talk down on it yeh?

Forza has sold more and scored higher than gt has in recent years so does that make gt niche?

And if forza is so niche and sold so little how is constantly on the most played list on the xbox store?

badz1493082d ago


"Could of been prevented if they didn't release it around Fallout 4. Even a child has more common sense then that...."

Eh...it's about having confidence in your product and marketing it right! You don't know anything about any of it because you're not doing marketing! /s

But seriously, anyone with a thing called a brain would have already seen this coming since the announcement of the date!

Major_Glitch3082d ago

And this is why it's a DUMB idea to sign a timed-exclusivity deal with anyone other than Sony!

+ Show (31) more repliesLast reply 3082d ago
Yui_Suzumiya3083d ago

I'll be getting it next year on PS4

FunAndGun3083d ago

I will to, but after it comes down in price some and in physical form.

RedDevils3083d ago

For me, probably next year black friday lol

Magnes3083d ago

@FunAndGun yeah im with you gettn cheaper and physical, im thinking ebay or half.com though. I can't buy retail I want to send the message that selling out is not supported. I have an xb1 as well so I may be able to pick up that version when ps4 version drops for like $10.

Pikminmaniac3082d ago

Same here. I'm curious though what the price will be on release, since the Xbox One version will be considerably lower than $60. Would be weird to have a third party game not be the same price across consoles.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 3082d ago
joab7773083d ago

They must have paid Square a fortune. Remember how the first game sold 4 million and Square was pissed off b/c they expected a lot more. Now, it will release head to head w U4 on PC and come half a year after U4, going up against CoD and a slew of other games on PS4 next holiday. It's too bad too.

3083d ago
3083d ago Replies(7)
quaneylfc3083d ago

Both Tomb Raider and Street Fighter's deals are atrocious for the consumer. The games are being kept for ransom.

TFJWM3083d ago

Please don't compare a broke Capcom that came out and said that Street Fighter V had no chance to be made at this time without outside money to MS buying the right to keep a game off the PS for a year and PC a few months

kenwonobi3083d ago

Not the same. Street Fighter was simply helped by Sony or it never gets made. Tomb Raider took the cash without foresight of their own company future and ran.

quaneylfc3082d ago

No, that's nothing but a lie.


How can Capcom sell millions of copies and even get the chance to sell 4 of the same game for years and years, and then stumble on the 5th entry? That makes zero sense.

And you people will believe anything.

modelgod3083d ago

It dropped the same day as fallout 4 you idiot!

thisismyaccount3083d ago

59+31 = 90 ... 10% were stolen i guess? :)

Forza brand is massive? Not even remotely close to ...

jcc7373083d ago

The game is going to do fine, some people want it to fail so they can say I told you...it's been a week...relax. The game is going to do just fine, no matter what people say.

jcc7373083d ago (Edited 3083d ago )

Disagrees don't change the fact the game will do fine, especially with mircosoft's money.

jb2273083d ago

Here's that moving the goalposts bit again...first it was shouted from the rooftops that the game would launch great on the XBO & that there is a significant TR fanbase there that would support it...now it's out that the launch was lackluster, and the statement now is that it'll have a long tail & people will magically decide they want to pick up TR in the spring when it will have significantly more competition in its own genre than it does now. Launch sales are important because unless your game is something like Destiny that will release huge expansion packs, sales will always slowly taper off over time. This is the highest that RotTR will ever sell on the XBO, and each month it'll sell less & less...if it went down the same route its at now w/ no change at all, selling the same as it did at launch...it would be nearly August of next year before it hit the 3 mil that it did w/ the last installment. Does anyone really think the game is going to magically start selling more month over month when every game historically does the opposite?

Maybe MS paid them enough money not to care about the sales of the game, but these low sales will ultimately tarnish the brand & the brass at Square along w/ the investors were already upset about the performance of the last one which did much more in sales, so chances are high they may just drop the franchise altogether in lieu of something new.

jcc7373083d ago

@jb227 - It's going to be o-k, again, the game will sell just fine. You're trying to hard when you really have no idea what you're talking about. You're making guesses, no one knows it all, plus you are basing all your information off of vgchartz, even if it's near accurate, it doesn't include digital sales (which I pre-ordered digital) and it's the first week! No one knows as much as everyone wants to say they do, the fact is...it's been 1 week, and we will see. All this is speculation, no one is moving goal post, I have the Order on PS4...I played it, and your comments are at a specific group. Enjoy games and calm down with your guesses that mean nothing, even if it weren't based off of flawed stats.

jb2273083d ago


Don't patronize me w/ the whole "calm down" routine...Also what does The Order have to do w/ this? I don't care about the fanboy side of it, I've been playing TR games since I was a kid & I just want the series to continue on...the timed exclusive idea was obviously a poor choice, even if it sells gangbusters & these numbers are absolutely off base, it has lost a lot of good will from the PS4 fanbase, which could be even more detrimental in the long run than a poorly selling entry.

It's funny because we are all speculating on the sales of the game based off of numbers that are obviously not the full picture, but represent some slice of it, while you are straight out declaring that this game will "be fine" & sell well based off of nothing at all. So our guesses based off of potentially flawed stats are somehow less relevant than your guesses based off of absolutely nothing?

At the end of the day maybe I really have no idea what I'm talking about but you're delusional if you somehow think that you do...no one knows the full clear picture, you are right that it will present itself in time, but my uneducated guess on a poorly selling installment is just as likely as yours.

jcc7373083d ago

@jb227, I apologize on one point, somehow I thought you brought the Order into it, must have read it on another comment and pieced it with yours. But for the rest...the PS4 fanbase isn't everyone, and as soon as some of the PS4 peeps get an X1, that argument won't really matter. It's business and you all hold grudges like a dumped cheerleader, get over your $300 systems and just enjoy the games.,,its ridiculous.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 3083d ago
3083d ago
Orionsangel3083d ago

I think Square/Crystal they expected these numbers, but Square/Crystal could afford it because of the massive sum of money Microsoft threw their way. They assume they'll make up for it when it's released on PC and PS4.

Blaze9293083d ago (Edited 3083d ago )

How is 301k copies sold in a debut week bad lol? One week? Y'all love reaching

No one smart buys video games full price with black friday a few weeks away. That, and the huge amount of competition? That's impressive for one platform.

$50 x 300,000 = $15,000,000; I doubt this game cost anywhere near $5,000,000 to make & advertise.

So who is this a flop for? PS4 users? lol

TFJWM3083d ago

For a well advertised AAA game it is a terrible opening week, that is including every pre-order...

As for Black Friday being a few weeks away, It didn't seem to hurt Fallout 4 sales...

While MS and Square Enix might not think its a flop, there is no way they can be happy that worldwide sales were below Fallout Sales in the UK...

jcc7373083d ago (Edited 3083d ago )

This isn't including digital sales. The fact is, no one knows the contract details, the cost microsoft put in and the cost of the game. All this is genius professional fanboys making shit up because this was a punch in the gut and they want to hate microsoft's bold move. Microsoft, CD and SE, all have financial analyst and planners who discuss and look out...how did mircosoft get so much money again? All the doomsaying is unecessary hate towards a good system. This is coming from someone who has the PS4, X1 and soon the Wii U depending on Xeno and if Zelda is coming out. X1 is a great system...stop the bs hate and enjoy games. Yes, Tomb Raider is going to do just fine..,sorry if this breaks hearts, but it will do fine.

jb2273083d ago

Wow, you must not know much about the costs of game development...5 mil wouldn't even cover the advertising alone...a AAA game like RotTR would typically cost anywhere from 50 to 100 mil just to develop...Destiny had a 500 mil dev & advertising budget for a little perspective.

Also, do you think that 100% of all profits go directly to Square & MS? There are quite a few intermediaries, licensed tech & retail stores takes half or more of that profit right off top.

The game is a flop relative to prior entries, 301 k would most likely be the lowest selling in the franchise.

3083d ago Replies(1)
Captain_TomAN943083d ago

They will because it will have better graphics, all of the DLC, and it got good reviews.

It will launch without trying to beat Fallout 4 and sell easily twice as many copies on PS4 as it did on X1.

andibandit3082d ago

Installbase is problably the only meaningful factor to consider. Xbox360 problably had like a 50 millions installbase around the time of the first tombraider vs 15mil or whatever it currently is for x1.

Azzanation3082d ago

The game is still selling, its just a slow week and its not that bad either. TR doesn't really sell well so its normal.

shadow_satey3082d ago

"Deserves" is a strong word to use. You don't "deserve" more when you alienate two other potential platforms. Granted, they are releasing later on, which might make up for that initial "loss." Also, I'm sure Microsoft's exclusivity deal paid for the "losses."

ABizzel13082d ago

Well, I'm not surprised. This whole ordeal was just a huge mistake from inception. Hopefully MS paid Square $300m for this game, because that's at least what they needed to cover the PS4 / PS3 / PC sells of this game.

+ Show (15) more repliesLast reply 3081d ago
YinYangGaming3083d ago

We seriously need to stop submitting VGChartz guesses as news for any game/system

Thatguy-3103083d ago (Edited 3083d ago )

They might not be 100% accurate but they aren't far from the real numbers. They don't pull numbers out of the sky you know. It's the best we got until official numbers by the companies are disclose.

KiwiViper853083d ago (Edited 3083d ago )

You couldn't be more right about these stats not being 100%... 59 + 31 = 90%

modelgod3083d ago

No VGC is credible, unbelievable! ! When they were under tracking the sales of the ps4 every Sony and their mother was trashing VGC but now " they don't get numbers from out the sky. " UNBELIEVABLE! !

Mega243083d ago

@kiwiViper85 The person who submitted the article messed up the %. It's actually 76% Xbox One, and 24% Xbox 360. If you enter the link and read you can see for yourself.

3083d ago
Yetter3082d ago

"They don't pull numbers out of the sky...." Actually if you look into how they produce their estimates, this isn't far from the truth

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 3082d ago
DashArrivals3083d ago

As a Sony Playstation fan I agree completely. I want real numbers and facts, not this guess work. They should not be allowed to report on any system and it's numbers.

Captain_TomAN943083d ago

They use proven algorithms and estimation techniques. No one is saying they are 100% correct, but 90% is good enough.

This game sold far less than they wanted.

Kribwalker3083d ago

We already know that some of their numbers are incorrect

"the game sold 46,679 units in the UK, "

That's about 16,500 units off right there as we know it sold about 63,000 physical copies in the first few days in the UK.

3083d ago
ZhugeEX3083d ago

Chartz are not accurate at all. N4G should ban their numbers.

YinYangGaming3083d ago

Exactly. I'm primarily a ps4 gamer but can see VGChartz numbers are way off regardless of game or system. Should be banned.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 3082d ago
corroios3083d ago

We already know that this is one the biggest flop in sales of the year. Nothing new here. I dont know who thought it would be different.

Fatdrinkofwater3083d ago (Edited 3083d ago )

In what world is 300k sales in 1 week a flop. We all know most people are playing fallout first anyway myself included. Releasing the same day as fallout wasnt smart but still this game is anything but a flop and tbh a huge number of people waited for black friday.

Count digital in there your looking at a much higher number too.

Honestly some people on here acting like its 301k sales and thats it. Games not for sale anymore we done an dusted games a flop.

djplonker3083d ago


Do you think its only xbox games that don't count digital sales?

No of course not but as far as physical copies go that must be very disappointing number after seeing the game so heavily advertised...

And its a fact that games sell most of their copies at launch so don't expect to see great sales numbers until its first released on pc / ps4

Fatdrinkofwater3083d ago (Edited 3083d ago )


Im not having a go at playstation sales this thread is about ROTTR on xbox.

And youre wrong about games selling majority of sales at launch. Lots of people just walk into a shop or browse the online store when they are keen to buy a game and buy it.

Games sell all year long every day.

Not everyone buys games day 1. I often see a game coming out and think im keen to buy it in a couple months when im done with what im currently playing.

modelgod3083d ago

Totally agree because most ppl but digital anyway and I know for a fact that they do not track digital sales. I've noticed something. Some MS games may not have the best sales, but their always the best games. What's going on Sony? All graphics and no substance? The drake collection was a flop, drivers club is shit compared to FH2, haha!! Who am I kiddi7, it's pure shit!! The order, oh don't get me started. Quiet Sony, despite a huge sales gap (because your consumers are morons), your console sucks!!! LMAO!!!

Ben Dover3083d ago


For a game like this which has been praised and hyped over and over, 300k in it's first week WORLDWIDE is a flop. Don't even try to spin it.

Nitrowolf23083d ago (Edited 3083d ago )

300K WORLDWIDE opening week is a flop dude, In sales. Sure reviews and everything, thats a different story, but for sales that is horrible. The game will continue to sell in time, but the vast bulk of that already came and past, and from here like all games it's just gonna start shrinking and shrinking in sales

Its a flop in so much that Microsoft invested so much to get it as a timed exclusive only for it to not pay off as well as they probably hoped for. If square enix was upset about tomb raider last gen gettign only just 4 million in it's lifetime, you think that they are happy to see it's successor get even less than what the last gen did on launch on a single platform (either ps3 or xbox 360)? This doesn't spell success

DashArrivals3083d ago

300k sales for a game like this is a mega flop. They won't even make their money back on this game until maybe next year if they're lucky. And that's to break even. A lot of people who haven't bought this game are going to buy it as a used 2nd hand game. For games like these, the 'peak' sales is ALWAYS in the first week. Then it drops further and further.

candystop3083d ago (Edited 3083d ago )

300 is definitely lower than expected but these are physical copies so of course they are low. Xbox gamers are on a whole different level when it comes to playing and buying games online. We are the digital age and understand this much more than Sony gamers apparently. This is not the whole picture and I'm willing to bet actual numbers are much much higher.

moparful993083d ago

Fatdrinkofwater 300K first week sales for such a high profile game is a huge flop no matter how you try to spin it in a positive light. I'm sure that SE is fine because they received a sizeable money hat from Microsoft but from Microsoft's end this gamble isn't paying dividends them. If No Man's Sky releases and only attains 300k in sales first week I guarantee you that you and all of the other XBox faithful will be on here declaring FLOP status. Why? because by any measure in this day and age if you don't sell 1 million copies of a high profile title you've lost money. Its rough that it has to be this way but its truth. Also you and the others on here proclaiming that "Most people buy digital" are you kidding me? If this were even remotely true, especially black friday the largest retail day of the year then these brick and mortar stores like Gamestop and Game would be on the way out. Yes alot more people buy digital now more than ever but I guarantee you that physical still outsells digital by a wide margin. You and your circle of friends do not equate the world.

Ben Dover3083d ago


You make fun of The Order when it outsold Tomb Raider by quite a margin. Given your post, I can see that really hurt you.

jmac533083d ago

In a world where Fallout 4 did 5.9 million in the same week.

Captain_TomAN943083d ago

In the modern AAA world. Get a clue.

rainslacker3081d ago (Edited 3081d ago )

Typically a game will sell about 50% more sales over the next 6 months than it does in it's first week of release. It varies a bit here or there depending on title, but TR is probably going to fall into this norm. Super popular games actually sell more their first week...Like Fallout or GTA. Other games do better after their first week...like say Until Dawn which received a lot of word of mouth hype after release. But overall, that's how it works.

There are other factors which may increase this number, such as GOTY or "best of" releases which offer then at reduced prices. The price argument is about revenue though, so for sales purposes, going off these numbers, it means that the game will sell 450K in 6 months. Another year after that, assuming they release a GOTY edition(unlikely since original copies will likely still be available new), it may get another 10-25%. Optimistically speaking that will put the numbers at about 652K.

Digital sales aren't worth discussing at this point, as these numbers rarely report digital sales except directly from the publisher, but statistically and historically speaking, another 20-25% will be sold digitally. That puts the number at 6 months at 560K. and at one year at 700K, again both being optimistic in the numbers used.

This I believe puts it in at less than the prior installment, and we could discuss why that is, although it has no bearing on this particular article IMO.

This of course is just going off statistical sales analysis of games using data from hundreds of other titles over the past 20 years or so, and even the last TR installment, but hey, I may be wrong. If you have some statistical and historical data which somehow refutes my points, I urge you to provide them, but since my numbers come from industry reports on the subject, I would like something that doesn't just assume things for some reason because somehow the X1 somehow has managed to break the norm in the industry and has a massive number of digital adopters.


Most people DO NOT buy digitally. Digital revenue makes up about half of all revenue in gaming, but that includes mobile games, MT, DLC, and subscriptions. For games, it's more around 15%, with popular games actually having a lower percentage. Only games which have a higher percentage than 25% are ones that come out first digitally by a substantial amount. Nintendo has been known to abuse this to increase their digital sales by restricting some of the distribution of it's popular 3DS games.

+ Show (9) more repliesLast reply 3081d ago
Relientk773083d ago

That's way less than I expected

Vames3083d ago

These numbers should change. The Rise of the Tomb Raider console bundle was quickly sold out during Black Friday on the Microsoft online stores.

ninsigma3083d ago

Yeah this is only week 1 numbers. Hopefully it'll see a nice boost because it pretty good game!

modelgod3083d ago

It's weird that they would release the numbers now, a bit premature my friend. I purchased my copy on black Friday with no type of deal and there was only 2 left. Most of my friends has it digitally, about 22 of them.

Vames3083d ago

Yes. And with Cyber Monday coming along, things will only improve so I do not see what these guys are talking about. The game is doing well.

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It’ll Be Fine, Right? Five Games With Unfortunate Release Strategies

Mark from WellPlayed writes about five game launches that were impacted by unfortunate scheduling.

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jznrpg366d ago (Edited 366d ago )

Zero Dawn sold really well so I’m not sure this belongs. The second game released next to a big game again and it hurt it some I forget what it was though, oh yeah Elden Ring .
But a good game is a good game to me I don’t care when they release personally but they do have to think about it when you want to get more people to buy it.


The Tomb Raider Survivor Trilogy's Take on Lara Croft Deserved More Recognition

The Survivor Trilogy was a drastic reimagining of Lara Croft and Tomb Raider, and it provokes changes for the character that are truly fantastic.

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isarai480d ago (Edited 480d ago )

Deserves less IMO, i think the 1st in the new trilogy was a perfect 1st step for the new direction. The next 2 games were half steps at best. Not only that, every character in the series including Lara is just annoying and doesn't make sense in terms of motive, like yes they have a motive, but none of it seems proportional to the lengths they are willing to go through for it. The most annoying thing is every one of the games say "become the Tomb Raider" yet 3 games later and we're still not there? No thanks. Then there's the mess of the 3rd game, massive skill tree that serves almost no purpose as there's literally only like 3-4 short encounters in the whole game, and they took till the 3rd game to finally manage some decent puzzles even remotely close to previous games in the series. Nah, the trilogy infuriated me to no end as a long time fan of the series, i hope we get better going forward cause that crap sucked.

Army_of_Darkness478d ago

The first in the trilogy was my favorite. I thought they were going into the right direction with that one until the second one came out and seemed like a graphical downgrade but the gameplay was okay. As for the Third, Graphics were really nice but it was kinda boring me to death with its non-stop platforming and exploring with not enough action! Well, for me anyway...

DeathTouch478d ago

Graphics on the 3rd one were abysmal. It’s more colorful and has more variety, but everything else was a noticeable downgrade.

The more open world with NPC quests was also handled very poorly, to the point I missed Angel of Darkness.

thesoftware730478d ago

I know it is your opinion, but she did progress as a character in each game, she even got more muscular and seasoned.

That is the thing, people first complained that there was not enough platforming and actual tomb raiding in the first and second games. Shadow remedied that and kept the combat elements.

3-4 encounters? huh? did we play the same game? there was plenty of combat and, the skill tree did matter, like being able to hang enemies from trees, set explosives traps on bodies, being able to counter, and that are just a few of the combat skills. The skill tree also had things like being able to hold your breath underwater longer, crafting upgrades, zipline upgrade, and climbing upgrades that all changed how you can approach situations.

Not knocking your opinion, but we definitely had different experiences. I had 98% completion on the shadow.

SoulWarrior478d ago (Edited 478d ago )

Sorry but i'm with him about the low number of encounters, the game throws loads of weapons and skills you're way with a comparatively low amount of places to actually use them, so they felt under utilised.

-Foxtrot479d ago


It was awful, for THREE GAMES it was "become the Tomb Raider" where she went back to square one after each game. Not to mention after a huge reaction of killing someone for the first time she then becomes Rambo straight after and goes on a slaughter spree without a single other reaction. Her development was all over the place.

She was whiney, weak and in later game a little arrogant and selfish

Oh and the voice actress compared to the previous ones was not as good

Lara Croft deserved better and while they are decent games as they are, we deserved actual Tomb Raider games, we could have had better survival games if they just stuck with the original Lara Crofts origin about her plane going down. Surviving 2 weeks in the Himalayas...I'd have liked to seen that, who knows what mystical threat she could have faced in the mountains or underground some secret concealed cave.

Tacoboto478d ago

I thought Shadow of the Tomb Raider had better gameplay than Rise, but it annoyed me the most of the trilogy when I stopped to think about the story.

It's like they deliberately decided to make her unlikeable and did nothing to make the character you're playing as likeable or have even one sign of humility.

SoulWarrior479d ago

2013 I thought was a fine entry, but Rise and especially Shadow were painfully mediocre follow ups imo, I really didn't like how selfish and angry her character was in those two.

Terry_B478d ago

No. Please forget the crap completely.

northpaws478d ago

First one was decent, played through it twice.
Second one was okay, played through it once.
Third one was really bad, tried twice a year apart, still can't get through the first two hours, it is just really bad.

thesoftware730478d ago

Honest question, what did you find bad about it? the opening 2 hrs of Shadow were fantastic imo.

The opening was very similar to the first 2, what did you find really bad?

Not looking for an argument, just an honest question.

Starman69478d ago

3rd one just didn't feel like a tomb raider game. Possibly because the development was passed to another development team. Big mistake! Microsoft killed tomb raider making the first game a timed exclusive. Never recovered after that.

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Get three Tomb Raider games free at Epic Games Store

Starting today, Tomb Raider, Shadow of the Tomb Raider, and Rise of the Tomb Raider are free at Epic Games Store. The free game offers run until January 6 at 11 AM Eastern. Once you claim them, they’re yours to keep.

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CrimsonWing69859d ago (Edited 859d ago )

They're all solid games, but nothing quite matched the epicness of the first one for me. I think the 3rd one started off strong but once you got to that Peruvian area it took a massive nose dive for me.

lelo2play859d ago (Edited 859d ago )

You got to be kidding!
The first one was great at the time... but this latest trilogy of Tomb Raider games are also great.

LiViNgLeGaCY859d ago

I think he means the first one in the new trilogy.

CrimsonWing69858d ago

I meant the first of the new trilogy.

Furesis858d ago

yeah i remember liking the first one when it came out, so i tried the second one sometime after release and i just could not get into it, i couldn't finish it. So i might try the 3rd now that i got it for free but ehh. But i do remember enjoying the first one, i wonder if i'd feel the same way if i played it today? Better not taint those memories lol

ANIALATOR136858d ago

I was the same for some reason. Never finished the second one. I got like half way through maybe.

ActualWhiteMan858d ago (Edited 858d ago )

The first one of the latest trilogy is a masterpiece

Fishy Fingers859d ago

I'll take a copy of Shadow... Cheers.

Profchaos859d ago

Great games I've played them all on ps4 but it'll be good to finally try shadow on my rtx card.

Double_O_Revan859d ago

Trying to claim them and the store keeps crashing. lol.

gamefreaks365859d ago

EGS has been having issues all day.

RedDevils858d ago

Weird I don't has that issue.

Double_O_Revan858d ago

I finally got it after a while. But it was real bad for a while.

PeeShuter858d ago (Edited 858d ago )

Claim games by going to the website and login using ur credentials. I did the same as i couldnt use epic launcher. Also try reinstalling Epic Launcher I did it and it worked.

Double_O_Revan858d ago

I always go through the website. It was all just down for a while yesterday it seems.

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