
The Xbox One will not surpass the PS4 this generation – The math and being realistic

The Eccentric Gamer writes: "The Xbox One will never surpass the PS4 during the current-gen console wars in terms of total sales. Looking at the latest numbers available, there is no doubt this whole generation will belong to the PS4, as the Xbox One is just too far behind.

Here is why looking at the math and being realistic. Lets break the delusion please and accept the fact."

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Sillicur3425d ago

Gotta agree with this, the Xbox One just stands no chance at the moment

CptEccentric3425d ago

Just keep in mind im not saying any singular console is better than the other one, Im simply stating its impossible for the Xbox One to come back

Foehammer3425d ago (Edited 3425d ago )


And no one ever expects a product selling in 42 Countries to outsell a product in 100.

In an apples to apples comparison like the US sales are very close, quite impressive when you consider the X1 was 25% more expensive for 7 months.

Mechanism3425d ago Show
Angeljuice3425d ago Show
Gazondaily3425d ago

Yeah its not going to happen. The X1 is securely set in second place where I think it needs to be in order for MS to feel pressured to deliver quality content.

mikeslemonade3425d ago

The fact that people even think the race will be close is enough stupidity. It's gonna be like 110 mil vs 45 mil.

CaptainObvious8783425d ago

I wouldn't say it's impossible, but extremely unlikely.

But that's a good thing for MS to be in second place because then they will continue to try to appease the gamers.

Look what happened last gen when they thought they were winning. They virtually dumped exclusive support for the 360 and designed their new console with draconian, anti gamer policies.

Believe me MS fans, you want MS to say in second.

badz1493425d ago


I admire your tenacity by clinging to that "42 vs 100" for so long now. but just think about this; aside from China where the PS4 hasn't officially released yet, there is no market even within that 41 countries that the Xbone is leading. not in US, not in UK, let alone anywhere else.

so, how is 42 vs 100 even relevant?

n4rc3425d ago

OK wow... Gonna jump in here with some logic and common sense for people..

1) Xbox can certainly catch up, only an idiot fanboy would think the race is over after a year and a few million units... Unlikely? For sure.. But not impossible

2) the 40 vs 100 stupidity... Are you kids trolling or what?

Yes, the lead may exist (I don't follow it) in those 42 countries.. But how is it relevant? Easy! Do the math on countries they both compete.. That's the fair comparison, now add the other 60 and see the relevance..

Take away markets Xbox isn't competing in, the lead shrinks.. How the hell is that confusing people?

Fanboys man... A crazy group of people to be sure lol

Pogmathoin3425d ago

Everyone hammers Foe, who is admittedly dishing out stupid comments, but then mikessaltwater comments get plenty of agrees for maybe more complete rubbish.... jeez, at least be fair and acknowledge those who also talk trash..... X1 will not catch PS4, it does not mean there is not a place for it.....

IGiveHugs2NakedWomen3425d ago (Edited 3425d ago )


Well we now know that the Playstation 4 is outselling the Xbox One in Japan. (No brainer)

The bulk of sales for both consoles come from Europe and North America and the Xbox One is being outsold in both regions. Using VGChartz as a source, (Loosely, I might add since there is no other source) The Playstation 4 has sold 13 million in Europe and North America while the Xbox One has sold 8 million in North America and Europe.

Here's a list of countries in Europe where both are available, side-by-side comparison:

PS4 / Xbox One
Austria / Austria
Belgium / Belgium
Czech Republic / Czech Republic
Denmark / Denmark
Finland / Finland
France / France
Greece / Greece
Germany / Germany
Hungary / Hungary
Ireland / Ireland
Italy / Italy
Luxembourg /
Malta /
Netherlands / Netherlands
New Zealand / New Zealand
Norway / Norway
Poland / Poland
Portugal / Portugal
Russia / Russia
/ Slovakia
Spain / Spain
Sweden / Sweden
Switzerland / Switzerland
United Kingdom / United Kingdom

We all know the PS4 is ahead in North America and why, but the Xbox One is available in one country less than the PS4 in Europe, but the PS4 is ahead by 4 million. I don't think that lead has anything to do with the PS4 being available in two countries that the Xbox One isn't, Luxembourg(543,202) and Malta(Population 423,282). Keep in mind that the PS4 is also outselling the Xbox One by about 1 million consoles in N.A. What these figures mean is this: 5 MILLION OF THE PS4's LEAD COMES FROM COUNTRIES WHERE BOTH CONSOLES ARE AVAILABLE. Since the PS4's lead is 7 to 8 million, the rest of the PS4's lead is probably coming from Japan, Australia, and the Middle East.

These numbers say one thing...


nix3425d ago


One article to rule all the other articles.

#getoverit #reality

darthv723425d ago

I hope people understand that the high sales numbers of the PS1, PS2 and even the Wii were all due to having a lower point of entry on the consumer.

That means that each one of those platforms started hitting its highs when the price of the unit was around $200 and the games were averaging $30-40.

Average consumers don't buy because of brand loyalty (early adopters do) they buy when the price is cheap enough to afford not only the system but the games that go with it. Every console generation has followed that same trend and it aint about to change.

Think of it as a race to the bottom. Whoever can get there first and can offer the consumer a low price point on the system and games will win.

kami-kamui3425d ago


You're argument is obviously not well thought out. "lower point of entry".

PS2 price - 299.99
Xbox price - 299.99
Gamecube price - 199.99

Also the recommended sailing price of games 49.99.

PS2 sales - 155 million
Xbox sales- 24 million
Gamecube sales - 22 million

So what exactly was the lower point of entry for the PS2?

LeCreuset3425d ago


"OK wow... Gonna jump in here with some logic and common sense for people.."

Actually, you jumped in with some simple arithmetic devoid of logic.

"Yes, the lead may exist (I don't follow it) in those 42 countries.. But how is it relevant? Easy! Do the math on countries they both compete.. That's the fair comparison, now add the other 60 and see the relevance."

The fair comparison? Is it, really? Because it's totally fair to compare, say, console sales in the U.S., where MS has concentrated their supply from day one, as opposed to Sony's wider distribution of the PS4 supply over more territories? Then we're supposed to "add the other 60" to see the relevance? Because all markets are equal and equally distributed to? 1 United States = 1 France = 1 China? Because that's the kind of logic adherents to the "42 countries" argument rely on.

LeCreuset3425d ago


It's just silly goalpost moving. "Race to the bottom." LOL. Makes me wonder why console manufacturers are in the habit of waiting until sales stagnate before dropping the price, if they're all just in a "race to the bottom."

darthv723425d ago (Edited 3425d ago )

@kami...those are launch prices. do you really think the PS2 sold more when the price was above $200?

Each consumer has their own personal threshold when it comes to the price of something. some feel its $250 others think $300 but it has been more universally known that $200 is a much more attractive price point to the masses.

if you think sony has moved PS4 units now just picture the flood gates opening if they make it $299 or $249 or eventually $199.

@lecreuset. race to the bottom is a basic phrase that implies reaching that mass market appeal in regards to price. lower price = more consumer purchases = more overall sales.

thewhiteelephant3425d ago

The only people who are finding a problem with Microsoft's position are Sony fanboys. Funny thing is that I saw one just yesterday try to say that the one was still behind the wiiu

pixelsword3425d ago

If Microsoft's not willing to radically change their gameplan, the only way they'll win this cosole war is if North Korea declares war on Sony.

GameNameFame3425d ago (Edited 3425d ago )


Lol. you win Most hilarious damage control of 2014 Award.


You do know the rest of the 60 countries are probably less than 10 percent of the market in total sales.

You do know that right? MS is choosing to ignore those markets cause they are tiny.

In large markets, MS is in already. Using so called same logic, PS4 is spread out twice as thin. They still beat X1 even though they are spread out so much.

Just accept it man. So sad to see you drown in desperation.

Gamer19823425d ago

Gotta laugh at the 42/100 thing as Sonys not even selling in 100 countries but whaeter lets just use that number for this example. Those extra countries Cony sells in over Xbox I promise you won't even account for more than 20% of total sales of Playstation 4. You know why?? Because they are small countries with little to no sales and thats why MS is not releasing in them as they see no point in it.

Then reading that you are probably thinking, if thats true then why did they release in Japan? Well the obvious answer is without a Japanese console Japanese developers would lose faith as they take pride in releasing their games in there home country. Removing Xbox from Japan would basically kill Japanese relationships. So although its selling crap in Japan it still makes sure MS keeps games like MGS and FF multiplatform.

Also trust me the Xbox is available to WAYYYYYY more people thanks to it being sold in china.. Xbox is available now to around 6/8 of the worlds population as opposed to Sonys 5/8. Chinas population is a THIRD of the planets!! They have more people in China than the entire US!!

MysticStrummer3425d ago

"that's a good thing for MS to be in second place because then they will continue to try to appease the gamers."

Their response to last place last generation was all the unpopular policies to kick off this generation, so I wouldn't count on them trying to appease anyone.

MysticStrummer3425d ago

"MS is choosing to ignore those markets"

This is the part that the 42 to 100 crowd won't get through their heads. MS is choosing not to release their console in those places because they know it would be a waste of effort.

n4rc3425d ago

Its relevant because we are talking a few million sales difference.. Those countries may only be 10% of the market.
But what's 10% of the 300m consoles sold last gen?

A hell of a lot more then the difference we have now..

That's why its totally relevant.. If xboxs were sold there, the gap would close.. Its basic math that only a fanboy would try to spin away..

But don't try to put words in my mouth, I've never once said Xbox would be leading if it were in equal territories.. But their sales would increase and Sony's would not (as they are already counted)

And we are 1 year in.. And dealing with what? 5m gap.. We've barely begun..

What happens when the fanboys all have their console and the battle for the casual consumer becomes all that's left?

Ones sales could drop like a stone and the other triples..

SilentNegotiator3425d ago (Edited 3425d ago )

We all know that Xbox One would be as good as winning if it launched in places like Luxembourg. It's literally missing out on HUNDREDS/week of sales with those other ~58 countries, guys!


user55757083425d ago

love all the stealth trolls here. hay guise wehn u hav no bubbles we know yur a troll

on topic: microsoft is to blame for their lackluster sales. their xbox one reveal and original policies caused a loss in market share. the reversal of policy saved them from serious problems however it caused a lot of people to switch to other consoles.

with the ps4 and xbox one being similar consoles the initial adopters pave the way for future sales. then word of mouth spreads to friends and that one ps4 sale becomes 2 then 3 then 8 among groups. the 360 had that last gen however the xbox one is not the popular discussion this time around

both consoles are great but the ps4 is simply "trending" better

iNFAMOUZ13424d ago

it just came back with master chief, yall are just in denial

+ Show (23) more repliesLast reply 3424d ago
DivoJones3425d ago

Still not sure why this mentality exists. Both are making money and both are selling products. Neither company is going bankrupt or in danger of doing so. Everybody wins.. Sony, Microsoft, and us gamers.

smellslikeralph3425d ago

Yeah but on n4g u cant say those things n4g is an xbox hate site

Gamer19823425d ago

N4G is an xbox hate site?? Last gen it was a PS hate site.. Seems N4G hates whichever console is in second right(or at least ps3 was most of the generation it is no longer)?? Or maybe, that's just the mentality of the people on here not the site..

Unspoken3424d ago

Well if we were to look at the Xbox lead over the PS3 during the first year we can pretty much discredit this whole article.

ricochetmg3425d ago (Edited 3425d ago )

The amount is countries augment is moot because they are losing in the markets where they maintained a substantial lead.

TheXgamerLive3425d ago (Edited 3425d ago )

Wow, I sure wish I could see the future too and in no way speak from Sony goggles like this guy.
I mean its not like Sony had a oh I don't know a 10 month lead in many markets right?:)

JMyers3425d ago

Oh it's not like the 360 had a years head start and the PS3 still outsold it after 9 years? MS doesn't have the market dominance elsewhere to make up the gap. Even if they take the lead in NA and UK.

3423d ago
XanderZane3425d ago

It's pretty obvious this article was written by a biased Sony fanboy. I think Microsoft is concentrating more on owning the biggest gaming market in the industry, which is the U.S. and to also nab the U.K. market as well. Those are their two main markets at this point. They will market strong in those area to try and take the lead in U.S. and UK in the near future. As for worldwide sales, they probably won't catch the PS4 unless Sony has some serious financial issues within the next 2-3 years. Will they continue to lose billions in 2015 & 2016? No one knows what the future holds. There's no doubt that both consoles should easily sell over 40 million units in the next few years. Both consoles will get a slew of 1st and 3rd party games that will keep fans happy. The guy who wrote the article should probably refrain from using the inaccurate VGChartz numbers to make his point. The PS4 is about 6 million ahead of the XB1. The XBox One has definitely shipped over 10 million units by now. When they said they would "soon surpass 10 million shipped" that was over a month ago. They sold 1.2 million in the U.S. alone in Nov. Their sold to consumers should pass 10 million before Dec is over.

3423d ago
zero_gamer3425d ago

The console will sell really good regardless in certain countries, mainly the US and UK markets. I don't really care if it wins this console war, all it matters is if MS returns a profit for their gaming division, and I don't see how that is impossible.

I have all three consoles and use them for what they're for.

PS4: jRPGs, Sony exclusives
Xbox One: MS exclusives
Wii U: Nintendo exclusives
PC: Everything else

showtimefolks3425d ago

anyone with common business sense knows that it is next to impossible for xbox one to catch or surpass ps4. here are few reasons:

1. consumers feel ps4 is a better deal because its a better console.(whether its .1% more powerful its still better, MS had a chance to make theirs better but they instead chose to focus on everything negative(DRM,No used games etc,) and Kinect 2)

2. First impression just messed up xbox one at E3, they had everything go wrong. It reminded me of when ps3 launched and that famous E3 of $599. difference is sony knows a thing or 2 about excellent diversity in exclusives. To catch xbox360 sony had to deliver these games. UC trilogy, KZ2-3, Resistance, Demon soul, GT5, The last of us etc,. so if MS wants to catch up than do simple one thing, make better games than sony or nintendo. We have seen that triple card of gears,forza and halo. I believe Halo topped itself with Halo 3 and rest have been great sellers but not at Halo 3 level

3. world wide market is with sony, that is even a bigger reason why ps3 caught xbox360 and surpassed it. But fanboys just don't want to admit that. MS outsold ps4 but what 350-400K yet still got outsold world wide. now think about that. MS will not be beating ps4 but 400K's every month so

But that is not t say xbox one or wiiu can't be successful. I believe in competition and i believe sony vs ms will be great for gamres. Just look at blackfriday this year, how awesome were those deals. When companies compete for our attention and dollars we win

in the end this is how i see it

ps4 at 115-125 million could be more
xbox one at 85-95 million
wiiu hardest to guess 46-60 million

all 3 successful in their own way

Halo2ODST23425d ago

Fine with it, who gives a damn!

TheXgamerLive3425d ago

It's a very stupid blanket statement to say but you have the right just try to speak with a common sense thought and not as a fan boy.
yes, the Xbox One stands a chance of surpassing Sony in fact, I feel that both systems will do great and theirs no loser here.
If one sells 100 million in 6 yrs. and the other sells 88 million that's great and everybody wins with great games.
To pretend to know the future though, well relax and enjoy instead of the flaming.

+ Show (7) more repliesLast reply 3423d ago
stonecold33425d ago

pretty sure ps4 has this gen locked down already .

CptEccentric3425d ago

Agreed. there is just no way, in terms of total sales, that the Xbox ONe can make a comeback. I wrote this to try and break people's delusion!

Software_Lover3425d ago

You wrote this story to stir up fanboys.

The heat on this will most certainly go up higher than more important topics.

People love to argue back and forth it seems.

MeliMel3425d ago


Yes its stirring up fanboys but we can still have a civil discussion.

Its true Xbox One won't surpass PS4 this gen and so what. Im glad,because of it, Xbox has been putting amazing content an attempt to catch PS4. So PS4 keep doing what you doing I hope you sell 200mil fuck it. ...

G20WLY3425d ago

^Software, "more important topics..."

Important? You know this is about videogames, right? How do you attach importance to an opinion piece anyway?

It's just sales. You read about it if you're interested, otherwise you don't. I for one agree that it's unlikely Xbox will catch up with PlayStation. So what?

Gardenia3425d ago (Edited 3425d ago )

PS2 - Xbox ---PS2 won
PS3 - Xbox360 ---PS3 won/winning
PS4 - Xbox One ---PS4 winning

Condemnedman3425d ago

Not in my home.
Where it matters to me.

raptorjacob3425d ago

Not in my home, that's like me saying I stopped watching the football game when my team was ahead. Too bad my team lost the game, but not to me because I pushed pause when my team was winning.

lifeisgamesok3425d ago

Who says it has to? It'll still be successful and have great games

Being number 2 in sales doesn't equal dead

CptEccentric3425d ago

Oh no i am definately not saying its going to die or is dead. Or even that 2nd place is a bad thing.

I am just here to relate to everyone that the Xbox One will be in second place for the remainder of this generation, as some people think it might actually surpass the PS4 in total sales...

christocolus3425d ago

I agree with that,i also don't see xbox one catching up with sony in worlwide sales, they may eventually take over US and maybe UK but worlwide numbers will always favor Sony but with that said i believe all the consoles just need to sell well enough to sustain healthy sales of 1st and third party titles and keep the industry going and as long as they all doing well in that department i don't see any reason why Sony , MS or even Nintendo should be worried. They all selling really well at the moment atleast a lot better than the previous generation.

HeMan763425d ago

No they cant surpass the PS4 world wide because The PS4 has Japan and Europe but I am saying this for million times:NA and UK are the prior territories for MS and all the entire industry.MS sold much less than the PS4 because of its being 100€ more expensive and European countries realy cheap people especially Germans.Not saying XO could surpass if it was 100€ cheaper because there is PS love inside of people and believeing that they will have outsatnding exclusive games but again if it was released with the same price with PS4 the differences wont be that high imo.The price realy ruined the MS in Europe.

But remember this:PS3 been released one year later and difference was as far as I know already 8m.Sony closed the gap with their very best exclusives and this time no need to deny MS seems more aggressive than Sony just check out the Halo 5 looking unbelievable.Definetely wont surpass on world wide but with great exclusives can be the top console of NA and UK and may be sell much more than ever in Europe...

LOGICWINS3425d ago

Microsoft understands this too. This is a good thing. Now they can focus on improving the Xbox brand and not be so focused on sales. The future is bright for the Big 3.

Xb1ps43425d ago (Edited 3425d ago )

Well thank you for making it clear to everyone!

Me... ill just wait until its a definate sin e its only been a year and ive seen crazier things happen..

Angeljuice3425d ago (Edited 3425d ago )


The UK is part of Europe, both politically and geographically, it only seems to separate itself from the continent to come to the aid of Microsoft's sales figures.

I wonder why that is?

As an Englishman I am a British citizen, a citizen of the United Kingdom and a citizen of Europe, anybody who denies that is a moron (and a hospitalized moron if they say it to my face).

Magnes3425d ago

@HeMan76 you just Insulted about 50 countries by calling them cheap. Stay classy, never lose that.

Sitdown3425d ago (Edited 3425d ago )

The problem with your statement is that all you have is an education guess at best, but you are presenting it as fact. While all signs point to it being the case, it still can't be definitive....who knows what natural disaster can come along and throws things off track.

Why o why3425d ago

Hey angle. ..'hospitalized' with a z, lol .....thats not very british.....but yeah, I agree.

@christocolus. ...again, I agree

@heman......typical tripe

Angeljuice3425d ago (Edited 3425d ago )

@Why o why

My predictive text/spell checker is set to British English rather than American English, but it still doesn't allow me to spell certain words correctly.

I usually manually correct comments but must have missed this one :(

gangsta_red3425d ago

Xbox doesn't have to be number ne or surpass the PS4. Just stay relevant and provide the best games and also games that are appealing to me and it's user base.

As long as they do that, which they have, they will always be a contender.

And who knows Xbox may even catch up in sales if the software and product becomes more appealing than the PS4. It's just the first year, no one can predict the future.

sovkhan3425d ago (Edited 3425d ago )


Maybe you are too young to know, but last gen the ps3 destroyed the x360 in Europe while being 200€ to 300€ more expensive!!! Now who looks cheap???

That's tells a lot what people think, and where they are eager to throw their money...

So think a bit before throwing your nosense, it's not only a matter of price at least here in EU.

No_Limit3425d ago (Edited 3425d ago )

"I wrote this to try and break people's delusion!"

Who on N4G ever said that the XB1 is going to sold more worldwide than the PS4? Even Hardcore xbox fanboys like HeMan or foehammer never said that. The catch up part is basically about the US because the articles they are responding to pertains to the latest NPD data which is USA only. The only insecure people that ever said that is hardcore PS fans and they always use the term "npd or USA =/= the world" on articles pertaining to XB1 doing well in the USA like the current 1.2k sales for november vs 800k for PS4. Of course anyone with a brain would know that MS has no shot at being #1 in the world because of Japan and most of Europe but that doesn't neccessary make the XB1 a failure just like yhe latest iPhones vs the Galaxy S phones, one has to lead over anothwr but both are hugely successful.

Your article just reconfirmed what is truely happening here and has been said a million times already so it is not really needed in the first place.

SmokingMonkey3425d ago

@ Heman76

Oceans can't protect you anymore.

I love the "I don't care about other territories" argument, it is SO sad!

You do realize that other people play online right?

Those Asians are particularly good competition!

+ Show (10) more repliesLast reply 3425d ago
MasterCornholio3425d ago

Some actually did.


Which shows how limited the intelligence of some people can be. Or it just proves how mentally unstable they are.

Facts are facts. The Xbox can't come in first this generation. However that doesn't mean it isn't worth buying or that its a bad system though. Its just that the majority prefer the PS4 over the other two.

jznrpg3425d ago (Edited 3425d ago )

To a lot of people it isnt worth it because they mainly have shooters and racers and the other genres only get a game here and there. Thats why I wont buy one until its 200 used and years from now . I like Scalebound and Ori , but where are the exclusive rpgs adventure games etc. I liked Fable one and 2 a bit , but the 3rd was garbage. Make less shooters and have some variety , that is your problem xbox, not countries your in

Spotie3425d ago

About half the Xbox fans around here seem to still believe it's possible.

And, to be fair, it IS possible. But it's so unlikely it's almost not worth mentioning. Which, again, doesn't make the console horrible or not worth owning. But what Microsoft did in November isn't sustainable for the rest of the year, and still wasn't enough to give the XB1 a worldwide lead for the month. Hell, I don't think it won even one WEEK during that time, globally.

Anything COULD happen in the future, but not anything WILL. Too many things would have to happen for the XB1 to take the lead.

No_Limit3425d ago (Edited 3425d ago )

Spotie you are delusional if you think 1/2 the xbox fans here think like that. I've been following n4g for a while now and I don't recall even the truely hardcore xb1 fans like foehammer or HeMan ever said that the Xb1 will overtake the PS4 in the World but they did say alot about the XB1 catching up to The PS4 in the USA and UK, which is not out of the realm of possibility. The only people I see here said anything close to that is all the PS hardcore like yourself going into articles about the XBox latest NPD victory and keep reminding us that NPD=/= the world and going off topic..like we didn't already know that.

So before you insult the intelligence of 1/2 the Xbox fans here on N4G, at least post a link or two to some of the comments made by the xbox fans to support your claim before making such a ridiculous statment.

kayoss3425d ago

off the top of my head i can name at least 4 who expect it to.
and Phil Spencer.

marlinfan103425d ago (Edited 3425d ago )

Is this really worth a article then? Theres no one in here saying xbox will outsell it. One of your 4 people is the head of gaming at microsoft and another (heman) said above that it wont pass playstation.

Dread3425d ago ShowReplies(1)
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No Man's Sky Is Easily One Of Gaming's Greatest Comeback Stories

Despite No Man Sky's rocky launch, Hello Games managed to turn it into one of the best space exploration RPGs out there.

-Foxtrot5h ago

I hate the whole concept of "comeback story" because at the end of the day it doesn't remove the core issue we had in the first place, that we were lied to, it was disappointing and it launched with bare content to what was promised for years.

Any bad game can have a comeback story if it's supported enough after launch but for me if you launch in a terrible state then you had your chance. I can applaud you for what you've done after but at the end of the day there's not much of a choice since most gamers would blank your next product if you ditched your last game so fast, it's not about repairing the game but spending your time repairing gamers trust before you launch your next product otherwise it would be dead on arrival.

With these stories and the games being updated, the only way is up most of the time so of course it's going to improve the game and feel better over all, getting better and better as time passes. No Mans Sky, Sea of Thieves, Fallout 76 etc but then you have games like Anthem, Suicide Squad, Redfall and The Avengers where the devs just clearly moved on, now if they have another product people won't be as exited for it, I mean hell Guardians of the Galaxy was a great game but because of the Avengers it didn't help its sales since people were obviously still sour at that point.

I still think despite the improvements to games like No Mans Sky and Cyberpunk along with being better now overall the games are still not up there to what was promised and hyped as for years.

If we keep celebrating these “comeback stories” then unfortunately it only strongly supports the concept that these studios / publishers can continue to push half arsed broken products out for the sake of quick sales instead of waiting until they are fully finished. We need to condemn this awful behaviour or sadly we lose all voice and power as consumers.

Sonic18814h ago(Edited 4h ago)

I feel the same way about Cyberpunk 2077. I'm glad you mentioned that. I'm not a fan of comeback stories as well. But No man sky developer was a small indie team compared to CDPR. It's worse when it's coming from a AAA developer

Nacho_Z4h ago

"Any bad game can have a comeback story if it's supported enough after launch"

You make it sound so simple and easy. It's not. After release Hello Games poured countless hours into getting their game closer to what they originally wanted, without charging a penny to anyone. That's not normal.

The reason NMS and HG are held in such high esteem and calling them liars is a weak stance is the amount of work they've put into it, for free. They're not chasing a quick buck, they've dedicated their lives over the last few years to giving their fans the game everyone wanted.

-Foxtrot3h ago(Edited 3h ago)

They are liars though...

We are not revising history here, I'm sorry but we're not

They built this game up for years and they launched it knowing full well it wasn't up to scratch to what they originally showed off or hyped it up to be.

"They're not chasing a quick buck, they've dedicated their lives over the last few years to giving their fans the game everyone wanted"

And like I said above most of that comes from the fact that if they had just moved on straight away nobody would have supported their next game. They've washed most of that sour taste away after supporting No Mans Sky so now they are doing a new game which more people feel like they can support and get excited for.

Anyway how can you say "You make it sound so simple and easy. It's not" and then make the point that "Hello Games poured countless hours into getting their game closer to what they originally wanted, without charging a penny to anyone"

This means that if a small team like this can turn a game around then big AAA games like Suicide Squad, Redfall, Anthem and the like should have been able to do it no problem, oh but that's right they didn't want to put the time or effort into it. They can do it but some people just decide not to.

thorstein5h ago

I really enjoyed it at launch and had every trophy by August 2016.

The experience I had is no longer in the game: It was just me and my ship. It was a survival game and the feeling of loneliness in the universe was pervasive. There was no way to ruin too far from your ship and, in an emergency, you grenaded a hole in the ground to survive.

I miss that aspect, but since then, I love what they've done.

Hugodastrevas3h ago

I'd say it's THE definitive comeback story

TheGamingHounds2h ago

Final Fantasy 14 takes that one imho

jwillj2k43h ago

Oh great another story about the cleanest shirt in a bin of dirty laundry.

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