
CRank: 5Score: 5380
5719d ago

To wage Jihad on the PS3 - BOOM!

5719d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment
5719d ago

There are not even close to 24 good games on the PS3. Same goes for the Xbox 360, IMO.

The 360 has more great games than PS3, but neither come close to 24. This thread is an absolute joke.

5720d ago 1 agree7 disagreeView comment

You guys have to remember the theme of this game. It is supposed to be dark and gloomy. It gives the game a "doomsday" feel, which is exactly what is going on. Could they have made it jump off the screen with a variety of rainbow colors? - sure. But, you have to remember this isn't Super Mario Sunshine. This is a gritty, rough, and murderous game that puts you smack dab in the middle of the end of civilization where humanity is being exterminated; that sounds so wonderful that ...

5721d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

WTF??? Where in the hell is War Machine???

5721d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

As a PS3 owner and an Xbox360 owner, I can give fanboyism a kick out the door.

When you look at the big picture, you have to realize that this is very much a business, and it has nothing to do with loyalty. If Konami can make oozles of $$$ by going to the 360, it will happen, I promise. It's good for the business, it's good for their profits, it's good for their shareholders. Ultimately, these facts will crush any fanboy hopes on keeping it exclusive. The truth is, it didn'...

5721d ago 5 agree6 disagreeView comment

In all fairness, there are many, many more Sony fanboys on this site than anything else.

I don't think Blu-Ray is going anywhere but up. But that doesn't blind me from the fact that there is a butt-load of Sony fanboys with blind statements on here.

5728d ago 4 agree4 disagreeView comment

Yup, I too got it on release day and have watched it twice - awesome title. Now I have to buy Transformers on Blu-Ray. I sold my HD DVD collection after the Warner deal went down, and have since bought more Blu movies. Dark Knight will kick some arse, too.

5728d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

I think the concept is awesome, but is there a point, or a goal?

Somebody inform me as to why I should buy this. I am considering it, but I'd like to know a little bit more than, "Oh, you can create levels".

5729d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I would just like to add that Sony fanboys rule and troll this site, so take away some more bubbles please. God forbid I don't swing on Sony nuts. I'd just like to add that I have a PS3, and if I can avoid having to be a fanboy, so can you.

5790d ago 3 agree3 disagreeView comment

Maybe it's just me, but I would rather play a 4v4 or 5v5 game than a 30v30 game. The main reason I say this is that it takes more skill and requires you to play as a team. 30v30 is just hectic BS with a bunch of stray bullets coming from all directions and nobody on the team has a realistic view of what the other team may be thinking. GOW forces your 4 man team to play as a team and makes communication the most important factor. This actually brings you, as the gamer, more into the game t...

5790d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

Anyone who thinks this story is real, and are taking everything this douche says as fact is a complete shmuck.

This is obviously a fanboy, and whoever approved this needs to be stripped of posting privileges. My God this site is completely overran by Sony Zealots.

Get a life guys.

I might put a blog up and say I bought a PS3 and I opened the box and all that was in there was dog crap. I'll then say that Sony told me they sent a new PS3, and I wai...

5820d ago 6 agree3 disagreeView comment

Lol, that's funny right there. Nobody knows, but I bet Gears 2 gets better reviews and sales. Time will tell. Just remember, the game ain't out yet and to KNOW one will be better shows your inner-fanboy.

RFOM better than Gears???? You can't be serious.

5833d ago 7 agree2 disagreeView comment

GOW is a better game than MGS4 because GOW is a videogame. MGS4 is a movie cleverly put inside a PS3 game case that Kojima N*Tswingers worship as a videogame. MGS4 is literally 80% cutscenes, I kid you not, I beat the movie 2nd time through in under 3 hrs (actual playtime).

Go ahead and flame, but for what it's worth, Iron Man was 10X better movie than MGS4 - and it made sense.

5833d ago 10 agree12 disagreeView comment

The story made no sense. They wanted you to destroy the AI the whole time, over all 4 games that you use Snake. However, they kept trying to kill you the entire time. They (bad guys) had the AI, why didn't they kill it?

The story only makes sense to fanboys who fool themselves into believing it makes sense because Kojima crafted the horrendous storyline. the story was incredibly lame, and drawn out.

As far as gameplay, the game is no longer than 3-4 hours 2nd...

5834d ago 2 agree5 disagreeView comment

Well, your comment about Gears of War having no story is extremely unfounded. I'll make my point this way:

Gears of War is a story that will be told through 3 games - not 1.

Metal Gear is a story told over more than 7 games. Why don't you hold Metal Gear to the same standard? One game simply does not tell the story for Metal Gear, so why do you demand it with GOW?

The MG series, as well as the GOW series were developed to tell the story over the...

5843d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

I wanted to believe this game would be as great as I had hoped and I got it on the midnight launch, but I found that 20 minutes into the game, it was actually pretty boring.

The tree in the opening scene (title screen) disappears from certain angles, and the first environment is poorly textured - especially in the opening cutscene. This instantly left me feeling bad about what was to come.

However, the graphics did improve past the first few cinematics. It was ...

5843d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment


5875d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I guess we can all agree that the 360 version is superior now, huh? Man, I am glad I bought mine for 360 and not my Blu-Ray 3.

Besides, I'd rather have a working game, Xbox Live and achievements.

Flame away fanboys, flame away. This is pretty bad that Rockstar is blaming the hardware.

5880d ago 19 agree16 disagreeView comment