
Which Games Belong on Metal Gear Solid: Master Collection Vol. 2?

With Metal Gear Solid: Master Collection Vol. 2 on its way, I explore which games deserve a spot in the next release.

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OtterX21d ago

Yes! I loved the Metal Gear Acid games on PSP! The Metal Gear vibe translated very well to a tactical card battle game. I'd go back and experience them again.

Hugodastrevas20d ago

People will finally be able to play MGS4, congratulations!

Futureshark20d ago

Got to be
Peace walker
Portable ops
Guns of the patriots

Revengence as a bonus!!

Chocoburger20d ago (Edited 20d ago )

Ghost Bable (GBC)
Metal Gear Solid Mobile (Nokia phones - currently abandonware lost to time)
Ac!d 1 & 2
Portable Ops
Guns of the Patriots (needs MGO 2 to return)
Ground Zeros / Phantom Pain

A mighty fine list of games for Volume 2. Basically add all the remaining games, cannon and non-cannon. Except for Twin Snake since Nintendo may have some ownership of it, they'd have to go back inside the code and remove Nintendo characters from it, if ported to anything outside of a Nintendo platform, no easy or simple way to do that since the original dev team is long gone by now.

Chocoburger20d ago

I forgot about Metal Gear Solid Touch (iOS and also abandonware) it requires an old and hacked iOS device to play these days, and I actually bought an iPAD 3 last year to play it and other old iOS games.


The Rogue Prince of Persia Preview -- Gamerhub UK

The Prince returns, and, boy, does Evil Empire do a great job with him.

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truthBombs16h ago

Why's the game getting reviewed when it hasn't left early access??


What Was Up With That Summer Game Fest Showcase?

While E3 is gone, Geoff Keighley, lord of The Game Awards, has tried to replace it with Summer Game Fest, a nebulous collection of reveals and mini-events that does have one main showcase full of its biggest slate of games, and that aired yesterday.

It was…not great. 65% of Keighley’s own Twitter followers gave it a C or D grade in a poll he put up.

Christopher10h ago(Edited 10h ago)

How about this, gaming community, what's up with people trying their best after the Big 3 go their own way and stop supporting events in general in favor of their own shows not being good enough when no one else is trying at all?

I think the community needs to look at the status of the industry and realize that we're where we are because of how much the competition has shrunk and how the bigger companies focus more on their own presentations over that of community-focused events.

Were these games the AAA bangers people wanted to see? No. But you know what it was? It's the people that get overlooked like crazy trying their hardest to put out games for people. Thank you to those developers who work on games and took the time to try and show us something some of us might actually like. Thanks Geoff for actually trying.

More than I can say for the community that, at times, only complains.

Lightning778h ago

Well I've said this in the other post.

I get it there's 2 sides to this. One side, we need the AAA showcases to give reason to own these consoles. Something that 9th gen has struggled with more than any other. Regardless ppl need reasons to buy the machines.

On the other hand AAA games have been bland, predatory, over hyped, deceitful marketing, especially the bad marketing. We a scream for triple A and new IP then we get burned almost every time due to lies and exaggerated marketing and PR. We often times get lost lost in the AAA space I know I do. We fantasize what new worlds, characters, gameplay mechanics there can be. Unfortunately AAA is hardly really creative because of shareholders and making a certain type of AAA that continues to make them money, LS.

Hell look at SF, the fact that the game is releasing its expansion this fall and is suppose to be the game that everyone wanted, tells me SF should of released this fall instead of last fall. I guess they were pressure to release the game a year early or were afraid of yet another backlash of a delay?

Anyway, maybe we do need the AA guys to get creativety back on track, devs keeping their jobs and us having fun playing these games again and having new kinds of experiences.

I see both sides.

Jin_Sakai7h ago

E3 should’ve never died. People enjoyed the show and while there were some cringe moments it was fun watching the big 3 go head to head and seeing all the game reveals.

phoenixwing4h ago

I agree with Christopher on this issue. Keighly took the time to get a show together which is more than other ppl did or have been doing. You think it's easy to get companies to greenlight exclusive reveals on a specific show? It's not. Even the fact he gets rated a C is very decent for someone trying to do what he's doing. The gamers are spoiled brats who will say a showcase tanked if not every game is to their liking. I'll say we'll done Jeff.


Dungeons of Hinterberg Preview - Game Rant

Microbird Games' upcoming dungeon-crawler/social-sim ARPG Dungeons of Hinterberg is shaping up to do right by all of its obvious influences.

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