
10 Switch 2 features we'd like to see

NE: "We've put together a list of 10 things we'd love to see on the 'Switch 2'".

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z2g20d ago

I wish Nintendo would release a real console like it use to do before it went down gimmick road and never found its way back. I remember when Nintendo lead the way in performance and fun. I feel like the game cube was its last true powerhouse console that directly competed with Sony and Xbox. Miss those days.

Makersbreath220d ago

I hear you but to be frank, they can’t compete on that level. They’re see as the kiddy console for better or worse. And that means they have to cost it out significantly cheaper than the competition and that leads to a console that isn’t as powerful.
Their gimmicks work for them. And let’s not forget, one man’s gimmick is another man’s innovation.
Xbox has proven that you can’t out PlayStation Sony, so I’m actually happy Nintendo forged their own path after Sony came along and took so much of their market share and mind share. Although right now they seem really desperate to delay the switch 2 long enough that the current switch can have a chance of beating PS2’s lifetime sales.

Knightofelemia20d ago

How does Xbox prove that you can't out Playstation Sony? That literally makes no sense. The Switch 2 is rumored for a 2025 release. And where are the articles that support that Nintendo are really desperate to delay the Switch 2? And yes Nintendo is gimmicky but the gimmicks pay off the Switch can go both handheld and be docked to a tv to play the game. Not all of Nintendo's gimmicks pay off.

19d ago
Yi-Long20d ago (Edited 20d ago )

At this point, I'd be happy if it's just a gaming console which dedicated focus is on just being a gaming console, so physical media, no accounts needed, no always online needed, no 'services', etc etc.

This industry really needs a reset and go back to basics, which is simply about games.

Knightofelemia20d ago

I just want message a friend, party chat with a friend, and drop the damn code to add a friend.


What Was Up With That Summer Game Fest Showcase?

While E3 is gone, Geoff Keighley, lord of The Game Awards, has tried to replace it with Summer Game Fest, a nebulous collection of reveals and mini-events that does have one main showcase full of its biggest slate of games, and that aired yesterday.

It was…not great. 65% of Keighley’s own Twitter followers gave it a C or D grade in a poll he put up.

Christopher11h ago(Edited 11h ago)

How about this, gaming community, what's up with people trying their best after the Big 3 go their own way and stop supporting events in general in favor of their own shows not being good enough when no one else is trying at all?

I think the community needs to look at the status of the industry and realize that we're where we are because of how much the competition has shrunk and how the bigger companies focus more on their own presentations over that of community-focused events.

Were these games the AAA bangers people wanted to see? No. But you know what it was? It's the people that get overlooked like crazy trying their hardest to put out games for people. Thank you to those developers who work on games and took the time to try and show us something some of us might actually like. Thanks Geoff for actually trying.

More than I can say for the community that, at times, only complains.

Lightning779h ago

Well I've said this in the other post.

I get it there's 2 sides to this. One side, we need the AAA showcases to give reason to own these consoles. Something that 9th gen has struggled with more than any other. Regardless ppl need reasons to buy the machines.

On the other hand AAA games have been bland, predatory, over hyped, deceitful marketing, especially the bad marketing. We a scream for triple A and new IP then we get burned almost every time due to lies and exaggerated marketing and PR. We often times get lost lost in the AAA space I know I do. We fantasize what new worlds, characters, gameplay mechanics there can be. Unfortunately AAA is hardly really creative because of shareholders and making a certain type of AAA that continues to make them money, LS.

Hell look at SF, the fact that the game is releasing its expansion this fall and is suppose to be the game that everyone wanted, tells me SF should of released this fall instead of last fall. I guess they were pressure to release the game a year early or were afraid of yet another backlash of a delay?

Anyway, maybe we do need the AA guys to get creativety back on track, devs keeping their jobs and us having fun playing these games again and having new kinds of experiences.

I see both sides.

Eonjay9m ago(Edited 3m ago)

Folks want the newest, most expensive to make, advanced sprawling polished AAA games to be delivered at a rate that isn't possible. For example it took a decade and $1 billion to make GT6 but this was probably necessary to deliver what people actually expect from them. The trailer was absurd. But if we really want that level of AAA... it's gonna take time. Time is money and that just compounds the problem. I agree with you that AA is needed more than ever fill in the gaps though.

Jin_Sakai8h ago

E3 should’ve never died. People enjoyed the show and while there were some cringe moments it was fun watching the big 3 go head to head and seeing all the game reveals.

phoenixwing5h ago

I agree with Christopher on this issue. Keighly took the time to get a show together which is more than other ppl did or have been doing. You think it's easy to get companies to greenlight exclusive reveals on a specific show? It's not. Even the fact he gets rated a C is very decent for someone trying to do what he's doing. The gamers are spoiled brats who will say a showcase tanked if not every game is to their liking. I'll say we'll done Jeff.

MrBaskerville50m ago

E3 style presentations doesn't make a lot of sense in a world where most publishers wait with reveals until 6 months before release. It made more sense when you were trying to hype up the next year of video games. Publishers don't do that anymore. We don't know much about 2025 and have only recently started to learn about the latter half of 2024.

Eonjay39m ago(Edited 33m ago)

Gotta agree. I think the idea of constant complaing arises out of an internet culture that is jaded with everything. And... he can only show off games that want to use his venue to be shown.

And the caliber of games being shown is really irrelevant because content creators aren't looking for things to be excited about. There bread a butter comes from trying to beat things down. To trying to outdo each other with their own pessimistic viewpoint. To become the fattest bottom feeder in the pact. To be the most upset.

It's so tired and I am shocked people haven't wised up to the game. Being upset is the point.

I for one like a lot of what was shown (here and at the State of Play) and as always I have wade through a river of people trying to convince me that the right reaction is to be dissatisfied.

Even though I'm not an Xbox gamer my optimization will continue to that show as MS makes the transition to support other consoles. I see games literally everywhere to get excited about.

SubtilizZer37m ago


Maybe I’m getting old and I view things differently than most but this is exactly right. Thank you Geoff for trying. Your passion for games and this community is truly something special. I liked the show and would love to see more next year.

Side note if you want the big 3 to care about this event you have to watch it and discuss it good or bad. The more attention it gets the sooner we might be able to revive an E3 type event. Call me selfish but I would still love to go.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 9m ago
ByeByeChris47m ago

It was almost as bad as the Sony showcase.

KwietStorm_BLM38m ago

I thought the showing was good. A lot of what I saw was why I love gaming in the first place, a variety of just fun games. The industry is oversaturated with these huge budget cinematic "experiences" that clearly aren't sustainable, and a lot of studios and publishers have forgotten how to make a straightforward videogame without 2,000 pages of dialogue. But gamers wouldn't know what they wanted if they made it themselves anyway.

DOMination-1m ago

I think this is a bit harsh - Geoff is doing his best to keep these events going but he can only work with what he's got. MS, Sony and Ubi aren't going to give him games when they have their own events so I think this years SGF is going to be a template for future ones.

I personally thought it was refreshing. AAA gaming has become so expensive and time consuming, publishers are sticking to safe and stale formulas to ensure it caters to the mainstream to ensure they get their money back. These smaller games are actually the lifeblood of the industry right now.

TGAs are now the place for bigger reveals and Geoff already alluded to this before SGF.

RiseNShine0m ago

it was pretty bad, possibly the worst show i've seen from Geoff in a long time, also it was me or was the quality of the stream having issues, even at 4k it looked slightly pixelated, like it was streaming at some mixed resolution.


Cult of the Lamb | Unholy Alliance | August 12

Unholy Alliance, the next FREE major update for Cult of the Lamb, is available August 12th, 2024! 🎮🧑‍🤝‍& #129489;

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anast8h ago

Like others have said, when I revisited this game on PS5, I noticed some performance issues.


Neva | Gameplay Trailer | Coming 2024

Coming to Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X|S, and PC in 2024.

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Neva chronicles the story of Alba, a young woman bound to a curious wolf cub following a traumatic encounter with dark forces. Together they embark on a perilous journey through a once-beautiful world as it slowly decays around them.

Over time, their relationship will evolve as they learn to work together, helping one another to brave increasingly dangerous situations. The wolf will grow from a rebellious cub to an imposing adult seeking to forge her own identity, testing Alba’s love and their commitment to one another.

As the cursed world threatens to overwhelm them, Alba and her courageous companion will do whatever it takes to survive and make a new home, together.