
Over half of Helldivers 2 sales have been on PC in the US

Already the 7th highest grossing Sony published game in history.

Helldivers 2 is already a bigger success in the US than Horizon and The Last of Us.

140d ago Replies(1)
140d ago Replies(4)
thorstein140d ago (Edited 140d ago )

2 platforms. Almost half on PC. Then where would the other half be?

Author thinks that the game would be as successful without PS5 sales? Really?

The game is played by and enjoyed by players on both platforms. The matchmaking is great. Why try to make a divide over some silly metric like "sales on a specific platform?"

140d ago Replies(4)
darthv72140d ago

Over half on PC... not almost half. And yes the game is still successful even if you remove either PC or PS users.

And now Sony has decided to make it mandatory for PC users to have a PS account to play. That may seem pretty standard but its not going over so well with many of the PC users that made it successful. It was initially optional, now... not so much.

thorstein140d ago

It's not that bad. Sony has already shown the overlay for their games. No launchers but the ability to have a PSN profile, trophies, and whatever else they envision.

VersusDMC140d ago

Don't know why people keep saying this is the proof of every PS game is coming to PC day 1 as it's an anomaly as all the other PS games on PC sell significantly less. Live service games day 1 on PC is what's happening from now on and i believe was already confirmed.

But i was surprised that ghost of tsushima was in the top sellers list just below spider man and god of war games. I didn't know it sold more than horizon and last of us in the US. Go sucker punch.

140d ago Replies(1)
Tedakin140d ago

They sell less because by the time they reach PC they're old news. If they had put out Spider-Man 2 day 1 on PC it would have double its sales.

Moegooner140d ago

More impressive that half are on PS5 tbh. Expected PC version to sell much more given the install base.

Kekewei140d ago (Edited 140d ago )

Multiplatform trend goes both ways. Games like Diablo, Baldur's Gate which used to be primarily designed for keyboard and mouse, are now selling pretty well on consoles too, I don't hear people saying console is eating up pc.

neutralgamer1992140d ago

We are all gamers regardless of the platform. Instead of dividing ourselves we should stay as one community so that greedy publishers can’t take advantage of us

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