
HipHopGamer's Gran Turismo Source Invalid

AutoGaming writes: "After a call to the SCEA (which took quite some time), an unnamed official has stated that the source mentioned in HHG's story is not official in any way, so whether GT comes to the PSP or not, we should take it from a more official and valid source."

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swiftshot935534d ago

And just LOL @ spreading FALSE news to try and gather hits. So now its either false news or falmebait? Is this enough to ban his website?

BrunoM5534d ago

We already knew that ....

damn why is it that 80% of "news" on n4g is blogs and fights from one site to other ...

even tho HHG site sucks with all the blog like storys coming from it .. these others sites(blogs) love it because they make an anti HHG story an get hits so they are all for HHG ...

if people dont have something to report on then just dont !!

Trollimite5534d ago

im just saying though his source may be unnoficial he may be right.

usualy they say it s wrong there is no GT on psp, but it seems like they confirmed it. good job HHG

BrunoM5534d ago

Who ever said theres no GT on psp ?

even the guy the maker of GT5 said we will see news on GT mobile soon .. so to say that is because there is a GT mobile right ?

but any ways im off to play some fifa online

mrmikew20185534d ago

I think it is, wow HHG is getting more famous by the seconds for these no name sites keep calling him out.

Speed-Racer5534d ago

Does the coincidence of facts make it right to allow HHG to get away with their nonsense though? Consider that.

morganfell5534d ago

Like any court case, the severity of the crime comes down to intent. In this case intent is compounded by the repetitive nature of his actions.

N4G staff have obviously hoped the situation would abate but it hasn't. For the good of this site they should consider banning this guy as his tarnished reputation is a reflection on any site that carries his reports as news.

BrunoM5534d ago (Edited 5534d ago )

No it does not Flair but dont you think in the end these is the type of thing that HHG.com wants ?

these is just another way to get hits .. but in the end it comes to N4G something has to be done about all these blog like "News" we see around here i was thinking these was about news for gamers but thats not what we see we see What some guy thinks is going to happen ..

EDIT- @morganfell i agree with you .. its about time something is done about it .!

Speed-Racer5534d ago

Agreed guys. HHG in my opinion will burn in their own time. They may be doing well and have a ton of flamebait, fanboy supporters...but the developers will catch on soon, and eventually cut them out of the spotlight... hhg should at least get rid of those unprofessional writers, that's his problem.

LoveGames5534d ago

wow 3 guys on these site had a talk with good points and a normal outcome with out stupid fanboy stuff and calling names my friends bubbles for the 3 of you!

Megaton5534d ago (Edited 5534d ago )

All they do is trash this site. HHG himself isn't even that bad, it's the others on his site. He posts his share of baseless nonsense and flamebait as well, but the level of retardation between Agent-X and MattG is hard to top, even around here.

I'm pretty amazed that they're still allowed to submit. Even for N4G staff with their completely oblivious attitude towards crap submissions and trolling, this has gone on for an insanely long time.

morganfell5534d ago (Edited 5534d ago )

Bruno nailed it in the fact that it is not news. Is there a place within the current structure for supposition? No. Rumor? Yes, rumor has it's place as well, provided it is properly marked.

Flair raised the question of coincidence. I do not believe that should qualify. The comedian Gallagher used to do a bit on chocolate. He stated you could spot it because regardless if it was a cake, a bar, or a brownie there was a definite way to determine if it was good chocolate. He would then turn to a white brick wall and begin slinging various types of chocolate from numerous sources against the wall. Good chocolate was chocolate that would stick to the wall.

I don't think hhg and his site should be tolerated because the once in a blue moon story is coated in Betty Crocker and manages to adhere itself to the brick just below the light switch.

I believe that with a normal exercise of common sense (I know, a difficult concept to define) one can recognize when someone is no longer posting a proper rumor. Rumors have some basis in fact. There is an intelligence indicator as they are known, a proper leak, or reputable individual to back it up. Usually like any good piece of intel it has been verified through an unrelated source.

But hhg isn't offering rumor. He offers supposition by design and the two are totally unrelated. One generates discussion and healthy debate. The other is constructed to cause controversy and generate web hits. His stories clearly fall into the latter category.

morganfell5534d ago

Your assumption, itself based on a presumption you know or at least understand my mindset, is that I am not relaxed. Such conjecture is normally accomplished by the belief you can identify your own characteristics in the actions of others. You could not be more wrong.

pixelsword5534d ago (Edited 5534d ago )

For the source of autogaming.net to know whether HHG's anonymous source is legit, autogaming.net's source would have to know who HHG's anonymous source is. Now HHG's source could possibly be fake, who knows; but since he actually hobnobbed with developers, I will have to give the benefit of the doubt to HHG on this one.

...And I boubt a source that could be fired in a recession would actually volunteer themselves for the sake of either website, so I'm declaring autogaming.net's article as fake.

I mean, how could autogaming.net's source possibly know? And who's THEIR source; unnamed as well? You're not really earning any legit marks by doing that, autogaming.net.

George Costanza5534d ago

Starting Monday, he will no longer be a SCE employee but Vandelay Industries newest Assistant Sanitational Engineer.

Speed-Racer5533d ago

pixelsword - dont be such a cry baby...i know you're a die hard HHG supporter and would jump off a cliff for them.

phosphor1125533d ago

...this article itself didn't show enough proof to debunk the claim. It's like One makes a claim with no evidence, and the other makes a counter claim with no evidence as well. It doesn't work like that. The counter claim must have some supporting facts to it otherwise either article can be taken for a grain of salt.

Also, the fact that he said the "unnamed" source was tight lipped about confirming or denying the fact proves that there is a policy in place that disallows any discussion of a certain topic, which is usually in place to make sure up coming game plans aren't released prematurely.

I think HHG is correct with this one to be honest. Koller did say they were trying to bring it to as many platforms as possible.

George Costanza5533d ago

pixelsword: The source was essentially named in the MSN conversation the writer posted. If you read the the HHG post you would realize the source was telling the author (Agent-X I think?) not to tell anyone.

pixelsword5533d ago (Edited 5533d ago )

if GT for the PSP comes out, your "site" will be totally discredited.

Not that it had any credit to begin with.

@ George Costanza:

Yes, the name was named in the MSN conversation... okay; but is the name named in the MSN conversation the name of the person giving the information out?

See what I mean?

I am almost willing to say, for example, you are not George Costanza by name; likely not even the actor who played him. If I told someone "George Costanza talked to me on N4G" will that be the truth? I mean, someone with the account name George Costanza *did* talk to me on N4G, yet if you gave me your personal phone number and If I were to call to verify if George Costanza talked to me, and I get someone who doesn't know you go by George Costanza on N4G... AND you don't want them to know, I would likely not get very far in my quest.

This is the same situation that is going on right now. If I divulged relatively sensitive information about the company I worked for, it would be quite foolish to use my real name. Especially in this particular industry where the reporters are not seasoned enough to practice proper journalism etiquette in dealing with information and sources.

Remember Deep Throat and the Watergate scandal? I'm also almost willing to say that "Deep Throat" wasn't the actual name of the informant as well.

DailyAddict5533d ago

For those wondering about GT on PSP anyway, HHG isn't the first source to say this. Sony commented about this 2 years ago directly saying 'it's a possibility.' While I know HHG has no official sources of any kind and uses stupid videos of himself at GDC and E3 as 'credit' (when those guys will talk to anyone with a camera because it's free publicity) the likelihood of GT eventually coming to PSP is very likely.

THe only thing to take away here is that HHG does not have an exclusive story for this of any kind. He just takes stuff that people forgot about and then talks about it and makes up his 'sources' for credit.

pixelsword5533d ago

So for someone to refute the source must have information to the contrary to immediately dismiss the rival source: so either way, one of these websites will be exposed as a liar... perhaps as soon as E3, or maybe at TGS; who knows.

But is it on record... so when the hammer drops, I hope the one who is vindicated will write an especially thorough article about the other.

morganfell5533d ago

One of these web sites may not be exposed as a liar. However they may be exposed as telling the truth even though they were not. Just because what you said came true even though you made it up, because you guessed it, or someone told you it would happen even though that person had no access or actual inside knowledge does not excuse the person saying it would happen from being a liar or at the very least being intentionally misleading.

Even a the dumbest people are occasionally lucky and such a practice of accidentally being lucky should not be rewarded.

pixelsword5532d ago

When Flamer or whatever his name is made the article to discredit someone, they automatically put their reputation on the line. The only two things they have to discredit HHG was the info, and the name: and the name can be easily made up. That was a stupid thing to do in the first place, knowing that most people never give their real name out on the internet; so that leaves the information.

And that's the thing: the article wants to say to "wait for a more reputable source" which also automatically suggests that they must have inside knowledge regarding the information, even if he puts out a disclaimer. WHO said it is immaterial in respect on whether the information is true or not. Although GT on the PSP was rumored a while ago, that doesn't mean by any stretch of the imagination that it will come true, like a Warhawk game with a storyline, or Gears 3 on the PS3, or Left4Dead on the PS3. All these things were said, but none of them came true, so out of these four "rumors" if the GT for the PSP comes out, that will justify HHG more so than to call him lucky.

Diselage5532d ago

Please HHG say it isn't soon, your credibility might go out the window!

+ Show (22) more repliesLast reply 5532d ago
sonarus5534d ago

This is super dumb. So some sony guy leaks info and you expect sony to confirm it???? Common sense isn't common after all

Speed-Racer5534d ago

Ehhhhh this is all well and good when it's another site..but HHG half the time makes up stuff.... so they need to be pointed out.

sonarus5534d ago

I agree HHG makes crap up all the time but if GT psp gets announced at E3 to release this yr then you guys are all idiots.

When dealing with stories you have to set your bias aside. Some guy claims to have insider information saying GT is coming to PSP and some guy disproves it by contacting his some unnamed sony rep who says its unofficial and then that makes it false.

I have no stake in this story but stupidity irritates me. This story is just as irritating to me as the made up HHG stories like FFXIII proves 360 has more power story

morganfell5534d ago

Freedom of speech does not grant the right to yell Fire! in a crowded theater. This right is not protected unless there actually is a fire. Even if you know there is faulty wiring you cannot do it. If you do so you can be charged for inciting a panic, being a public nuisance, and one or two other misdemeanors.

If a week passes and the theater catches fire you will not be vindicated. We are not discussing freedom of speech per se, but the comparison is certainly warranted as this situation is no different. Even if E3 comes to pass and the title is announced it changes nothing. His source was unverified and coincidence is not news. Neither should luck be rewarded and clothed in the robes of respectable journalism.

The intent, as in the case of all hhg articles, is not to inform but rather to incite and for that action, which occurs as an almost daily disruption, they should be banned.

thebudgetgamer5534d ago

fake blogs and blogs about fake blogs.
that is what n4g has become


Marceles5534d ago

I'm surprised he bothered calling.

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